Where to find timeline and other info for GLIBCXX - gcc

Any Google search I've tried gives me information on GLIBC (not C++) library, GCC (the compiler), or an occasional hit involving the token GLIBCXX without any other relevance. I've tried searching for things like feature and roadmap which have returned similar information for the compiler syntax. But I'm looking for information on the library.
The Mac's development system appears to use Clang with GLIBCXX version 4.2.1 (that version at least on the system I looked at). I've seen from the Clang roadmap that C++11/14 support is pretty much a done deal. So I was surprised that it objected to using namespace std::string_literals;, since user-defined literals seem to be supported by Clang and "blah"s is a one-line bit of syntactic sugar to stick in the header.
Is there a roadmap or other documentation showing which C++11/14 standard library features are available, not available, not usable, coming soon, never coming, etc?
Any idea why such low-hanging fruit would not have been in there?

to clarify, even though the namespace is GLIBCXX, it's not actually relevant to glibc at all. this is entirely contained under the gcc project.
the reason Apple pinned to gcc-4.2 is because later versions switched to GPL-3. they didn't want to deal with that because they want to retain 100% control over the OS (and your hardware), so they never upgraded.
if you want to know more about the GNU libstdc++, then check out its homepage: https://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/
that has all the details you're looking for afaict.


SHARED option in OPEN Statement in the Fortran standard

In this documentation HP Fortran doc, the OPEN statement accept SHARED and READONLY options.
In this documentation Standard Fortran 2008 doc, the OPEN statement dosn't accept SHARED or READONLY options.
Since I'm using gfortran comes with gcc 4.4.7 to compile a Fortran source file on Linux,I used a ruse to get around half the problem. I used
OPEN(...,ACTION=READ,...) instead of READONLY.
But can't find an other ruse (:)) to replace SHARED Option. (Like Something=Shared).
Anyone have a ruse to get arround that?
Those IO extensions (SHARED, READONLY, etc) as well as other extensions, as would be available with DEC based Fortran should be available in GCC/gFortran via the "-fdec" and related compiler switches.
However, I found some confusion in the online GCC docs. Apparently, some older versions of gFortran (and in particular g77) may require the compiler to have been built with the libf2c element, and there may be differences on Unix (c.f. Win etc).
It is not clear exactly which versions of gFortran accept this. For example, under Windows, with GCC/gFortran 6.x, it would not recognise the "-fdec" switch.
Apparently, GCC/gFortran v7.x have all that working, but v7 is still in "development mode" ... are you feeling lucky :-) ?
Also, some references give dire warnings about reliance on "extensions".
Here are some pages of interest:
The last link seems particularly "dire" on the subject.

Alternative to Newlib?

I'm an embedded software engineer working with IA-32 type processors. We are looking for a compiler tool chain - preferable free.
We used to use Mentor Graphics CodeBench Lite but it's no longer available.
We have looked at other GCC distributions but none of them have a bare metal implementation of glibc. None except newlib but we can't use it because of the GPL and LGPL licencing issues. We're an OEM and our customers (and us) have proprietary code.
Any suggestions welcome.
Sourcery's "lite" gpl tools are still available, it's just that Mentor likes to play hide-the-link.
If you want a lightweight C library with non-GPL licensing, you might look at Bionic from Android.
However, you concern may be mistaken. IANAL but most C library licenses have a linking exception of some sort which you may want to research with the help of your lawyers - their utility as system libraries would be extremely limited without.
And actually, a quick search of the newlib licensing page (which is complicated) seems to show that more of it is under BSD-style licenses than under GPL-style ones, though care would be needed to sort it all out.
Mentor may no longer be providing a Lite edition of the IA-32 bare-metal toolchain, but I'm pretty sure it's still supported in the commercial editions, and a basic license is not that expensive.
As Chris says, the Newlib licensing page is a bit complicated -- but the gist of it is that basically all of it that you need for a bare-metal system is BSD licensed; IIRC, the parts that are GPL-licensed are clearly-delineated system-specific pieces that reference things in the Linux kernel or the like (and thus have to be GPL-licensed), and those aren't included in the bare-metal builds. I think they're even all in one or two distinct directories that you can just delete. Obviously you should do the analysis for yourself, but that's the result you should expect to find.
A shortcut that may be useful: The download page for the most recent version of CodeBench Lite for IA-32 ELF that was produced is on this page. If you download the source tarball from there, you'll get the Newlib sources that were used to build that, and there's also a .sh file in the package indicating how it was configured and built. You'll note that in the documentation (licenses are in the back of the Getting Started Guide) the Newlib binaries are simply listed as BSD-licensed, so this should show you how Mentor got a compiled library that fits that licensing description.
(Disclaimer: I used to work for Mentor until recently.)

how to write cross-version/platform Linux kernel modules?

