InvalidJobConfException: Output directory not set - hadoop

I am using Cloudera VM for mapreduce pratice.
I just created the jar from the default wordcount classes given by cloudera.
I am getting this error when I run the mapreduce program. Can I know what I am missing?
InvalidJobConfException: Output directory not set.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidJobConfException: Output directory not set.

To process data using MapReduce program you need-
Mapper class
Reducer class
Driver class(Main class to run MapReduce program)
Input data(path of input data to analysis)
Output directory(path of output directory,where output of the program will store, this
directory should not already exist in HDFS)
From the error, It seems you have not set the output directory path. If output directory is not already set in your code, than you have to pass it at runtime if your code is accepting the argument for the same. Here is a very good step-by-step guide to run first WordCount program in MapReduce.


Snappy compressed file on HDFS appears without extension and is not readable

I configured a Map Reduce job to save output as a Sequence file compressed with Snappy. The MR job executes successfully however in HDFS the output file looks as the following:
I've expected that the file will have a .snappy extension and that it should be part-r-00000.snappy. And now I think that this may be the reason for the file to be not readable when I'm trying to read it from a local file system using this pattern hadoop fs -libjars /path/to/jar/myjar.jar -text /path/in/HDFS/to/my/file
So I'm getting the –libjars: Unknown command when executing the command:
hadoop fs –libjars /root/hd/metrics.jar -text /user/maria_dev/hd/output/part-r-00000
And when I'm using this command hadoop fs -text /user/maria_dev/hd/output/part-r-00000, I'm getting the error:
18/02/15 22:01:57 INFO compress.CodecPool: Got brand-new decompressor [.snappy]
-text: Fatal internal error
java.lang.RuntimeException: WritableName can't load class: com.hd.metrics.IpMetricsWritable
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class com.hd.ipmetrics.IpMetricsWritable not found
Could it be that the absence of the .snappy extension causes the problem? What other command should I try to read the compressed file?
The jar is in my local file system /root/hd/ Where should I place it not to cause ClassNotFoundException? Or how should I modify the command?
Instead of hadoop fs –libjars (which actually has a wrong hyphen and should be -libjars. Copy that exactly, and you won't see Unknown command)
You should be using HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/root/hd/metrics.jar:${HADOOP_CLASSPATH}
hadoop fs -text /user/maria_dev/hd/output/part-r-*
The error clearly says ClassNotFoundException: Class com.hd.ipmetrics.IpMetricsWritable not found.
It means that a required library is missing in classpath.
To clarify your doubts:
Map-Reduce by default output the file as part-* and there is no
meaning of extension. Remember extension "thing" is just a metadata
usually required by windows operating system to determine suitable
program for the file. It has no meaning in linux/unix and the
system's behavior is not going to change, even though you rename the
file as .snappy (you may actually try this).
The command looks absolutely fine to inspect the snappy file, but it seems that some required jar file are not there, which is causing ClassNotFoundException.
By default hadoop picks the jar files from the path emit by below command:
$ hadoop classpath
By default it list all the hadoop core jars.
You can add your jar by executing below command on the prompt
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/path/to/my/custom.jar
After executing this, try checking the class path again by hadoop classpath command and you should be able to see your jar listed along with hadoop core jars.

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.InvalidInputException:Input path does not exist: hdfs:host/user/yogesh/WordCount

I have created the input text file test.txt and put it to HDFS as /user/yogesh/Input/test.txt
Created output path on HDFS as /user/yogesh/Output
Created the jar file on local /home/yogesh/WordCount.jar and submitted MR job from local, like that: hadoop jar /home/yogesh/WordCount.jar WordCount /user/yogesh/Input/test.txt /user/yogesh/Output/output1
I have got following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.InvalidInputException:Input path does not exist: hdfs:host/user/yogesh/WordCount.
hdfs:host/user/yogesh/ - is my HDFS directory. I am not able to understand why this MR job looking for code in HDFS and how to solve this error.
Try giving the name package of the class WordCount as its prefix, or just skip the class and use just jar, input, output, like that:
hadoop jar /home/yogesh/WordCount.jar /user/yogesh/Input /user/yogesh/Output/output1
Also, make sure that /user/yogesh/Output/output1 does not exist prior to the execution of this command. Also, notice that you should give an input directory and not an input file. Hadoop will take as input all the files in the specified directory.
For an example, see how the WordCount example is run, in this site.

