Why need more than one secret key on koa? - koa

Sorry, I don't quite understand how secret key works in koa. In koa, there is
a keys field on app object which will be used like this:
const app = new Koa();
app.keys = ['some secret', 'another secret', 'or more ...']; // it's an
// array right?
And then, when using koa-csrf middleware, by default the built-in csrf.middleware doesn't use the keys provided by app.keys. If I use
the default middleware, I need to create another middleware which set the
secret key on the session.
app.use(session()); // koa-generic-session
app.use(async (ctx, next) => { // without this custom middleware
ctx.session.secret = 'yet another secret'; // POST /protected-route
await next(); // will give 403
}); // missing secret
When I use Flask, I need to supply only one secret key which is
set by string not an array. Why need more than one secret key? Is using only one for the whole application not enough?

Seems like you're asking multiple things here.
You can supply Koa app.keys = [...] multiple keys for the purpose of key rotation.
For example, if you want to generate a new key every month, you can sign new cookies with it without immediately invalidating all old cookies. Instead, you'd prefer to let old cookies naturally expire.
If key rotation isn't something you care about, then you'd just just use app.keys = ['mysecret'] that you never change.
koa-csrf's middleware actually does use the keys you set with app.keys=.
Koa passes app.keys into its Cookies instance (https://github.com/pillarjs/cookies) so that the built-in this.cookies.get() and this.cookies.set() will use the keys (if provided).
koa-session uses Koa's built-in this.cookies.{get,set}.
koa-csrf uses koa-session.
But all of that is irrelevant.
The 403 response isn't complaining that you haven't set app.keys= secrets. It's complaining that you haven't provided a CSRF token (aka secret) much less a valid one.
Your "fix" of manually setting this.session.secret is just manually setting the value where koa-csrf looks to find the CSRF token. You're bypassing the entire security measure of the CSRF system.
The whole point of a CSRF token system is to ensure that someone hitting a protected endpoint actually originated from, say, a <form> that posts to that endpoint from a page that you control.
It does this by generating a token, saving it in a cookie, attaching the token to the form, and then, on submission, it ensures that the form token matches the session token.
What you seem to be missing is that you have to:
Generate the CSRF token
Set it to the secret cookie for the client
Expose the CSRF token to the client so that they submit it to your protected endpoint.
On the protected endpoint, ensure that the client sends a CSRF token that matches the CSRF token in their 'secret' cookie. Here are the places that
koa-csrf checks to find that token.
koa-csrf's this.csrf call does #1 and #2. You have to implement #3. koa-csrf's this.assertCSRF does #4.
So, all together, this is how it looks (untested):
var koa = require('koa')
var csrf = require('koa-csrf')
var session = require('koa-session')
var Router = require('koa-router');
var bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser');
var app = koa()
app.keys = ['session secret']
var router = new Router();
router.get('/messages', function*() {
this.render('new_message_form.html', {
token: this.csrf // this call also sets `this.session.secret` for you
router.post('/messages', function*() {
// If we get this far, then the CSRF check passed
yield database.insertMessage(this.body.message);
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('server listening on 3000'));
And here's what 'new_message_form.html' would look like. Notice that I'm setting a hidden field _csrf so that when the user submits it, the token generated by this.csrf is sent to my protected endpoint, and the _csrf field is one of the places that koa-csrf checks to find the submitted token.
<form action="/messages" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="{{ token }}">
<input type="message" name="message" placeholder="Write your message here...">
<button type="submit">Save Message<button>


Read Session Value In .Net Core Web Api [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Accessing Session Using ASP.NET Web API
(13 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
In my Web api when a user login successfully I set session with some values like
HttpContext.Session.SetObject("CurrentUserID", user.Id);
and just return token and some values to save in cookie
return Ok(new
Id = user.Id,
Username = user.UserName,
FirstName = user.FirstName,
LastName = user.LastName,
Token = tokenString,
role = user.Roles
But when the client hit api action which has this line
List<string> userRolesList = HttpContext.Session.GetObject<List<string>>("CurrentUserRoles");
Then always get null value even I have added session inside Startup >Configure
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
and ConfigureService also
services.AddSession(options =>
// Set a short timeout for easy testing.
options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60 * 60);
options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
but does work still... Please help.
HTTP is a stateless protocol. Sessions are fake state, enabled by both a server-side and client-side component. The client-side component is a cookie: specifically a Set-Cookie response header. In order for the session to be restored on the next request, the value of this Set-Cookie response header must be sent back via the Cookie request header with each request. A web browser (the client) will do all this automatically, including persisting the cookie locally. However, a thin client like HttpClient, Postman, etc. will not. You would need to independently persist the cookie from the response header and then attach it to each request via the Cookie header in order to maintain the session between requests.
That said, this is a major reason why APIs typically do not, and honestly should not make use of sessions. It's simply a pattern that doesn't make much sense in an API context, and only adds a potential point of failure, since clients must pay attention to the cookie headers, and take manual actions to handle the cookies.

