Adding documentation for generated files in Android Studio - gradle

In my Gradle script, I have created a Javadoc task that generates documentation for my java files and for the auto-generated, so that it creates links for my XML resources. I am using Doclava and even the #attrworks as expected when referencing XML resources.
However, when I add comments in my original XML files in order to document them, they are lost in the process of generating the file and they are replaced by the default documentation.
Is there a way to document my XML resources and make the documentation appear in the resulting javadoc?


c# DocFx. Direct way to create the web page or pdf of documentation?

I have my visual studio 2022 project with c# and I want to create the documentation but I don't want more files and folders to my project.
Docfx create folders and files.
SandCastle you even have to create another project inside your solution.
There is a way to run a command and generate the web page without creating any extra file in the project/solution?
If you are just wanting to generate documentation from your source code xml comments than DocFx does not require that many new files to be be checked into source control. Sure you will need the basic project structure but all the intermediate / generated files in the output can be excluded from your committed source code using .gitignore files (assuming you are using git).
For example, in these tutorials
You would only really need
If you add the following lines to the generated .gitignore from tutorial 1 then all the intermediate and generated documentation yml files will never be committed to git.
Hopefully this helps, I know it does not get you 0 extra files like you asked but its a fairly light weight solution to generating api documentation.

how to do internationalization for wix bootstrapper

I have a wix booststrapper project, which cannot be localized like the normal WiX project.
If I extract the hard code string from the booststrapper.wxs file, then the compiler output errors:
Light.exe : error LGHT0100: The localization identifier xxx has been duplicated in multiple locations. Please resolve the conflict
Has anyone some experience in boostrapper internationalization?
Would you give some suggestions?
This issue is discussed here:
In short, if you include two or more .wxl files you will see this error. The trick is to mark the extra localized wxl files as Build Action = None in the Properties window for the actual wxl files in the solution project tree.
If you are using a main one (or a copy) like RtfTheme.wxl, that one can remain as type Embedded Resource. This is the default type Visual Studio seems to assign wxl files added to the project but only one can ever be marked as such. So long as you have Payload elements that bring in the rest they do not need to be marked as Embedded Resource and, as experienced, it will fail the build if they are.
Additionally, the following post describes a very nice way to organize all these localization files:

Replace reST document with entire directory using Sphinx

My primary documentation for a project is Sphinx. I also have a large amount of JavaDocs that I'd like to integrate. The basic setup is:
Before building the Sphinx documents, I can copy the JavaDocs into a directory under sphinx_source.
How can I reference this directory with non-reST files in it from within Sphinx and have them be brought along during the build process?
You probably need to reference the files using the :download: directive.
See: here.
Note that you'll need to reference the files individually, so you may want to set up some kind of script to generate the references for you.

Adding syntax highlighter to JamWiki-1.2

The tutorial describes how to enable syntax highlighting in JAMWiki.
My problem is that in the recent version of JAMWiki v1.2 the two files to be modified WEB-INF/jsp/top.jsp and WEB-INF/jsp/close-document.jsp do not exist any longer...
There is a third-party syntax highlighting tag extension available with JAMWiki 1.2 link that may work for you
I have added SHJS to my installation just following SHJS instructions rather than JAMWiki instructions. Simply edit JAMWiki JSP pages to add content as documented here. To see how does it work, look into the source code of this HTML document.
You even do not need to compile anything after you edit JSP, the server does this for you automatically.
Following up on Audrius's answer, here's exactly what you need to modify.
./jamwiki.war/WEB-INF/jsp/topic.jsp Modify it to look like this
Download the SHJS zip and copy all of the individual files from ./css/, ./lang/, ./sh_main.js, and ./sh_style.css from the zip to JamWiki.war/shjs/. (This will flatten the directory structure so everything is now in ./shjs/. Flattening the structure is optional but it makes for easier paths when referencing them in the jsp.)
You can modify the .war with 7zip or dig into your web app container file system and place the JSP and shjs folder directly.
Redeploy or refresh as needed depending on your preferred edit method.

Where can I find the template files for project item templates I've added via Extension Manager in VS2010?

Specifically, I've installed the extensions:
EF 4.x DbContext Generator for C#
EF 4.x DbContext Generator for C# Web Sites
I am trying to find the location these were installed, because I would like to modify them for my own needs.
I have looked in the following locations:
[UserDir]\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\My Exported Templates
But they are not in either location.
More Background
What I have done is modify the T4 template that generates the POCO's to pull info about the Max Length of text fields, have it generate a constructor for all objects (the default only generates an explicit constructor if there are complex types/relations that need to be instantiated), and add a partial method call to the Constructor for further initialization in a partial class.
The code that I have added is going to be needed in basically every project I do, so I would like to have my own code generation template for my POCO's, instead of having to modify the default one each time.
So, I'm looking for where those templates are so I can modify them, to create new ones with my changes inserted.
During installation, Extension Manager uncompresses the .vsix file and puts its contents in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Company\Product\Version. Company, Product, and Version are specified in the extension.vsixmanifest file, and correspond to the namespace, project name, and version number that are set in the project properties.
But strange, I also cannot find. I tried to install DbContextCSharp.vsix and find the content file ( of the installer. [You can unzip the installer by changing vsix to zip extension]
One thing I can suggest is, unzip the installer > update with your logic > change the extension back > re-install to visual studio.
I marked Min Min's answer as Accepted because he found what I needed in MSDN: the location those files are installed:
For the extensions I sought, that amounted to:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Microsoft\EF 4.x DbContext Generator for C#\
Min Min stated he could not find the DbContextCSharp.vsix file nor the file. I assume he did this by doing a search, and indeed, those files are nowhere to be found on my system, either.
However, going to the indicated directory does locate the installed files. The vsix won't be there, however, and the content files are locked up in a ZIP file - hence those files could not be found via search. But everything needed is there and can be altered as needed.
