RadToolbar doesn't show Images - image

I have an RadToolbar control on my Page. The problem is the Images I have placed on my buttons don't show. My code seems fine. Whats the issue?
<telerik:RadToolBar Grid.Row="1"
<Button Width="25"
<Image Source="Images/add.png"/>
<Button Width="25">
<Image Source="Images/delete.png"/>
I also tried addressing like /Images/add.png but to no avail

It depends on where your page is located in the project. If it's on the same level as Images folder, your code should work. But if it's in separate folder, you'll need to use dots to go up a level:
<Image Source="../Images/add.png"/>
If your page is located deeper in folder structure, you'll need to add dots for every level.
Alternatively, you can use full notation to avoid playing with dots (change the name for your assembly name from project properties):
<Image Source="/AssemblyName;component/Images/add.png"/>


Change ToolbarItem Text/Icon parameters

I am new to MAUI. And I haven't done anything complex with Xamarin as well.
The application I am testing with, has Shell navigation. And I can't find a way to change the toolbar items.
I would like to be able to change either the FontSize of the text, or the color of the SVG image. And I do not want those changes to affect the rest of my application, if possible. But if there is no other way, I can live with it.
I have managed to add styling to buttons, Labels etc... If styling is an option to this, it will be even better.
If I am on the wrong path, if you point me out why, I will be also grateful.
Thank you in advance!
If you want to just change a part of pages in your project. You can try to use a <Shell.TitleView> instead of the <Shell.ToolBarItem> in the content pages you want. Such as:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<HorizontalStackLayout Margin="5" HorizontalOptions="End">
<Label Text="hello" TextColor="Red" FontSize="Medium" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="End" />
<Image Source="your image" Margin="10" Background="green"/>
You can change style of TabBar in Style.xaml in path \Resources\Style\. Search in file for Shell.TabBarForegroundColor. You will get TargetType="Shell" and this is style for AppShell.xaml.

xaml The type 'Button' does not support direct content

XLS0502 error The type 'Button' does not support direct content
system.xaml and UIAutomationProvider have been added
the project was cleaned up and then rebuilt. But the problem has not disappeared.What should I do now?
Try to use Grid inside the Button.Content element.
Content properties

XAML Load Image into Grid

I am new to UWP and try to learn a few basics, but i am currently struggling.
I have a button "To-Do" and want to Display a Image of a to-do-list above the button.
So i try this.. but that doesnt show me the Image. What did i wrong?
Thank you for your help!!!
<StackPanel Grid.Column="2" Margin="0,60,0,0">
<Image Source="/Bilder/todo.png" Width="100" Height="100" Grid.RowSpan="8" Grid.Row="1"/>
<Button x:Name="btnNaviZuToDo" Content="To-Do Liste" Height="86" Width="250" FontSize="40" Click="Button_NavigiereZuToDo" Margin="0,0,-2,0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontFamily="Calibri Light"/>
Please check your image path is correct.
Usually we will use ms-appx:/// as a prefix to define the root directory of the project. If the picture is in the Assets folder (which in the root of project), you can write: ms-appx:///Assets/todo.png, you can adjust your picture path accordingly.
you need to set todo.png's build action to Content.

How to add a button to first item in ListView

I'm developing an apps for Windows Phone 8.1 and face some problem with ListView.
I wanted to place a button for the FIRST item in ListView, but it seem like I can't align center the button.
Below is the code I use currently:
<Button Content="Jio!" Height="6" Width="362"/>
<ListViewItem Content="ListViewItem"/>
Adding horizontalalignment='center' just wont work for the button.
The reason I want to do this is because I wanted the button to scroll together with the list, hence I'm placing it inside the ListView.
Please advice what can I do to achieve my purpose, thanks!
I recommend using the ListView.Header content to place such a button instead of adding it as a child directly.
<Button ... HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
By default, the ListViewItems are left-aligned. You will eventually have to replace their Template in order to center-align it (HeaderTemplate Property).

Image files not displaying

In my XAML code I have written this:
<Image Source="/Images/male32.png" Visibility="Visible" />
and my project file structure looks like so:
But my image is just not loading?? As you can see I'm trying to add the male32.png image that I have in the Images folder in my project..
Check the build action of the Image.
When you use "Build Action" of type "Content" then you access your image in this way:
<Image Stretch="None" Source="/images/appbar.cancel.rest.png"/>
When you use "Build Action" of type "Resource" then you access your image in this way:
<Image Source="/WP7SampleProject3;component/images/appbar.feature.email.rest.png"/>
Okay I figured it out, turns out it didn't have anything to do with the BuildAction property, all I had to do in the image path was add ".." e.g. "../Images/male32.png".
Stupid issue that's not even supposed to be an issue.
Nonetheless I have read that BuildAction could also be a potential reason ones image is not displaying. So worth checking out if you have problems with images not displaying.