Running MapReduce code that uses zooKeeper

I want to ask about how to execute a MapReduce java code that uses zooKeeper.
My first code is just to create a variable (znode) and to modify it by each mapper.
So I modified the wordCount code just to test zookeeper for the first time.
When I run it using the eclipse console, everything goes well, so I can see the changes on the value of the znode, etc.
However, I was trying to execute it using linux command line:
**bin/hadoop jar ./myjar.jar algo.WordCount /input.txt /out
I got the following error
**Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher
Although that I added the path of the jar file using conf.set("mapred.jar","...."); in the mapreduce code but I don't know why it did not recognize the classes of zookeeper.
Any idea?

Output Folders for Amazon EMR

I want to jun a custom jar, whose main class a chain of map reduce jobs, with the output of the first job going as the input of the second jar, and so on.
What do I set in FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath("what path should be here?");
If I specify -outputdir in the argument, I get the error FileAlraedy exists. If I don't specify, then I do not know where the ouput will land. I want to be able to see the ouput from every job of the chained mapreduce jobs.
Thanks in adv. Pls help!
You are likely getting the "FileAlraedy exists" error because that output directory exists prior to the job you are running. Make sure to delete the directories that you specify as output for your Hadoop jobs; otherwise you will not be able to run those jobs.
Good practice is to take output from command line as it will increase flexibility of your code And you will compile your jar only once provided the changes are related to your path.
for EMR if you launch your cluster and compile your jar
For eg.
hadoop jar hadoop-examples-*.jar wordcount ${dfs_ip_folder} ${dfs_op_folder}
Note : you have to create dfs_ip_folder and store input data inside it.
dfs_op_folder will be created automatically on HDFS not on local file system
To access the HDFS op folder either you can copy it to local file system or you can do cat.
hadoop fs -cat ${dfs_op_folder}/<file_name>
hadoop fs -copyToLocal ${dfs_op_folder} ${your_local_input_dir_path}

hadoop - Where are input/output files stored in hadoop and how to execute java file in hadoop?

Suppose I write a java program and i want to run it in Hadoop, then
where should the file be saved?
how to access it from hadoop?
should i be calling it by the following command? hadoop classname
what is the command in hadoop to execute the java file?
The simplest answers I can think of to your questions are:
1) Anywhere
2,3,4)$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar [path_to_your_jar_file]
A similar question was asked here Executing in apache hadoop
It may seem complicated, but it's simpler than you might think!
Compile your map/reduce classes, and your main class into a jar. Let's call this jar myjob.jar.
This jar does not need to include the Hadoop libraries, but it should include any other dependencies you have.
Your main method should set up and run your map/reduce job, here is an example.
Put this jar on any machine with the hadoop command line utility installed.
Run your main method using the hadoop command line utility:
hadoop jar myjob.jar
Hope that helps.
where should the file be saved?
The data should be saved in "hdfs". You will want to probably load it into the cluster from your data source using something like Apache Flume. The file can be placed anywhere but most home is /user/hadoop/
how to access it from hadoop?
SSH into the hadoop cluster headnode like a standard linux server.
To list your hadoop root hdfs
hadoop fs -ls /
should i be calling it by the following command? hadoop classname
You should be using the hadoop command to access your data and run your programs, try hadoop help
what is the command in hadoop to execute the java file?
hadoop -jar MyJar.jar com.mycompany.MainDriver arg[0] arg[1] ...
