I am using QtCreator 4.8.6 on Windows 7, compiler MSVC2010.
The issue is when I run the application, it works, however, it doesn’t load map data from Google maps in WebView, it shows blank. Ironically the URL when viewed in any other web browser displays Maps successfully.
I also tried to load Google or Nokia web page, I was unsuccessful, but couldnt open google maps. I would really appreciate if someone could help me to resolve this issue?
Its a request.
Regards and Thanks in Advance,
You need to set the WebView to use the latest version of IE. See:
Issue 6550: Bug: Map doesn't render correctly in a WebBrowser object
Issue 9004: Bug: Javascript error - https://maps.googleapis.com/maps-api-v3/api/js/23/2/intl/en_gb/onion.js
from a link in issue 9004:
Browser Emulation
Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later. The FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION feature defines the default emulation mode for Internet Explorer and supports the following values.
Value Description
11001 (0x2AF9 Internet Explorer 11. Webpages are displayed in IE11 edge mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive. Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
11000 (0x2AF8) IE11. Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE11 edge mode. Default value for IE11.
10001 (0x2711) Internet Explorer 10. Webpages are displayed in IE10 Standards mode, regardless of the !DOCTYPE directive.
10000 (0x02710) Internet Explorer 10. Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE10 Standards mode. Default value for Internet Explorer 10.
9999 (0x270F) Windows Internet Explorer 9. Webpages are displayed in IE9 Standards mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive. Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
9000 (0x2328) Internet Explorer 9. Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE9 mode. Default value for Internet Explorer 9.
Important In Internet Explorer 10, Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE10 Standards mode.
8888 (0x22B8) Webpages are displayed in IE8 Standards mode, regardless of the declared !DOCTYPE directive. Failing to declare a !DOCTYPE directive causes the page to load in Quirks.
8000 (0x1F40) Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE8 mode. Default value for Internet Explorer 8
Important In Internet Explorer 10, Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE10 Standards mode.
7000 (0x1B58) Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE7 Standards mode. Default value for applications hosting the WebBrowser Control.
we have requirement of always opening website in IE8 browser mode (not IE8 document mode) i.e if default browser is IE10 our site should open in IE78 browser mode. I tried this code;
Response.AddHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=8");
in global.asax file but it seems to change browser document mode and not browser mode. Can we change it using vbscript because we have a plugin written in vbscript that changes some of the settings of IE ?
Here is the relationship:
Creator Created
server document
users browser
Servers can control the document mode via scripts, because they host documents.
Users can control the browser mode via the registry, because they install the browser.
How to enable Developer Tools always ON in IE
Is there a way to set Quirks Mode by default in IE10 running 64bit
Can I force IE9 *from the user side* to operate in quirks/standards mode?
I am working on an intranet website within a corporate company where there is the Internet Explorer 8 (running on Windows XP, so cannot upgrade to IE9) used as a standard (and the only one) browser and I am dealing with the Compatibility View Mode feature. The website is based on ASP.NET 2.0 and the web server is Windows Server 2003 with IIS6.
It is not possible to switch to any other browser because some other critical third party web based applications require Internet Explorer (and ActiveX) to run properly.
I would like to ask whether there is a way how to (programmaticaly, using a http header ...) override the Internet Explorer's browser mode in case the Compatibility View Mode is turned on for Intranet websites by default or, in other words, how to force the Internet Explorer to use the IE8 Browser Mode rather than the IE8 Compatibility Mode.
I have tried to add the X-UA-Compatible http header set to IE=Edge (or IE=8) in the IIS configuration but it only affects the Document Mode, never the Browser Mode.
Thanks for any help.
Browser mode refers to the user-agent string and, IIRC, it controls the UA string that's sent to a server during HTTP negotiation. The only documented way to control that is to use the F12 developer tools.
You may want to look at Enterprise Mode[1] (EMIE), supported for Win 7 and later. When EMIE is enabled for IE, IE11 behaves and acts like IE8. This includes the UA String.
You are correct, x-ua-compatible controls only the document mode. There was a feature control key (FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION [2]) that might've helped, but it's unclear whether that's still supported in current versions of IE. (See the Extensibility Improvements link on that page for technical details.)
Hope this helps...
[1] - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn640687
[2] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ee330730(v=vs.85).aspx#browser_emulation
I have a VB6 application using the WebBrowser control. It displays HTML pages from a local folder (using file:// URI scheme). Some of those pages contain embedded JavaScript code.
It all works well for the vast majority of users, but occasionally we get reports from people who have problems with everything JavaScript-related in the pages. Basically, it looks like they have scripting disabled inside the WebBrowser control.
The problem is: I cannot even reproduce the problem. I was trying to fiddle with various settings in IE security (IE8 on Win XP Pro SP3), disabling various scripting-related options for different zones (which zone includes local file system, by the way?), - I'm always having JavaScript running well in my tests.
Does anybody have any idea of what may be going wrong?
I think I know why this is happening, it's because the IE version the WebBrowser control renders under is IE 7.0 in most, and if they are using a browser older than IE 7, it will render under IE 4.0 (seriously). They do this for backwards compatibility. So if some of your users have IE 6, their default IE rendering engine will be IE 4.0. Of course, since you are probably using IE 9, yors would be IE 7 engine.
You can change the engine, if this is what you want to do, to the current engine (ie: to the current version of internet explorer installed on the users system).
Also, I'd like you to go to http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ on your IE browser, and then through the hosted WebBrowser control; you'll see the difference.
Also, ask your problemed users to go to http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ through their hosted WebBrowser control if they can, and note the results, if they are running pre-IE-7 then most likely their hosted webbrowser control will show IE 4.0. This is almost certainly the reason for your problem.
How is that possible?
Any solution to separate IE8 from IE7?
To quote this article on IEBlog:
IE8 will send the “MSIE 7.0” version information when viewing sites with Compatibility View enabled. (...) A new “Trident” token in the User-Agent string allows your code to detect Internet Explorer 8 clients even when they are using the Compatibility View feature.
To wit, your page is displayed in Compatibility mode, hence the UA change.
In this case you need to check from your developer toolbar if you are rendering your site as IE7.
You can get to the developers toobar by hiting F12 and checking the browser mode and puting it to IE 8.
Is it possible to have two windows of IE8, one in IE8 browser mode and another one in IE7? When I work with IE, I don't want all my windows to be affected when I change the mode to test a specific page in IE7.
You can use IETester.
IETester is a free WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP, as well as the installed IE in the same process.
I didn't try it but you should be able to do it with maxthon (using the split view) and a plugin.