How to create a page that leads to multiple scrollviews in swift - xcode

The beginning page is a table view. On the table view there is table that contains four different topics(picture provided). I would like each topic to lead to a new page that is a scroll view. I have successfully programmed so that the first topic will lead to a scroll view. However, I am having trouble creating more than one scroll view page for each topic. enter image description here

How to:
Create destination view controllers in your storyboard.
Create segues by CTRL-dragging from cell to the view controller that should be shown when the cell is tapped.


Table view cell segue to view controller not working (Swift)

I have a table view cell, which I am trying to connect to a view controller (table view is menu, titled equations) (view controller also has navigation controller and navigation bar, titled quadratics), however, when I control-click the table view cell and drag to the view controller and select "show", it works in the build, but it does not show a back button in the view controller, would there be any way to fix this (preferably with a story board and not programmatically).
Also, how would I make the animation from table view to view controller a right to left slide, and vice versa?
You do not need to have the second navigation controller in between your 2nd and 3rd view controller. Delete the navigation controller between your menu (table view controller) and equations view. And create a segue between them directly. This will add the equations view to the navigation stack and you will get the desired animation and back button automatically.

One TableView implemented in several ViewControllers

I am looking for a way to create a TableView to show a list of posts on a social networking site. I want to place the exact same prototype table in several ViewControllers and based on the current ViewController, it will be populated with different information. Is there a way to do this with Storyboard? I assume that this is quite easy using only code, but I would like to drag and drop elements to create the prototype cell.
For each view controller you should create a new table view. You could reuse table view cells by creating a custom nib cell and populating each table view accordingly.
This is a good tutorial on how to populate a table view with an rss feed.
You can then find the rss feed of each social media page that you want to include in each table view.

iOS: How to update/reload tableview when swip pages in container view

I have a question on my app,
The main view (mainviewcontroller.h)consists of 2 views, 1 container view and 1 tableview, inside the container view it's a pageviewcontroller (pageviewcontroller.h) which controls 5 pages, 5 pages share same viewcontroller(uiviewcontroller.h)
Question is when I swip through the pages, I want the tableview reload data according to the page.
The data in table view is coming from a preloaded database. I can get different table of data by changing predicates keywords in the fetch request, but how can I somehow link the changing of page in the pageviewcontroller to change of predicate in the fetch request.
Any input is appreciated.

Navigation Bar disappearing while scrolling

I am using table view in my app. I manually created the table view with basic cells. I inserted a navigation bar on the top of the screen. When I scroll down, the navigation bar disappears. To make it reappear, I have to scroll back to the top of the screen. How do I ensure that the navigation abr is constantly there on the screen, while I am scrolling down.
There are a few different ways.
First way is to embed your view controller in Navigation controller instead of adding navigation bar directly to your view controller. Select your view controller and select Editor->Embed in->Navigation controller. It will add a navigation controller to the storyboard and will set up your view controller as its root controller.
This will work even if you use Tableview Controller (which won't let you add navigation bar manually in interface builder).
I would recommend you to use this way.
See screenshot
Second way is to add navigation bar directly to the controller and to check the hierarchy of the views: both table view and navigation bar should be on the same level and navigation bar should follow table view. Most likely your navigation bar was added as a subview of the table view.
Note that I would not recommend you to follow this way, because you will have to manually add constraints, this method won't work with table view controller, plus you can run in some other problems.
See screenshot

Is it possible to have a button in each row of a table view in Xcode?

I have a table view loaded with 3 pieces of data in each row, formatted using a Table View Cell in IB. I would like to "hide" one piece of data with a button, that when pushed, will then be hidden so that the data that is behind the button will then be displayed.
Does anyone know if this is possible? I put my button in the Table View Cell, but I can't figure out how to get it set to the proper class in the File Owner.
