Detecting some loops in Prolog goals that do not terminate universally - performance

TL;DR: This question is about one particular aspect of evaluating candidate failure-slices.
The following code of ancestor_of/2 expresses the transitive-closure of child_of/2:
ancestor_of(X, Y) :-
child_of(Y, X).
ancestor_of(X, Z) :-
child_of(Z, Y),
ancestor_of(X, Y).
If we define child_of/2 and include several cycles ...
child_of(xx, xy).
child_of(xy, xx).
child_of(x, x).
... ancestor_of(X, Y) does not terminate universally:
?- ancestor_of(X, Y), false.
With SWI-Prolog, we can limit the amount of work invested in the execution of the query:
?- time(call_with_inference_limit((ancestor_of(_,_),false), 10000, R)).
% 10,008 inferences, 0.002 CPU in 0.002 seconds (100% CPU, 4579243 Lips)
R = inference_limit_exceeded ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (85% CPU, 235172 Lips)
Alright, but it could be better!
First, we might be able to prove definitely that the goal loops.
Second, we might be able to do so with less effort.
Let's add an additional argument to ancestor_of/2 for transferring call stack information!
ancestor_of_open(X, Y, Open) :-
G = ancestor_of(X,Y),
( member(G, Open)
-> throw(loop(G,Open))
; ancestor_of_aux(X, Y, [G|Open])
ancestor_of_aux(X, Y, _Open) :-
child_of(Y, X).
ancestor_of_aux(X, Z, Open) :-
child_of(Z, Y),
ancestor_of_open(X, Y, Open).
Sample query:
?- time(ancestor_of_open(X,Y,[])).
% 4 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (92% CPU, 219696 Lips)
X = xy,
Y = xx ;
% 1 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (79% CPU, 61839 Lips)
X = xx,
Y = xy ;
% 1 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (79% CPU, 61084 Lips)
X = Y, Y = x ;
% 8 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (87% CPU, 317473 Lips)
X = Y, Y = xx ;
% 11 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (90% CPU, 262530 Lips)
ERROR: Unhandled exception: loop(ancestor_of(_G282,xx),[ancestor_of(_G282,xy),ancestor_of(_G282,xx)])
Is this it?! That was too easy. Does this cover the general case?
I feel like I'm missing something important, but I can't quite point my finger at it. Please help!


How to implement SKI combinators in Prolog?

