Robocopy with simple history of files backup - windows

do you know how can I use robocopy to make incremental copy ?
A simple example that I would like to have :
\\SOURCE : all files
\\DESTINATION\2016-01-01 : all files
\\DESTINATION\2016-01-02 : only all files modified or created from 2016-01-01
\\DESTINATION\2016-01-03 : only all files modified or created from 2016-01-02
Thanks for help,

You should be able to leverage these switches:
/MAXAGE:n : MAXimum file AGE - exclude files older than n days/date.
/MINAGE:n : MINimum file AGE - exclude files newer than n days/date.
(If n < 1900 then n = no of days, else n = YYYYMMDD date).
(More switches to tailor your solution)
So to do something historical
ROBOCOPY \\Source \\DESTINATION\2016-01-01
ROBOCOPY \\Source \\DESTINATION\2016-01-02 /MINAGE:20160102 /MAXAGE:20160101
ROBOCOPY \\Source \\DESTINATION\2016-01-02 /MINAGE:20160103 /MAXAGE:20160102
If it's to take a back up for today this will suffice, on the day of backup:
Robocopy \\source \\destination /MAXAGE:1


Delete files whose last access time exceeds N days

The task is to write a bash scenario to delete in a directory those files whose last access time exceeds N days.
If there are no such files, the message should be displayed.
I'm trying to delete 1 file and find the last access time for it:
stat -c%x test.txt
The command returns a date: 2018-12-01 16:45:30.390000000 +0000
Then I'm writing a current date command:
date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N'
The command returns a date: 2018-12-01 18:39:16.873718766
Now I have no idea how to subtract this dates and apply to all files of the directory.
Use the command find with a parameter -atime.
find /path/to/dir -atime +100 -delete
deletes files accessed 101 or more days ago.

Backup files on Windows 10 computer

I'm supposed to backup a Windows 10 computer. This means copying specific filetypes e.g. .pdf, .doc, .xls, .jpg etc.
I've tried with xcopy but the backup doesn't get complete due to the fact that the computer apparently has folderpaths that are longer than 254 characters.
Therefore I googled, and found Microsofts robocopy, which can handle that particular problem (among others).
Robocopy is a foldercopy utility and not so much a filecopy utility, but with some parameters it should be able to solve the problem.
I created a batch file witch contains these two lines (+ all the rest of the relevant filetypes)
robocopy c:\ d:\B20180602\ *.pdf /s /A-:SH
robocopy c:\ d:\B20180602\ *.doc /s /A-:SH
The odd thing is that it now copies without problems (regarding to foldernames larger than 254 characters), but the final result of this backup is incomplete. There are several subfolders that aren't copied.
Is there anybody that can give me a hint? Thanks in advance.
After #selbie's advice I ran this one particular command (as Administrator):
robocopy c:\ d:\B20180602\ *.pdf /s /A-:SH
With the following result:
Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras
Dirs : 761465 761351 1 0 113 0
Files : 1233 1233 0 0 0 0
Bytes : 1.464 g 1.464 g 0 0 0 0
Times : 1:58:47 0:00:50 0:00:00 1:57:56
Speed : 30918074 Bytes/sec.
Speed : 1769.146 MegaBytes/min.
Ended : 4. juni 2018 21:32:21
Elevating to Administrator changed a lot. I will make some statistical samples tomorrow and thereby answer whether the problems is solved.
Thanks in advance

