Specifying Context menu with specific options - merge - handsontable

I'm using Handsontable v0.22 with the merge functionality. I want to customize the context menu to remove some features, but when I look at the docs for this, the merge menu option doesn't exists.
If I try with the following, I just get a menu option named "merge_cells" which of course doesn't work to merge with.
contextMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', 'remove_row', 'merge_cells'],
Any tips?

You need to set the mergeCells option to be true while initializing the handsontable. Merge Cells option will automatically appear in the context menu.


Replace custom menu with Oracle Forms 11g default menu

In my main form window, I have the following menu bar which is used for traversing. Its inherited from .mmb file.
Now, when I select any form on the menu, lets suppose I selected the highlighted "Purchase Order", then I don't want the same menu to be shown. I want the Oracle Form 11g's default menu to be shown instead, picture added below for reference.
I changed form's property of Inherit menu to No and the menu from image 1 isn't shown in "Purchase Order" but I still am not getting the default&smartbar menu.
How can I achieve that?
Thank you.
So I figured out a way how to disable .mmx menu and enable DEFAULT&SMARTBAR menu when I go to another form through the menu.
From the first screenshot above, the on-click-trigger had the following code
I replaced it with
So the addition of
Side note: Also, make sure Inherit Menu property of Window property is "YES" and Menu Module of form property is set to "DEFAULT&SMARTBAR"
I think in the properties window from the form you got the property "menu module"
If you make a new form it gets the default: DEFAULT&SMARTBAR
So I think it is now filled with your mmb filename.

Convention for context menu

I was wondering if it's possible to write a convention that permits me to perform operations at context menu opening when the context menu is placed inside a radgrid
As I ve seen it's not possible to bind an event to a function...but maybe I'm wrong
RadGridView from Telerik? works just fine with context menus. How are you trying to do it?
Hello the main problem I ve is that when I choose selection unit=cells I don't have the selecteditem selected... I wish that with right click it automatically updates my selected item puttin in the convention the contextmenu.getclickeditem()... Do you know if it's possible?

Do not select a default value for a dropdownlist in sugarcrm

When generate a list of radio (with a dropdownlist), it will select a default value automatically.
But I do not want to select any values as default, how to set this?
The only way to solve this from Studio is to add an empty row to your drop down list. If this is not preferred, then I would follow Jim's suggestion to affect all the drop downs to not contain a default value. To get the wanted affect to this single drop down then JavaScript code would be the proper tool.
It will be radio buttons. Not a drop down list.
As far as I'm aware there's no way to set this in studio.
You can set this in the database as a quick and dirty fix:
UPDATE fields_meta_data SET default_value = '' WHERE id = 'IDOFCUSTOMFIELD';
Nicer, but more involved would be to create a custom version of
which allows choosing no default value.
One way we've done this by adding a value in studio of "please_select" with a display label of "-please select-" and make this the default.
This way it's obvious when staff are looking at the record that it's not filled in, and we use workflows and reports to catch the exceptions and raise the alert to the appropriate person/s.
I have found a solution to this, although I would like to stress that I would not recommend this as a best practice.
I was using SuiteCRM 7.2.3, and Sugar 6.5.20. So not sure whether this will work in later Sugar Versions.
Create a Radio Drop Down Field
Create your drop down list
Save it
Go back in the dropdown editor and find your dropdown list: In my
example, I had options, 0, 1, and 2.
Create the same options again only as 3, 4, and 5.
Now delete options 0, 1, and 2.
Save the dropdown
MAKE SURE you don't save the field again after you do this, only the dropdown list.
Now go look at the field in the EditView and you'll see that no option is selected. Worked every time I did this. Nothing shows up in the DetailView, so I'm assuming NULL is being passed to the DetailView in this instance, but I'm not 100% sure.

How to add menu item to Application Bar to needed index?

I am adding menu item to Application bar using this code
ApplicationBar.MenuItems.Insert(0, refreshMenu);
I have 2 other items added from XAML.
But added menu item is adding to the end of list and becoming last menu item insted of being first one.
Is there any way to add menu item to needed index without removing all items and adding in needed order?
EDIT: When I removing menu item from first index, it is removing refresh menu, so the problem is on rendering of menu items.
It looks like it could be a bug in the framework (it's not really a common scenario). I'd recommend one of the following (in order of recommendation):
Keep the item there all the time but disable it when it's not needed (as per Shawn's comment). Built in applications do this already.
Swap the entire ApplicationBar to another instance that contains the item (this is a supported scenario)
Remove all the items and re-add them in the order you want
I didn't found any other solution other than I used (remove all items and add then from code each time). So I think the only acceptable way is one I used.

JQGrid row action menu

Is there a way in JQ-Grid to display an icon for each row which will open a drop down menu with a list of actions/links?
There are no standard implementation of the behavior. You can implement what you need with respect of the custom formatter.
You can try to use formatter:'actions' as alternative way. In the answer I shows how to extend standard actions buttons with custom buttons. In another answer (see the demo) I shows one more way how to implement very close behavior as formatter:'actions' do but with respect on another events.
