Spring-WS server enable HTTPS/SSL - spring

What is the best way to enable HTTPS calls for my web service server application?
I'm using Spring Boot and gradle.


Configure Spring to run without web services

I want to create Spring Boot project which runs without web services because I need to use it to process Kafka messages, SQL queries and webflux client.
Is it possible to disable the rest API functionality and to disable tomcat from exposing server on the network?

spring boot rest API got blocked

I'm not very familiar with network configuration. I have an API server developed on spring boot with CORS enabled. The server works fine on the external network. But when I try to call API from the internal network, it got blocked, is there a way to resolve this problem in spring boot without changing network's configuration?

How mule api manager manage spring boot based service?

I've created a spring boot based service and like to deploy it to existing mule API platform, then I realize there are some challenges I need to face by myself such as, service discovery and policy management.
To be specific, I want to know if there is any way to manage policy for spring boot service from mule API manager? Since there is no agent that mule service has.
The straight forward way is to proxy your custom API by generating a proxy in the Anypoint API Manager.
Deploy that proxy application on a Mule server in CloudHub or on a runtime on-premise.
Then you have your Spring Boot Application API under control and can apply policies, see analytics, etc.
MuleSoft Doc on API Proxy

Spring Boot Server using HTTPS, Management Server only HTTP?

Based on an answer from #andy-wilkinson to a past Spring Boot question, it appears that with the exception of a couple parameters (port for example), the management server leverages the same configuration as the regular servlet container.
I would like to configure the main Spring Boot server to use HTTPS (for the application/service it is serving) and to use just HTTP for the actuator endpoints. Has anyone done this? Is this even possible?
It's not possible at the moment. Please open an issue if it's an enhancement that you'd like to see.

Spring WS in Google App Engine

Is it possible to use Spring WS in GAE? I am developing a small project with Spring + Hibernate which runs on Jetty. I am using Spring WS to make my app interact with SOAP clients. I want to seamlessly deploy my app on GAE. Does Spring WS work on GAE? If it does not, are there any PAAS solutions which support Spring WS? Please advice.
