Elsticsearch : Contains query - ajax

I have a column in my mapping that holds an array of strings
The column col is not analyzed in the index and i do not want to change the mapping.
Now, i want to retrieve all records where the string asd appears. so in this case, i want the first and fourth records. I tried using the query
query: {
POST localhost:9200/indexName/test/_search
but that gives me empty results? Which query should i use in this case?
So i was able to solve the above problem. Here is a follow up. Consider that this was my data
["asd fd","fgh bn","wer kl"]
["cvbml","fhjhfrjk wewe","fsdfd rtr"]
so now, the array contains some strings that have multiple words. Now, i still want to return the first and fourth record. If i go with the solution that i posted, i only get the fourth one. How can i apply the contains logic to each element of the array in col1?
A partial solution is
{ "query": { "match_phrase_prefix": { "col1": "asd" } } }
so again, for the data
["asd fd","fgh bn","wer kl"]
["cvbml","fhjhfrjk wewe","fsdfd rtr"]
it returns the first and fourth records. However, if i have
["fd asd","fgh bn","wer kl"]
["cvbml","fhjhfrjk wewe","fsdfd rtr"]
then, once again it only returns the fourth one, which is understandable as now, asd is no longer a prefix for that value in the first record.
Is there a way to to a contains type match instead of just prefix match?

You can use a simple term query and it should work
POST localhost:9200/indexName/test/_search
"query": {
"terms": { "col1" : "asd" }

so, here is the proper query
fields : ["col1","col2"],
query: {
filtered: {
query: {
match_all: {}
filter: {
terms: {
col1: ["asd"]
Final Answer
query: {


How can I find entries in elastic where a specific value is present in array?

Ok, this is the schema:
So having now these entries:
generated.status.myStatuses=['busy', 'free']
I want to match all the documents where "generated.status.myStatuses" contains the word "free".
In the example above I would find id=1 and id=3.
There's no dedicated array datatype in ES so you can treat your keyword arrays as keywords. This means either
GET generated/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"generated.status.myStatuses": "free"
or, for exact matches,
GET generated/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"generated.status.myStatuses.keyword": "free"
You need to use match or term queries based on your data mapping.

Elasticsearch wildcard fails when there are numbers in search string

I have indexed some string in this index:
"mappings": {
"record" : {
"properties" : {
"my_suggest" : {
In my index there are these values:
my_suggest = foo1
my_suggest = bar
my_suggest = something2
If I query:
I have returned the record number 1.
If I do this query:
I have returned blank results. I am expecting the record number one.
Why this happens?
Elasticsearch uses simple analyser by default, which removes any non letter characters.
Please use another type of analyser or custom analyser as per your requirements.

Exists query for objects inside fields

https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-exists-query.html says that it is possible to query for documents that have at least one non-null value in the original field.
If the value of the original fields is an object, is it possible to query for the existence of a key in the object?
Example: a document is
"user": {
"name": "XY",
"passport_id": 1234
Can one make an exists query for user.name? I tried
"query": {
"exists" : { "field" : "user.name" }
but it does not give any results.

Scope Elasticsearch Results to Specific Ids

I have a question about the Elasticsearch DSL.
I would like to do a full text search, but scope the searchable records to a specific array of database ids.
In SQL world, it would be the functional equivalent of WHERE id IN(1, 2, 3, 4).
I've been researching, but I find the Elasticsearch query DSL documentation a little cryptic and devoid of useful examples. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here is an example query which might work for you. This assumes that the _all field is enabled on your index (which is the default). It will do a full text search across all the fields in your index. Additionally, with the added ids filter, the query will exclude any document whose id is not in the given array.
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"_all": "your search text"
"filter": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1","2","3","4"]
Hope this helps!
As discussed by Ali Beyad, ids field in the query can do that for you. Just to complement his answer, I am giving an working example. In case anyone in the future needs it.
GET index_name/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"field": "your query"
"ids" : {
"values" : ["0aRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4", "0qRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4"]
You can create a bool query that contains an Ids query in a MUST clause:
By using a MUST clause in a bool query, your search will be further limited by the Ids you specify. I'm assuming here by Ids you mean the _id value for your documents.
According to es doc, you can
Returns documents based on their IDs.
GET /_search
"query": {
"ids" : {
"values" : ["1", "4", "100"]
With elasticaBundle symfony 5.2
$query = new Query();
$IdsQuery = new Query\Ids();
$this->finder->find($query, $limit);
You have two options.
The ids query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1, 2, 3"]
The terms query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"terms": {
"yourNonPrimaryIdField": ["1", "2","3"]
The ids query targets the document's internal _id field (= the primary ID). But it often happens that documents contain secondary (and more) IDs which you'd target thru the terms query.
Note that if your secondary IDs contain uppercase chars and you don't set their field's mapping to keyword, they'll be normalized (and lowercased) and the terms query will appear broken because it only works with exact matches. More on this here: Only getting results when elasticsearch is case sensitive

Elasticsearch order by type

I'm searching an index with multiple types by simply using 'http://es:9200/products/_search?q=sony'. This will return a lot of hits with many different types. The hits array contains all the results but not in the order I want it to; i want the 'television' type to always show before the rest. Is it possible at all to order by type?
You can achieve this by sorting on the pre-defined field _type. The query below sorts results in ascending order of document types.
POST <indexname>/_search
"sort": [
"_type": {
"order": "asc"
"query": {
<query goes here>
I do it by adding a numeric field _is_OF_TYPE to the indexed documents and set it to 1 for those docs that are of the given type. Then just sort on those fields in any order you want.
For example:
Document A:
_is_television: 1,
... some television props here ...
Document B:
_is_television: 1,
... another television props here ...
Document C:
_is_radio: 1,
... some radio props here ...
and so on...
Then in ElasricSearch query:
POST radio,television,foo,bar,baz/_search
"sort": [
{"_is_television": {"unmapped_type" : "long"}}, // television goes first
{"_is_radio": {"unmapped_type" : "long"}}, // then radio
{"_is_another_type": {"unmapped_type" : "long"}} // ... and so on
The benefit of this solution is speed. You simply sort on numeric fields. No script sorting required.
