Dynamic CRM Online import data maintaining records ownership - dynamics-crm

I have a task to migrate Data from a CRM on premise data to a CRM online organization. I used two options, which are, migrated data using CRM import wizard and MSCRM Toolkit. But in both options, ownership of the records change to the user who migrated the data and the created on date is also got changed.
In my application, owners of the records are important because some of the filtered views are based on that information. Hence is there a better way(tool or process) to migrate the data maintaining the record ownership?

I would suggest to use SSIS Integration Toolkit from Kingswaysoft. Inside it you can map owners between old and new CRM. Also you can use overriddencreatedon field during import to override creation date of a record with actual value.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM, associated entities does not pull up records

We have a on-prem instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The associated entities in all the forms come up blank and no records show up.
When I get this error in on-prem environments, it's usually because the database is getting pinged and queries to it are timing out. You may want to check the database to see if it is being overwhelmed and unable to return data.
we ended up updating the CRM version to resolve the issue.
temporary fix was implemented by restoring a backup of the database.

Scribe Insight: Migrate Principal Object Access table data from CRM 4.0 to CRM 2016

I am using scribe to migrate the Principal Object access data from CRM 4.0 to CRM 2016 DB.
The source adapter is a SQL Data Adapter which reads the data from the POA table in 4.0.
The destination adapter is the CRM Adapter and I have an insert step to insert the data into CRM 2016.
In the destination adapter, Scribe does not allow me to add the data links to PrincipalId and ObjectId fields from the source.
As far as I know, both of these fields are required to create a principal access object. However, since I can not create the data links, I do not know how I can copy this data over to CRM 2016.
Has anyone ever tried to Migrate the Principal Object Access table using scribe and have any suggestions for me to try out?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
A few things I've noticed from your screenshot that might help you out:
You're trying to set the principalobjectaccessid on insert. I would think this is a no-no as you are creating a crm record and want a new guid to be assigned at that time instead.
You're doing the lookup to the type code but not to the foreign keys for the objectid and the principal id. You would need to refer to those (probably by name or an xref table as the guids will be different post import) in order to get the sharing in place.
In order to lookup those objects and principals you will need them to be entered into CRM2016 in a prior step.
One caveat I'd add is that based on the limited knowledge I have of you trying to move a 4.0 thought process involving sharing over to CRM 2016 this very well could be a bad idea. While sharing is still supported and certainly a part of the application there's performance issues that come up with extensive sharing and it's honestly a much more complex thing to work with then utilizing teams.. As I'm sure you're noticing now.
The POA table is internal to CRM and shouldn't be written to directly, even via the API.
It stores details of how records (determined by the objectid) are shared to users/teams (determined by principalid).
It sounds like you want to migrate your shares from CRM 4.0 to 2016. Scribe has a mechanism for doing this, using virtual fields. Look in the help for "Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM" and search for "Granting Access". This explains how to use the virtual fields.

CRM Dynamics 2015: Conditionally updating a field in CRM using Scribe

We are using scribe to migrate data from a source into CRM 2015 Online. The DTS will run every 15 mins. Is it possible update the fields in the target based on a condition?
Currently I am following this approach:
IF(S1= UserVariables,#NULL!,S1 ).
Also “Allow NULL values to overwrite Target data” is unchecked. UserVariable is linked to that particular field.
The main reason for trying it this way is to stop the audit logs from building up in CRM if the source value is unchanged.(The client wants auditing ON for everything!). This is not working however. It is skipping the rows! No updates are performed even if the source value is different from target.
I tried IF(S1= "targetfield",#NULL!,S1 ), This time the updates are performing even if the source=target! Thus building up the audit logs.
Turning off auditing is not an option!
Is there any other way to do this?
Note: Using scribe insight v.7.7 on-premise.
I use CozyRock and Kingsway Soft mainly (Kingsway my personal pref), so I'm not 100% on the optimal approach for Scribe.
Anyhow, I normally write these to a staging table and then only update what will change. So if you:
Pulled records from the data source
Pulled corresponding records from CRM
Compared locally and built a staging table of only what will change
Finally update based on staging table records
This approach is typically faster and would not write unnecessary records to the audit log.

How to Migrate Users to CRM Online using SCRIBE?

Can you migrate system users prepared in staging database to CRM 2013 Online using SCRIBE?
I need to create 750 users (currently in CRM4) in CRM online and assign them to their source BUs. (Root BU excepted). I can stage them as required.
Can I migrate these users?
You cannot create users to a CRM Online using Scribe, you can only update them.
I have this issue recently and my solution was:
Create a DTS to create an CSV file* with the users: You can add the users using the Office portal or through the PowerSehll.
Creates a DTS with all the other information about the users (The CSV is pretty basic, so you will need to add all the other information related to every user).
Create a DTS with the relation between Users and Roles
*You can see the csv format in your Office portal, under Users->Active Users->Bulk add
Maybe there is a quicker way to do it, but this was the approach I found.
Note that Scribe Insight isn't able to change a users business unit.
When I had a similar requirement (to update the business units of a large number of users) I uses SQL Server Integration Services.

Dynamics 2013 How can I set the modified on value for activities that I am importing?

I am attempting to import a large database into Dynamics 2013, which has a lot of activities against Accounts and Contacts. When I import the Phone Calls/Emails etc. they all appear in the Activity feed labeled as today. I have Over-ridden the Created on date, but the feed is ordered by the modified on column.
If this was for on premises I'd just go into the database and run an SQL query, but since this is destined for Online that's not an option, I have tried creating a plugin but that seems to ignore/over-ride the change.
Has anyone got any inspired ways of over-riding the modified on date?
You cannot set the value of ModifiedOn in a Online organization. There is no CRM SDK call that will allow the setting of the ModifiedOn date of a record. Therefore without SQL access, as you state in your question, this value cannot be changed.
you can update modified on through a pre-update plugin in CRM online or on-prem. This is the only supported solution.
You may also modify SQL directly.
