How to run shell script with sudo inside through nohup on remote machine - bash

I ran the following command from my local machine:
ssh -i key remote_host "nohup sh > nohup.out 2> nohup.err < /dev/null &"
then I got error: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
I added -tt option:
ssh -tt -i key remote_host "nohup sh > nohup.out 2> nohup.err < /dev/null &"
I checked on the remote, was not running (there was no process id).
I took out the nohup, everything runs fine, ssh -tt -i key remote_host "sh" but I need to use nohup. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot!
One remote_host: script:
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP
sleep 30
sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DROP

sudo is probably trying to prompt you for a password. You need to set up NOPASSWD in your remote_host's sudoers file or you can use expect


Empty ssh invitation (no "user#host:~$") when run command after connect (sh script, sshpass)

Client OS: MacOS 12.1, Server OS: Linux Debian 9 (any server)
case 1:
sshpass -p mypass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
works fine:
case 2:
sshpass -p mypass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "cd /var/www ; git status ; /bin/bash"
Output of "git status" works fine, but
no "user#host:~$" message in output (input is active).
I tried:
bash -l
(in server "echo $SHELL" shows /bin/bash)
How to fix it?
Use ssh -t and && inside commands list
sshpass -p mypass ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "cd /var/www && git status && /bin/bash"

Run bash script on remote server

I'm trying to run a bash script on the remote server that is already on the remote server. I'm using ssh pass to do it but I'm seeing errors (resides on the remote server)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "This is test"
adb start-server
sshpass command (I'm running this sshpass command from docker ubuntu image
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no user#host "bash -s" < /Users/user/Documents/workspace/
I also tried
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no user#host 'cd /Users/user/Documents/workspace/; sh'
I get this error message
bash: /Users/user/Documents/workspace/ No such file or directory
The examples you're showing are for a local script, and you said it's a remote script.
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no user#host "bash /path/to/"
that ought to do it.
you can try to find your on the remote computer:
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no user#host "find ~/ -name \"\""
Try with here-document:
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no -T user#host <<EOF
bash /Users/user/Documents/workspace/
Include -T option for ssh command, as mentioned above, to disable pseudo-tty.
[AT REMOTE MATCHINE] Ensure that path of adb executable is included in PATH environment variable. Else, specify it with absolute path in the Shell script.

Weird output observed on executing ssh commands remotely over ProxyCommand

Team, I have two steps to perform:
SCP a shell script file to remote ubuntu linux machine
Execute this uploaded file on remote ubuntu linux machine over SSH session using PROXYCommand because I have bastion server in front.
scp -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o "ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p" /home/dtlu/backup/ lab#$k8s_node_ip:/tmp/
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p' lab#$k8s_node_ip "uname -a; date;echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -S bash -c 'echo \`hostname\` >> /etc/hosts'; cd /tmp; pwd; systemctl status cachefilesd | grep Active; ls -ltr /tmp/; echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -Sv && bash -s <"
Both calls above are working fine. I am able to upload and also its running but what is bothering me is during the process am observe weird output being thrown out.
/tmp. <<< expected
[sudo] password for lab: Showing one
Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedesktop.DBus object=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=Hello cookie=1 reply_cookie=0 error=n/a
Root directory /run/log/journal added.
Considering /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb.
Directory /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb added.
File /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb/system.journal added.
So, I don't want /run/log/hournal and other lines which don't correspond to my command in sh.
Consider adding -q to the scp and ssh commands to reduce the output they might produce. You can also redirect stderr and stdout to /dev/null as appropriate.
For example:
scp -q -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o "ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p" /home/dtlu/backup/ lab#$k8s_node_ip:/tmp/
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p' lab#$k8s_node_ip "uname -a; date;echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -S bash -c 'echo \`hostname\` >> /etc/hosts'; cd /tmp; pwd; systemctl status cachefilesd | grep Active; ls -ltr /tmp/; echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -Sv && bash -s <"
} >&/dev/null

How to copy echo 'x' to file during an ssh connection

I have a script which starts an ssh-connection.
so the variable $ssh start the ssh connection.
so $SSH hostname gives the hostname of the host where I ssh to.
Now I try to echo something and copy the output of the echo to a file.
SSH="ssh -tt -i key.pem user#ec2-instance"
When I perform a manual ssh to the host and perform:
sudo sh -c "echo 'DEVS=/dev/xvdbb' >> /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup"
it works.
But when I perform
${SSH} sudo sh -c "echo 'DEVS=/dev/xvdb' > /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup"
it does not seem to work.
Also using tee is working fine after performing an ssh manually but does not seem to work after the ssh in the
The echo command after an ssh of the script is happening on my real host (from where I'm running the script, not the host where I'm performing an ssh to). So the file on my real host is being changed and not the file on my host where I've performed an ssh to.
The command passed to ssh will be executed by the remote shell, so you need to add one level of quoting:
${SSH} "sudo sh -c \"echo 'DEVS=/dev/xvdb' > /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup\""
The only thing you really need on the server is the writing though, so if you don't have password prompts and such you can get rid of some of this nesting:
echo 'DEVS=/dev/xvdb' | $SSH 'sudo tee /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup'

How to not echo here document to terminal?

I have a script that prompts the user for their sudo password, and then iterates through a list of hosts and performs commands on remote hosts. I can 'read -s' to get their password silently, but each time their password is used on a remote host, it's echoed back to the terminal. Changing stty on the local host doesn't help. Example:
#!/bin/sh -x
echo "Enter sudo pass:"
read -s SUDOPASS
stty_orig=$(stty -g)
stty -echo
ssh -tt remote_host sudo cat /etc/cma.conf <<EOP
stty $stty_orig
The output still includes the password:
+ ssh -tt remote_host sudo cat /etc/cma.conf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
It also doesn't help to play with stty on the remote host:
stty_orig=$(ssh -t remote_host stty -g)
ssh -t remote_host stty -echo
ssh -tt remote_host sudo cat /etc/cma.conf <<EOP
ssh -t remote_host stty $stty_orig
FWIW, I'm mainly concerned with OSX bash/sh
Try expect:
echo "Enter sudo pass:"
read -s SUDOPASS
expect -c 'spawn ssh -tt remote_host sudo cat /etc/cma.conf ; expect -re "\\\[sudo\\\] password for .*:"; send "'"$SUDOPASS"'\n";interact'
To be honest, I haven't spotted the problem here. But I often redirect the output manually to silence it:
ssh -tt remote_host sudo cat /etc/cma.conf <<EOP >& /dev/null
I'm not sure if this will help.
