Coreftp won't delete source - ftp

I'm using coreftp to automatically pull files daily from an external ftp via SFTP. I'm able to pull the files, however despite using the flag 'delsrc', it won't actually delete the source file meaning the files may build up. I think it may have to do with the fact that I can't push to the ftp, however I can delete the files through the coreftp GUI. Thanks for the help

I recommend to use use: "FluentFTP"
It is better than CoreFTP.


Notepad++ cannot open deep nested files from the FTP

I am using nppFTP to connect to my development server. I can only open files that are 3-4 levels deep. It may be because the base directory name is really long (something like e778de749db7d41c5666a8ee2895475ea), and the complete path name is too long for Notepad++ to handle.
I can pull from git without a problem, FTP clients like FileZilla can also open the files.
Has anyone faced this problem?
Based on the feedback on the comments section, I would suggest you switch to a Git FTP deployment workflow. I use such a workflow myself and I love it.
To achiave it, you have to use one of several tools that exists for this, to name a few:
git-ftp (bash)
git-ftp (python)
PHPloy (php)
All those allow you to configure your FTP details and deploy based on git version comparison. Pick the one you like.
Disclaimer: I've build PHPloy.

JetBrains PhpStorm - Synchronize with FTP server

When I create a new project from existing files, in my case FTP, the application downloads the files and uploads my changes. But I miss the option which looks whether the files ON THE SERVER changed and synchronzizes it or notifies me.
Is there any option like this? I mean it's really necessary, for example when my colleague works on my project on the server with another tool like Notepad++. In this case when I would open PhpStorm, it overwrites the newer file on the server with the old without checking.
That option does not exist yet, but there is a running issue on Jetbrains, might want to check it out:

Approach to automatically upload updated assets to ftp

Say I need to track about 10 big files (each over 1G) over the the LAN shared folder, and if the files get modified/updated/overwritten, I need to upload those new files to ftp, and do some sort of notification like email.
But I don't need to version control for older files, so it won't inflate the repository.
How could be an easy approach to this? Since it need to keep monitoring the files, ftp protocol, email notification. Will make a C# program be a feasible way to do this? Or any suggestions? Thanks.
After checking around a couple version control large binaries threads in SO, it seems I don't need a version control system. Actually, I just need to keep checking the file metadata and once it's changed, upload to ftp and send out email. Not sure Mogware can disable backup old binaries?
Is there any other tools are feasible for this specific case? Thanks!
I'm in no way affiliated with the guys at Mogware, but there is a tool called "FileHamster" which is a personal revision tool, offering you to track file changes, call scripts after a file has changed etc. It also provides FTP upload.

Keeping FTP Folder Constantly Up To Date Based On Local Folder

Does anybody know a decent freeware FTP utility, preferably that can run in the background, that can mirror a local folder, constantly checking the files there for changes, and then automatically refreshing the FTP folder when the local files change?
WinSCP has a "keep remote directory up to date" feature under the commands tab which I use to do this. It first asks whether you want to sync the whole directory, then automatically uploads any file as soon as you save it. I'm currently looking for a similar solution for Mac.
I am interested in this as well. I know about the Rsync option of course, but would like to have a Windows option that does the same thing..
Thanks Everyone. I ended up using the FastNet NMFTP component in Borland C++ Buidler 5 to write my own Windows Version of Sync.
If you are running on a Linux or UNIX box you can use a shell script that periodically runs under cron to sync a folder to a "master" folder. You could use rsync in that shell script to do the actual sync.
Is that helpful?
David Kerins

How to move files from svn folder to production server

I have a website written in PHP under source control (SVN). I would like to move at once all my files from the website directory to production server.
The problem is that in this folder there are folders of SVN (.svn). The second problem is that i do not want to put on the server only files under source control, but also other in this folder (images, css, and so on).
Could you please tell me how to do this? It would be nice if it would be repeatable - that so I would have only one command to execute.
And if there would be any possibility to optimize uploading (not uploading not changed files) to make whole process of going production faster would be nice too.
My development environment is Eclipse PDT and favorite FTP filezilla.
You can use the export function of subversion, this will allow you to export all files under version control, but also all files NOT under control. Both methods will skip the .svn folders.
You didn't mention your client, but Tortoise has the 'export unversioned files too' option.
See here for commandline syntax
You can use an ftp client if it's support filters (exclude .svn folders, i.e FlashFXP).
Currently I'm using Nusphere PhpEd IDE's built in feature called "Smart upload", so it only updates changed files (with modified time changed).
I use rsync which is a fast command line tool which only sends the changed parts of files. You can set it up to exclude .svn directories as outlined here:
If you wish to continue doing this with fileZilla you can go to View->Filename Filters and select to ignore SVN and CVS directories. You can also only upload changed files with FileZilla however I find rsync far faster. As rsync is command line based you could easily hook it up with Eclipse as an external tool to enable 1 click transferring
You can use springloops, they cover SVN commit and checkouts but most importantly deployment to FTP server with a click of a mouse...
I stumbled recently on the same issue running Ubuntu 9.
In FileZilla you can choose ignore filters which contain even presets to prevent copying .svn folders and windows .thumb files! You can find this in the View menu under Filename filters... Works like a charm!
Thumbs up for the FileZilla folks!