Is this a proper Laravel Passport use case?

So think of my application as a CMS (laravel 5.7). I'm slowly adding in more javascript to make it more reactive. So I had the usual validation logic that makes sure the user is logged in and all that. But now when I use Vue to submit a comment payload it looks a little like this:
So looking at this, anyone could just change/mock the this.user.id to any number, I would like to also send a login token with the payload which then gets validated in the backend once the server receives the post request.
In the backend, ideally I'd want to have some kind of safe guard that it checks whether the api_token of the user matches with this.user.id to ensure the user.id wasn't mocked on the front end.
I read this portion: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/passport#consuming-your-api-with-javascript
Part of it says:
This Passport middleware will attach a laravel_token cookie to your outgoing responses. This cookie contains an encrypted JWT that Passport will use to authenticate API requests from your JavaScript application. Now, you may make requests to your application's API without explicitly passing an access token:
But I'm still a bit unsure how that JWT gets generated in the first place. I don't have the vue components for the create token crud added because I want it to be done automatically. I think I'm slightly overthinking this..
Is this a good use case for Laravel Passport? I was looking through the tutorial and right now I don't have a need for custom oauth token creations and all the crud. I just want a unique token to be saved on the user side, that can expire, but also be used to validate requests. Am I on the right track here with Passport or should I use a different approach?
axios.post('/api/view/' + this.query.id+'/comment',{
id: this.user.id,
body: this.commentBox
.then((response) =>{
//Unshift places data to top of array, shifts everything else down.
this.commentBox = '';
document.getElementById("commentBox").value = "";
('Comment posted successfully');
.catch((error) => {
Update - Reply to Jeff
Hi! Thanks for your answer. It's not an SPA (might be in the future), but the comment box and the comment section is also integrated with websockets and there's a laravel Echo instance on it.
I guess where I'm feeling uncertain is the security of it.
I pass a user prop with :user="{{Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->toJson() : 'null'}}" into the vue component that contains the postComment() function.
This is where the id: this.user.id comes from. The route is defined in the api.php in a route middleware group for ['api'] like so:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['api']], function(){
In my controller which calls a service to create the comment, the $request
public function makejson(createNewCommentRequest $request, Query $query){
$comment = $query->comments()->create([
'body' => $request->get('body'),
$id = $comment->id;
The createNewCommentRequest is a FormRequest class.
For now the authorize() function just checks whether the request()->id is an int:
public function authorize()
return true;
return false;
From within there if I log the request(), all it outputs is:
array ( 'id' => 1, 'body' => 'gg', )
I thought I would need to add logic to authorize the request based on whether the user token and the request() yield the same user id? I'd want to avoid the scenario where someone can modify the post request and comment using another users id.
In the Network section of devtools, in the Request headers, i see it pushed a laravel_token cookie. I'm assuming that laravel_token is what stores the user session? If so, how would one validate based on that token?
I was playing around and added the route:
Route::get('/token', function() {
return Auth::user()->createToken('test');
When I went to it i got the following:
"accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImE4NDE2NGVkM2NkODc5NDY3MzAxYzUyNmVkN2MyMGViZTllNzJlMGMzMjRiMmExNWYzZDgwZGNmMzEzMDk1MTRmNTY1NGMxYWUwMTE2ZGRkIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiYTg0MTY0ZWQzY2Q4Nzk0NjczMDFjNTI2ZWQ3YzIwZWJlOWU3MmUwYzMyNGIyYTE1ZjNkODBkY2YzMTMwOTUxNGY1NjU0YzFhZTAxMTZkZGQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NDY1NTQzNDEsIm5iZiI6MTU0NjU1NDM0MSwiZXhwIjoxNTc4MDkwMzQwLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.NMETCBkOrMQGUsXlcas6CvTFJ0xRC8v4AJzC5GtWANdl8YsPBGlyCozMe1OGc8Fnq8GC_GZFkKmMT27umeVcSyaWriZB139kvtWzY6ylZ300vfa5iI-4XC_tJKoyuwDEofqMLDA4nyrtMrp_9YGqPcg6ddR61BLqdvfr0y3Nm5WWkyMqBzjKV-HFyuR0PyPQbnLtQGCzRFUQWbV4XWvH2rDgeI71S6EwmjP7J1aDA2UBVprGqNXdTbxWpSINMkZcgrDvl4hdqNzet-OwB2lu2453R-xKiJkl8ezwEqkURwMj70G-t9NjQGIBInoZ-d3gM2C3J9mEWMB5lyfSMaKzhrsnObgEHcotORw6jWNsDgRUxIipJrSJJ0OLx29LHBjkZWIWIrtsMClCGtLXURBzkP-Oc-O9Xa38m8m6O9z-P8i6craikAIckv9YutmYHIXCAFQN2cAe2mmKp7ds1--HWN_P5qqw6ytuR268_MbexxGDTyq8KzUYRBjtkgVyhuVsS7lDgUHgXvJfHNmdCulpiPhmbtviPfWaZM19likSjKHLTpIn2PpfTflddfhB9Eb4X24wGH7Y5hwxASe7gDs_R707LphS1EH4cTE8p2XW_lLv0jo89ep9IUPUO27pWLsqabt8uTr5OoKQeNZmXT6XiJ9tK3HhRgvIt7DYt8vqlRw",
"token": {
"id": "a84164ed3cd879467301c526ed7c20ebe9e72e0c324b2a15f3d80dcf31309514f5654c1ae0116ddd",
"user_id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
"name": "lol",
"scopes": [],
"revoked": false,
"created_at": "2019-01-03 22:25:40",
"updated_at": "2019-01-03 22:25:40",
"expires_at": "2020-01-03 22:25:40"
Now in Postman, when I send a get request to:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request){return $request->user();});
I added a authorization header of type Bearer Token for the string captured in the variable: accessToken. In return I get the user, no issue. However where and how is the accessToken generated? It's not saved in the database?
Take the user ID that Laravel gives you from the token, rather than sending it from the front end. You can also check the scopes assigned to the token:
Route::post('/api/view/{query}/comment', function (Request $request, Query $query) {
if ($request->user()->tokenCan('comment-on-queries')) {
'body' => $request->get('body'),
'user_id' => $request->user()->id,
If this isn't a single page app, and only the comment box is handled by ajax, the default Laravel scaffolding should handle this by adding a CSRF token to axios config. In that case you don't need Passport, because the user is stored in the session. Still though, don't take the user ID from the front end, get it from \Auth::id()
Here's the key difference: If they login using PHP, your server has a session stored and knows who is logged in.
If you are creating a single-page app separate from your Laravel app, you have to rely on Passport and tokens to ensure the user has the authority to do what they're trying to do.
Figured it out, was overthinking it. Basically didn't need a whole lot to get it working.
Added the CreateFreshApiToken middleware to the web group in app\Http\Kernel.php.
The axios responses attach that cookie on the outgoing responses
The api middleware group had to be 'auth:api'.
The user instance can be then called via request()->user() which is awesome.

