Laravel sqlsrv - unable to create timestamps() - laravel

I am migrating an existing projekt in L5.1.x to a new server running with Server 2012 and an SQL Server 2012.
I have some problems when using the timestamps() fields for tables. When ill add in my Scheme:
Ill get the created_at and updated_at column with type "datetime".
But with that new configuration when ill try to add a Model to this database i am always getting that error:
QueryException: Unable to convert an nvarchar Value to and datetime Value ....
When ill disable the timestamp fields in my Model, everything is working:
public $timestamps = false;
.. but of course no values for created_at and updated_at
I dont know what cause this problem - any ideas? i could manually set the created_at and updated_at field to "GETDATE()" - but i would like to use Laravels base functionality.

Ok ill found the problem - Laravel creates a datetime with format of:
"Y-m-d H:i:s.u"
But the SQL Server wants the format of:
"Y-d-m H:i:s"
So when you update your model function with:
public function fromDateTime($value)
return Carbon::parse(parent::fromDateTime($value))->format('Y-d-m H:i:s');
You are able to convert to date format to the correct value for your SQL Server ( dont know why its Y-d-m, its not my server ;) )


Wrong date fetch with eloquentt from MongoDB

I get wrong date from MongoDB using Eloquent in Laravel. My record in database looks like this
"created_at" : ISODate("2020-11-17T15:30:42.131+01:00")
Code to get records from MongoDB
$taskObj = TaskComments::where('task_id', $task_id)->get()->toArray();
Result date for created_at is
1970-01-25 20:31:23 which is wrong, I would like to get in this format 2020-11-17 15:30:42
I would like to create correct Mutator or to define a default date format in Laravel or in MongoDb I am not sure.
Any help is appreciated.
This is fixed my problem, I used a mutator in Model of TaskComments
public $timestamps = FALSE;
public function getCreatedAtAttribute($created_at){
return $created_at->toDateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Insert timestamp type data into Oracle database through codeignier

I am trying to insert a row into Oracle though Codeigniter Active record. Basically I am getting an error for created_date column whose datatype is timestamp.
My code is like
$data['CREATED_DATE'] = getDatetimeforDB();
$this->db->insert("MY_TABLE_NAME", $data);
function getDatetimeforDB() {
return date("j-M-y h.i.s.u A");
But after executing the code, I am getting datetime error :
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string - Invalid query: INSERT INTO "MY_TABLE_NAME" ("ACTIVITY", "ACTIVITY_LOG", "CREATED_DATE", "USER_ID") VALUES ('users/logout', '"Logout"', '10-Aug-20 PM', '555')
Please let me know what may be the issue. If I run the query directly through sql query, it is working fine, but not working through codeigniter.
Thanks in advance.
Used this PHP date() function as date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
$data['CREATED_DATE'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->db->insert("MY_TABLE_NAME", $data);

What can _time suffix use for laravel database design?

Most of us are used to the field names like create_time, update_time. Now laravel changed that into created_at, updated_at. Therefore the _time suffix are available for other things.
I, am self, take naming very seriously. And I don't want to waste any good word for naming. What can _time suffix use for laravel database design?
you can override the default laravel created_at and updated_at fields.
class MyModel extends Model
const CREATED_AT = 'create_time';
const UPDATED_AT = 'update_time';
and also when creating the database instead of using laravel default $table->timestamps(); you can specify the names of the created_at and updated_at columns names as your wish.

Laravel - custom timestamp column names

I am migrating a site from codeigniter to Laravel.
For a legacy table reports, some existing columns created_at and updated_at are named date_created and date_modified respectively.
I wish to tell my eloquent Report model about these custom timestamp column names.
The documentation only provide reference to turning timestamps off or providing custom timestamp formats.
In model your can define constants like this to change the column names
class BaseModel extends Eloquent {
const CREATED_AT = 'date_created';
const UPDATED_AT = 'date_modified';
or use you can use something like this Managing Timestamps

updated_at timestamp not being updated when using sync in Laravel 4

I use the following code to update tags and other information about an organization:
Route::put('org/{org}', function(Org $org){
$org->description = Input::get('description');
$org->website = Input::get('website');
return Redirect::to('org/'.$org->id)
->with('message', 'Seccessfully updated page!');
However, if I only change the tags associated with this org, the updated_at field is not updated. I added protected $touches = array('org'); to my Tag model, but this only seems to work for belongsTo relations, while the relation between orgs and tags is a many-to-many polymorphic relation.
Is there a way to allow the sync function to automatically update the default updated_at timestamp?
Doing it manually, like below, will update the timestamp even if my edit doesn't actually change anything:
$org->updated_at = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
You have to setup touches array on Tag model, BUT it has limitation:
Eloquent guesses the relation name, so will work only if the name complies with the convention.
Organization model -> organizations relation.
And if you want to manually update the timestamp you can use this instead:
