Appending string to the variable - bash

I read some file line by looking for some specific string. When I find I assign it to the var.
But when I try to append to that string I have problem. Instead of add to the end of var i get var where characters at the beginning are replaced by new characters.
echo $fileToGet
echo $newVar
And what I want is: c024z160205.xml
I think I tried everything what is on Stack, several ways of appending but nothing works.

The problem was \r at the end of var. Before assigning line to var fileToGet I do something like:
newVar=$(echo "$fileToGet" | tr -d '\r')
and after concatenation I have what I want.
I edit this answer because it contains false informations. What really was the problem #chepner described in comment: 'The terminal simply displays any characters following the carriage return at the beginning of the line, overwriting the earlier characters.'

Your code is working for me, try using:
Instead of newVar=$fileToGet".xml"; you gotta put the variable also inside the quotes.
Tell me if it works now.


in Ksh, why does the last (empty) line of my multi-line string disappears when saving it in a variable?

While implementing a script, I am facing the following issue :
when putting the multi-line result of a command into a variable, it seems the last (empty) line of my multi-line string disappear.
This line is "empty", but however, I can not lose the carriage return it contains (because I am concatenating blocks of code saved in DB and containing "\n" character into a human-readable string... If I lose some of the "\n", I will lose a part of my code indentation)
Here is the code to illustrate my issue :
test2=`echo "$test"`;
echo "||$test2||";
This returns
while I was expecting :
--> the last (empty) line has disappeared... and a carriage return is thus missing in my human-readable code.
This issue only occurs when the last line of my multi-line string is empty...
Do you know
Why this last line disappears ?
How I can ensure my last empty line is saved in my multi-line string variable ?
Note that I can of course not use the easiest solution
because the complete process is rather :
test2="`echo "$test" | sed -e 's/\^//g'`";
but I tried to simplify the issue the most I could.
Command substitutions always trim trailing newlines -- that's in accordance with design and specification. If you don't want that, you can append a fixed sigil character to your output and trim it, such that the newlines you want to preserve are before the sigil:
test_wip=$(printf '%sEND' "$test")
Instead of trying to work around the issues that arise from assigning the output from echo to a variable (eg, stripping of trailing \n's), consider using ksh's built in string processing in this case, eg:
$ test="^A\n\nB\n^"
$ test2="${test//^}"
$ echo "||${test2}||"
//^ : remove all ^ characters

Parse past all occurrences of a delimiter

I am new to Bash, but hoping this is simple to do. I have the following couple lines of code:
How do I parse past all the backslashes, go to the end of the path, extract the file name and assign it to $FILENAME (in this case 'chromedriver_2.29.exe') ?
This should do the trick:
See details on parameter expansion in Bash here.

Remove part of a string using KornShell

I have this string DFUB1AG.T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31 and I need to remove the first part of it. How can I do this?
As has been asked here is what I want to achieve.
Want to get this string that is separated by "."
And want to remove the first part of it to get the result as below
I have already achieved it by doing this way:
Okay guys I got it done by doing this.
# var=DFUB1AG.T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31
# var=${var#*.}
# echo $var
# T1310LC.C140206.XIYG000.FCIPHE31
If STRING is your variable, and you want to strip everything before first dot you can say STRING=${STRING#*.} ........Removes shortest match at beginning of string of any character followed by a dot.
echo "$VarWithYourString" | sed "s/^[^.]\{1,\}./"
sed "s/^[^.]\{1,\}./" YourFileInput

Bash curl and variable in the middle of the url

I would need to read certain data using curl. I'm basically reading keywords from file
while read line
curl ''"${line}"'/subscriptions?v=2&alt=json' \
> '/home/user/archive/'"$line"
done < textfile.txt
Anyway I haven't found a way to form the url to curl so it would work. I've tried like every possible single and double quoted versions. I've tried basically:
and so on.. Just name it and I'm pretty sure that I've tried it.
When I'm printing out the URL in the best case it will be formed as:
/subscriptions?v=2&alt=jsoneeds/api/users/KEYWORD FROM FILE
or something similar. If you know what could be the cause of this I would appreciate the information. Thanks!
It's not a quoting issue. The problem is that your keyword file is in DOS format -- that is, each line ends with carriage return & linefeed (\r\n) rather than just linefeed (\n). The carriage return is getting read into the line variable, and included in the URL. The giveaway is that when you echo it, it appears to print:
/subscriptions?v=2&alt=jsoneeds/api/users/KEYWORD FROM FILE"
but it's really printing: FROM FILE
...with just a carriage return between them, so the second overwrites the first.
So what can you do about it? Here's a fairly easy way to trim the cr at the end of the line:
while read line
curl "${line}/subscriptions?v=2&alt=json" \
> "/home/user/archive/$line"
done < textfile.txt
Your current version should work, I think. More elegant is to use a single pair of double quotes around the whole URL with the variable in ${}:
Just use it like this, should be sufficient enough:
curl "${line}/subscriptions?v=2&alt=json" > "/home/user/archive/${line}"
If your shell gives you issues with & just put \&, but it works fine for me without it.
If the data from the file can contain spaces and you have no objection to spaces in the file name in the /home/user/archive directory, then what you've got should be OK.
Given the contents of the rest of the URL, you could even just write:
while read line
curl "${line}/subscriptions?v=2&alt=json" \
> "/home/user/archive/${line}"
done < textfile.txt
where strictly the ${line} could be just $line in both places. This works because the strings are fixed and don't contain shell metacharacters.
Since you're code is close to this, but you claim that you're seeing the keywords from the file in the wrong place, maybe a little rewriting for ease of debugging is in order:
while read line
curl "$url" > "$file"
done < textfile.txt
Since the strings may end up containing spaces, it seems (do you need to expand spaces to + in the URL?), the quotes around the variables are strongly recommended. You can now run the script with sh -x (or add a line set -x to the script) and see what the shell thinks it is doing as it is doing it.

bash templating

i have a template, with a var LINK
and a data file, links.txt, with one url per line
how in bash i can substitute LINK with the content of links.txt?
if i do
LINKS=$(cat links.txt)
sed "s/LINKS/$LINK/g" template.xml
two problem:
$LINKS has the content of links.txt without newline
sed: 1: "s/LINKS/http://test ...": bad flag in substitute command: '/'
sed is not escaping the // in the links.txt file
Use some better language instead. I'd write a solution for bash + awk... but that's simply too much effort to go into. (See if you really want to do that)
Just use any language where you don't have to mix control and content text. For example in python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
links = open('links.txt').read()
template = open('template.xml').read()
print template.replace('LINKS', links)
Watch out if you're trying to force sed solution with some other separator - you'll get into the same problems unless you find something disallowed in urls (but are you verifying that?) If you don't, you already have another problem - links can contain < and > and break your xml.
You can do this using ed:
ed template.xml <<EOF
.r links.txt
w output.txt
The first command will go to the line
containing LINKS and delete it.
The second line will insert the
contents of links.txt on the current
The third command will write the file
to output.txt (if you omit output.txt
the edits will be saved to
Try running sed twice. On the first run, replace / with \/. The second run will be the same as what you currently have.
The character following the 's' in the sed command ends up the separator, so you'll want to use a character that is not present in the value of $LINK. For example, you could try a comma:
sed "s,LINKS,${LINK}\n,g" template.xml
Note that I also added a \n to add an additional newline.
Another option is to escape the forward slashes in $LINK, possibly using sed. If you don't have guarantees about the characters in $LINK, this may be safer.
