Spring MVC template engin vs plane html - spring

I'm a little confused about template engines like thymeleaf or velocity.
My question is are there any profits from using template engine instead plain html + angular?
I'm asking because I'm developing application using
Spring boot 1.3.2
Angular 1.4.8
and I'm wondering if is a chance in Spring MVC application that I'll nead template engine instead make it all in plain hmtl + angular?

AngularJS is as client-side Javascript framework.
Thymeleaf is a server-side template engine capable of create HTML, CSS, Javascript and text.
You can use both to create your web app.
For instance you can send to your customers already processed pages by Thymeleaf with the client specific data. As the customer interacts with your page you can use AngularJS to bring data from your server via Ajax or to process his requests locally, so your server will not need to send the entire page to your customer as he interacts with your page, this will make your page faster.


Do you need to use a framework to Ajaxify your java web app?

I am currently studying Java EE with Hibernate for a project. In The Web App I am creating I am planning to Ajaxify page contents, and Site wide audio player(Which I think would be implemented using AJAX).
I am using a JSP based MVC, no frameworks, Just Java EE and Hibernate. And I've heard that I need to use a Framework like JSF to be able to AJaxify may web-app. How true is this? Do I really need to learn JSF or other frameworks to be able to Ajaxify my web app? As much as possible I do not want to learn a new framework for now since it is a big learning curve. but if there's no other way to Ajaxify my web app, I'll study a framework.
You don't have to adopt any framework to use partial page updates and similar, you can construct and send requests "manually" with JavaScript, but this is much more tedious then using a framework like JSF, maybe coupled with a component library like primefaces.
EDIT: you can find an abundance of examples of ajax capabilities in the primefaces showcase. Primefaces uses JQuery internally.
EDIT2: I have found some resources on how to dispatch ajax requests with JQuery from a JSP page (I assumed that using JSP was almost equal to not using a framework ;)): here and here. I hope this is what you were looking for.
To add on #Kostja's answer -
I totally agree with him, with Ajax you just need to have a servlet to handle the HTTP requests, and proper JavaScript code.
Besides JSF,I would also consider to look at Apache Wicket - you can read here how Wicket handles Ajax.
The reason I'm suggesting Wicket is that it's more comfortable to some developers to work with somewhat more "component oriented" (swing-like) framework.

Server side MVC +Client side MVC

An application is both JS intensive and has a complex business logic +huge data flow that uses backboneJS to structure JavaScript code and there is a necessity for the server side MVC also (Spring in this case).
Is it a good idea to implement server side MVC (spring ) along with client side MVC (backbone) and are there any compatibility issues between them?
In case both can be implemented.How am i going to coordinate the spring views with the backbone view.
How will client side MVC with template engine collaborate with 'View' of Spring.
Though this question has been asked before, I could not find suitable answer for this. Can somebody help me with a detailed answer?
Backbone.js is primarily used for SPA's (Single Page Applications). Your backbone.js segments ('views') are rendered and re-rendered by data, that is fetched or changed. If your application is going to be javascript intensive, backbone is a great minimal framework that will help organize your application. However, backbone is not so simple when your javascript application becomes quite large. You have to have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of javascript and have a programming decided pattern. Otherwise you application can become quite a mess even with the use of backbone.js.
Anyhow I digress. Think of you client side application (backbone.js driven) completely separate from your server side application (MVC driven). All your client application needs from your server application is the data. That is why backbone.js is built around a REST API. If you are looking to develop a large javascript application, I would look at using MVC 4's Web API for your REST API, and backbone.js to help organize and standardize your client application.
This article describes how to make an application architecture with both server side MVC and JS MVC , respecting the MVC pattern.

