Too few bytes (-1) received from OPMN response error - oracle

When I entered Oracle Application Server Control panel, an error message was appeared "Too few bytes (-1) received from OPMN response". It doesn't allow to do any deployment. How can I fix this error?
Trace Information:
oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpticBadConnectException: Too few bytes (-1) received from OPMN response at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnPhone.rcvResponse( at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnPhone.makePhoneCall( at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnPhone.request( at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnQuery.getBuf( at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnQuery.getDom( at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnQuery.getIasCluster( at at at at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest( at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet( at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet( at at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter( at at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at at at$ at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at
Error logs in opmn.log file :
16/02/03 10:14:29 [ons-connect] Local connection,6100 invalid form factor
16/02/03 10:16:29 [ons-connect] Local connection,6100 invalid form factor
16/02/03 10:18:42 [ons-connect] Local connection,6100 invalid form factor
16/02/03 10:19:29 [ons-connect] Local connection,6100 invalid form factor

After a long search process, I find that my error is related with owner permissions on oracle server. oracle user manages the instances so files under oracle/ folder must have oracle owner permissions. If you enter with root or other user and change some file permissions by running or rewriting them especially config files under j2ee/home/persistence, opmn/conf, opmn/bin, oracle user can not execute that files. I set files owner permissions with oracle user and restart the server, error was gone.


Reg: database is not starting up an error

getting below error while starting the database:-
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file '+DATA/mis/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.276.967375255'
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:10 Failed to open file +DATA/mis/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.276.967375255
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 56 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","KKSSP^24","kglseshtSegs")
Your database cannot find the SPFILE (newer init.ora) within ASM with the actual system parameters or has no permissions to access it.
Either your Grid Infrastructure stack or the dbs/spfile.ora is pointing to the wrong file.
To find out what the grid infrastructure stack is using, run "srvctl" which should display the parameterfile name the database should be using
srvctl config database -d <dbname>
Spfile: +DATA/<dbname>/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.269.1066152225
Then check (as the grid user), if the file indeed is not visible (by using asmcmd):
If the name is different, then you got the issue... (and you have to point to the correct file).
If the name is correct, then it could be wrong permissions on the oracle executable(s) (check My Oracle Support):
RAC Database Can't Start: ORA-01565, ORA-17503: ksfdopn:10 Failed to open file +DATA/BPBL/spfileBPBL.ora (Doc ID 2316088.1)

What's the meaning of: "java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: I/O-Error: Unknown host specified" if TNS-alias specified

Using Oracle JDBC driver with TNS-alias instead of host:port:SID a'la
you may get this error message
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: I/O-Error: Unknown host specified
while calling
But there is no problem with the hostname specified by TNS-alias.
Sadly this error message does not point to the real reason:
The error occurs if driver cannot find the tnsnames.ora config file.
You have to ensure that system-property "" is set before connecting and points to the directory containing the tnsnames.ora.

FTPClient login method replies 530 PASS command failed from the server

FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
System.out.println("Connection is successful");
System.out.println("Reply String: " + client.getReplyString());
client.login(currentServerUser, currentServerPass);
System.out.println("login ok");
System.out.println("Reply String: " + client.getReplyString());
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("No connection was established");
This code shows error like 530 Pass command failed in the line client.login() method.
Maybe you are trying to login with a user with a RACF account but that user (maybe) don't have an UID defined in the OMVS segment.
See if this helps:
An FTP client user attempts to log on to a z/OS FTP server. After the correct password is entered for user verification, the following server reply is received:
530 PASS command failed
Diagnosing the problem
With the ACC and FLO DEBUG options specified for the FTP server (see the section "Documentation for FTP Server Problems" in the Technote MustGather: Collect Troubleshooting Data for FTP for the z/OS Communications Server for instructions on starting an FTP server trace), the following messages are included in the FTP server trace:
RA0786 pass: use __passwd() to verify the user
RA0809 pass: __passwd() failed - EDC5163I SAF/RACF extract error. (errno2=0x090C1C00)
RA0888 pass: The username access has been revoked
SR2910 reply: entered
SR2947 reply: --> 530 PASS command failed
In v1r12 and later, the messages appear as:
RA0862 pass: use __passwd() to verify the user
RA1100 pass: getpwnam() failed - EDC5163I SAF/RACF extract error. (errno2=0B490808)
SR3360 reply: entered
SR3397 reply: --> 530 PASS command failed
Consider adding an ACCESSERRORMSGS TRUE statement to the FTP.DATA input used by the server (typically referenced via the SYSFTPD DD in the started proc). This will cause the server to provide more information to the end user about the nature of any logon failure (besides just '530 PASS command failed'). Some sites' security policies restrict providing more information in these cases, which is ACCESSERRORMSGS defaults to FALSE.
Resolving the problem
Each user logging in to the FTP server must have a UID defined in the user's OMVS segment. In this case, the user logging in does not have a UID defined in the OMVS segment, resulting in the PASS command failure. To resolve the problem, define a UID in the user's OMVS segment.

Socket error - Connection reset by peer

I have a simple housekeeping session that deletes data prior to one month from teradata tables.This is done using SQL transformation.The mapping has logic such that it handles 3 types of files (daily , monthly first week ,monthly -last week).logic for all 3 types is same.Deleting data prior to 1 month.Router is used to handle this.
The session executes properly for low volume of data(daily file) but when the table has higher volume of data in production , it gives below error :
TRANSF_1_1_1> pmsql_50065 [ERROR] ODL error:
FnName: Close -- [Teradata][Unix system error] Socket error - Connection reset by peer FnName: Execute Direct -- [Teradata][Unix system error] 104 Socket error - Connection reset by peer ODBC call to SQLError failed. .
TRANSF_1_1_1> CMN_1761 Timestamp Event: [Fri Aug 08 09:45:01 2014]
We have tried re-executing the session but no luck. Weird part is the delete command is being executed in database as we could see data deleted as required but the session is failing.
Please let me know what is the issue here and also the solution.Thank you.

Trying to Connect Vertica DB with Weblogic 10.3

Working on Linux Redhat
I have two below jars
Steps that i followed:
1 copied the jars to $WL_HOME/server/lib
2 I set the path of the jars to Linux Path like below
export WL_HOME=/usr/local/WL_Server10.3/sever
PATH= ${WL_HOME}/lib:${PATH}
3 I modified ${WL_HOME}/common/bin/
Added my jars entry like below
# set up WebLogic Server's class path
//I also tried the below steps googling,................. Optional Step
4> Modified ${WL_HOME}/server/lib/jdbcdrivers.xml
Added required parameter
i didnt get what to fill in the URLClassPathName value so i ignored it.
5>I restarted the Weblogic server and logged into the admin console
6> I added new JDBC Data Source
While Testing the Connection i am getting below Error:
Message icon - Error An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log for details.
Message icon - Error weblogic.application.ModuleException:
Message icon - Error weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: [Vertica][JDBC](10100) Connection Refused: (11640) Required Connection Key(s): user; (11480) Optional Connection Key(s): autocommit, connsettings, directbatchinsert, logintimeout, loglevel, lognamespace, logpath, readonly, resultbuffersize, sessionlabel, ssl, threepartnaming, transactionisolation
It would be great if someone can help me with the steps to connect Vertica Database to the Weblogic 10.3
What connection settings are you providing in:
"6> Added new JDBC Data Source
7>Followed the steps"
The error says you're missing specificying a user:
[Vertica][JDBC](10100) Connection Refused:
(11640) Required Connection Key(s): user;
(11480) Optional Connection Key(s): autocommit, connsettings, directbatchinsert, logintimeout, loglevel, lognamespace, logpath, readonly, resultbuffersize, sessionlabel, ssl, threepartnaming, transactionisolation
