Why would 'Embedding' be in an ActiveX EXE process description? - windows

We are having some strange issues on Windows Server 2012 (both normal and R2). Every once in a while (seemingly randomly) we start getting strange errors with all the programs on a server (API calls to Process32Next fail for instance). These occurrences seem to be a associated with one or more of our old ActiveX EXE (VB6) programs suddenly showing 'Embedding' in their description in the process viewer (task manager or Process Hacker). The problem goes away when everyone logs off. I cannot find anything much on Google about this. These programs have been around unchanged for over a decade and I cannot see how ANY program could affect every other program on a server but I am hoping that understanding why the Embedding description shows up might help lead to a solution.
Also, sometimes the name of the process is blank as well.

ActiveX EXE is another name for Automation Server. This is one of several technologies built on top of COM that fall into the OLE 1.0, OLE 2.0, and OLE custom control (a.k.a. ActiveX) categories. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding.
My guess is that wherever you are looking this term "Embedding" is being used to indicate an Automation Server. So it probably has no direct bearing on your issues.
I suspect this is a case of "looking where the light is good."
You may be running into some issues related to Session 0 Isolation, User Interface Privilege Isolation, or both. Or more likely you might have DCOM/Automation activation settings incorrect for one or more of these programs.
You might start by looking at the definitions for these servers in DCOMCNFG.EXE. People often rely on defaults and that may not be what you should have. Some of these might be defined in COM+ which means additional rules. Some of these interact with user rights and group membership.
But we have far too little specific information to really be of much help here.


What's the recommended tech to program Windows shell?

I am developing a small tool that can detecting which folders are being opened in windows explorer and bring it to front if a specific address has been opened.
I can use both C# and C++ and finally pick C# as it is easier than C++ to accomplish the same target. Then I googled the internet and knowing COM object SHDocVw.ShellWindows can help collect all windows being opened. Then I start looking for Microsoft document to see if any functions can help to achieve my other requirements. However, when I search shell related documents: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/ff521731(v=vs.85) I am warned that "We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported." Moreover, some documents even say these techs will be deprecated in Win11 (See the following screenshot)
I am wondering what the status of these Shell related technical. If these are being deprecated. What's the alternative solution? I don't want my tool stop working when start using new Windows. Meanwhile, I am confusing in the study routine of learning Windows desktop technical. Looks like so many technical to achieve the same targets. Is there anyone can give me some road maps?
Last thing, it's really frustrating to search COM object documents at Microsoft sites. Is this tech going down?
Microsoft has been trying to kill win32/desktop applications since Windows 8. That parts of the documentation is labeled as "legacy" is not something I would worry too much about. Some of the shell functions have been marked as deprecated for 20 years but still work fine today and too many applications rely on them for Microsoft to successfully remove them.
The Internet Explorer warning is different and IE might actually go away but that does not affect IShellWindows which is also used by Explorer.exe and 3rd-party applications. Its implementation lives in a shell DLL and not in IE.

UiPath terminal connection - internal vs EHLLAPI?

I'm trying to automate in an AS400 terminal using UiPath.
I experience stability problems where the screen "blinks", which can cause errors. This outputs a trace log: "XMLScreen:Render BUGBUG XMLScreen.Field is blank".
I am connecting with UiPath internal and wondering if that might be the cause of my problem. I've searched for hours, but cant find any information on what the difference is between UiPath internal and IBM EHLLAPI. The only difference I know is that EHLLAPI uses an already existing terminal session.
Is one way of connecting generally a better choice than the other regarding stability and why?
All inputs are greatly appreciated! :)
The two options work completely differently.
EHLLAPI works against existing installed IBM i Access for Windows or IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) software. It is a very specific, solid, and well established IBM proprietary API that does not use Telnet in any way. You would need to ensure that EHLLAPI support was enabled (e.g. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1010639 for ACS).
Your organisation may perhaps be using a third party emulator, e.g. Rumba - I think EHLLAPI is supported by some of these.
The UIPath internal option starts and writes to a TN5250 session, over which it sounds from the documentation as if you have little control (e.g. re keyboard mappings).
I would suggest you go with EHLLAPI if you can (i.e. if you have a suitable IBM or third party product installed as above).
But, are you absolutely certain you need to screen scrape this at all? Do you have no access to the IBM i source code, which would potentially allow you to write a suitable program to run natively? I feel honour bound to say this, because there is always grief with screen scraping IBM i applications (e.g. panels appear that you are not expecting, especially at sign on time, or if an error occurs).