Frontend ajax framework work with Grails

I have some knowledge about Flex and Java EE, they are good for web application development. Anyway when I try to write a typical web page that is based on HTML/CSS/Javascript, I think I should take a look at some new program language/framework.
I heard much good news about grails and finally decided to learn it instead of python, ruby, scale… But I still don’t have an overview of the whole structure. Grails is a backend framework like php, jsp, jsf right? So that probably means, it’s a replacement of Java EE in backend, then how about the frontend (need ajax functionality), what are people using with grails?
Grails is not a replacement, it is an abstraction around the tradition Java EE stack and some extremely popular libraries like Spring and Hibernate, that allows you to go faster by using "convention over configuration".
One component of Grails is GSPs, groovy server pages, which is a front end technology, the V in the MVC (Model View Controller) paradigm. You also have Domain Objects, which are the M (Model), and Controllers, which are the C. Grails also has Services which are best put into the M category (IMHO) of the MVC paradigm. So the Model arrangement in Grails gives you relatively easy persistence (using hibernate under the covers), the Services give you great reusability in your business and transactional logic, and the Controller simply invoke the right logic for a given request, and return the response.
One part of that response is what gets displayed on the screen. In a simple webapp, GSPs fill that role -- the controller tells the browser to render a specific GSP which has data bound to it from the service method that was invoked in the controller. However, it is easy to have the controller return json, so if the endpoint bound to the controller is an ajax request, the client can handle the response itself.
You can use any front end technology you want in a grails app. The default is GSPs, which is an extension of JSPs, which are part of the traditional java stack, but you can use jQuery, Sencha, Sproutcore, Backbone, anything you want. You would have one GSP in that case which bootstraps your javascript code, and the rest would be handled by the client application.
Grails is a web framework and is not just a backend framework. It supports both JSP and GSP ( Groovy Server Pages) for views.
If you plan to use Ajax functionality, you can make use of one of many javascript frameworks available. You can also go ahead with Flex (since you already know it) or use a javascript framework like ExtJs, Dojo, YUI etc...

Spring MVC 3 and Ajax library advice

I'm developing a webapp with Hibernate+Spring 3 (Spring MVC, JSP): I'd like to create some divs with AJAX style (i.e. no need to refresh all the page, independent update of each div).
I'd like a good advice about which AJAX library to use (in conjunction with Spring 3 MVC + JSP) and, if possible, where to find some code snippets.
I know very little of AJAX libraries, JSONs and how to integrate them, but I have good knowledge of Javascript and Spring (and how callbacks work). I'd like to write as less code as possible, particularly in the jsps.
My Webapp will display an updated (every 5 minutes) POJO in a div and perform some operations between different domain objects in the other div when user press a button.
This is correct use JQuery
you can find working examples to use Jquery+JSON+Spring MVC.
and this question can help you with server side configuration:
JQuery, Spring MVC #RequestBody and JSON - making it work together
I would suggest jQuery. It is very easy to use and has very good ajax support.
In addition to that it has quite a lot of plugins and components.

Struts2 - Question about AJAX implementation

I new on Struts2, and i need to do some AJAX call to the server.
I tried to search some tutorial, but expect roseindia ones, i don't find nothing.
Also, i don't understand if Struts2 implements natively Ajax or if i must use it with some library (like Dojo or Jquery?).
Also, can you give to me some good tutorial?
Struts2 is an MVC framework for building server-side web applications and Ajax is a concept that exists within the client-side of things. From the server's perspective, it just needs to respond to an HTTP request (which happens to come from JavaScript for Ajax).
Therefore, Struts2 does not "implement Ajax." You'll need to use JavaScript (or a JavaScript framework like jQuery, Dojo, etc.) as you mentioned.
You can use these in Struts2 just as you would in any web project, by including the necessary JavaScript and CSS files, or you can use a Struts2 plugin (there are plugins for both previously mentioned libraries).
I'm pretty sure that the jQuery and Dojo plugins contain tag libraries for doing Ajax.
we use the struts 2 json plugin for returning json from struts actions.
on the client side, you'll likely want to use a javascript framework like jQuery to issue your ajax calls and then handle the json response.
