Is it possible to block countries IP using the security group on an EC2 instance? - amazon-ec2

Is it possible to block an entire country from access my website within a security group rule in an Amazon EC2 instance instead of using iptables or something else?

As the others commented, it is hard to block the traffic from particular countries, if someone is smart enough to use a proxy.
But you can use some simple ways to filter most traffic from a range of IPs (not all customers know to use proxy)
One is to set Network ACL in aws. Please go though aws document Network ACLs as a start.
Another way if you can manage route 53 for your website, enable geolocation route policy and transfer the traffic from some countries to a fake website. You can go through the document here Choosing a Routing Policy


EC2 instance allow outgoing traffic to specific websites

Here is the use case
We have multiple ec2 instances within a VPC.
We want to allow access certain websites related to our work only and block the rest.
The list is not static and we may need to add more sites based our policy.
Security Group - outbound rules allow traffic based on only IP not websites.
Is there any way to allow or block traffic in ec2 instance based on the websites?
Firewall may be one option, but updating rules to multiple machines might be an overhead.
You can try blocking traffic from a single IP/IP ranges,just by doing following things:
Open your VPC dashboard.
Open the Network ACL.
Open the ACL editor and add a rule to block the traffic.
This is a reference tutorial link for the same.
Blocking traffice in EC2

How to limit access to Amazon EC2 to IP ranges

I have an Amazon EC2 instance that hosts different services (cassandra db, elasticsearch, rabbitmq, mysql...) used by several developers at different locations. Since these developers have dynamic IP addresses, and this EC2 instance is used only for development, I left inbound access to required ports opened to I'm aware that this is absolutely not recommended, and I should limit access, but I don't want to change the rules every day as someone's IP address change.
However, I just got report from Amazon that my instance is used for DoS attack, so I would like to fix this.
My question is if it is possible to make a rule that will limit access to several ranges such as: - -
Definitely yes, because the ranges you meant aren't just ranges but match CIDR.
The range which cannot be expressed as CIDR won't be accepted:
You can use IPcalc or similar site to make it easier.
If it fits you, you can use port range like 2000-3000, or, better, use custom ports for the services. Then the range will be e.g. 2000-2001, and using port ranges you can fit one user into one rule.
Alternative, more secure but more difficult way: a web page, user connects there with proper security key. If the key is recognized then a script on the server adds rule to a group using the client's IP. Another script by cron deletes the rules older than X hours. To check it deeper you may want to look e.g. here: On apache side check Two-way SSL authentication, on AWS side check API and Command Overview

Amazon EC2 autoscaling instances with elastic IPs

Is there any way to make new instances added to an autoscaling group associate with an elastic IP? I have a use case where the instances in my autoscale group need to be whitelisted on remote servers, so they need to have predictable IPs.
I realize there are ways to do this programmatically using the API, but I'm wondering if there's any other way. It seems like CloudFormation may be able to do this.
You can associate an Elastic IP to ASG instances using manual or scripted API calls just as you would any other instance -- however, there is no automated way to do this. ASG instances are designed to be ephemeral/disposable, and Elastic IP association goes against this philosophy.
To solve your problem re: whitelisting, you have a few options:
If the system that requires predictable source IPs is on EC2 and under your control, you can disable IP restrictions and use EC2 security groups to secure traffic instead
If the system is not under your control, you can set up a proxy server with an Elastic IP and have your ASG instances use the proxy for outbound traffic
You can use to gain complete control over instance addressing, including network egress IPs -- though this can be time consuming
There are 3 approaches I could find to doing this. Cloud Formation will just automate it but you need to understand what's going on first.
1.-As #gabrtv mentioned use VPC, this lends itself to two options.
1.1-Within a VPC use a NAT Gateway to route all traffic in and out of the Gateway. The Gateway will have an Elastic IP and internet traffic then whitelist the NAT Gateway on your server side. Look for NAT gateway on AWS documentation.
1.2-Create a Virtual Private Gateway/VPN connection to your backend servers in your datacenter and route traffic through that.
1.2.a-Create your instances within a DEDICATED private subnet.
1.2.b-Whitelist the entire subnet on your side, any request from that subnet will be allowed in.
1.2.c Make sure your routes in the Subnet are correct.
(I'm skipping 2 on purpose since that is 1.2)
3.-The LAZY way:
Utilize AWS Opsworks to do two things:
1st: Allocate a RESOURCE Pool of Elastic IPs.
2nd: Start LOAD instances on demand and AUTO assign them one elastic ip from the Pool.
For the second part you will need to have the 24/7 instances be your minimum and the Load instances be your MAX. AWS Opsworks now allows Cloud Watch alarms to trigger instance startup so it is very similar to ASG.
The only disadvantage of Opsworks is that instances aren't terminated but stopped instead when the load goes down and that you must "create" instances beforehand. Also you depend on Chef solo to initiate your instances but is the only way to get auto assigning EIPs to your newly created instances that I could find.

Directing dynamic subdomains to particular servers

We're building a multitenant SAAS app. Each customer gets its own subdomain, Each customer will have many gigabytes of data, which means that they have to be assigned to a particular server and stay there.
If I have a server farm, and a request comes in for a particular customer, how do I direct the request to the right server?
My thought is that I'll have to create some kind of custom, programmable load balancer that will know where each customer lives and proxy the request through.
Is there an easier way?
If not, where do I find such a load balancer? The ones I've found online act more like appliances than applications which could go query a database to find the right destination server.
I think the answer is in the question; you mention that the user will connect to So use a DNS A record to point them to a particular IP.
In the future, if you wanted to load balance the user across (say 2) servers, you could create a virtual IP on a load balancer appliance (running LVS for example), and then point the A record to the Virtual IP created by the LB, and distribute the user across a group of servers that you have configured.
This is why using subdomains is simpler than having URL based access such as, in which case you would have to inspect the content of the packet to see the requested URL. By using subdomains, everything can be done at the IP layer.

How can I defend against DoS attacks using Amazon EC2 Load Balancer?

We usually blacklist IPs address with iptables. But in Amazon EC2, if a connection goes through the Elastic Load Balancer, the remote address will be replaced by the load balancer's address, rendering iptables useless. In the case for HTTP, apparently the only way to find out the real remote address is to look at the HTTP header HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. To me, blocking IPs at the web application level is not an effective way.
What is the best practice to defend against DoS attack in this scenario?
In this article, someone suggested that we can replace Elastic Load Balancer with HAProxy. However, there are certain disadvantages in doing this, and I'm trying to see if there is any better alternatives.
I think you have described all the current options. You may want to chime in on some of the AWS forum threads to vote for a solution - the Amazon engineers and management are open to suggestions for ELB improvements.
If you deploy your ELB and instances using VPC instead of EC2-classic, you can use Security Groups and Network ACLs to restrict access to the ELB.
It's common to run an application server behind a reverse proxy. Your reverse proxy is layer you can use to add DoS protection before traffic gets to your application server. For Nginx, you can look at the rate limiting module as something that could help.
You could set up an EC2 host and run haproxy there by yourself (that's what Amazon is using anyways!). Then you can apply your iptables-filters on that system.
Here's a tool I made for those looking to use Fail2Ban on aws with apache, ELB, and ACL:
