spring mvc checking checkbox does not set object - spring

Hi I am new to spring MVC and am trying to implement a form:checkboxes tag and have run into a few issues. All the examples I have googled work with Strings and i want to work with objects so am hoping someone can advise.
I have a List of objects set in my DTO as follows:
private List<Barrier> barriers;
public List<Barrier> getBarriers() {
return barriers;
public void setBarriers(List<Barrier> barriers) {
this.barriers = barriers;
in my controller class I fetch the barrier objects from the database and add them to my DTO which will be passed to the jsp
mav.addObject("testDto", savedRecord);
in my JSP I use the form:checkboxes tag as follows:
<form:checkboxes path="barriers" items="${testDto.barriers}" element="label class='block-label'"
I also tried with adding
but that did not work either
this is wraped in a from element
<form:form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="${action}"
onsubmit="return checkAndSend()" id="create"
novalidate="" modelAttribute="testDto">
So the issues I am having are as follows:
The checkboxes when displayed all seem to be checked. I have implemented a hashcode and equals method on the barrier object but they still all seem to be checked when I want them unchecked.
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((barrier == null) ? 0 : barrier.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((display == null) ? 0 : display.hashCode());
result = prime * result + id;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Barrier other = (Barrier) obj;
if (barrier == null) {
if (other.barrier != null)
return false;
} else if (!barrier.equals(other.barrier))
return false;
if (display == null) {
if (other.display != null)
return false;
} else if (!display.equals(other.display))
return false;
if (id != other.id)
return false;
return true;
When I click submit and i look at the testDto my barriers object list is null. How do I get the checked boxes that represent objects to be set on my testDto.
Any pointers and advice is appreciated
Thanks for the pointers. I went with the following. your suggestion helped.
I created the folloiwng in my controller
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder)
binder.registerCustomEditor(Barrier.class, new BarrierPropertyEditor(barrierService));
and then added a class to do the conversion
public class BarrierPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private BarrierService barrierService;
public BarrierPropertyEditor(BarrierService barrierService) {
this.barrierService = barrierService;
public void setAsText(String text) {
Barrier b = barrierService.findById(Integer.valueOf(text));
This sets the barrier objects on my DTO.
Any ideas how to set the checkboxes unchecked on intitial load?

You can use #ModelAttribute in your Controller to provide the list of values in checkboxes.
public List<Barrier> populateBarrierList() {
List<Barrier> barrierList = dataService.getBarriers();
for(Barrier barrier: barrierList )
return barrierList ;
In JSP, use following :
<form:checkboxes path="barriers" items="${barrierList}" element="label class='block-label'" itemLabel="barrier"/>


How to set ASP.NET Web Api Route Constraint HTTP Status Return Code

I am using ASP.NET Web Api 2 framework and using a basic route constraint as below.
public HttpResponseMessage GetNumber([FromUri] int id)
return (id > 0)
? Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id)
: Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed);
I would like to know when the id is conflict with the constraint above, .e.g. 1 or 11,
how can I overrride the default HTTP Status Return code which is 404?
Thanks very much.
You can create a custom route constraint that will check the min, max values like you wish, and additionally allow you to specify the HttpStatusCode in case the constraint is not fulfilled correctly.
public class RangeWithStatusRouteConstraint : IHttpRouteConstraint
private readonly int _from;
private readonly int _to;
private readonly HttpStatusCode _statusCode;
public RangeWithStatusRouteConstraint(int from, int to, string statusCode)
_from = from;
_to = to;
if (!Enum.TryParse(statusCode, true, out _statusCode))
_statusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
public bool Match(HttpRequestMessage request, IHttpRoute route, string parameterName, IDictionary<string, object> values,
HttpRouteDirection routeDirection)
object value;
if (values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out value) && value != null)
var stringValue = value as string;
var intValue = 0;
if (stringValue != null && int.TryParse(stringValue, out intValue))
if (intValue >= _from && intValue <= _to)
return true;
//only throw if we had the expected type of value
//but it fell out of range
throw new HttpResponseException(_statusCode);
return false;
Now you need to register it in the attribute mapping:
var constraintResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver();
constraintResolver.ConstraintMap.Add("rangeWithStatus", typeof(RangeWithStatusRouteConstraint));
And your route can now look like this:
public class MyController : ApiController
[Route("Number/{id:int:rangeWithStatus(2, 10, PreconditionFailed)}")]
public HttpResponseMessage GetNumber([FromUri] int id)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id);
in this case Conflict is a string representation of HttpStatusCode.Conflict enumeration, which is later cast to the enum value in the constraint.
With such setup, if the value falls out of the [2, 10] range, the Web API infrastructure will respond with 409 status code instead of the default 404.
Remove the constraint on the route, and do the validation inside the method.
Constraints are used to figure out if a route should be used at all, but you want to use the route to be hit but change the status code if the input falls outside some parameters.
[Route("Number/{id})] // No constraints
public HttpResponseMessage GetNumber([FromUri] int id)
return (id > 1 && id < 11) // here you validate id range
? Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id)
: Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed);
I think that the correct solution is to check constraint inside controller (as #aanund suggested). However if you want to keep the Route constraints and avoid conditionals in your code, you may create another action controller with the same route but without constraints. If the constraints are not verified the new action controller will be called:
public HttpResponseMessage GetNumber([FromUri] int id)
Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, id)
public HttpResponseMessage GetNumber2([FromUri] int id)

GWT - setText and setValue not working for TextBox on initial load

I have a couple of text-boxes on a page where the user can enter some numeric values; however, try as I might, I can't fill those text-boxes with default values - specifically I would like 0.0 displayed in both upon page load.
Here is how I create them and what I have tried -
GroupSection engineering_group = new GroupSection();
KSTextBox engrDesignTextBox = new KSTextBox();
//engrDesignTextBox.setWatermarkText("0.0"); ==> this works, but not what I need
//engrDesignTextBox.setText("0.0"); ==> this doesn't work
engrDesignTextBox.setValue("0.0"); // doesn't work either
KSTextBox engrScienceTextBox = new KSTextBox();
//engrScienceTextBox.setWatermarkText("0.0"); ==> this works, but not what I need
//engrScienceTextBox.setText("0.0"); ==> this doesn't work
engrScienceTextBox.setValue("0.0"); // doesn't work either
I'm thinking that I need to attach an "onload" event listener and then try the setText in there? That seems overkill for something that should be rather simple.
Incidentally, I have attached onBlurHandlers for both these text boxes and they work as expected (see code below)
The following code will simply insert0.0 if the user clicks or tabs out of the text-box while it is EMPTY.
engrDesignTextBox.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() {
public void onBlur(BlurEvent blurEvent) {
if(((KSTextBox)blurEvent.getSource()).getText().length() < 1) {
engrScienceTextBox.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() {
public void onBlur(BlurEvent blurEvent) {
if(((KSTextBox)blurEvent.getSource()).getText().length() < 1) {
EDIT : As requested here is how I have defined the setText and setValue methods in KSTextBox
public class KSTextBox extends TextBox implements HasWatermark {
public void setText(String text) {
String oldValue = super.getText();
if(hasWatermark) {
if(text == null || (text != null && text.isEmpty())){
watermarkShowing = true;
watermarkShowing = false;
ValueChangeEvent.fireIfNotEqual(this, oldValue, text);
public void setValue(String value) {
if(hasWatermark) {
if(value == null || (value != null && value.isEmpty())){
watermarkShowing = true;
watermarkShowing = false;
So, getting back to the original question, how I do I initially set the values for these textboxes to 0.0?
That should have worked.Its very suprising. Is there a possibility that some other code is resetting the value after you did a setText or a setValue? Try debugging it in hosted mode.Put a breakpoint in setText and see when and how many times it is getting invoked

Hashmap value changed after requesting from session

I work on Java/HTML project. I've set a hashmap as a session attribute. I request the hashmap from session and put key/value in it
map.put("some string", "1")
. When this action is performed the second time, I print the hashmap content and the only value, that was '1' after the last operation on the hashmap, becomes '-1'.
Hashmap is the best data structure, in my opinion, for this project. Can anyone help?
public class Cart {
private HashMap<String, asd> list;
public Cart(){
list = new HashMap<String, asd>();
public HashMap<String, asd> getMap(){
return list;
* Parameter: code
* -1: increase quantity by 1
* 0: delete product from the product list
* else: set the product quantity to the passed value
public void alterProduct(int code, String product){
if(list.containsKey(product)) {
if(code == -1) plusOne(product);
if(code == 0) remove(product);
else setValue(product, code);
}else {
asd asd = new asd();
asd.a = 1;
list.put(product, asd);
private void plusOne(String product){
asd asd = list.get(product);
asd.a = asd.a + 1;
list.put(product, asd);
private void remove(String product){
private void setValue(String product, int code){
asd asd = new asd();
asd.a = code;
list.put(product, asd);
class asd{
int a;
public String toString(){
return ""+a;
JSP code where I set Cart object as session attribute:
Cart myCart = new Cart();
Servlet code:
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Cart cart = (Cart) request.getSession().getAttribute("cart");
cart.alterProduct(-1, (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("name"));
doGet(request, response);
After I call alterProduct the second time for the same (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("name") the hashmap value for the same key is '-1'.
What is type/value of product? How it is connected to the "cart"?
I guess what's happen that you mess up data types. Another option is you have bug in the Cart.toString() method. I suggest you change the code with "plain" data type and recheck it. If it fails, use your Cart class without messy conversion and debug the code.
You have bug here:
public void alterProduct(int code, String product){
if(list.containsKey(product)) {
if(code == -1) plusOne(product);
if(code == 0) remove(product);
else setValue(product, code);
private void setValue(String product, int code){
asd asd = new asd();
asd.a = code;
list.put(product, asd);
Consider what happen when you call art.alterProduct(-1, "something") second time.
list.containsKey(product) is true (you use the same product"), code is -1. So
if(code == -1) plusOne(product); is executed as expected.
But then you have something weired
if(code == 0) remove(product);
else setValue(product, code);
code ==0 is evaluated to false, so else instruction is called. You are calling setValue(product, -1)
As you can see above setValue will assign -1 to the asd.a that is observed by you.

ViewModel class-level validation

I want to validate my View Model in class-Level .
I am using a actionFilter. How do I use a data annotation?
and how to inject the Access database?
A validation that would happen if the customer says it is already our customer or not.
I used action filter but I think it must have a way to use a DataAnnotation
Commented the code follows:
public class DadosAssinaturaFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.ActionParameters.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(DadosAssinatura)) as DadosAssinatura;
var modelState = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState;
if (model != null)
var jaSouCliente = modelState.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "JaSouCliente");
if (jaSouCliente.Key != null) // select "Is Clilent" radiobutton ?
if (jaSouCliente.Value.Errors.Count > 0) // if so remove the errors of the registration data
else if (model.JaSouCliente != null && model.JaSouCliente.Value) // else, click in "Is Client"
modelState.RemoveKeysStartsWith("DadosCliente."); //remove
modelState.Remove("DadosAcesso.ConfirmaSenha"); //how injec UnitOfWor/Repository? AutoFac?
if (unitOfWork.Client.GetClientByUser(model.DadosAcesso.Usuario, model.DadosAcesso.Senha) == null)//user and Password
modelState.AddModelError("DadosAcesso.Usuario", "Usuario Nao Encontrado");
else if (model.DadosCliente.PessoaFisica) // is a company our people?
modelState.Remove("DadosCliente.RazaoSocial"); // remove validate for company name
modelState.Remove("DadosCliente.Cnpj"); //the brazilian document of company
else modelState.Remove("DadosCliente.Cpf"); //the brazilian document of people
public static class ModelStateErros
public static void RemoveKeysStartsWith(this ModelStateDictionary modelStateDictionary, string startsWith)
var keys = modelStateDictionary.Keys.Where(key => key.StartsWith(startsWith)).ToList();
foreach (var variable in keys)
sorry my English
Simply implement IValidateableObject in your ViewModel class (or create another partial class) and avoid the filter completely, and keep your validation logic with your ViewModel.
How do I use IValidatableObject?

