Why compiling a program produces a file that is not executable? - compilation

I am using g95 to compile a fortran code. I use
C:\MinGW\bin>g95.exe -c C:\test\coil.f -o C:\test\coil.exe
It compiles and gives coil.exe which is created as 16 bit application so when ever I try to run this executable it throws an incompatibility error. I am using windows 7 64bit. I think by default it goes to 16 bit. Is there a way to get 64 bit in place of 16bit?

If you want to obtain an executable, compile it as follows:
g95.exe C:\test\coil.f -o C:\test\coil.exe
, i.e. without the -c switch. With -c you are getting an object file (.obj) which is not supposed to be executed.
From the comment by #DmitriChubarov


On windows 10, how to get gcc to compile from standard input

I've seen this post that tells how to get gcc to compile from standard input (type file.c | gcc -x c -):
Is it possible to get GCC to read from a pipe?
But it does not work on windows 10. I always get "The system cannot find the file specified" in spite of having tried it every way I can imagine.
Anyone know the trick?
And I can't change the version of gcc we're using (I've heard standard input compile with gcc in mingw works on windows).
My own example works just fine. It was my mistake!

How can I compile the Linux Kernel getting the output of the preprocessor too?

I know that with gcc -E you can get the output of the preprocessor, but what I have to do to get that output for every source code file in the Linux Lernel as part of the compilation process?

Hello World in C++ says "Nothing More to be Done" [duplicate]

How can I compile/run C or C++ code in a Unix console or a Mac terminal?
If it is a simple single-source program,
make foo
where the source file is foo.c, foo.cpp, etc., you don’t even need a makefile. Make has enough built-in rules to build your source file into an executable of the same name, minus the extension.
Running the executable just built is the same as running any program - but you will most often need to specify the path to the executable as the shell will only search what is in $PATH to find executables, and most often that does not include the current directory (.).
So to run the built executable foo:
gcc main.cpp -o main.out
This is the command that works on all Unix machines... I use it on Linux/Ubuntu, but it works in OS X as well. Type the following command in Terminal.app.
g++ -o lab21 iterative.cpp
-o is the letter O, not zero
lab21 will be your executable file
iterative.cpp is your C++ file
After you run that command, type the following in the terminal to run your program:
Two steps for me:
make foo
All application execution in a Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, AIX, etc.) environment depends on the executable search path.
You can display this path in the terminal with this command:
echo $PATH
On Mac OS X (by default) this will display the following colon separated search path:
So any executable in the listed directories can by run just by typing in their name. For example:
cat mytextfile.txt
This runs /bin/cat and displays mytextfile.txt to the terminal.
To run any other command that is not in the executable search path requires that you qualify the path to the executable. So say I had an executable called MyProgram in my home directory on Mac OS X I can fully qualify it like so:
If you are in a location that is near the program you wished to execute you can qualify the name with a partial path. For example, if MyProgram was in the directory /Users/oliver/MyProject I and I was in my home directory I can qualify the executable name like this, and have it execute:
Or say I was in the directory /Users/oliver/MyProject2 and I wanted to execute /Users/oliver/MyProject/MyProgram I can use a relative path like this, to execute it:
Similarly if I am in the same directory as MyProgram I need to use a "current directory" relative path. The current directory you are in is the period character followed by a slash. For example:
To determine which directory you are currently in use the pwd command.
If you are commonly putting programs in a place on your hard disk that you wish to run without having to qualify their names. For example, if you have a "bin" directory in your home directory for regularly used shell scripts of other programs it may be wise to alter your executable search path.
This can be does easily by either creating or editing the existing .bash_profile file in your home directory and adding the lines:
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
Here the tilde (~) character is being used as a shortcut for /Users/oliver. Also note that the hash bang (#!) line needs to be the first line of the file (if it doesn't already exist). Note also that this technique requires that your login shell be bash (the default on Mac OS X and most Linux distributions). Also note that if you want your programs installed in ~/bin to be used in preference to system executables your should reorder the export statement as follows:
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Do all of this in "Terminal".
To use the G++ compiler, you need to do this:
Navigate to the directory in which you stored the *.cpp file.
cd ~/programs/myprograms/
(the ~ is a shortcut for your home, i.e. /Users/Ryan/programs/myprograms/, replace with the location you actually used.)
Compile it
g++ input.cpp -o output.bin (output.bin can be anything with any extension, really. Extension .bin is just common on Unix.)
There should be nothing returned if it was successful, and that is okay. Generally you get returns on failures.
However, if you type ls, you will see the list of files in the same directory. For example, you would see the other folders, input.cpp and output.bin
From inside the directory, now execute it with ./outbut.bin
A compact way to go about doing that could be:
make foo && ./$_
It is nice to have a one-liner so you can just rerun your executable again easily.
Assuming the current directory is not in the path, the syntax is ./[name of the program].
For example ./a.out
To compile C or C++ programs, there is a common command:
make filename
make will build your source file into an executable file with the same name. But if you want to use the standard way, You could use the gcc compiler to build C programs and g++ for C++.
For C:
gcc filename.c
For C++:
g++ filename.cpp
Add the following to get the best warnings, and you will not regret it. If you can, compile using WISE (warning is error).
- Wall -pedantic -Weffc++ -Werror
Step 1 - create a cpp file using the command
touch test.cpp
Step 2 - Run this command
g++ test.cpp
Step 3 - Run your cpp file
I am on a new MacBook Pro with the Apple M1 Pro chip. I have my Xcode installed - both IDE and command line tools. This is how it worked for me:
g++ one.cpp -o one
Use a makefile. Even for very small (= one-file) projects, the effort is probably worth it because you can have several sets of compiler settings to test things. Debugging and deployment works much easier this way.
Read the make manual. It seems quite long at first glance, but most sections you can just skim over. All in all, it took me a few hours and made me much more productive.
I found this link with directions:
Basically you do:
gcc hello.c
./a.out (or with the output file of the first command)
In order to compile and run C++ source code from a Mac terminal, one needs to do the following:
If the path of .cpp file is somePath/fileName.cpp, first go the directory with path somePath
To compile fileName.cpp, type c++ fileName.cpp -o fileName
To run the program, type ./fileName
Just enter in the directory in which your .c/.cpp file is.
For compiling and running C code.
gcc filename.c
./a.out filename.c
For compiling and running C++ code.
g++ filename.cpp
./a.out filename.cpp
You need to go into the folder where you have saved your file.
To compile the code: gcc fileName
You can also use the g++ fileName
This will compile your code and create a binary.
Now look for the binary in the same folder and run it.
For running C++ files, run the below command, assuming the file name is "main.cpp".
Compile to make an object file from C++ file.
g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o
Since #include <conio.h> is not supported on macOS, we should use its alternative which is supported on Mac. That is #include <curses.h>. Now the object file needs to be converted to an executable file. To use file curses.h, we have to use library -lcurses.
g++ -o main main.o -lcurses
Now run the executable.
Running a .C file using the terminal is a two-step process.
The first step is to type gcc in the terminal and drop the .C file to the terminal, and then press Enter:
gcc /Desktop/test.c
In the second step, run the following command:

Debugging information not included with -g

Currently attempting to debug with KDbg / gdb the source code for Towers of Hanoi from http://www.kernelthread.com/projects/hanoi//html/asm.html (great resource)
Since I wanted to review how the stack is used within this problem, I assembled it with NASM and used GCC to link it. However, I noticed that in KDbg, the current point of execution was not updating (i.e, I could not tell where I was within the file). Since KDbg relies on gdb, I ran the code within gdb to see if I experienced similar issues.
If I set a breakpoint on line #30 in the program (which is a line within the main function), I get the following:
(gdb) break 30
Breakpoint 2 at 0x804840b: file hanoi.asm, line 30.
(gdb) next
Single stepping until exit from function main,
which has no line number information.
I'm currently compiling the assembly with the following little script I've written (I should probably migrate to a make file, but this has been working up until now)
bschlinker#net1develop02:~/.scripts$ cat asmgcc
# /usr/bin/sh
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs $1.asm -l $1.lst
gcc -g $1.o -o $1
I just migrated from CentOS to Ubuntu, so I'm not sure if this is an OS environment issue I'm not familiar with, or another issue.
As always, thanks in advance for any assistance.
Try -F dwarf instead of -F stabs.
You can assemble with as -o tmp.o something.s && ld -s -o something tmp.o && rm tmp.o.
In gdb just display/8i *$eip (or rip if 64 bit), it will display 8 instructions after instruction pointer with every step. So you don't need debugging info at all ;-)

Using a stackdump from Cygwin executable

So I wrote buggy code that occasionally crash ... and creates a stackdump file.
Using addr2line I can figure out how the program got to the crash point by decoding the addresses from the stackdump one by one. Is there an alternative tool that can ease the debug using stack dumps?
Is there a way to to load this information in Insight/Gdb?
You can instruct Cygwin to start your gdb debugger just in time when an fault occurs.
To achieve this, add error_start=action to the Cygwin environment variable:
export CYGWIN="$CYGWIN error_start=gdb -nw %1 %2"
Else you can have Cygwin generate a real core dump.
export CYGWIN="$CYGWIN error_start=dumper -d %1 %2"
Firstly, make sure you build with source debugging enabled (the using -g option):
gcc -g -o myfile myfile.c
Then Load the dump into gdb after the crash (or insight, or ddd)
gdb myfile core
