Oracle11g - Not able to create user - oracle

I am trying to create new User from my SYSDBA account, but when I run the Query it is not responding even after long time. Same issue also occurs when I try to IMPDP.
here is my Query.
create user USER_NEW
identified by USER_NEW
default tablespace MY_TABLESPACE;
I am not getting any error in Alert Log file, also tablespace has 99% free space (100MB).


Create database in oracle for manually created user

I want to create the user and the database within that user. But when I tried to create database its giving the warning message as
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01100: database already mounted
Then I tried
Its giving the warning message for insufficient privileges even I have given all the permission to that particular user.
Can any one please help in finding the solution for this?
You don't create a database under a user in Oracle; I believe you're using terminology from another database poduct. The equivalent is a schema, which is a logical container for a group of objects. User and schema are essenentially synonymous in Oracle - when you create a user is automatically has its own schema.
You create the database once (which you already seem to have done, or had done for you), then create as many schemas/users as your application needs. You don't ever rerun the create database under normal circumstances - you certainly wouldn't as a normal user.
If you connect as that user you will be able to create tables, views, packages etc., assuming it has really been granted all the necessary privileges.

Syntax to Create User On Another Server via DB Link

I'd like to create a user on another server using a db link. Is this possible? (Lets assume I have permission)
Here's the syntax for creating a user on the local server
create user TEST_USER
identified by TEST_USER_PW
default tablespace USERS
temporary tablespace TEMP;
How could it be done with a db link?
Thank you (Feel free to migrate this to DBA if it's off topic)
Edit: Haki brought up that DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database. I'll post an alternative once I find one.
You can execute DDL on over a database link using DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT:
'create user TEST_USER
identified by TEST_USER_PW
default tablespace USERS
temporary tablespace TEMP');

ORA-2800: account is locked error in qtp

I am getting the following error while connecting to db for checking db timings through QTP scripts:
"Cannot update system time with database time due to error: ERROR: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-28000: the account is locked"
But the database SID and credentials given are correct and verified the same in some db client. I am not sure why its throwing error in QTP?
Can anyone please help me resolve the issue?
1) Login to your Oracle Database using admin privileges:
cmd> sqlplus / as sysdba
cmd> sqlplus system/{systemPassword}#{OracleSID}
2) Unlock your user's account using the following command:
sql> alter user {yourDbUser} account unlock;
3) Still in SQL*Plus command prompt, prevent account locks to not occur again:
Edit due comment
The above instructions should solve your problem. I'm posting an additional command I've found related to this subject you can try (I'm not confident it is the solution though):
sql> grant connect, resource to {yourDbUser};
You can also check for the status of other locked users in your database. Maybe your tool is trying to connect with some other user that, besides the one you are using, still have this issue.
This solution is for Oracle 10g and error ORA-28000:the account is locked
Type in the SQL Command Line:
conn sys as sysdba
enter password
alter user system account unlock;

Issue creating a new user / schema in Oracle 11G instance

I have an Oracle instance with 8 users/schemas already but since late last week I am unable to create any new users on that instance. When I run the create user script it just keeps running....
This is a development box and I have full access to it. I am not a DBA so how do I troubleshoot to find out what the issue could be? and what could the issue be?
Here is the create user script:
create user usr_ARCHIVE identified by usr_ARCHIVEpw
default tablespace USERS
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT
Please have a look at the user tablespace to see whether it has enough free space or not. I have faced similar issues in the past.
It's probably waiting or trying to obtain a lock. To determine what is going on you need to enable tracing. Before executing the create user statement, execute the following command:
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
This will create a trace file in the trace directory. By default this is the same directory where the alert.log file is stored. Analyze the trace file and especially check for the lines that start with WAIT.
The problem was with another 10G TNSListener that was running. Once the 10G TNSListener was stopped and 11G Listener restarted the issue was resolved.

not able to drop a user in oracle

I am trying to drop a tablespace in oracle 10g , using my application .
A bit about my application -- In my application I can create tablespaces.
Now what happens in oracle is that when you create a tablespace , then a new user automatically gets created and is attached to the database.
When you have to drop a tablespace what one has to do is to , first drop the user connected to the database and then the database.
When I try to drop a user associated with a tablespace.
An exception is thrown by the database which is the System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException
The details of the exception are as follows - ORA - 01904 (Can Not drop a user that is currently connected)
The thing is I have closed all the connections.Pretty sure about this.
Still oracle is throwing this exception.
Any suggestions???
Still it is not able to drop the user and throws the exception.
It can happen that you closed applications but did not ended Oracle sessions for that user. Log in as sysdba and query active sessions:
SQL> select sid, serial#, username from v$session;
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
122 2557 SYS
126 7878 SOME_USER
If you find your user in this list then kill all his sessions:
SQL> alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';
Seems to be your error code is ORA-01940 and not ORA-01904 which says -
ORA-01940: cannot DROP a user that is currently logged in
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a user that was currently logged in.
Action: Make sure the user is logged out, then re-execute the command.
Hope the below link might help you -
We do following and works..
Please be sure that the user you're trying to drop is not currently connected. I did encounter this problem last year. My workaround was to restart the database. Once the database is up i drop the user.
Another workaround i haven't tried was to restart the listener. This too (logically) can ensure that the 'to be dropped' user is not connected when the listener is down.
This workaround (of course) cannot be used in production database.
A user does NOT automatically get created when you create a tablespace.
A user does get assigned a default tablespace. They may (or may not) create objects in that tablespace. They may (or may not) create objects in other tablespaces too.
Generally, rather than dropping the user, I would drop the user's objects. Then lock the account so they can't log in again. Then revoke any privileges they have.
If desired, you can then drop the 'unused' users after month or so.
