Can I make something tab/window scoped in JSF? - jsf-2.2

Is it possible for JSF to store some information specific to a tab or window?
For example, let's say that I have a page with a datatable and the user can manipulate attributes of that table (column visibility, sort order, row selection, etc). The user clicks one of the entries to go to the entry's "view" page. Then they navigate back to the datatable page. They want their original datatable attributes set on that table.
But, if they open up that page in a different tab or window, they want to be able to manipulate attributes of that table on that tab independently. Therefore, session-scoped is not an option.
Perhaps I could use a flow-scoped bean to do this? Is that just abusing flow-scoped? For example, the bean would actually never terminate.
I'm also open to hearing about how bad an idea this any alternative ideas would also be welcome.


Rails: disable input tag upon selection from a dropdown menu

I've got a drop down menu with two input elements underneath.
From the dropdown menu, are names of companies (with values set to the respective company id's), and another prompt to Add a new company.
If the option to Add a new company is selected from the dropdown, then the user is to fill out the 2 input field elements (i.e. company name and company email).
Otherwise, if an available company is selected from the dropdown,
then the 2 input fields (for company name and email are to be disabled).
My question
Is this possible to do without an AJAX call if I want things to happen without a page refresh?
Can anyone suggest some other alternatives??
Many thanks!
That is absolutely possible, though you'd need to use some JavaScript to make it happen and load a bit more data to the DOM on the initial page load.
For each option in your company select dropdown, add a data attribute for the name and email.
Then, watch that dropdown for the change event in JavaScript. Whenever that event is fired, if the data-company-name and data-company-email attributes are defined for the selected option, disable the input fields and populate them with those values. If those data attributes are not defined for the option (likely only for your 'Add a new company' option), then clear the values from the input fields and enable them.

CodeIgniter Persistent URL attach with every URL

In CI, I want to attach selected filter (in $_GET method)
to appear for every link I click.
This filter are persistent so is this filters selected in any page should be available for any other page in project.
For example, I selected dealerID, GroupId in one page, let's say dealer in page page, then if I click this another link named **s the groups page should look like that was selected in previous page.
And one more thing: I am using a main controller that will be inherited by all controllers for some reason.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could have one universal $data['filter'] variable that is going to preserve all variables that you need for filtering and than in view just add $filter at the end where you need it.
$data['filter'] can be collected/generated in constructor and defined by default.
It's little bit tricky solution i would rather use session to keep data of that kind and having "reset" button on page.

COLDFUSION CFGRID Datapass with a post

I have a bit of a unique challenge today. I have a client that wants to be able to search for multiple items based on inserts into a cfgrid. Suppose we have the following web form:
A Country selection dropdown
A State Selection dependent AJAX dropdown
A city Selection dependent AJAX dropdown
An ADD Button
A CFGRID that will populate a row with selections when the user clicks the add button
And finally, a CLEAR button, and a GO button on the bottom.
The resulting page will then query the database and get some statistics about the cities selected. So, suppose an individual picks USA > Arizona > Scottsdale and USA > Arizona > Flagstaff. The grid below the options will 'save' each selection and reset to their default options, waiting for a user to pick additional options or click on 'GO'.
The resulting page will then generate columns that list some statistics about the communities and highlight the 'best of' between each selected community.
Each time a user selects the ADD button (assuming three criteria are selected) I want the information to be added into a CFGRID that displays the options selected. Then, After the user selects at least one country/city/state option, have all of the data in the CFGRID get passed to another page that does a query from the data selected. In theory, the user could pick as many communities as they want, assuming they are willing to let the database sludge through enough data to get what they want and wait through a 'loading' screen to get it.
I'm having these challenges, in no particular order:
- I have an HTML grid that I must use per client spec (No Java or Flash, must be HTML)
- I have no idea how to get the selected options into the CFGRID. I assume there is some JavaScript I can write that uses some sort of AddRow function to add data into the grid with the add button but cannot seem to find how to it on the interwebs
- After we conquer the above challenge, how do I pass the data from the grid into the results page? I thought about passing one big string or a structure, but I'm not sure how to do that through the URL or posting, nor how to get the data out of the grid. I wonder if I am better off coding some sort of string that gets passed from the options page to the results page with a get method instead of dealing with the stuff in the CFGRID and have the CFGRID serve only as a 'dummy' display container.
- Finally, after the pass is complete, I would need to loop through through the structure and perform a CFQUERY or CFSTOREDPROC on each row of data, then get the statistics I need to display on the results page. I assume this would depend on how I am getting the data from the options selection page to the results page.
CFGRID is great to start, but it can be b*tch to customize and extend... Have you tried editable CFGRID with bind? See how far off it is from what you want first. If it turns out to be very far, then you might want to go for a jqGrid and code up some jQuery.
To start, read Using HTML grids and make the cfgrid editable.
Once you got that working, look at these provided JS functions that you can use with CFGRID
If you still demand a bit more, you might need to dig into the underlying ExtJS component. At that point I would rather use jqGrid
I found out that the best way to handle this was by using a SerializeJSON call and a Deserialize JSON call back and forth. By using JavaScript notation we are able to pass a complex JavaScript object (array) between one page and another. This has the value add of not having to worry about sessions timing out and making URLs clickable from one solution to the next.

How to add a new item to a dropdownlist in a create form in MVC 3?

I have a Form to create a new model object and persist it. That form is displayed in a lightbox or popup.
Some fields are dropdownlist showing related info that lives in another table (other model object related to the main model).
What I need to achieve is without leaving the creation form, create a new item of the related type and update the DropDownList in order to continue filling fields and finaly submit the form.
I have done this in winforms but not really sure which is the best approach in MVC 3:
Trigger another popup with a small form?
Use some kind of editable dropdownlist?
Place a small hidden form right next/after the DDL to allow entering the info to create an item in DDL (and to DB also)?
What do you thing is the best option?
There is no editable dropdown list in HTML. There are some toolkits that simulate it, but in general these are clumbsy and really complex. It's a lot easier to stick with basic controls.
You would proably do best to have a small + sign next to the field, and then popup an editing field that inserts the element into the combobox and sends it to the controller via ajax to add to the database.
An alternative to a second pop up is having a toggle add button. When toggled, then show a small area where you can enter the name. Using ajax, save the name, and then refresh your dropdown. This works well if you only have a few attributes to fill in.

How do you switch backing bean objects in JSF?

Suppose I several tags, text input, radios, etc referencing one instance object. I would like to use a dropdown on that page to switch the references mentioned before to another instance of the object.
This part is pretty easy with change listener. However, the problem I have is the values currently displayed on the screen are getting set into the new, second instance.
I would like the current values to be stored in the current instance, and then the when the page refreshes I would like the new values to come from the new instance and be displayed on the screen.
Is there was way to do this? Does my question make any sense?
A value change listener is exactly the wrong tool for this, because it gets called before the values are set.
What you want is an action listener, which will get call after the values from the page are validated and set.
