How to change Qt Creator default file names - qt-creator

Is it possible to change the default pattern for file names when adding a new class to a project in Qt Creator?
E.g. if I add a class named "FooBar", the dialog uses "foobar.h" and "foobar.cpp" as defaults, but I would like to have "FooBar.h" and "FooBar.cpp".
Of course I can change the names manually, but when adding many classes it can be a bit annoying.
I am using Qt Creator 3.3.2


Can Qt3 designed UI can be converted to Qt5 UI form?

is it possible to convert Qt3 designed UI to Qt5 UI form?
I have a huge quantities of forms that must be transfered. The only way out I can see for now, is to make a brand new ones.
I tried to open .ui file via Qt5, it returned error:
This file was created using Designer from Qt-3.3 and cannot be read.
Do you want to update the file location or generate a new form?
Qt 4 came with a tool called uic3. This allows you to convert them to the Qt 4 uic format, which might help in using them with Qt5. Though, if deprecated widgets from Qt 3 were used, you'll probably need manual editing.

Where is template for "Qt Widgets application" in Qt Creator?

I want to customize this template and I cann't find it. qtcreator/templates/wizards/projects folder contains only cpp and c plain projects, qtquick templates, and some other templates.
For historical reasons the Qt Widgets Application wizard template is located in share/qtcreator/templates/qt4project/ (or Qt if you happen to be on macOS).

How to add Windows Phone project with resx localization to Xamarin PCL solution?

I have a working PCL project for iOS and I'm trying to create the Windows Phone 8.1 version.
I'm following this tutorial:
And checking the app at:
But it is too deprecated. Even the git project is different from the tutorial, and none of them works.
The ILocalize interface for Windows should look like:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(UsingResxLocalization.WinPhone.Localize))]
namespace UsingResxLocalization.WinPhone
public class Localize : UsingResxLocalization.ILocalize
public System.Globalization.CultureInfo GetCurrentCultureInfo ()
return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
But System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture simply doesn't exist. I found out that I can use Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences.Languages[0].ToString() instead.
It works for the localized language resources but the default Resource is not working either for the default language "en" or any other non localized language like "ru". I get another error:
In the TranslateExtention class ProvideValue() method I get:
Key 'Start' was not found in resources 'AppNameSpace.AppResources' for
culture 'en'
Being "Start" the first key it tries to get from the resource. It happens for all the other keys on the project.
AppNameSpace.AppResources would be the right file, and "en" is the region I set, so it should work. But it's not.
I'm also getting the following warning when compiling:
The assembly "MyApp.dll"
does not have a NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on it. To be used in
an app package, portable libraries must define a
NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on their main assembly (ie, the one
containing code, not a satellite assembly). 4>C:\Program Files
warning APPX2002: Cannot find the neutral resource language for the
resources for portable library 'MyApp'. Verify that
the portable library defines a NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute. The
build is continuing assuming the project's default culture of 'en-US'
correctly identifies the portable library's neutral resources.
4>MakePRI : warning 0xdef00522: Resources found for language(s) 'de,
es, fr, pt' but no resources found for default language(s): 'en-US'.
Change the default language or qualify resources with the default
But I have no idea how to fix it.
On the tutorial it also says:
Windows Phone projects must be properly configured for localized text
to be displayed. Supported languages must be selected in the Project
Options and the WMAppManifest.xml files. If these settings are not
updated the localized RESX resources will not be loaded.
Fine, but those options doesn't exist anymore. At least where they should be. I even found a Package.appxmanifest file in my project, but it doesn't have those regional options.
So, I need help with an updated way to do it.
So I found out that when you add a Windows Phone project to a solution with no Windows Phone projects, it doesn't add everything it needs.
Also the tutorials don't show everything that is necessary (no big news there).
All my project was missing was [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")] in my PCL AssemblyInfo.cs file.
The RESX tutorial also says that you should use:
if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android)
ci = DependencyService.Get<ILocalize>().GetCurrentCultureInfo();
In the TranslateExtention.cs file because Windows Phones don't need it. Well, that's false. At least for the emulator to get the right language, it needs to use the DependencyService and get the CultureInfo this way:
System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = null;
ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences.Languages[0].ToString());
return ci;

Override Xcode's default templates

I want to modify Xcode's default templates but only for a given user in my Mac. I tried following the steps in this answer, but instead of overriding the default templates it created new ones. You can see the result in the following image.
Is there any way I can tell Xcode to use only my custom templates without modifying the original files?

Qooxdoo - how do i create a new theme and use it in the application?

I am quite new to qooxdoo and I need help in creating a custom theme for my application.
I copied the native Modern theme and modified some of its features, now my question is how do I add it as new theme to qooxdoo and how can I use it in my application?
any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to copy it over, simply extending the theme would be good. If you created your app with the qooxdoo desktop skeleton using the helper, you should already have a custom theme in place running and extending the modern theme. If not, you simply have to edit the config.json file which should be in your root project folder and search for a key named QXTHEME. The value of that key is a classname which specifies your theme. Change that to your custom theme class and rebuild the app to see the result.
Here are some further resources on how to work with themes:
To add a bit to Martin's answer: You don't copy and modify theme code, you extend and override, much as with class code.
If you create an application skeleton with, the default code structure under source/class already contains custom theme classes (under source/class//theme/*). The thing is those theme classes extend from the Modern theme without actually overriding anything, so you effectively get the Modern look and feel.
But you can then go ahead and flesh out those custom theme classes, with properties that suite your taste, thereby creating your own theme.
i found it very difficult to create a custom theme by extending one of the existing native themes (classic, modern... etc) without looking at the source code, also i don't want to mess up the original API's files by modifying them, so i did the following:
1- replaced files in my application's directory: myapplication/source/class/myapplication/theme/ with the files in /qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/class/qx/theme/modern/. replaced four files in total (Appearance.js, Decoration.js, Color.js and Font.js).
2- copied decoration directory from /qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/resource/qx/decoration/Modern to my application's directory: myapplication/source/recourse/myapplication/decoration.
3- copied icons directory from qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/resource/qx/icon/Tango to my application's directory myapplication/source/resource/myapplication/icon.
4- copied Tango.js from qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/class/qx/theme/icon/Tango.js to my application's directory myapplication/source/class/myapplication/theme/icon/Icon.js.
5- edited the meta file Themes.js and changed it to:
meta :
color : myapplication.theme.Color,
decoration : myapplication.theme.Decoration,
font : myapplication.theme.Font,
icon : myapplication.theme.icon.Icon,
appearance : myapplication.theme.Appearance
6- edited Icon.js file (which i copied from Tango.js in step 4) and changed it to:
title : "myIcons",
aliases : {
"icon" : "myapplication/icon"
7- edited Decoration.js, Appearance.js, Color.js and Font.js in my application's theme directory and changed the classes' namespaces from:
qx.Theme.define("qx.theme.modern.<file's name>",
qx.Theme.define("myapplication.theme.<file's name>",
8- corrected assets paths in Decoration.js and Appearance.js from the original path qx/decoration/Modern or qx/icon/Tango to the one relevant to my appliaction myapplication/decoration and myapplication/icon, for example:
changed to
ps: the relative path in an application is application-name/source/resource, so you can refer to any directory in this folder by application-name/folder-name.
9- likewise in step 8 i changed aliases in decoration.js to:
aliases : {
decoration : "myapplication/decoration"
10 - ran file in myapplication/source.
and done, now i can change anything i want without crashing the API :)