I want to implement SKI combinators in Prolog.
There are just 3 simple rules:
(I x) = x
((K x) y) = x
(S x y z) = (x z (y z))
I came up with the following code by using epilog:
term(app(X,Y)) :- term(X) & term(Y)
proc(s, s)
proc(k, k)
proc(i, i)
proc(app(i,Y), Y1) :- proc(Y,Y1)
proc(app(app(k,Y),Z), Y1) :- proc(Y,Y1)
proc(app(app(app(s,P1),P2),P3), Y1) :- proc(app( app(P1,P3), app(P2, P3) ), Y1)
proc(app(X, Y), app(X1, Y1)) :- proc(X, X1) & proc(Y, Y1)
It works for some cases but has 2 issues:
It takes too much time to execute simple queries:
term(X) & proc(app(app(k, X), s), app(s,k))
100004 unification(s)
It requires multiple queries to process some terms. For example:
((((S(K(SI)))K)S)K) -> (KS)
requires 2 runs:
proc(app(app(app(app(s,app(k,app(s,i))),k),s),k), X) ==>
proc(app(app(app(app(s,app(k,app(s,i))),k),s),k), app(app(app(s,i),app(k,s)),k))
proc(app(app(app(s,i),app(k,s)),k), X) ==>
proc(app(app(app(s,i),app(k,s)),k), app(k,s))
Can you please suggest how to optimize my implementation and make it work on complex combinators?
edit: The goal is to reduce combinators. I want to enumerate them (without duplicates) where the last one is in normal form (if it exists of course).
It can be implemented with iterative deepening like this:
term(s) --> "S".
term(k) --> "K".
term(i) --> "I".
term(a(E0,E)) --> "(", term(E0), term(E), ")".
reduce_(s, s).
reduce_(k, k).
reduce_(i, i).
% Level 1.
reduce_(a(s,A0), a(s,A)) :-
reduce_(A0, A).
reduce_(a(k,A0), a(k,A)) :-
reduce_(A0, A).
reduce_(a(i,A), A).
% level 2.
reduce_(a(a(s,E0),A0), a(a(s,E),A)) :-
reduce_(E0, E),
if_(E0 = E, reduce_(A0, A), A0 = A).
% reduce_(A0, A). % Without `reif`.
reduce_(a(a(k,E),_), E).
reduce_(a(a(i,E),A), a(E,A)).
% level 3.
reduce_(a(a(a(s,E),F),A), a(a(E,A),a(F,A))).
reduce_(a(a(a(k,E),_),A), a(E,A)).
reduce_(a(a(a(i,E),F),A), a(a(E,F),A)).
% Recursion.
reduce_(a(a(a(a(E0,E1),E2),E3),A0), a(E,A)) :-
reduce_(a(a(a(E0,E1),E2),E3), E),
if_(a(a(a(E0,E1),E2),E3) = E, reduce_(A0, A), A0 = A).
% reduce_(A0, A). % Without `reif`.
step(E, E0, E) :-
reduce_(E0, E).
reduce_(N, E0, E, [E0|Es]) :-
length(Es, N),
foldl(step, Es, E0, E).
reduce(N, E0, E) :-
reduce_(N, E0, E, _),
reduce_(E, E), % Fix point.
!. % Commit.
The term can be inputted and outputted as a list of characters with term//1. The grammar rule term//1 can also generate unique terms.
?- length(Cs, M), M mod 3 =:= 1, phrase(term(E0), Cs).
The goal is to be as lazy as possible when reducing a term thus dif/2 and the library reif is used in reduce_/2. The predicate reduce_/2 does a single reduction. If any of the argument of reduce_/2 is ground then termination is guarantee (checked with cTI).
To reduce a term, reduce_/4 can be used. The first argument specifies the depth, the last argument holds the list of terms. The predicate reduce_/4 is pure and does not terminate.
?- Cs = "(((SK)K)S)", phrase(term(E0), Cs), reduce_(N, E0, E, Es).
The predicate reduce/3 succeeds if there is a normal form. It is recommended to provide a maximum depth (e.g. Cs = "(((SI)I)((SI)(SI)))"):
?- length(Cs, M), M mod 3 =:= 1, phrase(term(E0), Cs), \+ reduce(16, E0, _).
Test with ((((S(K(SI)))K)S)K):
?- Cs0 = "((((S(K(SI)))K)S)K)", phrase(term(E0), Cs0),
reduce(N, E0, E), phrase(term(E), Cs).
Cs0="((((S(K(SI)))K)S)K)", E0=a(a(a(a(s,a(k,a(s,i))),k),s),k), N=5, E=a(k,s), Cs="(KS)"
Translating your code trivially to Prolog, using the built-in left-associating infix operator - for app, to improve readability,
term( X-Y ) :- term(X) , term(Y).
/* proc(s, s). %%% not really needed.
proc(k, k).
proc(i, i). */
proc( i-Y, Y1) :- proc( Y,Y1).
proc( k-Y-Z, Y1) :- proc( Y,Y1).
proc( s-X-Y-Z, Y1) :- proc( X-Z-(Y-Z), Y1).
proc( X-Y, X1-Y1 ) :- proc( X, X1) , proc( Y, Y1).
proc( X, X).
executing in SWI Prolog,
26 ?- time( (term(X), proc( k-X-s, s-k)) ).
% 20 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.001 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-k ;
% 1 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-k ;
Action (h for help) ? abort
% 952,783 inferences, 88.359 CPU in 90.112 seconds (98% CPU, 10783 Lips)
% Execution Aborted
27 ?-
the first result is produced in 20 inferences.
Furthermore, indeed
32 ?- time( proc( s-(k-(s-i))-k-s-k, X) ).
% 10 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-i- (k-s)-k ;
% 2 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.001 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-i- (k-s)-k ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-i- (k-s)-k ;
% 2 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = s-i- (k-s)-k ;
% 11 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.001 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k- (s-i)-s- (k-s)-k ;
% 2 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k- (s-i)-s- (k-s)-k . % stopped manually
and then
33 ?- time( proc( s-i- (k-s)-k, X) ).
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k-s ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k- (k-s-k) ;
% 2 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k- (k-s-k) ;
% 1 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = k- (k-s-k) ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k-s ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k- (k-s-k) ;
% 2 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k- (k-s-k) ;
% 1 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k- (k-s-k) ;
% 3 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k-s ;
% 5 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = i-k- (k-s-k) . % stopped manually
but probably the result you wanted will still get generated directly, just after some more time.
Based on Will Ness answer here is my solution:
term(app(X,Y)) :- term(X), term(Y).
proc(s, s).
proc(k, k).
proc(i, i).
proc(app(i,Y), Y1) :- proc(Y,Y1).
proc(app(app(k,Y),Z), Y1) :- proc(Y,Y1).
proc(app(app(app(s,P1),P2),P3), Y1) :- proc(app( app(P1,P3), app(P2, P3) ), Y1).
proc(app(X, Y), Z) :- proc(X, X1), proc(Y, Y1), eq(X, X1), eq(X, X1), eq(app(X, Y), Z).
proc(app(X, Y), Z) :- proc(X, X1), proc(Y, Y1), not(eq(X, X1)), proc(app(X1, Y1), Z).
proc(app(X, Y), Z) :- proc(X, X1), proc(Y, Y1), not(eq(Y, Y1)), proc(app(X1, Y1), Z).
Move code to swish prolog. It works much faster
time((term(X), proc(app(app(k, X), s), app(s,k)))).
% 356 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (94% CPU, 3768472 Lips)
X = app(s,k)
Implemented complete reduction procedure:
proc(app(app(app(app(s,app(k,app(s,i))),k),s),k), X)
answer contains: X = app(k,s)
There are still issues that I can not resolve
time((term(X), proc(app(app(X, k), s), app(s,k)))). runs forever
Answers are not ordered by reductions.

Match anything except if a negative rule matches

I have a rule that matches bc. When I encounter that in a string, I don't want to parse that string, otherwise parse anything else.
% Prolog
bc(B, C) --> [B, C], {
B = "b",
C = "c"
not_bc(O) --> [O], % ?! bc(O, C).
% ?- phrase(not_bc(O), "bcdefg").
% false.
% ?- phrase(not_bc(O), "abcdefg").
% O = "a".
% ?- phrase(not_bc(O), "wxcybgz")
% O = "w".
% ?- phrase(not_bc(O), "wxybgz")
% O = "w".
Simplified version of my problem, hopefully solutions are isomorphic.
Similar to this question:
Translation to DCG Semicontext not working - follow on
An alternative:
process_bc(_) --> "bc", !, { fail }.
process_bc(C) --> [C].
This differs from my other solution in accepting:
?- time(phrase(process_bc(C), `b`, _)).
% 8 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (83% CPU, 387053 Lips)
C = 98.
In swi-prolog:
process_text(C1) --> [C1, C2], { dif([C1, C2], `bc`) }.
?- time(phrase(process_text(C), `bca`, _)).
% 11 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (79% CPU, 376790 Lips)
?- time(phrase(process_text(C), `bd`, _)).
% 10 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (80% CPU, 353819 Lips)
C = 98.
?- time(phrase(process_text(C), `zbcagri4gj40w9tu4tu34ty3ty3478t348t`, _)).
% 10 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (80% CPU, 372717 Lips)
C = 122.
A single character, or no characters, are both presumably meant to be failures.
This is nicely efficient, only having to check the first 2 characters.

Grades of vertex in graph in Prolog

edge is a :- dynamic edge/2
the edge indicates only if the vertex are joined, example:
edge(a, b).
edge(c, d).
edge(r, c).
edge(c, t).
edge(a, t).
And I want to know if a vertex have 3 or more edges but only one of them, if there are more than one with 3 or more should return no.
In SWI Prolog:
test() :-
findall([A,B], edge(A,B), VRaw), % find every vertex.
flatten(VRaw, VFlat), % make a flat list of them.
msort(VFlat, VSorted), % sort them.
clumped(VSorted, VClumped), % count how many of each.
include([_-C]>>(C>=3), VClumped, V3), % filter the ones with count>=3.
length(V3, 1). % was there exactly one?
Another possible solution:
unique_vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(V) :-
setof(V, vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(V), [V]).
vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(V) :-
setof(W, (edge(V,W) ; edge(W,V)), [_,_,_|_]).
?- time(unique_vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(X)).
% 78 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
X = c.
?- time(unique_vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(c)).
% 35 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)
?- time(unique_vertex_with_three_or_more_edges(a)).
% 33 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (?% CPU, Infinite Lips)

Prolog: calculating OEIS A031877 ("nontrivial reversal numbers") using clp(FD)

