Cannot kill stopped job - no job control in subprocess? - shell

I'm working with ash/dash and try to kill a subprocess - which doesn't seem to respond:
sh & opens a subprocess and jobs delivers [1]+ Stopped (tty Input) sh.
But trying to kill this Job with kill %1 or kill 26672 doesn't work. jobs delivers [1]+ Stopped (tty Input) sh again.
After putting the job to foreground with fg opens the shell for input. Neither ctrl+c nor ctrl+z are working but I can kill the process with exit or kill -SIGKILL $$ respectively stop/suspend the process with kill -STOP $$ (there is no suspend-command in ash).
On the other hand - doing this with i.e. sleep 100 works fine till I fg and stop the process with ctr+z. Then I'm not able to kill this stopped job.
So what am I missing and what could be the solution to kill a stopped job? Do I have to deal with set -m and how?
Thanks in advance.

You can try
kill -9 $(jobs -p)
Or, just do exit command to logout, it will automatically killed the stopped jobs

You can rung the Stopped process by kill -SIGCONT %numberand also if you need to kill that process you can kill it by kill -SIGTERM %number.Try this I think this will help you.


Terminate ros2 nodes in bash

I currently have a bash script which launches my ros2 nodes.This works perfectly fine. I now tried to start the script as a background task and write the output into a file. When doing so, I am unable to terminate the nodes at a later point. Previously I terminated it by hitting Ctrl + C in the terminal and all nodes stopped. I tried to do same by saving the PID when starting the script and then killing it afterwards, however the nodes keep running.
Is there any possibility to stop all nodes started by the script? Stopping all ros2 nodes is not possible because I launch multiple in parallel.
echo $! > $PIDFILE
kill -TERM $(cat $PIDFILE) 2> /dev/null
When you use kill -TERM $(cat $PIDFILE) 2> /dev/null it sends a SIGTERM, which is more of a cautious way to see if a shutdown is possible not endangering the integrity of open DBs or files, but it can be blocked or handled otherwise. If you want to kill a process regardless of it's state then use:
kill -9 -TERM $(cat $PIDFILE) 2> /dev/null

Terminal doesn't close after process kill

I run a Spring Boot app with the following command,
java -jar myapp-1.0.0.jar & echo $! > ""
and killing the process with the following command
kill `cat ""` or kill -9 `cat ""`
and when I checked process is killed but terminal doesn't return, it becomes hanged. When I press a key, it returns normal. What is the problem here ?
As you are running it in background and executing one more command echo it is not coming back to $ prompt actually. Just try like below it will work:-
java -jar myapp-1.0.0.jar
And kill the process from different terminal
kill `cat ""` or kill -9 `cat ""`

Stop a script after a given time in Unix bash

I have a bash script which is runnnig another script. What i want is something like this :
wait 10 seconds and kill scriptB
Is it doable ?
./scriptB &
sleep 10s
kill $!
How it works
./scriptB &
This starts scriptB in the background.
sleep 10s
This waits 10 seconds
kill $!
This kills the most recently executed background process.
kill will kill any process given is process ID. $! is the process ID of the most recently executed background process.

Unable to kill nohup process

If I start the script by ./ &, I am able to kill using kill -SIGINT PID.
But if I start my shell script using nohup ./ & I am unable to kill the process using kill -SIGINT PID.
Kindly need your advice to kill the script using kill -SIGINT PID
The SIGINT signal means interrupt from keyboard; that's why it terminates a script run in foreground, but not in background neither using nohup.
To properly terminate your process use kill -TERM PID, which works in the 3 cases.

BASH script suspend/continue a process within script

In my bash script I am writing, I am trying to start a process (sleep) in the background and then suspend it. Finally, the process with be finished. For some reason through, when I send the kill command with the stop signal, it just keeps running as if it received nothing. I can do this from the command line, but the bash script is not working as intended.
sleep 15&
kill -s STOP $pid
kill -s CONT $pid
You can make it work by enabling 'monitor mode' in your script: set -m
Please see why-cant-i-use-job-control-in-a-bash-script for further information
