I use the AudioPlayer to stream both mp3 and AAC Shoutcast streams on iOS, and in the main it works just fine. However to get AAC to work with a URL that does not end in .aac I had to hack the AudioStreamerCUR.m Objective-C code. I am not an Objective-C programmer and this was done very much on a trial and error basis. As there are number of url schemes used by Shoutcast and Icecast, my hacks are messy and it would be a lot easier to simply send the content-type along with the url like this:
var player = Titanium.Media.createAudioPlayer({
allowsAirPlay: true,
url: myURL,
contentType: "aac"
But I can't work out how to get a new property into the AudioPlayer proxy and then across to the actual AudioStreamerCUR.m - it seems some black magic is required. I wonder if there are any magicians who could point me in the right direction?
This is a property currently not exposed though the Titanium AudioPlayer API.
You might want to do a Feature Request Appcelerator JIRA. Check if it has already been requested before you create a new ticket. Refer to this question and also link back to the ticket here so that others can watch it with you.
I am using RecordRTC to allow my application user to record their video and upload. This works perfectly fine with Chrome and Mozila Firefox but Safari having trouble playing recorded videos.
I research for the same and found mimeType: 'video/webm\;codecs=vp8' to be used for safari. However this still won't work on Safari browsers. (mac OS x and iOS)
Can someone please help me with this? I have multiple users working on different operating systems and working on different browsers and I want to make sure RecordRTC works for all of them.
I am open to change/ switch to any other alternative if available to implement this feature with cross-browser support of course.
I found Twilio but I am not sure whether Twilio supports standalone recordings or not? I mean I just want single user to go on a page record a video and upload.
Please see below my RecordRTC configuration if it helps:
const options = {
type: 'video',
mimeType: 'video/webm\;codecs=vp8',
bitsPerSecond: 128000,
timeSlice: 1000
After user completes the recording, I am converting it to a blob and append it to the formData to save it to the server:
var recordedBlob: Blob = recordRTC.getBlob();
formData.append('files', recordedBlob, this.courseComponent?.courseComponent?.name + '.webm');
This recorded video plays fine in Chrome and Firefox but in Safari it Fails.
Please if you can guide me through this it will be great help to me.
Below are the console log snaps:
1.browser does not support media recorder api
when tried to play the recorded video
says browser does not support media recorder api and try using whammyRecorder
Does anyone know if Fine Uploader supports it's uploaderType: 'basic' mode in conjunction with an S3 endpoint?
Their documentation is a box of christmas lights and I can't make heads or tails about which options work with which versions of the uploader.
Using this code, and not including the #qq-template they provide, I get the error below:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
uploaderType: 'basic',
element: document.getElementById("fineUploader"),
request: {
endpoint: "mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com",
signature: {
endpoint: "/s3/signtureHandler"
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: "success.html"
Error: Cannot find template script at ID 'qq-template'!
However, according to their docs (Fine Uploader Getting Started) it seems as though this is the correct way to get rid of the UI and handle that myself. Except it doesn't work.
Thanks for any help.
You are confusing the jQuery plug-in workflow with the no-dependency workflow. Just like the traditional endpoint handler, you simply need to make use of the FineUploaderBasic constructor. As the documentation illustrates, all S3 endpoint handler modules are appropriately namespaced:
var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploaderBasic({...
Fine Uploader supports a wide variety of workflow, endpoints, and features. It's tough to fit that all into the documentation in a way that is intuitive for 100% of our users. However, for the most part, the current setup has been well received. If you have a specific suggestion for improvement, please open up an issue in the GitHub project's issue tracker. We will soon make it easier for users to edit the documentation as well.
I've had lots of progress on this and wanted to implement the "invisible player" on the chromecast receiver as explained here:Deezer invisible player
I have my demo app running, and am able to pass from the sender to the receiver my access token and my token expires.
Instanciating the DZ player like so:
appId : deezer_app_id,
channelUrl : deezer_channel_url,
player : {
onload : onPlayerLoaded,
token : {
the onPlayerLoaded function just logs a message for the time being.
I am currently getting:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://mydomain/chrome/myreceiver.html from frame with URL http://www.deezer.com/es/plugins/player.php?channel=http://Mydomain/chrome/channel.php&app_id=IDVALUE&emptyPlayer=true. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). vb.js:56
Flash is not installed or is too old vb.js:56
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://mydomain/chrome/myreceiver.html from frame with URL http://static.ak.facebook.com/connect/xd_arbiter.php?version=27#channel=f3a…Ffb_xd_fragment%23xd_sig%3Df2d6a19d8%26&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.deezer.com. The frame requesting access set 'document.domain' to 'facebook.com', but the frame being accessed did not. Both must set 'document.domain' to the same value to allow access.