Browsing through the awesome On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (cf., I stumbled upon the following integer sequence:
A031877: Nontrivial reversal numbers (numbers which are integer multiples of their reversals), excluding palindromic numbers and multiples of 10.
By re-using some code I wrote for my answer to the related question "Faster implementation of verbal arithmetic in Prolog" I could
write down a solution quite effortlessly—thanks to clpfd!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
We define the core relation a031877_ndigits_/3 based on
digits_number/2 (defined earlier):
a031877_ndigits_(Z_big,N_digits,[K,Z_small,Z_big]) :-
K #> 1,
Z_big #= Z_small * K.
The core relation is deterministic and terminates universally whenever
N_digit is a concrete integer. See for yourself for the first 100 values of N_digit!
?- time((N in 0..99,indomain(N),a031877_ndigits_(Z,N,Zs),false)).
% 3,888,222 inferences, 0.563 CPU in 0.563 seconds (100% CPU, 6903708 Lips)
Let's run some queries!
?- a031877_ndigits_(87912000000087912,17,_).
true % succeeds, as expected
; false.
?- a031877_ndigits_(87912000000987912,17,_).
false. % fails, as expected
Next, let's find some non-trivial reversal numbers comprising exactly four decimal-digits:
?- a031877_ndigits_(Z,4,Zs), labeling([],Zs).
Z = 8712, Zs = [4,2178,8712]
; Z = 9801, Zs = [9,1089,9801]
; false.
OK! Let's measure the runtime needed to prove universal termination of above query!
?- time((a031877_ndigits_(Z,4,Zs),labeling([],Zs),false)).
% 11,611,502 inferences, 3.642 CPU in 3.641 seconds (100% CPU, 3188193 Lips)
false. % terminates universally
Now, that's way too long!
What can I do to speed things up? Use different and/or other constraints? Maybe even redundant ones? Or maybe identify and eliminate symmetries which slash the search space size? What about different clp(*) domains (b,q,r,set)? Or different consistency/propagation techniques? Or rather Prolog style coroutining?
Got ideas? I want them all! Thanks in advance.
So far ... no answers:(
I came up with the following...
How about using different variables for labeling/2?
a031877_ndigitsNEW_(Z_big,N_digits,/* [K,Z_small,Z_big] */
[K|D_big]) :-
K #> 1,
Z_big #= Z_small * K.
Let's measure some runtimes!
?- time((a031877_ndigits_(Z,4,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 14,849,250 inferences, 4.545 CPU in 4.543 seconds (100% CPU, 3267070 Lips)
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEW_(Z,4,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 464,917 inferences, 0.052 CPU in 0.052 seconds (100% CPU, 8962485 Lips)
Better! But can we go further?
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEW_(Z,5,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 1,455,670 inferences, 0.174 CPU in 0.174 seconds (100% CPU, 8347374 Lips)
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEW_(Z,6,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 5,020,125 inferences, 0.614 CPU in 0.613 seconds (100% CPU, 8181572 Lips)
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEW_(Z,7,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 15,169,630 inferences, 1.752 CPU in 1.751 seconds (100% CPU, 8657015 Lips)
There is still lots of room for improvement, for sure! There must be...
We can do better by translating number-theoretic properties into the language of constraints!
All terms are of the form 87...12 = 4*21...78 or 98...01 = 9*10...89.
We implement a031877_ndigitsNEWER_/3 based on a031877_ndigitsNEW_/3 and directly add above property as two finite-domain constraints:
a031877_ndigitsNEWER_(Z_big,N_digits,[K|D_big]) :-
K in {4}\/{9}, % (new)
D_big ins (0..2)\/(7..9), % (new)
Z_big #= Z_small * K.
Let's re-run the benchmarks we used before!
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEWER_(Z,5,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 73,011 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 11602554 Lips)
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEWER_(Z,6,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 179,424 inferences, 0.028 CPU in 0.028 seconds (100% CPU, 6399871 Lips)
?- time((a031877_ndigitsNEWER_(Z,7,Zs),labeling([ff],Zs),false)).
% 348,525 inferences, 0.037 CPU in 0.037 seconds (100% CPU, 9490920 Lips)
Summary: For the three queries, we consistently observed a significant reduction of search required. Just consider how much the inference counts shrank: 1.45M -> 73k, 5M -> 179k, 15.1M -> 348k.
Can we do even better (while preserving declarativity of the code)? I don't know, I guess so...

