Recursive function not working as planned - scheme

I am writing a function in Scheme that is supposed to take two integers, X and Y, and then recursively add X/Y + (X-1)/(Y-1) + ...until one of the numbers reaches 0.
For example, take 4 and 3:
4/3 + 3/2 + 2/1 = 29/6
Here is my function which is not working correctly:
(define changingFractions (lambda (X Y)
( ((> X 0) and (> Y 0)) (+ (/ X Y) (changingFunctions((- X 1) (- Y 1)))))
( ((= X 0) or (= Y 0)) 0)
EDIT: I have altered my code to fix the problem listed in the comments, as well as changing the location of or and and.
(define changingFractions (lambda (X Y)
( (and (> X 0) (> Y 0)) (+ (/ X Y) (changingFunctions (- X 1) (- Y 1) )))
( (or (= X 0) (= Y 0)) 0)
Unfortunately, I am still getting an error.

A couple of problems there:
You should define a function with the syntax (define (func-name arg1 arg2 ...) func-body), rather than assigning a lambda function to a variable.
The and and or are used like functions, by having them as the first element in a form ((and x y) rather than (x and y)). Not by having them between the arguments.
You have an extra set of parens around the function parameters for the recursive call, and you wrote changingFunctions when the name is changingFractions.
Not an error, but don't put closing parens on their own line.
The naming convention in Lisps is to use dashes, not camelcase (changing-fractions rather than changingFractions).
With those fixed:
(define (changing-fractions x y)
((and (> x 0) (> y 0)) (+ (/ x y) (changing-fractions (- x 1) (- y 1))))
((or (= x 0) (= y 0)) 0)))
But you could change the cond to an if to make it clearer:
(define (changing-fractions x y)
(if (and (> x 0) (> y 0))
(+ (/ x y) (changing-fractions (- x 1) (- y 1)))

I personally like this implementation. It has a proper tail call unlike the other answers provided here.
(define (changing-fractions x y (z 0))
(cond ((zero? x) z)
((zero? y) z)
(else (changing-fractions (sub1 x) (sub1 y) (+ z (/ x y))))))
(changing-fractions 4 3) ; => 4 5/6
The trick is the optional z parameter that defaults to 0. Using this accumulator, we can iteratively build up the fractional sum each time changing-fractions recurses. Compare this to the additional stack frames that are added for each recursion in #jkliski's answer
; changing-fractions not in tail position...
(+ (/ x y) (changing-fractions (- x 1) (- y 1)))


Printing decimal numbers get rounded up in chicken-scheme

I have a scheme procedure that returns 0.24999999999999992 as a result. However, when I tried to print this result with chicken-scheme on my machine, it gets rounded to 0.25. How can I prevent rounding?
I tried running the same procedure on, and the print command here outputs the result without rounding.
If it helps, the code below:
(define (sum term a next b)
(> a b)
(+ (term a) (sum term (next a) next b))
(define (integral-simpson f a b n)
(define h (/ (- b a) n))
(define (inc x) (+ x 1))
(define (term x)
((or (= x 0) (= x n)) (f (+ a (* x h))))
((even? x) (* 2 (f (+ a (* x h)))))
((odd? x) (* 4 (f (+ a (* x h)))))
(* (/ h 3)
(define (cube x)
(* x x x)
(print (integral-simpson cube 0 1 100))
Try changing the print precision: (flonum-print-precision 17)

How to duplicate a list in Scheme x times?

I am just starting to learn Scheme and using cons is a little confusing to me. I have a function duplicate (s number) where s is a list, and number is the number of times the list should be duplicated.
If I enter (duplicate '(1 2) 3), the output should be ((1 2) (1 2) (1 2))
My program looks like this, but when I run it, there is nothing in the output
(define (duplicate s number)
(cond [(null? s) '()]
[(> 0 number) (cons (list s) (duplicate s(- number 1)))]
What am I doing wrong here?
We want second input n become zero complete all list.
And we want output is a list so we use cons.
You can build your code by using minimum sample than add more complex data.
If input is (duplicate x 0) we want output is '().
If input is (duplicate x 1) we want output is '(x).
So your code should looks like this
(define (duplicate x n)
[(= n 0) '()]
(cons x ...)]))
But we already know we want output is '(x) which is (cons x '()).
Obvious '() is (duplicate x 0)'s output. So we add (duplicate x (- n 1)) in second condition.
#lang racket
(define (duplicate x n)
[(= n 0) '()]
(cons x (duplicate x (- n 1)))]))
;;; TEST
(duplicate '() 0)
(duplicate '() 3)
(duplicate '() 5) ; '(() () () () ())
(duplicate '(1 2) 5) ; '((1 2) (1 2) (1 2) (1 2) (1 2))
Or you can think like this way.
We have employee help us copy document.
employee-1 : We give him a number than he minus 1 than order employee-2 do his job
employee-2 : He copy a document than send message to employee-3
employee-3 : He supervision finish or not (number become zero). If not finish send message to employee-1.
So we want something like this
finish? -> no -> minus-1 -> copy -> finish? -> no -> minus-1 -> ...
#lang racket
(define x 1)
(define result '())
(define (employee-1 n)
(employee-2 (- n 1)))
(define (employee-2 n)
(set! result (cons x result))
(employee-3 n)))
(define (employee-3 n)
(if (= n 0)
(employee-1 n)))
;;; TEST
(employee-3 3) ; '(1 1 1)
Than we combine employee-1 to employee-3
(define x 1)
(define result '())
; (define (employee-1 n) (employee-2 (- n 1)))
(define (employee-2 n)
(set! result (cons x result))
(employee-3-v2 n)))
(define (employee-3-v2 n)
(if (= n 0)
(employee-2 (- n 1))))
;;; TEST
(employee-3-v2 3) ; '(1 1 1)
We use function input replace define global variable. So we have to remove set! and change input parameter.
; (define x 1)
; (define result '())
; (define (employee-1 n) (employee-2 (- n 1)))
(define (employee-2-v2 n x result)
(employee-3-v2 n x (cons x result)))
(define (employee-3-v2 n x result)
(if (= n 0)
(employee-2-v2 (- n 1) x result)))
;;; TEST
(employee-3-v2 3 1 '()) ; '(1 1 1)
Than we combine employee-2-v2 to employee-3-v2. Remember we have to change input parameter.
(define (employee-3-v3 n x result)
(if (= n 0)
(employee-3-v3 (- n 1) x (cons x result))))
;;; TEST
(employee-3-v3 3 'x '()) ; '(x x x)
Now we want remove not necessary input parameter result.
(define (employee-3-v4 n x)
(if (= n 0)
(cons x (employee-3-v4 (- n 1) x))))
;;; TEST
(build-list 10 (λ (n) (employee-3-v4 n 'x)))
(x x)
(x x x)
(x x x x)
(x x x x x)
(x x x x x x)
(x x x x x x x)
(x x x x x x x x)
(x x x x x x x x x))