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://Mydomain/chrome/myreceiver.html from frame with URL https://s-static.ak.facebook.com/connect/xd_arbiter.php?version=27#channel=…Ffb_xd_fragment%23xd_sig%3Df2d6a19d8%26&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.deezer.com. The frame requesting access has a protocol of 'https', the frame being accessed has a protocol of 'http'. Protocols must match.
now the first one does not make sense, as I have my channelURL set to the same domain, looking with the inspector I can guarantee both on the channelURl and on the chrome cast receiver that we have the same document.domain .
the second error seems to be from deezer loading something in flash (weird as the example does not state anything in flash).
the third error would be deezer calling FB for some reason.
I know the youtube api through Iframe has been made to work with chromecast, so I think this is possible, however the flash problem and cross domain seems to be an issue.
Any advice?
About the domain, sometimes you get errors when the domain you specified for your app on http://developers.deezer.com contains http:// as it shouldn't.
About Flash, the Deezer player is based on Flash for encryption so you need to install it to get it to work.
Facebook is included in the Deezer player (for sharing, login purposes) and you get warnings when your page is loaded within iframes. You can ignore these warnings.
I am not familiar with Deezer so won't be able to comment on Deezer related issues but the "Unsdafe ..." message can also be caused by trying to use file://*; this is an additional security measure in Chrome. In addition, what are the sanbox properties of the iframe? Does it include "allow-same-origin" ?
I'm having some cross-browser compatibility joys. I have a Ruby WEBrick server with a couple of servlets, one of which is used to stream media (Ogg and MP3). The servlet gets a couple of query parameters (a base64 urlsafe string key, a small string user, and a small number, sid). When I put the URL verbatim into Chrome, I get the QuickTime extension, and it works. When I post the same into FireFox, I get the expected unsupported codec. When I put it in Safari, it works. However, the URL is not being accessed directly. I have a jQuery Mobile app that uses the Javascript Buzz library, and uses these servlet streaming URLs as sources. The code works in Safari, allowing me to play the sounds. On FireFox, instead of falling back onto Ogg, it gives unsupported errors, and on Chrome, it does nothing. Here's the code that serves the MP3:
res.status = 200
str = File.new("Music/#{req.query['sid']}.mp3", 'r:BINARY:BINARY').read
res.body = str
res['content-type'] = 'audio/mpeg'
Can anyone tell me how to get audio streaming to all browsers through a Ruby servlet?
Note: This is not a duplicate. I've been thorough a lot of SO answers, but none work because they are designed for static files, not servlets.
I'm using MonoMac, but I understand cocoa and objc well enough that if you can answer me in those languages, please do.
I have a url from my web server which returns an mp4. I'd like my MonoMac application to launch QuickTime and start playing that url.
I tried these methods:
Process.Start("/Applications/QuickTime Player.app/Contents/MacOS/QuickTime Player", url);
but when the url is something like http://webhost/1/blah.mp4, quicktime says "The document blah.mp4 could not be opened. The file doesn't exist. I know the file exists and everything is correct. If I use this method:
var cfurl = MonoMac.CoreFoundataion.CFUrl.FromUrlString(url, null);
LSOpenCFURLRef(cfurl.Handle, (IntPtr)null);
The stream is opened in Safari and the QuickTime plugin starts playing it.
I've also tried NSWorkspace OpenUrls and OpenFile
new NSAppleEventDescriptor(),
but this launches in safari
NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenFile(url, "QuickTimePlayer");
but this does nothing.
So I try NSTask
MonoMac.Foundation.NSTask.LaunchFromPath("/Applications/QuickTime Player.app/Contents/MacOS/QuickTime Player",
new string[] {url});
But this gives the same "... could not be found..." as my very first attempt above.
Finally, if I start QuickTime Player and use open URL and paste the url into the textbox and click Open, the stream plays without error.
How can my cocoa app send a URL to QuickTime Player?
Considering the URL is a remote URL, you can use Scripting Bridge in Cocoa applications to ask QuickTime Player to open a remote URL:
id qtApp = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:#"com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX"];
[qtApp activate];
if ([qtApp isRunning]) {
// note that the parameter to openURL: must be the string representation of a URL
[qtApp openURL:#"http://movies.apple.com/media/us/ipad/2011/tours/apple-ipad2-feature-us-20110302_r848-9cie.mov?width=848&height=480"];
You’ll need to link the Scripting Bridge framework to your application.