Smarty Conditionals strings - smarty

I need to create a single string in SMARTY from two as below
{$value.b64id} = ?type=1&id=aWQ9
this is what I have got so far, cant seem to get anywhere. I think the quote marks are messing me up!!
{assign var='controls' value='<a style="color: red;" href="'|cat:{$value.b64id}|cat:'">click Me</a>'}
so what I want from the end of it
{$controls} = <a style="color: red;" href="">click Me</a>
Many Thanks

First of all, you only need to use delimiters for variables if you want to display them in the template. When you're using variables inside a smarty function that's not necessary, so
should be
However, if you need to compose a string to reuse it several times, it's probably better to use {capture}
{capture "controls"}
<a style="color: red;" href="{$value.b64id}">click Me</a>
and then just use {$controls}


How to get specific xpath tag value

<div class="container">
<span class="price">
<bdi> 140 </bdi>
<span class="price">
<bdi> 120 </bdi>
I want to scrape a site which html formatting like below. Here I dont want to bdi tag value which is under del tag and want bdi tag value which is under span class and ins tag. Is there any path to figure it out?
Don't pretty much usual //span/ins/bdi/text() work for you?
This is "text of <bdi> which parent is <ins> which parent is <span>"?
CSS variant span>ins>bdi::text should also work I suppose.
Sorry, haven't noticed that you need two values. In that case .xpath('//bdi[not(parent::del)]/text()').extract() will work well.

Line break or new paragraph inside foreach jsp

I got a small problem i want to add for example i have some values in my foreach which i recive from my database how can i add a br or a p because now its just in one value
<c:forEach var="vac" items="${loc}">
<div class="featurette">
<p class="vactextl">
I get now a text from database but i want to add a new line or break.
what i want the text is coming from a database its very long discription text i want to add breaks or paragraph in it but now i cant when i print it out there is no paragraph or anything just text is the are way to do this?
In my database is stored like this
But when i show it on html i get this
Is there a way to replace \n \r with br this would be fix the problem
Its obviously wrong way to do it like below but for now you can do it
<c:forEach var="vac" items="${loc}">
<div class="featurette">
<p class="vactextl">
Note: out is jsp's implicit object
You're going to have to split your string if you want to output it with line breaks from the database. You can then try putting the split strings in an arraylist then output them in your forEach loop.
<c:forEach var="vac" items="${loc}">
<div class="featurette">
<c:out value="${vac.description}" /><br/>

Page Object Gem. Making accessors for elements without ids

Lets say I have a simple page that has less IDs than I'd like for testing
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Real Estate Rating</div>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Property Rating Info</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">General Risks</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Amenities</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
I'm using Jeff Morgan's Page Object gem and I want to make accessors for the edit links in any given section.
The challenge is that the panel headers differentiate what body I want to choose. Then I need to access the parent and get all links with class "icon.edit". Assume I can't change the HTML to solve this.
Here's a start
module RealEstateRatingPageFields
div(:general_risks_section, ....)
def general_risks_edit_links
general_risks_section_element.links(class: "icon.edit")
How do I get the general_risks_section accessor to work, though?
I want that to represent the parent div to the panel header with text 'General Risks'...
There are a number of ways to get the general risk section.
Using a Block
The accessors can take a block where you can more programatically describe how to locate the element. This allows you to locate a distinguishing element and then traverse the DOM to the element you actually want. In this case, you can locate the header with the matching text and navigate to its parent.
div(:general_risks_section) { div_element(class: '__panel_header', text: 'General Risks').parent }
Using XPath
While harder to read and write, you could also use an XPath locator. The concept and thought process is the same as using the block. The only benefit is that it reduces the number of element calls, which slightly improves performance.
div(:general_risks_section, xpath: './/div[#class="__panel_body"][./div[#class="__panel_header" and text() = "General Risks"]]')
The XPath is saying:
.//div # Find a div element that
[#class="__panel_body"] # Has the class "__panel_body" and
[./div[ # Contains a div element that
#class="__panel_header" and # Has the class "__panel_header" and
text() = "General Risks" # Has the text "General Risks"
Using the Body Text
Given the HTML, you could also just locate the section directly based on its text.
div(:general_risks_section, class: '__panel_body', text: 'General Risks')
Note that this assumes that the HTML given was not simplified. If there are actually other text nodes, this probably would not be the best option.

How to write the single xpath when the text is in two lines

How to write the single xpath for this
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 profilesky"> <div class="career_icon">
<span> Boost </span> <br/>
Your Profile </div>
I am able to write by two line using "contains" method.
.//*[contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
But i want in a single line to write the xpath for this.
You can try this way :
.//*[#class='career_icon' and contains(., 'Boost') and contains(., 'Your Profile')]
Above xpath check if there is an element having class attribute equals career_icon and contains both Boost and Your Profile texts in the element body.
Note that text() only checks direct child text node. To check entire text content of an element simply use dot (.).
You can combine several rules just by writing them one after another since they refer to the same element:
.//[contains(text(),'Boost')][contains(text(),'Your Profile')]

how to access this element

I am using Watir to write some tests for a web application. I need to get the text 'Bishop' from the HTML below but can't figure out how to do it.
<div id="dnn_ctr353_Main_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl07_Field_048b9dfa-bc64-42e4-8bd5-b45385e5f45b_view" style="display: block;">
<div class="workprolabel wpFieldLabel">
<span title="Please select a courtesy title from the list.">Title</span> <span class="validationIndicator wpValidationText"></span>
<span class="wpFieldViewContent" id="dnn_ctr353_Main_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl07_Field_048b9dfa-bc64-42e4-8bd5-b45385e5f45b_view_value"><p class="wpFieldValue ">Bishop</p></span>
Firebug tells me the xpath is:
but I cant format the element_by_xpath to pick it up.
You should be able to access the paragraph right away if it's unique:
my_p = browser.p(:class, "wpFieldValue ")
my_text = my_p.text
See HTML Elements Supported by Watir
Maybe this will work
path = "//span[#id='dnn_ctr353_Main_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl07_Field_048b9dfa-bc64-42e4-8bd5b45385e5f45b_view_value']/p";
And check if the span's id is constant
Maybe you have an extra space in the end of the name?
<p class="wpFieldValue ">
Try one of these (worked for me, please notice trailing space after wpFieldValue in the first example):
browser.p(:class => "wpFieldValue ").text
#=> "Bishop"
browser.span(:id => "dnn_ctr353_Main_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl07_Field_048b9dfa-bc64-42e4-8bd5-b45385e5f45b_view_value").text
#=> "Bishop"
It seems in run time THE DIV style changing NONE to BLOCK.
So in this case we need to collect the text (Entire source or DIV Source) and will collect the value from the text
For Example :
particular_div=text.scan(%r{div id="dnn_ctr353_Main_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl07_Field_048b9dfa-bc64-42e4-8bd5-b45385e5f45b_view" style="display: block;(.*)</span></div>}im).flatten.to_s
particular_div.scan(%r{ <p class="wpFieldValue ">(.*)</p> }im).flatten.to_s
The above code is the sample one will solve your problem.