Scheme: Not a procedure (Dr. Racket)

I'm running this program in Dr. Racket using R5RS scheme and am getting this error on the line (+ 1 IntDivide((- x y) y)):
"application: not a procedure; expected a procedure that can be
applied to arguments given: 5 arguments...:"
The procedure is supposed to return the quotient of the division between two integers using subtraction. Since this is a homework problem, I'm not going to ask whether my solution is correct (I can debug that later), but rather what is causing this error. It seems to be commonly caused by excess brackets, but I can't seem to find them. Any help would be appreciated.
(define IntDivide (lambda (x y)
(if (eqv? (integer? x) (integer? y))
(if (= y 0)
(write "Can't divide by zero") (newline)
(if (= (- x y) 0)
(if (< x y)
(if (> x y)
(+ 1 IntDivide((- x y) y))
(write "Please only input integers")
Thanks in advance!
In addition to moving the operator inside the parens, you also need to replace the if with a cond:
(define IntDivide
(lambda (x y)
(if (eqv? (integer? x) (integer? y))
(cond ((= y 0) (write "Can't divide by zero")
((= x y) 1)
((< x y) 0)
((> x y) (+ 1 (IntDivide (- x y) y))))
(write "Please only input integers"))))
The way you have it now, with the interior if expressions, won't work because they don't automatically return. They just evaluate and then the result gets thrown away.
Call IntDivide the same way you would any other function.
(+ 1 (IntDivide (- x y) y))

Nested while loop in Scheme with Gimp?

I'm writing a Gimp Script-Fu script, and trying to use a nested while loop. x is set to 15, y is set to 30. y loops up to 35, yet x stays at 15 and the loop quits. What is wrong here? Why is the value of x not changed?
(while (< x 20)
(while (< y 35)
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string x) "-" (number->string y)))
(set! y (+ y 1)))
(set! x (+ x 1)))
y is never being reset back to 0. Your code will increment y up to 35, then increment x 20 times, however on each subsequent increment of x y is still set to 35.
If you wanted to go over each combination of values of x and y then you would need code more like this:
(while (< x 20)
(set! y 0)
(while (< y 35)
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string x) "-" (number->string y)))
(set! y (+ y 1))
(set! x (+ x 1))
Here is a more complete example now that I've had time to work through this question with Gimp (I'm using print instead of gimp-message because I'm working in the console, but it should be interchangeable). To start I'm defining a function called SO that accepts the arguments, x, y that both represents pairs of min and max values:
(define (SO x y)
(let* ((x! (car x)) (y! (car y)))
(while (< x! (car (cdr x)))
(set! y! (car y))
(while (< y! (car (cdr y)))
(print (string-append (number->string x!) "-" (number->string y!)))
(set! y! (+ y! 1))
(set! x! (+ x! 1))
Inside this function, I'm pulling out the first and last values of x and y (with (car x) and (car (cdr x)) then I'm using let* to create two inner variables calledx!andy!that I will be altering the value of (to remove side effects of havingxandy` change after the function is called). If you call this function like so:
(SO '(15 20) '(30 35))
You get the following output:

"Ill-formed clause" issue, mit-scheme

Trying some Lisp, using mit-scheme.
(define (inv curstate x y)
((cond (= y 1) curstate)
(cond (even? y)
(inv (square curstate) x (/ y 2)))
(inv (* x curstate) x (- y 1)))))
An interpreter error:
Ill-formed clause: curstate
Another version use linear recursion method, so there's a similar error with it.
What to do?
Your syntax for cond is wrong. Here's the same code with a corrected syntax:
(define (inv curstate x y)
(cond ((= y 1) curstate)
((even? y)
(inv (square curstate) x (/ y 2)))
(inv (* x curstate) x (- y 1)))))