Updating a datatable in Wicket

We are developing a new application in Wicket and have run into a small problem.
What we do:
1) create a new SortableDataProvider
2) create a new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom
3) create a new WebMarkupContainer
4) add the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom to the WebMarkupContainer
5) create a new AjaxCheckBox
6) in the onUpdate of the AjaxCheckBox, add the WebMarkupContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget
7) set the SortableDataProvider to a new SortableDataProvider (with the updated query)
8) DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom - with the new provider).
What happends:
1) Click the checkbox -> nothing happends.
2) Click it again -> crash: "Last cause: This method can only be called on a component that has already been added to its parent.
WicketMessage: Method onRequest of interface org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener targeted at org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxCheckBox$1#1a2fefd on component [ [Component id = checkBox]] threw an exception"
3) Click back in the browser -> the list i filtered with the new provider.
Any ideas?
Here's some code.
1) In the constructor of the WebPage:
model = new Model(projectPlannerService);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
table = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
listContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("wmc");
* checkbox för filtrering
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", new Model()) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
isChecked = !isChecked;
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
2) In updateTable():
table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
3) The SortableProjectDataProvider:
// Constructor
public SortableProjectDataProvider(IModel<?> model, WebSession webSession, boolean isChecked) {
this.model = model;
this.projectPlannerService = (ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject();
this.webSession = webSession;
setSort("customer", SortOrder.ASCENDING);
System.out.println("ischecked:" + isChecked);
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllProjects();
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllActiveProjects();
System.out.println("size: " + list.size());
comparator = new ProjectComparator();
public Iterator<Project> iterator(int first, int count) {
Collections.sort(list, comparator);
if (first > list.size()) {
first = 0;
if (first + count > list.size()) {
return list.subList(first, list.size()).iterator();
} else {
return list.subList(first, first + count).iterator();
public IModel<Project> model(Project object) {
return new DetachableProjectModel((Project) object);
public int size() {
return list.size();
private class DetachableProjectModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {
private Long id;
ProjectPlannerService projectPlannerService;
public DetachableProjectModel(Long id) {
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.id = id;
public DetachableProjectModel(Project project) {
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else if (obj == null) {
return false;
} else if (obj instanceof DetachableProjectModel) {
DetachableProjectModel other = (DetachableProjectModel) obj;
return other.id == this.id;
return false;
protected Object load() {
return ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findProjectById(id);
-input wicket:id="checkBox" type="checkbox"- Show active -/input-
-div wicket:id="wmc"-
-table wicket:id="table"--/table-
Thanks in advance!
By replacing the instance of your SortableProjectDataProvider with a new one you are making your life difficult. Instead of using the boolean isChecked in the constructor you could use an IModel<Boolean>. Assign the same instance of that model to your data provider and the check-box and you are done. No need to replace anything in onUpdate, add your listContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget and everything should just work...
private IModel<Boolean> isCheckedModel = new Model<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isCheckedModel);
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", isCheckedModel) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
It is almost never a good idea to replace such things with new ones in Wicket. Encapsulate what changes in a model and change / replace the model's object. Every object that has a reference to that model can see the updated value or change it as needed.
Hope this helps.
Try this:
Wrong: target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
Right: target.add(listContainer);
Wrong; table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
Right: DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom tmp = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
table = tmp;
(You replace the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom but not your reference.)