file's date changes after zip in and out again, according to XCOPY

So, here's the problem: I have files which are regular files, and they are put into a ZIP file (see below for details on ZIP). Then I unzip them (see below for details on the tool used), and the files are restored. The date of the file is restored, as in standard in the ZIP/UNZIP tools used. When querying using DIR, or in Windows Explorer, the files involved have the same date as they had, before being handled by the ZIP/UNZIP process.
So, all OK.
But then, I'm using the XCOPY /D command, to further manipulate different copies of those files on the disk ... and, XCOPY says : one file is newer than the other one. Given the fact the date, hour, up until minutes is the same .. the difference would be regarding a smaller entity, like seconds ?
All involved disks have NTFS file system.
C:\my>dir C:\windows\Background_mycomputer.cmd C:\my\directory\Background_mycomputer.cmd
Volume in drive C is mycomputerC
Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678
Directory of C:\windows
31/12/2014 19:50 51 Background_mycomputer.cmd
1 File(s) 51 bytes
Directory of C:\my\directory
31/12/2014 19:50 51 Background_mycomputer.cmd
1 File(s) 51 bytes
0 Dir(s) 33.655.316.480 bytes free
C:\my>xcopy C:\windows\Background_mycomputer.cmd C:\my\directory\Background_mycomputer.cmd /D
Overwrite C:\my\directory\Background_mycomputer.cmd (Yes/No/All)? y
1 File(s) copied
C:\my>xcopy C:\my\directory\Background_mycomputer.cmd C:\windows\Background_mycomputer.cmd /D
0 File(s) copied
C:\my>xcopy C:\windows\Background_mycomputer.cmd C:\my\directory\Background_mycomputer.cmd /D
0 File(s) copied
C:\my>unzip -v
UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP. Maintained by C. Spieler. Send
bug reports using; see README for details.
Latest sources and executables are at ;
see for other sites.
Compiled with Microsoft C 13.10 (Visual C++ 7.1) for
Windows 9x / Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3 (32-bit) on Apr 20 2009.
UnZip special compilation options:
COPYRIGHT_CLEAN (PKZIP 0.9x unreducing method not supported)
USE_UNSHRINK (PKZIP/Zip 1.x unshrinking method supported)
USE_DEFLATE64 (PKZIP 4.x Deflate64(tm) supported)
UNICODE_SUPPORT [wide-chars] (handle UTF-8 paths)
MBCS-support (multibyte character support, MB_CUR_MAX = 1)
LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT (large files over 2 GiB supported)
ZIP64_SUPPORT (archives using Zip64 for large files supported)
USE_BZIP2 (PKZIP 4.6+, using bzip2 lib version 1.0.5, 10-Dec-2007)
[decryption, version 2.11 of 05 Jan 2007]
UnZip and ZipInfo environment options:
UNZIP: [none]
UNZIPOPT: [none]
ZIPINFO: [none]
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
C:\my>zip -?
Copyright (c) 1990-2006 Info-ZIP - Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
Zip 2.32 (June 19th 2006). Usage:
zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list]
The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which
can include the special name - to compress standard input.
If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout.
-f freshen: only changed files -u update: only changed or new files
-d delete entries in zipfile -m move into zipfile (delete files)
-r recurse into directories -j junk (don't record) directory names
-0 store only -l convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF)
-1 compress faster -9 compress better
-q quiet operation -v verbose operation/print version info
-c add one-line comments -z add zipfile comment
-# read names from stdin -o make zipfile as old as latest entry
-x exclude the following names -i include only the following names
-F fix zipfile (-FF try harder) -D do not add directory entries
-A adjust self-extracting exe -J junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx)
-T test zipfile integrity -X eXclude eXtra file attributes
-! use privileges (if granted) to obtain all aspects of WinNT security
-R PKZIP recursion (see manual)
-$ include volume label -S include system and hidden files
-e encrypt -n don't compress these suffixes
Question: I do not want XCOPY to make updates where I know they are invalid cause the time format is doing something wrong. How do I prevent that ?
From how I see, there's different things involved, being XCOPY, very specific ZIP and UNZIP, and NTFS file system. Which one is doing something wrong ?
I must stress that apart from ZIP and UNZIP, there are no other changes done to the file, like changing 1 file, then making a change to another one, in less than 60 seconds time.
At moment of test, the time shown was NOT the current time, and not close to it either. No file is adjusting to the current time, the times refer to last changes of the file in question, which may be any time in the past. In this case, it's one day later, but it can be anything.
I noticed the peculiar behavior Raymond Chen describes when writing a Powershell script (GitHub link) to freshen a zip archive using the System.IO.Compression and System.IO.Compression.FileSystem libraries.
Interestingly, Zip archives can store multiple copies of the same file with identical metadata (name, relative path, modification dates). Extracting the second copy of the file will fail in Windows Explorer because the file already exists.
When trying to prevent re-zipping a file was already archived, I checked the relative path and date, and noticed that there was a discrepancy of up to two seconds in the LastWriteTime. This workaround compensates for the loss of precision:
$AlreadyArchivedFile = ($WriteArchive.Entries | Where-Object {#zip will store multiple copies of the exact same file - prevent this by checking if already archived.
(($_.FullName -eq $RelativePath) -and ($_.Length -eq $File.Length) ) -and
([math]::Abs(($_.LastWriteTime.UtcDateTime - $File.LastWriteTimeUtc).Seconds) -le 2) #ZipFileExtensions timestamps are only precise within 2 seconds.
Also, the IsDaylightSavingTime flag is not stored in the Zip archive. As a result I was surprised when extracted files became an hour newer than the original archived file. I tried this several times and saw the extracted file's timestamp incremented by an hour every time it was compressed and extracted.
Here's a very ugly workaround that decreases the archived file time by one hour to make the original source file and extracted file timestamps consistent:
If($File.LastWriteTime.IsDaylightSavingTime() -and $ArchivedFile){#HACK: fix for buggy date - adds an hour inside archive when the zipped file was created during PDT (files created during PST are not affected).
$entry = $WriteArchive.GetEntry($RelativePath)
$entry.LastWriteTime = ($File.LastWriteTime.ToLocalTime() - (New-TimeSpan -Hours 1))
There's probably a better way to handle this. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any way to store a Daylight Savings indicator for a file in a .Zip archive, and that information is lost.

robocopy MAXAGE / MINAGE value with hours and minutes

I am trying to copy files from server to another server every hour as files being created. I was using Robocopy for copying file, and its very useful. But now I am really stuck with this.
I need to copy files with MINAGE value of minutes, something like that.
if i ran robocopy after 2pm, i should able to copy only file which created before 2PM
Robocopy MAXAGE and MINAGE only accepts date not time.
Any suggestion
Why u don't use the MIR function and run the job every 60 min via task scheduler?
Another way could be:
/mot: Monitors source, and runs again in M minutes if changes are detected.
My last resort (non robocopy way):
Copy-Item c:\src\*.* -filter (Get-ChildItem | Where{$_.CreationTime -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-60)}) "C:\dest\"
You could that even run via task scheduler
xxcopy has better granularity in date/time.
MINAGE and MAXAGE refer to the creation date of the file.
MINLAD and MAXLAD refer to the last write time of the file.
Use a combination of both.

Powershell or other Windows method to copy datestamped html file to network share

Im new to powershell - so serious noob.
But I wanted to see if anyone could help in doing the following.
We have a folder on a server that has reports written to it every night.
The reports are named in the following format:
and location of C:\Powershell\WebReport\
I would like a PS script to copy these 1 of these files from the folder using a daterange of -8 Days from the date the script runs - the script would be run as part of a windows scheduled task or through SQL Agent job.
So at present there are 8 files in the folder dating from Friday 26 Oct to Friday 19th Oct.
I would like the process to run today and copy the file -8 days back from todays date.
So copy the file named DiskSpaceReport_19102012.html
And this process should repeat weekly on friday and copy the last file from 8 days ago.
The copy is to a network share
And as I mentioned in title I dont mind if this is easier to do via robocopy in a batch file for example.
Would prefer it via PS though.
The following will do what you want:
$pastdays = -8
$pastdate = [datetime]::Now.AddDays($pastdays)
$filename = "DiskSpaceReport_" + $pastdate.Day + $pastdate.Month + $pastdate.Year+".html"
Copy-Item -Path "C:\Powershell\WebReport\$($filename)" "\\Server01\Powershell\Webreports_Archive"
