ActiveJDBC and Cobertura instrumentation - maven

We want to use ActiveJDBC for database access. So far, everything works as expected after some minor hurdles with ActiveJDBC instrumentation in our IDEs.
However, we use Maven to build our projects and use Cobertura for reporting about code coverage in the Maven site build. It seems that ActiveJDBC instrumentation and Cobertura's code coverage instrumentation do not play together.
When building our Maven site, we get the following error during Cobertura's code coverage analysis:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.0:site (default-site) on project settings-core:
failed to get report for org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin: Failed to execute goal org.javalite:activejdbc-instrumentation:1.4.11:instrument (classes) on project settings-core:
Failed to add output directory to classpath:
org.javalite.instrumentation.InstrumentationException: java.lang.RuntimeException: <..>.Setting class is frozen -> [Help 1]
Is there any way to get those two to play together?

Cobertura uses bytecode instrumentation and so does ActiveJDBC, which can cause a conflict. In our experience, JaCoCo achieves the same goal and does not conflict with instrumentation:


Maven and Sonarqube

A few basic questions on ci/cd pipelines.
When we build java code, do we create jar file before going for sonarqube analysis or does both happen simultaneously. My understanding is sonarqube analysis needs to be performed before maven build. Build should happen only if codequality crosses our quality checks.
Does sonar scanner and maven are used individually or sonar scanner is integrated with maven. I know both are possible but what is the best way that we need artifacts to be created only if code passes quality checks.
How does the sonarqube tell CI system (be it azuredevops or any other system) whether to go for next steps or break if the quality check is failed.
Usually you run your full build (which contains building the jar file or in general artifacts) and the sonar analysis will be done afterwards (unit tests coverage, static code analysis etc.) and no it is not done before it's done afterwards otherwise it would not be possible to integrate results like code coverage of the unit/integration test into the sonarqube analysis.
Technically the sonar scanner can be triggered via the Maven build (it is done via a maven plugin) and often called like this: mvn verify sonar:sonar(assumed that it is configured correctly).
SonarQube has a webhook which will be called/triggered if the quality is not as expected. Most of the time the CI/CD system have a stage which will shows the result of that and makes the final result of the build "red". Also many source code hosting solutions (GitHub, GitLab, Gitea or alike) having indicators which shows that (usually) within a pull request...
If you run sonar analysis on a project without compiling the code you will get this:
$ mvn clean sonar:sonar
[INFO] JavaClasspath initialization
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.952 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-12-04T21:41:34+01:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project kata-fraction:
Your project contains .java files, please provide compiled classes with property, or exclude them from the analysis with sonar.exclusions property. -> [Help 1]

project module are getting skipped in night build configuration

Kindly note: "I have edited this question"
I am observing a very strange situation. I have 2 jobs configured in Jenkins having same configuration except that one of them is continuous build and another is nightly build [ poll scm configured #midnight] with Sonarqube configuration to generate report.
Both builds have same Repository URL and Both of them are having build result success. But in continuous build, every modules is analysed and then getting success. whereas in nightly build, modules are skipped.
what my question is same build is running fine for continuous build and not for nightly. so what could be cause of this ?
Earlier i was using -DskipTests which was analysing all module and getting successful in continuous build.. but was skipping in nightly build.
so i refered this link Maven skip tests and added -Dmaven.test.skip=true in maven goals.. and now some of the modules are analysed and getting success. But one fo the module got failed and due to which other modules got skipped. below is the error log
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-test) on project ASData: There are test failures.
Note: I am using maven 3.3.1 version and SonarQube 5.1
I am still not allowed to add comments so I will ask here.
Where do you keep the modules and can you guarantee that noone will severe the connection between your build and the storage of modules?

Maven gives this project has disliked artifacts error when using Jung dependency

I have a Java project where I want to make some calls to a Jung library. I added the following lines to the pom.xml
However when I run "mvn package", I get the following error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal licensing-maven-plugin:1.
7.5:check (enforce-licensing-oss) on project server-examples: This project
has 3 disliked artifacts. -> [Help 1]
Any insights as to what may be going wrong ?
You have configured the licensing-maven-plugin to complain when you introduce a dependency with certain licenses. You, or whoever wrote your pom. If you read the configuration for that plugin it will tell you what licenses it is configured to like and dislike.

coverage.xml not generated even though build successful in jenkins and cobertura instrumentation was successful

I am using Maven with jenkins and sonar to build src and generate reports on Sonar.
I see build was successful in Jenkins (sonar added as post build action) but fails to create coverage.xml in local system. Due to which code coverage is unavailable in Sonar, it just shows up -(empty). I am building a project which has around 4000+ java source files and corresponding JUnit classes.
I am using cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1 in pom.xml and I could see this plugin instrumentation was successful while building the code.
In logs I could see that, Cobertura report not found at //coverage.xml message.
Could you please help me on this regard.
coverage.xml was not generated due to OutOfMemeryError:heapspace. Since my project is such a big project when I set heap memory to 2GB and cobertura plugin memory to 1.5GB sonar gets code coverage displayed.
Heap memory set with Jenkins post build action sonar configuration.
Cobertura memory can be configured either in Sonar settings or in your pom.xml.

First time SONAR setup with Maven, getting a error on RulePriority, analysis fails

I am trying to setup SONAR on a server. I have Maven 3.0.3 and using Sonar 3.1.1 with a Java project.
Part way through the mvn sonar:sonar, I am getting the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.0:sonar (default-cli) on project XXXXXXX-common: Can not execute Sonar: No enum const class org.sonar.api.rules.RulePriority.3 -> [Help 1]
I have setup Sonar before and never saw this, it has always been unzip and go. But on this particular server I keep getting this error.
I tried creating a blank rule set, but the error still pops up.
Any thoughts?
I think you are facing the same problem described here
You might find it useful