I'm new to programming Linux kernel modules, and many getting started guides on the topic include little information about how to build a kernel module which will run on many versions and CPU platforms of Linux. Most of the guides I've seen simply state things like, "Linux doesn't ensure any ABI/API compatibility between versions." However, other OSes do provide these guarantees for major versions, and the guides are mostly targeting 2.7 (which is a bit old now).
I was wondering if there is any kind of ABI/API compatibility now, or if there are any standard ways to deal with versioning other than isolating the kernel-dependent bits of my code into files with a ton of preprocessor directives. (Also, are there any standard preprocessor symbols I should be using in the second case?)
There isn't a stable ABI for the kernel and most likely never will be because it'd make Linux suck. The reasons for not having one are all pretty much documented in that link.
The best way to deal with this is to get your driver merged upstream where it'll be maintained by other kernel developers.
As to being cross-platform, that pretty much comes free with the Linux kernel as long as you only use the standard, platform-independent functions provided in the API.
Linux, the ying and the yang. Tangrs answer is good; it answers your question. However, there is the linux compat projects. See the backports wiki. Basically, there are libraries that provide shim functionality for newer Linux ABI's which you can use to link your code. The KERNEL_VERSION macro that Eugene notes is inspected in a compat.h, and appropriate compat-2.6.38.h, etc are included where each version has either macros and/or library functions to provide a forward API.
This lets the Linux Wifi group write code for the bleeding edge kernel, while still making it possible to compile on older kernel versions.
I guess this answers the question,
if there are any standard ways to deal with versioning?
The compat library is not a panacea, but at least it is there and under development.
Open source - There are many mutations. They all have a different plan.

Side effects of enabling C++0x support in gcc

Following link, I'm wondering if there're some side effects of enabling C++0x in GCC.
According to gcc: "GCC's support for C++0x is experimental".
What I'm afraid of is that for example compiler will generate some code differently or standard library uses some C++0x feature which is broken in gcc.
So if I don't explicitly use any of C++0x features, may it break my existing code?
The C++0x support has been, and is under heavy development. One thing this means is that bugs get fixed quickly, another thing it means is that there might be small bugs present. I say small, because of two reasons:
libstdc++ has not been rewritten from scratch, so all the old elements are just as stable as it was before any of this c++0x was available, if not more stable, because of several years of bug fixes.
There's corner cases in the new/old Standard that haven't yet been ironed out. Are these the runtime quirks you talk about? No. C++0x support has been under development for 4 releases now, don't worry.
Most of the impact from that flag will be felt in the new language features, the library features like move constructors and std::thread (on posix platforms) don't affect code not using them.
Bottom line, experimental is too strict a word in daily production. The standard has changed in the three/four years GCC has been working on support. Old revisions of c++0x will be broken in a newer GCC, but that's a good thing. C++0x is finished as far as the non-paying-for-a-pdf-world is concerned, so no breaking changes should be added. Decide if you want the new stuff or not beforehand, because you won't be able to jsut switch it off once you've gotten used to using it.
Usually, it won't break your source code, but you may include (even without noticing it or knowing it) C++0x idioms that will compile because of these features enabled, but won't compile in a strict C++ compiler (for instance, in C++0x you can use >> as a template of template terminator, but not in C++, so if you forget to separate it by a space, you will have problems when you try to compile this code in a C++ compiler).
R-Value references/moves is a feature which can have a huge impact on how the compiler does optimizations and such. Even if you don't use move in your own code, the STD includes will automatically switch to their new versions which include move ctors/assignment.
There are some circumstances which allow the compiler to create move constructors/assignment operators implicitly for user defined classes. These rules changed a few times during the standardization process (I don't even know what the current rules are). So, depending on the exact version of your compiler it could be using a set of rules for generating these implicit functions that isn't even in the latest version of the standard.
Most of the other major C++0x changes don't have big run-time impact, they are mostly compile time (constexpr, string literals, varadic templates) or syntax helpers (foreach, auto, initializer lists).
I originally wrote the question you link because of (in my opinion) a very big issue as described here. Basically, overloading a function with shared_ptr to a const type was not recognized by the compiler. That's a huge flaw in my opinion. It's been fixed from GCC 4.5 to GCC 4.6, but it serves as an example of a big bug that's still around in the default installation of GCC in ubuntu, for example. So while bugs are fixed quickly, there still might be bugs, and you may waste a weekend looking for the source and solution of those bugs.
My recommendation, based on this personal experience, is to avoid C++0x until the word "experimental" is removed from the description of GCC's support of C++0x or until you actually need any of the C++0x features to a degree that an alternative implementation would significantly sacrifice good design.

Cygwin boost comes with new g++ which seems to break my code... why?

Setup: I installed Cygwin with the GNU programming lineup (gcc, g++, make, and gdb) and successfully compiled an ran a program that I was working on. Then I decided to install boost into Cygwin because I will need to use typical boost stuff as my program develops. So, using the Cywing setup.exe, I installed boost. After this, the program that I had just successfully compiled and ran no longer worked. (And recall that it didn't depend upon boost.)
I found out that when boost installed, it also installed a new compiler, g++-4.exe, whereas previously I had been using r++-3.exe. Boost had also symbolically linked g++.exe to the new compiler. After I changed back the symbolic link my old program compiled correctly.
Is there any reason that I should be using g++-4 rather than g++-3?
g++ 3 is very old and the gcc community has long since dropped maintenance of it. (GCC 4.3 is currently the oldest maintained release series.) There have been lots of language conformance improvements in newer versions (both in accepting valid code and rejecting bad code), so you'll have an easier time going forward if you bite the bullet now. You can check the release notes for each series (e.g. for 4.0) for explanations of these improvements and the code changes they might require. Personally, I find programming much more enjoyable when I can reason about programs according to a precise language specification, and only rarely be forced to understand the quirks of a particular compiler.
Also, Boost support for g++ 3 seems to be nearing an end, as Boost 1.44 considers GCC 3(.4.6) as an "additional test compiler" on only a single platform (RHEL). Boost development is linear (not branched), so you can find yourself in a situation where you need to upgrade to get bug fixes, but then find that your platform is no longer supported.
