cache table advanced before executing the spark sql - caching

We are doing a POC to compare different tools including spark sql, apache drill and so forth. The bechmark dataset includes almost one thousand parquet files. For the same query, apache drill takes like several seconds while spark sql takes more than 40 minutes. I guess the running time for spark sql is dominated by reading files from disk. Actually, the POC aims at finding how long do the queries themselves take, we kind of do not worry about the spend in reading files from disk at current. We are wondering is there a way to cache all the tables at advance and then execute the test queries on these cached tables. We understand that cache is also lazy and caches data right after first action on a query. Our solution now is to use a dummy action and a dummy query to cache the table first and then execute the test queries.
For example:
table1 =
result1 = sqlContext.sql("sql1")
table2 =
result2 = sqlContext.sql("sql2") //dummy action //dummy action
I'm wondering what does the cache really do? As we know that cache is also lazy and it happens at the first action. Does it make any difference for using different dummy actions and different queries?


Apache Drill has bad performance against SQL Server

I tried using apache-drill to run a simple join-aggregate query and the speed wasn't really good. my test query was:
SELECT p.Product_Category, SUM(f.sales)
FROM facts f
JOIN Product p on f.pkey = p.pkey
GROUP BY p.Product_Category
Where facts has about 422,000 rows and product has 600 rows. the grouping comes back with 4 rows.
First I tested this query on SqlServer and got a result back in about 150ms.
With drill I first tried to connect directly to SqlServer and run the query, but that was slow (about 5 sec).
Then I tried saving the tables into json files and reading from them, but that was even slower, so I tried parquet files.
I got the result back in the first run in about 3 sec. next run was about 900ms and then it stabled at about 500ms.
From reading around, this makes no sense and drill should be faster!
I tried "REFRESH TABLE METADATA", but the speed didn't change.
I was running this on windows, through the drill command line.
Any idea if I need some extra configuration or something?
Drill is very fast, but it's designed for large distributed queries while joining across several different data sources... and you're not using it that way.
SQL Server is one of the fastest relational databases. Data is stored efficiently, cached in memory, and the query runs in a single process so the scan and join is very quick. Apache Drill has much more work to do in comparison. It has to interpret your query into a distributed plan, send it to all the drillbit processes, which then lookup the data sources, access the data using the connectors, run the query, return the results to the first node for aggregation, and then you receive the final output.
Depending on the data source, Drill might have to read all the data and filter it separately which adds even more time. JSON files are slow because they are verbose text files that are parsed line by line. Parquet is much faster because it's a binary compressed column-oriented storage format designed for efficient scanning, especially when you're only accessing certain columns.
If you have a small dataset stored on a single machine then any relational database will be faster than Drill.
The fact that Drill gets you results in 500ms with Parquet is actually impressive considering how much more work it has to do to give you the flexibility it provides. If you only have a few million rows, stick with SQL server. If you have billions of rows, then use the SQL Server columnstore feature to store data in columnar format with great compression and performance.
Use Apache Drill when you:
Have 10s of billions of rows or more
Have data spread across many machines
Have unstructured data like JSON stored in files without a standard schema
Want to split the query across many machines to run in faster in parallel
Want to access data from different databases and file systems
Want to join data across these different data sources
One thing people need to understand about how Drill works is how Drill translates an SQL query to an executable plan to fetch and process data from, theoretically, any source of data. I deliberately didn't say data source so people won't think of databases or any software-based data management system.
Drill uses storage plugins to read records from whatever data the storage plugin supports.
After Drill gets these rows, it starts performing what is needed to execute the query, whats needed may be filtering, sorting, joining, projecting (selecting specific columns)...etc
So drill doesn't by default use any of the source's capabilities of processing the queried data. In fact, the source may not support any capability of such !
If you wish to leverage any of the source's data processing features, you'll have to modify the storage plugin you're using to access this source.
One query I regularly remember when I think about Drill's performance, is this one
Select a.CUST_ID, (Select count(*) From SALES.CUSTOMERS where CUST_ID < a.CUST_ID) rowNum from SALES.CUSTOMERS a Order by CUST_ID
Only because of the > comparison operator, Drill has to load the whole table (i.e actually a parquet file), SORT IT, then perform the join.
This query took around 18 minutes to run on my machine which is a not so powerful machine but still, the effort Drill needs to perform to process this query must not be ignored.
Drill's purpose is not to be fast, it's purpose is to handle vast amounts of data and run SQL queries against structured and semi-structured data. And probably other things that I can't think about at the moment but you may find more information for other answers.