Definition of Reflexive Transitive Closure

Many predicates essentially use some form of transitive closure, only to discover that termination has to be addressed too. Why not solve this once and forever with closure0/3:
:- meta_predicate closure0(2,?,?).
:- meta_predicate closure(2,?,?).
:- meta_predicate closure0(2,?,?,+). % internal
closure0(R_2, X0,X) :-
closure0(R_2, X0,X, [X0]).
closure(R_2, X0,X) :-
call(R_2, X0,X1),
closure0(R_2, X1,X, [X1,X0]).
closure0(_R_2, X,X, _).
closure0(R_2, X0,X, Xs) :-
call(R_2, X0,X1),
non_member(X1, Xs),
closure0(R_2, X1,X, [X1|Xs]).
non_member(_E, []).
non_member(E, [X|Xs]) :-
non_member(E, Xs).
Are there cases where this definition cannot be used for implementing transitive closure?
Why dif/2?
To answer #WouterBeek's comment in detail: dif/2 or dif_si/2 are ideal, because they are able to show or signal potential problems. However, in current implementations the top-level loop often hides the actual issues. Consider the goal closure0(\_^_^true,a,b) which certainly is quite problematic in itself. When using the following systems the actual problem is directly not visible.
| ?- closure0(\_^_^true,a,b). % SICStus
?- closure0(\_^_^true,a,b). % SWI
true ;
true ;
true ...
Both top-level loops do not show what we actually want to see: the dangling constraints. In SICStus we need a pseudo variable to produce some substitution, in SWI, the query has to be wrapped with call_residue_vars/2. In this manner all variables that have constraints attached are now shown.
| ?- closure0(\_^_^true,a,b), Alt=t. % SICStus
Alt = t ? ;
Alt = t,
prolog:dif(b,_A) ? ;
Alt = t,
prolog:dif(b,_A) ...
?- call_residue_vars(closure0(\_^_^true,a,b),Vs). % SWI
Vs = [] ;
Vs = [_G1744, _G1747, _G1750],
dif(_G1744, a),
dif(b, _G1744) ;
Vs = [_G1915, _G1918, _G1921, _G1924, _G1927, _G1930, _G1933],
dif(_G1915, a),
dif(b, _G1915),
dif(_G1921, _G1915),
dif(_G1921, a),
dif(b, _G1921) ...
It's useful, but in my opinion not yet ideal because I cannot cut duplicate paths at the point of their creation.
Consider, with the complete graph K_n:
n_complete(N, Es) :-
numlist(1, N, Ns),
phrase(pairs(Ns), Es).
adjacent(Edges, X, Y) :- member(edge(X, Y), Edges).
pairs([]) --> [].
pairs([N|Ns]) --> edges(Ns, N), pairs(Ns).
edges([], _) --> [].
edges([N|Ns], X) --> [edge(X,N),edge(N,X)], edges(Ns, X).
The following query now has super-exponential runtime, although the closure can actually be found in polynomial time:
?- length(_, N), n_complete(N, Es), portray_clause(N),
time(findall(Y, closure0(adjacent(Es), 1, Y), Ys)),
16 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (97% CPU, 1982161 Lips)
54 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (98% CPU, 4548901 Lips)
259 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (97% CPU, 14499244 Lips)
1,479 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (100% CPU, 16219595 Lips)
9,599 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (100% CPU, 27691393 Lips)
70,465 inferences, 0.002 CPU in 0.002 seconds (100% CPU, 28911161 Lips)
581,283 inferences, 0.020 CPU in 0.020 seconds (100% CPU, 29397339 Lips)
5,343,059 inferences, 0.181 CPU in 0.181 seconds (100% CPU, 29488001 Lips)
54,252,559 inferences, 1.809 CPU in 1.808 seconds (100% CPU, 29994536 Lips)
603,682,989 inferences, 19.870 CPU in 19.865 seconds (100% CPU, 30381451 Lips)
It would be great if a more efficient way to determine the closure could also be expressed with this meta-predicate.
For example, one would normally simply use Warshall's algorithm to compute the closure in cubic time, with code similar to:
node_edges_closure(Node, Edges, Closure) :-
warshall_fixpoint(Edges, [Node], Closure).
warshall_fixpoint(Edges, Nodes0, Closure) :-
findall(Y, (member(X, Nodes0), adjacent(Edges, X, Y)), Nodes1, Nodes0),
sort(Nodes1, Nodes),
( Nodes == Nodes0 -> Closure = Nodes0
; warshall_fixpoint(Edges, Nodes, Closure)
Yielding (with all drawbacks in comparison to the nicely declarative closure0/3):
?- length(_, N), n_complete(N, Es), portray_clause(N),
time(node_edges_closure(1, Es, Ys)),
% 16 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (75% CPU, 533333 Lips)
% 43 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (85% CPU, 1228571 Lips)
% 69 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (85% CPU, 1769231 Lips)
% 115 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (89% CPU, 2346939 Lips)
% 187 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (91% CPU, 2968254 Lips)
% 291 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (92% CPU, 3548780 Lips)
% 433 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (95% CPU, 3866071 Lips)
% 619 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (96% CPU, 4268966 Lips)
% 855 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (97% CPU, 4500000 Lips)
% 1,147 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (98% CPU, 4720165 Lips)
