Jersey not triggering ContainerRequestFilter - jersey

I'm trying to use a ContainerRequestFilter to enforce some authentication on a Grizzly based Jersey application.
I create my own resource config by extending PackagesResourceConfig:
public class MainResourceConfig extends PackagesResourceConfig {
public MainResourceConfig() {
Map<String, Object> properties = getProperties();
"com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter;" + MainRequestFilter.class.getName()
"com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter;" + MainResponseFilter.class.getName()
The request filter is for authentication:
Authorization authorization;
public ContainerRequest filter(ContainerRequest request) {
if (!request.getRequestUri().getPath().endsWith(".wadl"))
return request;
The response filter is for headers:
public ContainerResponse filter(ContainerRequest request, ContainerResponse response) {
response.getHttpHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.getHttpHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, PUT");
response.getHttpHeaders().add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization, Content-Type");
return response;
The MainResponseFilter does get triggered but not the ContainerRequestFilter.

"The MainResponseFilter does get triggered but not the ContainerRequestFilter."
Look at your properties, mainly the send of it, and compare them
You're missing an s for the request filters. To avoid misspellings like this, you can use constants
You could also do
getContainerRequestFilters().add(new YourRequestFilter());
getContainerResponseFilters().add(new YourResponseFilter());


Configuring AWS Signing in Reactive Elasticsearch Configuration

In one of our service I tried to configure AWS signing in Spring data Reactive Elasticsearch configuration.
Spring provides the configuring the webclient through webclientClientConfigurer
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
webClient -> {
return webClient.mutate().filter(new AwsSigningInterceptor()).build();
. // ... other options to configure if required
through which we can configure to sign the requests but however AWS signing it requires url, queryparams, headers and request body(in case of POST,POST) to generate the signed headers.
Using this I created a simple exchange filter function to sign the request but in this function I was not able to access the request body and use it.
Below is the Filter function i was trying to use
public class AwsSigningInterceptor implements ExchangeFilterFunction
private final AwsHeaderSigner awsHeaderSigner;
public AwsSigningInterceptor(AwsHeaderSigner awsHeaderSigner)
this.awsHeaderSigner = awsHeaderSigner;
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next)
Map<String, List<String>> signingHeaders = awsHeaderSigner.createSigningHeaders(request, new byte[]{}, "es", "us-west-2"); // should pass request body bytes in place of new byte[]{}
ClientRequest.Builder requestBuilder = ClientRequest.from(request);
signingHeaders.forEach((key, value) -> requestBuilder.header(key, value.toArray(new String[0])));
I also tried to access the request body inside ExchangeFilterFunction using below approach but once i get the request body using below approach.
(outputMessage, context) -> {
ClientHttpRequestDecorator loggingOutputMessage =
new ClientHttpRequestDecorator(outputMessage) {
public Mono<Void> writeWith(Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> body) {"Inside write with method");
body =
content -> {
// Log request body using
// 'content.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)'
String requestBody =
Map<String, Object> signedHeaders =
requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));"Signed Headers generated:{}", signedHeaders);
(key, value) -> {
newRequest.header(key, value.toString());
return content;
});"Before returning the body");
return super.writeWith(body);
public Mono<Void>
setComplete() { // This is for requests with no body (e.g. GET).
Map<String, Object> signedHeaders =
Optional.of("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));"Signed Headers generated:{}", signedHeaders);
(key, value) -> {
newRequest.header(key, value.toString());
return super.setComplete();
return originalBodyInserter.insert(loggingOutputMessage, context);
But with above approach I was not able to change the request headers as adding headers throws UnsupportedOperationException inside writewith method.
Has anyone used the spring data reactive elastic search and configured to sign with AWS signed headers?
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Webflux JWT Authorization not working fine

I am following a tutorial about JWT in a spring reactive context (webflux).
The token generation is working fine, however the authorization is not working when I use the Authorization with bearer
Here is what I have done:
public class WebSecurityConfig{
#Autowired private JWTReactiveAuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
#Autowired private SecurityContextRepository securityContext;
#Bean public SecurityWebFilterChain configure(ServerHttpSecurity http){
return http.exceptionHandling()
.authenticationEntryPoint((swe , e) -> {
return Mono.fromRunnable(()->{
System.out.println( "authenticationEntryPoint user trying to access unauthorized api end points : "+
" in "+swe.getRequest().getPath());
}).accessDeniedHandler((swe, e) -> {
return Mono.fromRunnable(()->{
System.out.println( "accessDeniedHandler user trying to access unauthorized api end points : "+
" in "+swe.getRequest().getPath());
As you can see, I want to simply deny all not authorized requests other than login or options based ones.
The login is working fine and I'm getting a token.
But trying to logout (a tweak that I implemented my self to make it state-full since I m only learning) is not working.
Here is my logout controller:
public class AuthController {
static final String AUTH = "/auth";
private AuthenticationService authService;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<?>> login(#RequestBody AuthRequestParam arp) {
String username = arp.getUsername();
String password = arp.getPassword();
return authService.authenticate(username, password);
public Mono<ResponseEntity<?>> logout(#RequestBody LogoutRequestParam lrp) {
String token = lrp.getToken();
return authService.logout(token);
The logout request is as below:
As stated in images above, I believe that I m doing fine, however I m getting the error log message:
authenticationEntryPoint user trying to access unauthorized api end points : / in /auth/logout
Here is my security context content:
* we use this class to handle the bearer token extraction
* and pass it to the JWTReactiveAuthentication manager so in the end
* we produce
* simply said we extract the authorization we authenticate and
* depending on our implementation we produce a security context
public class SecurityContextRepository implements ServerSecurityContextRepository {
private JWTReactiveAuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
public Mono<SecurityContext> load(ServerWebExchange swe) {
ServerHttpRequest request = swe.getRequest();
String authorizationHeaderContent = request.getHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
if( authorizationHeaderContent !=null && !authorizationHeaderContent.isEmpty() && authorizationHeaderContent.startsWith("Bearer ")){
String token = authorizationHeaderContent.substring(7);
Authentication authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(token, token);
return this.authenticationManager.authenticate(authentication).map((auth) -> {
return new SecurityContextImpl(auth);
return Mono.empty();
public Mono<Void> save(ServerWebExchange arg0, SecurityContext arg1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
I'm unable to see or find any issue or error that I have made. Where is the mistake?
There's a difference in writing
Indeed, look at setSubject method in the DefaultJwtBuilder class :
public JwtBuilder setSubject(String sub) {
if (Strings.hasText(sub)) {
} else {
if ( != null) {
return this;
When setSubject(username) is called first, ensureClaims() creates a DefaultClaims without yours and if you call setClaims(claims) the precedent subject is lost ! This JWT builder is bogus.
Otherwise, you're importing the wrong Role class in JWTReactiveAuthenticationManager, you have to replace :
import com.bridjitlearning.www.jwt.tutorial.domain.Role;
Last and not least, validateToken() will return always false because of the check(token). put call is coming too late, you have to be aware of that. Either you remove this check or you move the put execution before calling the check method.
I'am not sure about what you want to do with resignTokenMemory, so i'll let you fix it by your own:
public Boolean validateToken(String token) {
return !isTokenExpired(token) && resignTokenMemory.check(token);
Another thing, your token is valid only 28,8 second, for testing raison i recommend you to expiraiton * 1000.

Why is my RestTemplate ClientHttpRequestInterceptor not called?

I want to use interceptor to add authorization header to every request made via rest template. I am doing it like this:
public FirebaseCloudMessagingRestTemplate(#Autowired RestTemplateBuilder builder, #Value("fcm.server-key") String serverKey) {
builder.additionalInterceptors(new ClientHttpRequestInterceptor() {
public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", "key=" + serverKey);
return execution.execute(request, body);
this.restTemplate =;
However when I do this
DownstreamHttpMessageResponse response = restTemplate.postForObject(SEND_ENDPOINT, request, DownstreamHttpMessageResponse.class);
Interceptor is not called (Iv put breakpoint in it and it did not fire). Request is made and obvious missing auth key response is returned. Why is my interceptor not called?
Ok I know whats happening. After checking build() implementation I discovered that RestTemplateBuilder is not changing self state when calling additionalInterceptors but returns a new builder with given interceptors. Chaining calls solves the issue.
public FirebaseCloudMessagingRestTemplate(final #Autowired RestTemplateBuilder builder, final #Value("${fcm.server-key}") String serverKey) {
this.restTemplate = builder.additionalInterceptors((request, body, execution) -> {
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", "key=" + serverKey);
log.debug("Adding authorization header");
return execution.execute(request, body);