Different execution plans for remote DELETE and INSERT / same JOINs

I'm working in an environment where data exists on numerous client databases and one by one is pulled into a central data repository via sql.
To automate a testing process, I've written a really nice, streamlined push-button script that backups, purges and re-extracts data on a user-specified client database. It then restores the data from backup tables. It makes heavy use of synonyms to streamline the code.
I'm running into a performance problem with the purge process where the DELETE query incurs a Remote Scan. It exactly the same query as the INSERT/SELECT which is simply passed as a Remote Query.
This INSERT works great:
SELECT child.*
bakParent par
JOIN bakChild child ON par.GUID = child.GUID
par.DateInserted = '2013-08-12 20:30:42.920'
This DELETE performs poorly:
bakParent par
JOIN bakChild child ON par.GUID = child.GUID
par.DateInserted = '2013-08-12 20:30:42.920'
Below are the estimated query execution plans. The Remote Scan pulls 5M+ records while the INSERT/SELECT only deals with ~16,000 records.
I can't figure out why the plans are so different. I understand that queries to linked servers can lead to performance issues but the two JOINs are identical. I would expect them to be the same. (Or there should be a way for me to get the DELETE to perform similarly to the INSERT.)
I have confirmed that removing the INSERT part in the first query has the same execution plan.
Any suggestions?

How to optimize data fetching in SQL Developer?

I am working on Oracle SQL Developer and have created tables with Wikipedia data, so size of data is very huge and have 7 tables. I have created a search engine which fetches and display data using JSP, but the problem is that for each query the application has to access 4 tables making my application very time consuming.
I have added indexes to all tables but still it takes more time, so any suggestion on how to optimize my app and reduce time it is taking to display result.
There are several approaches you can take to tune your application. And it could be either tuning at the database end, front end or a combination of the two.
At the database end you could be looking at say a materialized view to summarize the more commonly searched data. This could either be for your search purposes only or to reduce the size and complexity of the resultset. You might also look at tuning the query itself - perhaps placing indexes on the relevant WHERE clauses of your search or look at denormalizing your tables.
At the application end - the retrieval of vast recordsets - can always cause problems where a single record is large (multi-columned) and the number or records in the resultset - numerous.
What you are probably looking for is a rapid response time from your application so your user doesn't feel they are waiting ... and waiting.
A technique I have seen and used is to retrieve the resultset either as
1) a recordset of ROWIDs and to page through these ROWIDs on the display
2) a simulated "paged" recordset. Retrieving the recordset in chunks.

