SSIS - debugging not working - visual-studio

Recently started using Visual Studio 2012, converting SSIS packages from 2008, and seem to be unable to set breakpoints in Script Tasks. The error we're receiving says
Cannot start debugging. Pre-debugging negotiations with Host failed.
Cannot seem to find any information about this error, or what's causing it. There is also a brief flash of a dialog box that says
Visual Studio has encountered an unexpected error
but that disappears quickly.

This issue has been resolved. The input parameters were set incorrect and hence was failing. It has been fixed now

I think you install new version of Visual Studio you just have to uninstall the Visual Studio tools for Application for the new version then repair the Visual Studio tool for Application 2012 and every thinks will be good


Visual Studio Remote Debugger Failed to Start

I recently installed Visual Studio 2017 on my laptop (running Windows 10). I have a C++ project using the OpenCV and Eigen libraries, and it seems to compile correctly, but when I try to run the Local Windows Debugger, I get an error message that says:
Visual Studio Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. If this problem persists, please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel
I ran the Repair tool it suggested, with no luck. I also checked for a solution online, and came across a support page (Link). I tried turning off my anti-virus and firewall as per the suggestions on the support page, but that didn't get rid of the error message. My laptop is brand new, and I just installed Visual Studio and the Remote Debugger, so I don't think it would be the case that the version of the Remote Debugger doesn't match with that of Visual Studio. All of the other suggestions are for people doing remote debugging, but I'm doing a local debug.
Any help/suggestions on resolving this issue would be appreciated.
Firstly close the Visual Studio.
Goto AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio and select version (Ex: VS 2015 has 14.0 folder).
Then delete ComponentModelCache folder.
Start the Visual Studio.
Find what's preventing msvsmon.exe from running.
I encountered this error in Visual Studio 2019 while trying to start debugging a .net 5 console application. I tried to run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe and found that User Access Control dialog opens and is asking to run it as an administrator. So two solutions were possible for me, either run VS2019 as Administrator or remove the Run this program as an administrator setting for msvsmon.exe.

How do I get a VBscript External tool that worked in Visual Studio 2012 but not in Visual Studio 2013?

We are receiving an unexpected error when using our VBScript external debugging tool. We used this link in the past to create the external tool:
Visual Studio 2013 and VB Scripts
It has worked fine in VS2013 when we created the tool. Well, we moved to a new machine and now this tool will not work. We receive the following error asking us to register the PDM.dll or it is missing, which we have done. I'm assuming it is a configuration issue of some sort either in the Visual Studio 2013 or elsewhere. Would anyone have experience with this or could offer a suggestion?
"The script debugger failed to connect to the target process. The correct version of pdm.dll is not registered. ...."
I know this is common error but we have tried the common fixes that we are ware of.
When I loaded VS 2012 (with VS 2013 still installed), somehow it fixed the issue. Both 2012 and 2013 can debug VBScripts with use of the External Tool created for VBScript debugging. We had this issue before in the past, on the previous machine (i.e. PC), it was just the opposite fix. VS 2012 wouldn't debug VBScripts with the External Tool created, but after loading VS 2013 it worked. Somehow, the second installation changes the configuration which impacts both versions, resulting in the VBscript target connection to work.

Visual Studio crashes when locking computer or starting another instance

I have the problem that Visual Studio 2013 crashes when I lock the computer or start another instance of Visual Studio.
I use Visual Studio 2013 with latest patches applied. I always start Visual Studio as Admin.
This seems to only happen with a certain big solution. This problem did not occur to me with other solutions.
I tried to delete the solution and make a clean checkout from TFS, but Visual Studio still crashes.
I know this is not much information, but do you have any idea how to fix this or how to what else I could check?
Additional Information: This still happens even with Visual Studio 2015 on a fresh Windows 8.1 installation...
Here's the error:
Use the following steps to solve the issue:
I would copy the solution with quotation but as you can see, there is a lot of text to edit.
Start Visual Studio using the /log switch. Then check the created log file for warnings and errors:
If you use a Web Browser to view the file, it will be nicely formatted, due to the accompanying xsl-sheet.

Visual studio 2010 unable to debug web application. Maybe corrupt installation?

I can't debug my Sharepoint 2010 project. Visual Studio 2010 shows me the following error message:
Unable to attach to he process. An error occurred that usually indicates a corrupt installation (code 0x80040154). If the problem persists, repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel.
I experienced this problem some days ago for the first time.
At first repairing helped, but after a little time the error occurred again.
I have tried restarting computer, too, after which the problem was gone for only a little time.
I have uninstalled/reinstalled visual studio, but still no success.
How can I solve this problem, I have no idea about the reason.
EDIT: I have noticed that the problem occurs only when I try to debug a workflow code.
I have had this issue in the past and solved it by ensuring I'm compiling the code to x64. Check your settings in Visual Studio. SharePoint is 64bit only.
Good Luck.
I had a problem with the javascript debugger on a web project, and I got a similar error message. The fix was: Closed all instances of Visual Studio. I threw away the app in inetmgr, and re-opened visual studio with my solution that has my web app. It re-created the virtual directory on opening. Javascript debugger started working again.

Visual Studio error

I'm getting the following error in Visual Studio 2008:
Unable to create the component used to
generate ASP.NET Intellisense
information. This can occur if Visual
Studio or the .NET Framework is not
installed correctly.
I've re-installed all versions of the .Net framework, run devenv /resetuserdata like suggested online, and did a repair install of Visual Studio. However, I still get the same error.
I can click past this message, but get subsequent errors about package loading errors. Then the project won't build when it build just fine days ago. Does anyone know how to correct this?
about 4-5 months before i was also getting this error, but i resolved that by unistalling each and every component of Visual studio and Sql server and then again installing it....
I still don't know y this error had come.
