Greenshot does not work in Visual Studio - visual-studio

Anyone know why you cannot use Greenshot in Visual Studio? I hit the Screen Print button and it does not bring up the cross-hairs to drag my window size. Instead it just takes a plain windows screenshot. I looked for keyboard commands that might override it but didnt see anything at first glance. It works for every other program but not when Visual Studio is the active window.

It's because your visual studio is running in a higher level (permission wise) than your greenshot instance.
for a one time test, close Greenshot, and run it as administrator (right click on the file, run as administrator).
As a more permanent solution, you can just set the compatibility mode for the file to be run in admin mode, and then when it's started on start up it should capture your VS instances as well :).
Just in case, you can easily figure out if anything else is wired to a shortcut by doing the following:


Ctrl-C not working in visual studio 2019 when run as administrator

When Visual Studio runs as administrator, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V shortcut keys are not working...
But when running VS normally - not as administrator - those shortcut keys work fine.
I have some not the same issue, as an author, but i think maybe it is somehow related.
My case is : time to time i can't press CTRL+C in my microsoft visual studio 2022 (community edition) to interupt terminal execution (powershell). For separately opened terminal (outside of Visual Studio) works great, so something wrong with VS.
Only one fix i found is to disable in options->keyboard -> edit.copy hotkey and re-assign it from "Global" to "Text editor". So, it may affect other areas, but works fine in this case. What is the core issue here and how to fix it other way i did not found.
Maybe will be helpfull for anybody.
I have this behaviour for all text-editor that I use in "Run as Administrator" mode.
The problem comes from a third-party application that uses a global hook (listens to a global hotkey) on those keystrokes (e.g. "Ctrl+C"). In my case it was a personal AutoHotKey/AutoIt3 script that was acting like a copy-paste board. But it could be some other application, or a malware.
If you disable such an application, the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C etc. should work fine.
In Tools=> Options => Keyboard => Check that Edit.Cut and Edit.Copy is bound to Ctrl+X and Ctrl+C
Or you can reset your settings using Reset button.

Make Visual Studio 2019 Always Run as Administrator from Start Bar Recent Solutions List

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2019.
Prior to the upgrade, Visual Studio 2017 would always run as Administrator. I did not think much of this, but now that it is gone it is causing me problems.
The primary one is that it will not load my projects that use my local instance of IIS.
I usually launch Visual Studio from my start bar. Right now this goes like this:
Right click on the icon on the start bar and select my solution.
It loads and then I realize that the main project did not load.
Close visual studio, open as admin
Pick my solution and then it loads.
I would really like to only have to do #1 above. Is there someway I can edit the shortcut on the start bar to have it always launch as Administrator?
Turns out that Visual Studio uses different permissions when you click on the list of shortcut options it offers in the start menu. (IE to load a recent solution directly.)
Selecting the Properties->Advanced->"Run as Administrator" did not cause these to run as administrator.
But this did it:
Find devenv.exe (Visual Studio's executable)
Right Click on it and select "Troubleshoot Compatibility".
On the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter window, click on Troubleshoot Program
Check that the program requires additional permissions and click Next
On the next window, click on Test the program… and VS will open as administrator
Click next and then click on Yes, save these settings for this program
Now Visual Studio will ALWAYS run as administrator.
(Taken from:

Visual Studio 2019: Start Page instead of Start Window

Visual Studio introduced a blocking Start Window instead of a non-blocking Start Page.
Considering how extensible Visual Studio is, is there a way to have VS2019 display a non-blocking Start Page.
The new Start Window is quite annoying, less informative, displays all projects, not just solutions, pinning is not up to previous standards, and no additional information. Most annoying is the blocking aspect.
I am thinking that there is some sort of extension or setting that Microsoft has somewhere, which can re-enable the Start Page and disable the Start Window.
Alternatively if it is not possible, is it possible to just disable the start window and have the main application appear, when the app starts or when a user closes a solution/project?
Another hope with this post is that Microsoft sees this request and maybe modifies their code and offers users an option at the start, much like color theme and default code set, as to whether they want app blocking or app non-blocking for the start area.
In Tools > Options > Environment > Startup > On startup, open: select "Empty environment".
Visual Studio will start without showing the modal Start Window.
Start Page on startup extension restores the traditional Start Page in VS 2019.
Start Page: Please give it back! and Make the Visual Studio 2019 start window non-modal are open issues concerning your other points.

Visual studio reopen editor after debugging

I started debugging (some C# MVC application) and a lot of windows pop-up. So I closed all of them. But I probably change something.
Now when I have open some files in editor and press Debugging - it close them. After Stop debugging they are still closed. When I try to double-click on file in Solution explorer - nothing happen. Right click and Open - nothing. Only when right-click - Open with... and select another editor, it will open. Sometimes it ask that file is already open and if I want to close him. So it is probably open somewhere.
Any ideas how to fix it? I tried reset all setting, imported old environment, restarted Visual Studio and also computer and nothing helped.
Thank you for help
You can try to Reset Window Layout from the main Window menu in normal and debug modes.
so finally I installed new VS 2015 and everything works as normal

Visual Studio 2005 context menu launches server explorer: why?

For some reason, a variety of actions in Visual Studio 2005, actions that have nothing to do with SQL Server, are opening the "Connect to SQL Server" dialog. And it takes four (4) clicks on the CANCEL button to kill the dialog.
For example, if I right click on a class method in the Editor, hoping to find the Go To Definition option, the dialog opens.
Or if I run a project in Debug mode, and then close the app, the dialog opens.
I have to close VS and re-open it to get this to stop. But after a while, this behavior returns. What is causing it has eluded me.
Is this Microsoft's way to get me to upgrade to VS2008? OK, he's had VS2005 for too long. Time for him to upgrade. Invoke DriveCustomerMad.
Next time you see the dialog box, open a second copy of VS2005, attach its debugger to the first one, pause the process, and look at the call stack.
Do you have any addons installed?