How to protect against CSRF on a static site?

I have a static website, being served from a CDN, that communicates with an API via AJAX. How do I protect against CSRF?
Since I do not have control over how the static website is served, I cannot generate a CSRF token when someone loads my static website (and insert the token into forms or send it with my AJAX requests). I could create a GET endpoint to retrieve the token, but it seems like an attacker could simply access that endpoint and use the token it provides?
Is there an effective way to prevent against CSRF with this stack?
Additional details: authentication is completely separate here. Some of the API requests for which I want CSRF protection are authenticated endpoints, and some are public POST requests (but I want to confirm that they are coming from my site, not someone else's)
I could create a GET endpoint to retrieve the token, but it seems like an attacker could simply access that endpoint and use the token it provides?
Correct. But CSRF tokens are not meant to be secret. They only exist to confirm an action is performed in the order expected by one user (e.g. a form POST only follows a GET request for the form). Even on a dynamic website an attacker could submit their own GET request to a page and parse out the CSRF token embedded in a form.
CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into submitting a malicious request. It inherits the identity and privileges of the victim to perform an undesired function on the victim's behalf.
It's perfectly valid to make an initial GET request on page load to get a fresh token and then submit it with the request performing an action.
If you want to confirm the identity of the person making the request you'll need authentication, which is a separate concern from CSRF.
My solution is as follows
Client [static html]
// Call script to GET Token and add to the form
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(resp => {
if (resp.token) {
const csrf = document.createElement('input');
csrf.name = "csrf";
csrf.type = "hidden";
csrf.value = resp.token;
The above can be modified to target a pre-existing csrf field. I use this to add to may pages with forms. The script assumes the first form on the page is the target so this would also need to be changed if required.
On the server to generate the CSRF (Using PHP : assumes > 7)
[CSRFTOKEN is defined in a config file. Example]
$root_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? false;
$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? false;
// Check that script was called by page from same origin
// and generate token if valid. Save token in SESSION and
// return to client
$token = false;
if ($root_domain &&
$referrer &&
parse_url($referrer, PHP_URL_HOST) == $root_domain) {
$token = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
header('Content-Type: application/json');
die(json_encode(['token' => $token]));
Finally in the code that processes the form
// Included for clarity - this would typically be in a config
define('CSRFTOKEN', '__csrftoken');
$root_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? false;
$referrer = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', PHP_URL_HOST);
// Check submission was from same origin
if ($root_domain !== $referrer) {
// Invalid attempt
// Extract and validate token
$token = $_POST[CSRFTOKEN] ?? false;
$sessionToken = $_SESSION[CSRFTOKEN] ?? false;
if (!empty($token) && $token === $sessionToken) {
// Request is valid so process it
// Invalidate the token
There is very good explanation for same, Please check
from my understanding it seems static site won't face any issue with CSRF due to CORS restriction, if we have added X-Requested-With flag.
There is one more issue i would like to highlight here, How to protect your api which is getting called from Mobile app as well as Static site?
As api is publicly exposed and you want to make sure only allowed user's should be calling it.
There is some check we can add at our API service layer for same
1) For AJAX request(From Static site) check for requesting domain, so only allowed sites can access it
2) For Mobile request use HMAC token, read more here

