I use SwiftLocation for get coordinates:
try! SwiftLocation.shared.currentLocation(Accuracy.House, timeout: 20, onSuccess: { (location) -> Void in
}) { (error) -> Void in
print("something went wrong")
In location?.description I get it:
<+37.78583400,-122.40641700> +/- 5.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course
-1.00) # 2/22/16, 6:35:55 PM Indochina Time
And I need to take just coordinates. So I make loop for it:
while name.characters.last != ">" { // delete all after ">"
name = String(name.characters.dropLast())
name = String(name.characters.dropLast()) // delete ">"
name = String(name.characters.dropFirst()) // delete "<"
name = String(name.characters.dropFirst()) // delete "+"
print(name) // get 37.78583400,-122.40641700
tempMyLat = name
while tempMyLat.characters.last != "," { // delete all after ","
tempMyLat = String(tempMyLat.characters.dropLast())
tempMyLon = name
while tempMyLon.characters.first != "," { // delete all before ","
tempMyLon = String(tempMyLon.characters.dropFirst())
tempMyLon = String(tempMyLon.characters.dropFirst()) // delete ","
But this code work ONLY for string. When I get location?.description - I can't convert it for type - string, because "location" is a CLLocation type.
So, my question: How convert location?.description to String ?
how get only coordinates from the SwiftLocation
In Xcode 10+ and Swift 3, you may have to do something similar to the following:
let myLocation: CLLocation = locations[0] as CLLocations
var myLatitude: String = String(format: "%f", myLocation.coordinate.latitude)
var myLongitude: String = String(format:"%f", myLocation.coordinate.longitude)
If you want to get locations from CLLocation you dont need to convert string from CLLocation object. you can get locations directly from CLLocation object.
Here is an example :
var locationObj = locationArray.lastObject as CLLocation
var coord = locationObj.coordinate
var longitude = coord.longitude //Latitude & Longitude as String
var latitude = coord.latitude
I'd create an extension for CLLocation like this:
extension CLLocation {
/// Provide optional coordinate components labels
func locationString(with labels:[String]? = ["lat","lon"]) -> String {
return "\(latitudeString(with: labels!.first!))- \(longitudeString(with: labels!.last!))"
// Get string for each component
//This is not necessary, as you could combine this into formattedLabel: label
//But it's good to have these separate in case you need just one of the components
func latitudeString(with label: String?) -> String {
return "\(formattedLabel(from: label))\(self.coordinate.latitude)"
func longitudeString(with label: String?) -> String {
return "\(formattedLabel(from: label))\(self.coordinate.longitude)"
// Returns formatted label or nothing in case nothing is needed
func formattedLabel(from label: String?) -> String {
var sortedLabel = ""
if label != nil {
sortedLabel = "\(label!): "
return sortedLabel
And then call it like:
let locationString = someCLLocation.locationString()
// or someCLLocation.locationString(with: ["label 1", "label 2"])
I'm making an app that calls a weather api. As expected in the url request you can't use any character that you want. The app haves a TextField in which you can search the city that you want to have the general weather. Searching something with special characters like: "España" or "México" crashes the App because the url request doesn't accept "ñ" or "é". I already fixed the problem made by putting a blank space in the textField on the firsts lines of the fetch() function.
Thanks for the time. Sorry for the band English.
class WeatherClass: ObservableObject {
#Published var weatherAddress: String = ""
#Published var weatherDays: [WeatherDays] = []
#Published var city: String = ""
var cityTrimmed: String = ""
func fetch() {
city = city.trimmingCharacters(in: [" "])
for letter in city {
if letter != " " {
let apiKey = "AP8LUYMSTHFQAF"
let url = URL(string: "https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/timeline/\(cityTrimmed)?key=\(apiKey)")!
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data else { return }
if let weather = try? JSONDecoder().decode(WeatherData.self, from: data) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.weatherAddress = weather.resolvedAddress
self.weatherDays = weather.days
struct searchBarUI: View {
#ObservedObject var weatherModel: WeatherClass
var body: some View {
TextField("Search city", text: $weatherModel.city).frame(height:30).multilineTextAlignment(.center).background().cornerRadius(25).padding(.horizontal)
Swift (v 5/5.1) newbie here, having a hard time with Codables...hoping to get some advise from the experts here.
Okay, I have a simple dictionary from struct where the key is a string. I want to store the dictionary in UserDefaults (and later retrieve). There are some quite similar questions here, but these are mainly addressing nested struct's.
First attempt (error handling removed for simplicity):
public struct PriceStruct:Codable {
var myPrice: Double
var myTime: TimeInterval
var selected: Bool
var direction: Int
var myHigh, myLow: Double
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case myPrice = "myPrice"
case myTime = "myTime"
case selected = "selected"
case direction = "direction"
case myHigh = "myHigh"
case myLow = "myLow"
var myPrices: [String: PriceStruct] = [:]
// [fill myPrices with some data...]
func savePrices() {
// error: Attempt to set a non-property-list object
UserDefaults.standard.set(myPrices, forKey: "prices")
func loadPrices() {
// obviously this doesn't work either
let myPrices = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "prices")
While I assumed from the documentation, that UserDefaults is capable of storing dictionaries, it doesn't - at least for me.
Next thing I tried was using JSONEncoder like this:
// this time with prior JSON encoding
func savePrices() {
// this works
let json = try! JSONEncoder().encode(myPrices)
UserDefaults.standard.set(json as Data, forKey: "prices")
func loadPrices() {
// this doesn't work
let json = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: "prices")
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decoded = try! decoder.decode(PriceStruct.self, from json!)
Unfortunately I'm getting an error when trying to load data back from UserDefaults:
Swift.DecodingError.keyNotFound(CodingKeys(stringValue: "myPrice", intValue: nil), Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "No value associated with key CodingKeys(stringValue: \"myPrice\", intValue: nil) (\"myPrice\").", underlyingError: nil))
Other variants I tried is converting the encoded JSON to an UTF8 encoded string and storing/retrieving this one:
func savePrices() {
// this works too
let json = try! JSONEncoder().encode(myPrices)
UserDefaults.standard.set(String(data: json, encoding: .utf8), forKey: "prices")
func loadPrices() {
// and this doesn't work either
let json = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "prices")!.data(using: .utf8)
So, from the error raised, CodingKeys seems to be the root of the problem. I tried to switch over using NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver` with no success.
I'm really wondering if there is a simple/universal solution to save/load a Dictionary in UserDefaults?
All your comments and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
I tried with the below code in my project that will work for me.
User Model
public protocol UserModel: Codable, PrimaryKey {
var id: String { get }
var firstName: String? { get }
var lastName: String? { get }
var userName: String? { get }
var emails: [String] { get }
public struct User: UserModel {
public let id: String
public let firstName: String?
public let lastName: String?
public let userName: String?
public let emails: [String]
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "Id"
case firstName = "FirstName"
case lastName = "LastName"
case userName = "UserName"
case emails = "Emails"
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
do {
self.id = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .id)
self.firstName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .firstName)
self.lastName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .lastName)
self.userName = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .userName)
self.emails = try container.decodeIfPresent([String].self, forKey: .emails) ?? []
catch let error {
throw error
I have stored in userDefault using below way
User Data Class
class UserData: NSObject
let userDefaultKey = "user_information"
var userData: User?
func getDictionary() -> [String: Data]
var dicInfo = [String: Data]()
let _userData = try JSONEncoder().encode(userData)
dicInfo["userData_default"] = _userData
}catch let error{
print("error while save data in User Default: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return dicInfo
func saveToDefault()
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard
userDefault.set(getDictionary(), forKey: userDefaultKey)
func loadFromDefault()
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard
if let dicInfo = userDefault.object(forKey: userDefaultKey) as? [String: Data]
func update(_ dictionaryInfo: [String: Data])
if let _userData_data = dictionaryInfo["userData_default"]
if let _userData = try? JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: _userData_data) {
userData = _userData
}catch let error{
print("error while load From Default data in User Default: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Hope this will help you.
This is Swift 2.1.
How would you go about extracting an amount from a string that looks like "add egg (£2.00)"? In this example, I would need the "2.00" portion.
Would it be a hard-check looking for whatever's enclosed between the brackets? Or is there a more effective way to do so? I.e. regex or something?
'pure' Swift solution, no brackets necessary
let str = ["add egg £ 2.00",
"the price is $12.00 per unit",
"send €10.22 to somebody",
"invalid $(12)"]
func value(str: String, currency: String)->Double {
var chars = str.characters
let currs = currency.characters
while !currs.contains(chars.popFirst() ?? " ") {}
let arr = chars.split(" ")
guard let value = arr.first,
let d = Double(String(value)) else { return Double.NaN }
return d
let values = str.flatMap { value($0, currency: "£$€") }
[2.0, 12.0, 10.220000000000001, nan]
if you really need the brackets there, no problem ...
let str = ["add egg (£2.00)",
"the price is ($12.00) per unit",
"send (€10.22) to somebody",
"invalid ($-12)"]
func value(str: String, currency: String)->Double {
var chars = str.characters
let currs = currency.characters
while !currs.contains(chars.popFirst() ?? " ") {}
let arr = chars.split(")")
guard let value = arr.first,
let d = Double(String(value)) else { return Double.NaN }
return d
let values = str.flatMap { value($0, currency: "£$€") }
[2.0, 12.0, 10.220000000000001, -12.0]
There's many ways to achieve what you want - here's a simple example with a regex.
I'm using (?<=\\()[^\\)]+ to find anything between ( and ), then I use a couple of ranges to extract the values: one for the currency symbol, another for the value.
extension String {
func extractValueBetweenParenthesis() -> (currency: String?, value: String?) {
if let range = self.rangeOfString("(?<=\\()[^\\)]+", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) {
let cr = range.startIndex..<range.startIndex.advancedBy(1)
let vr = range.startIndex.advancedBy(1)..<range.endIndex
return (currency: self.substringWithRange(cr), value: self.substringWithRange(vr))
return (nil, nil)
Call the method on a String then safely unwrap the optional results:
let str = "add egg (£2.00)"
let result = str.extractValueBetweenParenthesis()
if let currency = result.currency, value = result.value {
print("Currency is '\(currency)' and value is '\(value)'")
Currency is '£' and value is '2.00'
var myString = "add egg (£2.00)"
myString = myString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("", withString: "")
let components = myString.componentsSeparatedByString("add egg (£")
let finalString = components[1].stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(")", withString: "")
//This prints 2.00
I'm trying to implement an asynchronous function as told in this topic but I always get the following error from Xcode : Type 'dispatch_queue_t!' does not conform to protocol 'OS_dispatch_queue'
Here's my code:
#IBAction func buyButton(sender: AnyObject) {
// get wanted symbol
let symbol = symbolField.text!
// get price of share
var priceShare :Double = 0
_ = lookup(symbol) { name, symbol, price in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
priceShare = price
buy(symbol, number: 1, price: priceShare)
Here's the lookup function:
func lookup(entry : NSString, completion: ((name :String, symbol :String, price :String) -> Void)) {
// define return values
var name = String()
var symbol = String()
var price = String()
// define URL
let url = NSURL(string: "http://yahoojson.gobu.fr/symbol.php?symbol=\(entry)")!
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url) { (data, response, error) in
if let urlContent = data {
do {
let jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(urlContent, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers)
name = jsonResult["name"] as! String
symbol = jsonResult["symbol"] as! String
price = jsonResult["price"]!!.stringValue as String
completion(name: name, symbol: symbol, price: price)
} catch {
// run the task
Any hint on what I could be doing wrong?
I figure it out by myself. There was a bug inside on my code.
On the line
priceShare = price
I needed to put
priceShare = Double(price)!
since priceShare require a Double. Don't understand why Xcode didn't tell me so.
let verbList: [String] = ["hacer", "ser", "estar"]
let POVList: [String] = ["él / usted","ella / usted","ellas / ustedes","ellos / ustedes","tú","yo","nosotros",]
let correctConjugation: [[String]] = [["hace","hace","hacen","hacen","haces","hago","hacemos"], ["es","es","son","son","eres","soy","somos"], ["está","está","estan","estan","estas","estoy","estamos"]]
func randomVerb() -> Int { //creates and returns a random number for the prefix arrray
var randomVerb = Int(arc4random_uniform(3))
return randomVerb
func randomPrefix() -> Int { //creates and returns a random number for the verb array
var randomPrefix = Int(arc4random_uniform(7))
return randomPrefix
#IBAction func changeVerb(sender: AnyObject) {
Verb.text = verbList[randomVerb()]
POV.text = POVList[randomPrefix()]
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
userResponse.text = ""
#IBAction func checkResponse(sender: AnyObject) {
var userResponseA: String
userResponseA = userResponse.text
if (userResponseA == correctConjugation[randomVerb()[randomPrefix()]]){
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()
} else {
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
So I get two errors here (in the if statement in checkResponse): first, "int does not have a member named 'subscript'" and if I just take out the call for the function in the if statement I get: "'String' is not convertible to 'Mirror Disposition'"
I really have no idea why this is not working. Bear with me, as I am an Xcode noob just trying to get a better grade in spanish.
Very close - just need to have your subscripts separated:
if (userResponseA == correctConjugation[randomVerb()][randomPrefix()]) {
// ...
When working with an array of arrays (in this case correctConjugation), each subscript takes you one level down.
For the other issue, you want a couple variables to hold the current verb and prefix indexes:
class VC: UIViewController {
// list declarations here
var verbIndex = 0
var povIndex = 0
#IBAction func changeVerb(sender: AnyObject) {
verbIndex = randomVerb()
povIndex = randomPrefix()
Verb.text = verbList[verbIndex]
POV.text = POVList[povIndex]
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
userResponse.text = ""
#IBAction func checkResponse(sender: AnyObject) {
var userResponseA = userResponse.text
if (userResponseA == correctConjugation[verbIndex][povIndex]){
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()
} else {
userResponse.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()