Sampler after While controller is not executing - jmeter

There is a problem that I have a jdbc request to execute but not succeed.
I elaborated problem in attached screenshot
Please Help !
enter image description here

It is because of your CSV Config Setting.
Ensure that it does not stop the thread & does not recycle.
Why do you have these many 'View Results Tree' listener? You need just 1 in the Test Plan level. Not for every sampler.

Please show us the results from the view results tree
It is possible that you are encountering an error, and if you are, and if the thread is configured to stop on errors, then that could be your problem


how to stop current transaction in Jmeter on sampler error?

In my Test Plan , i have multiple transactions(not related). Is there a way to stop just the current transaction only on a sampler error. If I use the setting to stop thread/ continue next thread , it just drops the thread for each transactions, which is not very helpful for what i want to achieve. Any help please. Thanks
What do you mean by "transaction"?
"Sample error" can be caught by If Controller using ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} pre-defined variable as the condition and from there you can:
Add Flow Control Action sampler and use one of below 3 actions:
Or add a Module Controller pointing to a Test Fragment holding the actions which you would like to execute on Sampler's error. See Easily Write a GOTO Statement in JMeter article for more details.

JMeter "Validate The Script" - what should I see in the "results tree"?

Following the JMeter step-by-step documentation
It says;
What should I see in the "view results tree"?
How do I know if things are okay or not?
What does it mean if nothing shows in the results tree?
Validate is a feature which appeared in JMeter 3.0, it basically runs your Test Plan with 1 user in 1 iteration with no pauses if there are Timers in your test plan.
In View Results Tree listener you should see all executed requests including request and response details.
If request is successful (by default JMeter treats HTTP status codes below 400 as successful) - it will be "green", otherwise it will appear as red.
If there is nothing in View Results Tree it means either that no requests were executed or you put it into wrong place, View Results Tree listener obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so it should be at the same level as your Samplers (or higher)

JMeter - How to obtain error rate per page on a specific timeframe

I have been looking on the site and I don't see anything related to this topic, so I decided to ask.
Basically, I would like to know if there is a way to extract the error rate per page using a period of time. The reason is because we run a test in different stages, with different levels of throughput. Therefore, I am interested in obtain the degradation on page health. I already got the hits and response times. However, the error rate I don't see a way to get it.
If someone knows a way, please share!
Thank you in advance guys!
You can use the jp#gc - Hits per Second - listener. Just click on Errors check box to show only the failed requests which is the Error rate you are looking for!
For page level Error rate, you can jp#gc - Transactions per Second
You have the following options:
Response Codes Per Second chart available via HTML Reporting Dashboard
Response Codes Per Second chart available via JMeter Plugins
Use 3-rd party analysis solution like BM.Sense

JMeter Script issue

I am new to JMeter. I have taken up HP webtour( for practicing.
I recorded a scenario for flight booking. I correlated the session ids and found the script was working fine( i was able to see correct HTML pages in View Result Tree).
So, ideally if i run the script a flight should be booked and when i check the application manually i should see a flight but this isn't happening. I run the script,it goes fine but i dont see a flight booked. I have tried to correlate dynamic values and don't see any pending value which isn't been handled.
Any idea on this.
Make sure that you double check the post request were the flight is booked. Because JMeter will put a green if it gets a response with status 200, but it is our responsibly to make sure that we have got the appropriate page. 'Response Assertion' can help you in doing it.

How to end "While Controller" on error and show whole progress in "View Results Tree"

In my test plan I want to make java request and check how it was done by making jdbc request, But I don't exactly know when java request will change DB. I want to make several requests with waiting after each. And if JDBC request doesn't special changes after certain time stop whole test. After that I want to see progress where test plan stopped in view results tree.
If I use any stop-thread functions, there are no data in View Results Tree.
Haw can I do what I want with jmeter?
you can use a similar mechanism to the one described here:
