Selecting top 75% tuples in extended relational algebra - relational-algebra

I'm currently trying to "List the names of the top 75% of employees in terms of total revenues of orders processed.".
I've made a table with the revenue and their names and sorted it by revenue. How would I select an amount of tuples? I could COUNT how many there are, but it's not like I could use that result directly to filter out an amount of tuples.
How would I do something like this in extended relational algebra?


what is skewed column in Oracle

I found some bottleneck of my query which select data from only single table then require time and i used non unique key index on two column and with column used in where clause.
select name ,isComplete from Student where year='2015' and isComplete='F'
Now i found some concept from internet like skewed column so what is it?
have an idea then plz help me?
and how to resolve problem of skewed column?
and how skewed column affect performance of the Query?
Skewed columns are columns in which the data is not evenly distributed among the rows.
For example, suppose:
You have a table order_lines with 100,000,000 rows
The table has a column named customer_id
You have 1,000,000 distinct customers
Some (very large) customers can have hundreds of thousands or millions of order lines.
In the above example, the data in order_lines.customer_id is skewed. On average, you'd expect each distinct customer_id to have 100 order lines (100 million rows divided by 1 million distinct customers). But some large customers have many, many more than 100 order lines.
This hurts performance because Oracle bases its execution plan on statistics. So, statistically speaking, Oracle thinks it can access order_lines based on a non-unique index on customer_id and get only 100 records back, which it might then join to another table or whatever using a NESTED LOOP operation.
But, then when it actually gets 1,000,000 order lines for a particular customer, the index access and nested loop join are hideously slow. It would have been far better for Oracle to do a full table scan and hash join to the other table.
So, when there is skewed data, the optimal access plan depends on which particular customer you are selecting!
Oracle lets you avoid this problem by optionally gathering "histograms" on columns, so Oracle knows which values have lots of rows and which have only a few. That gives the Oracle optimizer the information it needs to generate the best plan in most cases.
Full table scan and Index Scan both are depend on the Skewed column.
and Skewed column is nothing but your spread like gender column contain 60 male and 40 female.

performance for sum oracle

I have to sum a huge number of data with aggregation and where clause, using this query
what I am doing is like this : I have three tables one contains terms the second contains user terms , and the third contains correlation factor between term and user term.
I want to calculate the similarity between the sentence that that user inserted with an already existing sentences, and take the results greater than .5 by summing the correlation factor between sentences' terms
The problem is that this query takes more than 15 min. because I have huge tables
any suggestions to improve performance please?
least( sum( plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_terms.sentence_length,
sum (plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_user_terms.sentence_length),
AND Plag_User_Terms.ISN=123)
least( sum( plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_terms.sentence_length,
sum (plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_user_terms.sentence_length) >0.5
group by (plag_User_TERMS.SENTENCE_ID,plag_TERMS.SENTENCE_ID , plag_TERMs.isn, plag_terms.sentence_length,plag_user_terms.sentence_length, plag_user_terms.isn);
plag_terms contains more than 50 million records and plag_correlations3 contains 500000
If you have a sufficient amount of free disk space, then create a materialized view
over the join of the three tables
fast-refreshable on commit (don't use the ANSI join syntax here, even if tempted to do so, or the mview won't be fast-refreshable ... a strange bug in Oracle)
with query rewrite enabled
properly physically organized for quick calculations
The query rewrite is optional. If you can modify the above insert-select, then you can just select from the materialized view instead of selecting from the join of the three tables.
As for the physical organization, consider
hash partitioning by Plag_User_Terms.ISN (with a sufficiently high number of partitions; don't hesitate to partition your table with e.g. 1024 partitions, if it seems reasonable) if you want to do a bulk calculation over all values of ISN
single-table hash clustering by Plag_User_Terms.ISN if you want to retain your calculation over a single ISN
If you don't have a spare disk space, then just hint your query to
either use nested loops joins, since the number of rows processed seems to be quite low (assumed by the estimations in the execution plan)
or full-scan the plag_correlations3 table in parallel
Bottom line: Constrain your tables with foreign keys, check constraints, not-null constraints, unique constraints, everything! Because Oracle optimizer is capable of using most of these informations to its advantage, as are the people who tune SQL queries.

Why am I getting all the pizzas(relational algebra) and my joins messing up?

This is the database I am using for my queries
the syntax for writing out relational algebra queries is based off .
My query is to "Find all pizzas eaten by at least one female over the age of 20."
this is what I have so far
Person \join_{gender='female' and age>20} Eats
I think I have the right logic here.("\join_{cond} is the relational theta-join operator.") I also showed the name column for debugging purposes. I am joining two relations and only keeping the rows where gender is female and age is > 20.
The result of my query(against the correct query). I don't think this is a syntax issue. In the Eats relation, Fay only eats mushroom. I don't understand why she is paired with every pizza combination
Theta joins are cartesian; they join every row of each table with every row of every other table. In your example you are joining every row of Person where gender='female' and age>20 with every row of Eats, regardless of name. You probably want:
Person \join_{gender='female' and age>20 and name=eater} \rename{eater, pizza} Eats
Note that Thetas typically increase the number of rows; you typically reduce the number of rows returned using Sigmas or selections. A more idiomatic way of performing your statement would be with a Select and natural join:
\select{gender='female' and age>20} Person \join Eats

Multidimensional analysis in Hive/Impala

I have a denormalized table say Sales that looks like:
SalesOfParts, SalesOfEquipments, CostOfSales as some numeric measures
Industry, Country, State, Sales area, Equipment id, customer id, year of sale, month of sale and some more similar dimensions. (Total of 12 dimensions)
I need to support aggregation queries on the Sales, like total number of sales in a year, month... total cost of them etc.
Also these aggregates need to be filtered, i.e. something like total sales in year 2013, 04 belonging to Manufacturing industry of XYZ customer.
I have these dimension tables and facts in hive/impala.
I do not think I can make a cube on all the dimensions. I read a paper to see how to do OLAP over multiple dimensions :
Which basically suggests to materialize cubes over small fragments and do some kind of runtime computation when query spans multiple cubes.
I am not sure how to implement this model in Hive/Impala. Any pointers/suggestions will be awesome.
EDIT: I have about 10 million rows in the Sales table, and the dimensions are not comparable to 100, but are around 12 ( might go upto 15) but have a good cardinality each.
I would build cubes using a 3rd-party software. For example, icCube is an in-memory OLAP server that can handle with no issue at all 10mio of rows over 12 dimensions. Then the response time would be sub-second in all dimensions. Moving out from Hive 10mio of rows does not seem to be an issue (you could use the JDBC driver for that purpose). icCube is specifically designed to handle properly high sparsity.

Oracle 'pseduo-fact' view

I have a number of tables comprised of facts and foreign keys ('dimensional' and 'key-value' type). For example, ENCOUNTER:
ID - primary key
I don't have the option to create a data warehouse
I would like to simplify the data structure for reporting
My approach is to create a number of pseudo-dimensional views ('D_LOCATION' based on the DEPARTMENT and LOCATION tables) and pseudo-fact views ('F_ENCOUNTER' based on ENCOUNTER table). In the pseudo-fact view, I would JOIN the key-value tables (e.g. STATUS, PATIENT_CLASS) to the fact table to include the name fields (e.g. STATUS.NAME, PATIENT_CLASS.NAME).
If a query selects a subset of all of the fields from F_ENCOUNTER (i.e. not all of the fields), is the Oracle 10g optimizer smart enough to exclude some of the key-value table joins (i.e. the ones that aren't included in the query)?
Is there anything that I can do to optimize this architecture (other than indices)
Is there another approach?
** edit **
Goals (in order of importance):
reduce query complexity; increase query consistency; decrease report-development time
optimize query-processing
minimize administrator burden
decrease storage
One optimization suggestion is not to use key-value pair tables. The concept of a Dimension table is that each record should contain all information about that concept without needing to join to normalized tables - i.e. turning a star schema into a snowflake schema.
While values might be repeated across dimension table records, it has the advantage of fewer joins in your reporting queries. Denormalizing tables in this way might seem counter intuitive but where performance is paramount it is usually the best solution.
I don't believe Oracle would exclude any joins done in the view, because the joins can impact the number of rows returned. (As when an inner join fails to match any rows, making the whole result set empty.)
What are the goals of your optimization? Query speed? query simplicity? storage efficiency? If you can sacrifice storage efficiency for better query performance, then replace the key-value references with the values themselves (TYPE_NAME instead of TYPE_ID, PATIENT_CLASS_NAME instead of PATIENT_CLASS_ID, etc.).
[Edit:] If the original architecture cannot be modified, consider using a materialized view. It would essentially pre-compute the joins and store the result set, giving you speedy query time at the cost of extra storage space and possibly-not-fresh data. You can control the latter by specifying an appropriate refresh policy. See and for further details.