SSIS File Load WAY TOO SLOW in Large Destination Table

this is my first question, I've searched a lot of info from different sites but none of them where conslusive.
Daily I'm loading a flat file with an SSIS Package executed in a scheduled job in SQL Server 2005 but it's taking TOO MUCH TIME(like 2 1/2 hours) and the file just has like 300 rows and its a 50 MB file aprox. This is driving me crazy, because is affecting the performance of my server.
This is the Scenario:
-My package is just a Data Flow Task that has a Flat File Source and an OLE DB Destination, thats all!!!
-The Data Access Mode is set to FAST LOAD.
-Just have 3 indexes in the table and are nonclustered.
-My destination table has 366,964,096 records so far and 32 columns
-I haven't set FastParse in any of the Output columns yet.(want to try something else first)
So I've just started to make some tests:
-Rebuild/Reorganize the indexes in the destination table(they where way too fragmented), but this didn't help me much
-Created another table with the same structure but whitout all the indexes and executed the Job with the SSIS package loading to this new table and IT JUST TOOK LIKE 1 MINUTE !!!
So I'm confused, is there something I'm Missing???
-Is the SSIS package writing all the large table in a Buffer and the writing it on Disk? Or why the BIG difference in time ?
-Is the index affecting the insertion time?
-Should I load the file to this new table as a temporary table and then do a BULK INSERT to the destination table with the records ordered? 'Cause I though that the Data FLow Task was much faster than BULK INSERT, but at this point I don't know now.
Greetings in advance.
One thing I might look at is if the large table has any triggers which are causing it to be slower on insert. Also if the clustered index is on a field that will require a good bit of rearranging of the data during the load, that could cause an issues as well.
In SSIS packages, using a merge join (which requires sorting) can cause slownesss, but from your description it doesn't appear you did that. I mention it only in case you were doing that and didn't mention it.
If it works fine without the indexes, perhaps you should look into those. What are the data types? How many are there? Maybe you could post their definitions?
You could also take a look at the fill factor of your indexes - especially the clustered index. Having a high fill factor could cause excessive IO on your inserts.
Well I Rebuild the indexes with another fill factor (80%) like Sam told me, and the time droped down significantly. It took 30 minutes instead of almost 3hours!!!
I will keep with the tests to fine tune the DB. Also I didnt have to create a clustered index,I guess with the clustered the time will drop a lot more.
Thanks to all, wish that this helps to someone in the same situation.

Entity framework and performance

I am trying to develop my first web project using the entity framework, while I love the way that you can use linq instead of writing sql, I do have some severe performance issuses. I have a lot of unhandled data in a table which I would like to do a few transformations on and then insert into another table. I run through all objects and then inserts them into my new table. I need to do some small comparisons (which is why I need to insert the data into another table) but for performance tests I have removed them. The following code (which approximately 12-15 properties to set) took 21 seconds, which is quite a long time. Is it usually this slow, and what might I do wrong?
DataLayer.MotorExtractionEntities mee = new DataLayer.MotorExtractionEntities();
List<DataLayer.CarsBulk> carsBulkAll = ((from c in mee.CarsBulk select c).Take(100)).ToList();
foreach (DataLayer.CarsBulk carBulk in carsBulkAll)
DataLayer.Car car = new DataLayer.Car();
car.URL = carBulk.URL;
car.color = carBulk.SellerCity.ToString();
car.year = //... more properties is set this way
You cannot create batch updates using Entity Framework.
Imagine you need to update rows in a table with a SQL statement like this:
UPDATE table SET col1 = #a where col2 = #b
Using SQL this is just one roundtrip to the server. Using Entity Framework, you have (at least) one roundtrip to the server loading all the data, then you modify the rows on the client, then it will send it back row by row.
This will slow things down especially if your network connection is limited, and if you have more than just a couple of rows.
So for this kind of updates a stored procedure is still a lot more efficient.
I have been experimenting with the entity framework quite a lot and I haven't seen any real performance issues.
Which row of your code is causing the big delay, have you tried debugging it and just measuring which method takes the most time?
Also, the complexity of your database structure could slow down the entity framework a bit, but not to the speed you are saying. Are there some 'infinite loops' in your DB structure? Without the DB structure it is really hard to say what's wrong.
can you try the same in straight SQL?
The problem might be related to your database and not the Entity Framework. For example, if you have massive indexes and lots of check constraints, inserting can become slow.
I've also seen problems at insert with databases which had never been backed-up. The transaction log could not be reclaimed and was growing insanely, causing a single insert to take a few seconds.
Trying this in SQL directly would tell you if the problem is indeed with EF.
I think I solved the problem. I have been running the app locally, and the database is in another country (neighbor, but never the less). I tried to load the application to the server and run it from there, and it then only took 2 seconds to run instead of 20. I tried to transfer 1000 records which took 26 seconds, which is quite an update, though I don't know if this is the "regular" speed for saving the 1000 records to the database?