Win32 support on Windows 10

Does Windows 10 support running older Win32 (MFC, ATL, Visual Basic 6) applications on ARM processors? Does it require some form of emulation or conversion?
There's no x86 Win32 emulation at all. You need to use a toolset designed for the platform.
As with 7/8.1 Windows has leaned further and further into the Net way of doing things. So many of the commandline functions are done through net calls.
Also note that Win10 is pretty much Win NT, it is basically what Win98 should have been, to save us the disasterous influx of virus's on what was an OS with a swing door and no form of protection.
That NT side of things will affect all programmers in time, particularly over the following,
The rights of your users. This is a good thing because we have all been frustrated at our users leaving the doors open for virus and hacking. NT at least helps elliminate a lot of that.
File handling. Win10 is a big step closer to an OS on demand (Which is Microsoft's current target), so we can not assume items that our software makes use of will always be locally present, so we must go through the .NET route ready for when ondemand comes in properly so that the OS will handle the demands for us. Though it does worry me that we currently have no real clues as to how that will be handled if the request can not be full filled.
But also we can not be lazy with file access rights. For example we tend to make assumptions in the user's area about access rights, then get bitten in the bum when we do a scan or search of all directories, only to find DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories is unuseable unless we make sure special folders will not stop it part way through.
Since all directories will in time be special folders, we need to be handling the access rights on the work we do now. More easily done in C++ than C# im my opinion.
So, if you have done it in 'Managed' code then it ought to go anywhere that C# and VB go, call my synical if you like, but I can not help but have doubts about that, I can not really see MS finding it desirable to have on-demand applications and OS on NET but also providing Win32 wrapped in MFC running as an alternative. You may find your code is trapped in a shrinking box.

Uninterruptible Windows Process

We're starting a new custom project right now from a client and one of the requirements is the process cannot be terminated unless the system is shutting down, restarting, or logging-off.
This application monitors the USB interface. We will be using WMI to query the device periodically.
The client want's to run the application on Windows XP Operating System and doesn't like installing .NET. So we targeted Visual Basic 6 as our language.
My main concern is this application cannot be terminated. Our Project Adviser talks about Anti-virus and yes, some of the anti virus cannot be terminated. I was thinking how to do the same in Visual Basic 6. I know there will be API involved on the project but where should I go? so API is ok with me.
I saw some articles that converts the EXE to a SERVICE, create Windows Service in Visual Basic 6, etc.
So please .. share your thoughts.
If you want to be evil, you can call the (officially) undocumented RtlSetProcessIsCritical NTDLL function. This will immediately BSOD the machine if your process is terminated.
You cannot create a process that cannot be terminated without some sort of kernel-mode hooking, which involves writing a driver. You might want to look into Rootkits: subverting the Windows kernel if you're interested in that. However, even with kernel-mode hooking there are still numerous ways to terminate processes. The alternative is to use user-mode hooking, easily bypassed but enough for very simple projects.
The solution you want to use will depend on how far you want to go with the termination protection. And even if you do succeed in preventing process termination, there may be ways of preventing your application from working properly - e.g. killing the WMI service.
I think you want to look at writing an NT Service.
More info here: http://www.montgomerysoftware.com/CreatinganNTServiceinVisualBasic6/tabid/161/language/en-US/Default.aspxlink text
It's really frustrating coding in VB6 right now specially I dumped my head in C# for 2 years though I coded in VB6 for 5 years..
Moving back is a pain as if I am starting a new programming language.
To be honest, you are trying to do something in VB6 that it really isn't that great at.
When you say 'cannot be terminated' - what do you mean by that? There are several levels there:
a) App shows a window but the user cannot close it with the X button, or it does not show one
b) App shows no windows or maybe sits in task tray
c) App shows no windows and cannot be shut down from the Applications tab of task manager
d) App cannot be shut down from the process list of task manager
(a) and (b) are probably easiest to do in straight VB. (c) is still possible, but getting uglier. (d) gets you into hack territory and would almost certainly be frownd upon if you did manage it.
If you really need to stop users closing then you can probably hack it to a greater or lesser degree, but the real answer is as the others have said - a system service (this is exactly the srt of thing they were intended for). However that is one thing that VB6 isn't good at so the best solution to your problem is c#.