How to get session token after successful authentication?

After successful authentication via a form post sign-in, I need to be able to use the same session token within the response to do another post to a protected route, but this time using XMLHttpRequest.
How would I get the session token, considering that the successful authentication response has already passed.
The session token is stored in a laravel_session cookie, assuming default Laravel settings (see config/session.php).
You can read the cookie in javascript using document.cookie. For example:
function readCookie(name)
var matches = document.cookie.match('(^|; )'+name+'=([^;]*)');
if (matches) {
return decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);
return null;
var token = readCookie('laravel_session');

Can I store an access Cookie in a Laravel session?

I am working with a remote API that is normally accessed directly via JavaScript. In the normal flow, The user authenticates by sending Auth headers and in return is granted a cookie.
What I am trying to do is send auth headers from a laravel app, authenticate in the app controller, and provide API access through laravel controller functions.
I was hoping this would be as simple as authenticating and sending my subsequent API calls, hoping that the cookie given to the PHP server would continue to grant authentication.
Well that doesn't work and thats fine, but now I am thinking that I need to store my access cookie in the Session, and send it in the headers for future API calls.
Will this work/how can I go about this? My supervisors don't want to implement OAuth type tokens on the remote server and to me that seems like the best route, so I am a bit stuck.
Cookies cannot be shared across multiple hosts. The cookie (on the client) is only valid for path which set it.
Setting up remember me in Laravel
When migrating (creating) you User table add $table->rememberToken()
to create that column in your User table.
When user signs up to your service add a check box to allow them to
make the decision OR you can just set it true if you don’t to offer
the user the option as described in step 3
< input type="checkbox" name="remember" >
In your controller you add the following code:
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password], $remember)) {
// The user is being remembered...
Users table must include the string remember_token column per 1. , now assuming you have added the token column to your User table you can pass a boolean value as the second argument to the attempt method, which will keep the user authenticated indefinitely, or until they manually logout. i.e. Auth::attempt([$creditentials], true);
Side note: the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider contract, public function updateRememberToken(Authenticatable $user, $token) uses the user’s UID and token stored in the User table to store the session auth.
Laravel has once method to log a user into the application for a single request. No sessions or cookies. Used with stateless API.
if (Auth::once($credentials)) {
The remember cookie doesn't get unset automatically when user logs out. However using the cookie as I explained below in cookies example you could add this to your logout function in your controller just before you return the redirect response after logout.
public function logout() {
// your logout code e.g. notfications, DB updates, etc
// Get remember_me cookie name
$rememberCookie = Auth::getRecallerName();
// Forget the cookie
$forgetCookie = Cookie::forget($rememberCookie);
// return response (in the case of json / JS) or redirect below will work
return Redirect::to('/')->withCookie($forgetCookie);
OR you could q$ueue it up for later if you are elsewhere and cannot return a response immediately
Basic general cookie example that might help you. There are better approaches to do this using a Laravel Service provider
// cookie key
private $myCookieKey = 'myAppCookie';
// example of cookie value but can be any string
private $cookieValue = 'myCompany';
// inside of a controller or a protected abstract class in Controller,
// or setup in a service ... etc.
protected function cookieExample(Request $request)
// return true if cookie key
if ($request->has($this->myCookieKey)) {
$valueInsideOfCookie = Cookie::get($this->myCookieKey);
// do something with $valueInsideOfCookie
} else {
// queue a cookie with the next response
Cookie::queue($this->myCookieKey, $this->cookieValue);
public function exampleControllerFunction(Request $request)
// rest of function one code
public function secondControllerFunction(Request $request)
// rest of function two code