How to get the HTTP Request body content in a Spring Boot Filter?

I want to get the raw content that is posted towards a RestController. I need it to do some processing on the raw input.
How can I get the raw body content without interfering with the Filter Chain?
Here is a sample of controllerAdvice where you can access RequestBody and RequestHeader as you do in your controller. The Model attribute method is basically to add model attributes which are used across all pages or controller flow. It gets invoked before the controller methods kick in. It provides cleaner way of accessing the RESTful features rather than convoluted way.
#ControllerAdvice(annotations = RestController.class)
public class ControllerAdvisor {
public void addAttributes(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,Model model, #RequestBody String requestString, #RequestHeader(value = "User-Agent") String userAgent) {
// do whatever you want to do on the request body and header.
// with request object you can get the request method and request path etc.
System.out.println("requestString" + requestString);
System.out.println("userAgent" + userAgent);
model.addAttribute("attr1", "value1");
model.addAttribute("attr2", "value2");
I use #ModelAttribute method to set value from #RequestBody.
public class CustomRestExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler
public CustomRestExceptionHandler() {
private Object request;
public void setRequest(#RequestBody Object request) {
this.request = request;
#Override protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentNotValid(MethodArgumentNotValidException ex, HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status, WebRequest request) {

Spring MVC #RestController and redirect

I have a REST endpoint implemented with Spring MVC #RestController. Sometime, depends on input parameters in my controller I need to send http redirect on client.
Is it possible with Spring MVC #RestController and if so, could you please show an example ?
Add an HttpServletResponse parameter to your Handler Method then call response.sendRedirect("some-url");
Something like:
public class FooController {
void handleFoo(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
To avoid any direct dependency on HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse I suggest a "pure Spring" implementation returning a ResponseEntity like this:
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
If your method always returns a redirect, use ResponseEntity<Void>, otherwise whatever is returned normally as generic type.
Came across this question and was surprised that no-one mentioned RedirectView. I have just tested it, and you can solve this in a clean 100% spring way with:
public class FooController {
public RedirectView handleFoo() {
return new RedirectView("some-url");
redirect means http code 302, which means Found in springMVC.
Here is an util method, which could be placed in some kind of BaseController:
protected ResponseEntity found(HttpServletResponse response, String url) throws IOException { // 302, found, redirect,
return null;
But sometimes might want to return http code 301 instead, which means moved permanently.
In that case, here is the util method:
protected ResponseEntity movedPermanently(HttpServletResponse response, String url) { // 301, moved permanently,
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY).header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, url).build();
As the redirections are usually needed in a not-straightforward path, I think throwing an exception and handling it later is my favourite solution.
Using a ControllerAdvice
public class RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler
extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = {
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNotLoggedIn(
final NotLoggedInException ex, final WebRequest request
) {
final String bodyOfResponse = ex.getMessage();
final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Location", ex.getRedirectUri());
return handleExceptionInternal(
ex, bodyOfResponse,
headers, HttpStatus.FOUND, request
The exception class in my case:
public class NotLoggedInException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4900004519786666447L;
String redirectUri;
public NotLoggedInException(final String message, final String uri) {
redirectUri = uri;
And I trigger it like this:
if (null == remoteUser)
throw new NotLoggedInException("please log in", LOGIN_URL);
if you #RestController returns an String you can use something like this
return "redirect:/other/controller/";
and this kind of redirect is only for GET request, if you want to use other type of request use HttpServletResponse