Troubleshoot Windows freezes and slowdowns

I'm a (happy?) user of Windows, but recently have problems that I don't know how to track.
I have a WinXP plus home and work Win2k3 systems. Some of them are freezing itermittently for a short amount of time (from less than a second to a few seconds). There is no CPU usage spike and not much HDD activity. Neither Process Explorer nor Windows Task Manager show any suspicious processes. The services also look ok.
On one of computers, dragging and droping (within Explorer windows or windows and apps) freezes the machine for 10-20 sec. After this period I can continue to use drag & drop for some (long) time with no delays. Don't think it is virus – it would probably infect all machines easily.
How can I know what is going on with my systems?
Update: Thank you for your suggestions. I solved the problem on one of the machines – it was a nasty rootkit. I needed to use 3rd party tools to detect and remove it. How can I diagnose it without this tool?
This is most likely not faulty hardware.
On Windows, there are occasional messages that are broadcast system-wide to all top-level windows. If a window does not respond (or is slow in responding), then the whole system will appear to freeze. There is a built-in timeout and if exceeded, the system will assume that the window isn't going to respond and it skips the window (this could be the 10-20 second delay you're seeing although I think the timeout is a little higher than this).
I have not seen a solution for tracking these kinds of problems. You might experiment by creating a program that sends individual messages to each top-level window and record the time taken for each to respond. This isn't failsafe but it's a starting point, and this is (if I recall correctly) the technique I used to identify such a problem with Adobe's iFilter (for the Microsoft indexing service).
But before you go down this path, you said that these are recent problems. See if you can figure out what you might have installed recently and then uninstall it. This includes Windows patches as well as any new drivers or applications.
Are you able to peg it to a rough time-frame of when the symptoms started? If so, you could match the critical updates/installs in Add/Remove programs to that estimation and start looking there.
More generally, I find using MSCONFIG to temporarily turn off all startup programs and all non-Microsoft services can help quickly divide and conquer - If the symptoms disappear, you have a shorter list to work through.
Safe mode (with or without network - see next idea) is another way of narrowing the list of suspects.
Since it is multiple machines, if it were hardware it would have to be something common... Especially if it is two different locations. That said, network connectivity (or lack thereof) is the other frequent culprit. Bringing up a system in a standalone config (net cable unplugged/wireless radio disabled) will seem VERY slow at first, then once the timeouts and various retries have been exceeded, should zip along, especially if you are still running in a limited startup environment. I have had recalcitrant switches/routers be a problem, as well as sluggish external services (like an ISP's DNS) cause symptoms like this.
No floppy, optical, or other removable drive access at those times?
I would recommend a tool that can show files, COM objects and network addresses accessed within the application:
You can see the dlls that use each resource and the time is taking the accesses.
The problem with Windows slowdown is in general related to a dll that is running in a process/es that is doing some staff inside a process.
In these situations you won't see anything in tools that monitor from a Process perspective. You will need to see what is happening inside the process to see any suspicious dll or module.
This tool use call stack information to see what module is accessing resources.
Try that application that has a full-feature trial.
You probably have a faulty piece of hardware, from my experience likely your HD. If you are connect to a network share (SMB) and having connectivity issues that also could cause hangs. The drag and drop slowness in general points to the "explorer" process hanging, the same process used to communicate with network resources (file shares for example).
To diagnose the activities or infiltration a rootkit or other malware uses, you might check out the forums on Bleeping Computer, some of the volunteers there who help people remove such may be willing to help you figure out where to look for such infestations.
I recently cleaned up some malware through the help of an expert on that site which I also needed to use a third-party tool (in my case Malwarebytes) to remove, but the malware was relatively new such that this tool couldn't fully clean out the stuff until a more recent update to its definitions got released.
I still don't know how or where exactly to look on a given system for such an infestation, but that site might hook you up with someone who has that expertise. As long as you emphasize that you're looking for this to be able to track down such and not for purposes of writing your own malware I would hope they'd be receptive to your request.
