Variations of Dijkstra's Algorithm for graphs with two weight properties - algorithm

I'm trying to find a heuristic for a problem that is mapped to a directed graph with say non-negative weight edges. However, each edge is associated with two weight properties as opposed to only one weight (e.g. say one is distance, and another one showing how good the road's 4G LTE coverage is!). Is there any specific variation of dijkstra, Bellman Ford, or any other algorithm that pursues this objective? Of course, a naive workaround is manually deriving a single weight property as a combination of all of them, but this does not look good.
Can it be generalized to cases with multiple properties?

Say you want to optimize simultaneously two criteria: distance and attractiveness (and say path attractiveness is defined as the attractiveness of the most attractive edge, although you can think of different definitions). The following variation of Dijkstra can be shown to work, but I think it is mainly useful where one of the criteria takes a small number of values - say attractiveness is 1, ..., k for some small fixed k (smaller i is better).
The standard pseudocode for Dijsktra's algorithm uses a single priority queue. Instead use k priority queues. Priority queue i will correspond in Dijkstra's algorithm to the shortest path to a node v ∈ V with attractiveness i.
Start by initializing that each node is in each of the queues with distance ∞ (because, initially, the shortest path to v with attractiveness i is infinite).
In the main Dijkstra loop, where it says
while Q is not empty
change it to
while there is an i for which Q[i] is not empty
Q = Q[i] for the lowest such i
and continue from there.
Note that when you update, you pop from queue Q[i], and insert to Q[j] for j ≥ i.
It's possible to modify the proof of Dijkstra's relaxation property to show that this works.
Note that you will obtain up to k |V| results, as per node and attractiveness, you can have the shortest distance to the node with the given attractiveness.
Taking an example from the comments:
So basically if a path has a total no-coverage miles of >10, then we go for another path.
Here, e.g., assuming the miles are integers (or can be rounded to integers), we could create 11 queues: queue i corresponds to the shortest distance with i no-coverage miles, except for 10, which corresponds to 10-or-higher no-coverage-miles.
At some point of the algorithm, say all queues are empty below queue 3. We pop queue 3, and update the vertex's neighbors: this might update, e.g., some node in queue 4, if the distance from the popped node to the other node is 1.
As the algorithm runs, it outputs mappings of (node, no-coverage-distance) → shortest distance. Here, you could decide that you discard all mappings for which the second item in the pair is 10.


Good algorithm for finding shortest path for specific vertices

I'm solving the problem described below and can't think of a better algorithm than trying every permutation of every vertex of every group with every.
I'm given a graph of vertices, along with a list of groups of specific vertices, the goal is to find the shortest path from a specific starting vertex to a specific ending vertex, and the path must pass through at least one vertex from each specified group of vertices.
There are also vertices in the graph that are not part of any given group.
Re-visiting vertices and edges is possible.
The graph data is specified as follows:
Vertex list - each vertex is identified by a sequence number (0 to the number of vertices -1 )
Edge list - list of vertex pairs (by vertex number)
Vertex group list - list of lists of vector numbers
A specific starting and ending vertex.
I would be grateful for any ideas for a better solution, thank you.
We can use bitmasks to efficiently check which groups we have visited so far, and combine this with a traditional BFS/ Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm.
If we assume E edges, V vertices, and K vertex-groups that have to be included, the below algorithm has a time complexity of O((V + E) * 2^K) and a space complexity of O(V * 2^K). The exponential 2^K term means it will only work for a relatively small K, say up to 10 or 20.
First, are the edges weighted?
If yes then a "shortest path" algorithm will usually be a variation of Dijkstra's algorithm, in which we keep a (min) priority queue of the shortest paths. We only visit a node once it's at the top of the queue, meaning that this must be the shortest path to this node. Any other shorter path to this node would already have been added to the priority queue and would come before the current iteration. (Note: this doesn't work for negative paths).
If no, meaning all edges have the same weight, then there is no need to maintain a priority queue with the shortest edges. We can instead just run a regular Breadth-first search (BFS), in which we maintain a deque with all nodes at the current depth. At each step we iterate over all nodes at the current depth (popping them from the left of the deque), and for each node we add all it's not-yet-visited neighbors to the right side of the deque, forming the next level.
The below algorithm works for both BFS and Dijkstra's, but for simplicity's sake for the rest of the answer I'll pretend that the edges have positive weights and we will use Dijkstra's. What is important to take away though is that for either algorithm we will only "visit" or "explore" a node for a path that must be the shortest path to that node. This property is essential for the algorithm to be efficient, since we know that we will at most visit each of the V nodes and E edges only one time, giving us a time complexity of O(V + E). If we use Dijkstra's we have to multiply this with log(V) for the priority queue usage (this also applies to the time complexity mentioned in the summary).
Our Problem
In our case we have the additional complexity that we have K vertex-groups, for each of which our shortest path has to contain at least one the nodes in it. This is a big problem, since it destroys our ability to simple go along with the "shortest current path".
See for example this simple graph. Notation: -- means an edge, start is that start node, and end is the end node. A vertex with value 0 does not have a vertex-group, and a vertex with value >= 1 belongs to the vertex-group of that index.
end -- 0 -- 2 -- start -- 1 -- 2
It is clear that the optimal path will first move right to the node in group 1, and then move left until the end. But this is impossible to do for the BFS and Dijkstra's algorithm we introduced above! After we move from the start to the right to capture the node in group 1, we would never ever move back left to the start, since we have already been there with a shorter path.
The Trick
In the above example, if the right-hand side would have looked like start -- 0 -- 0, where 0 means the vertex does not not belonging to a group, then it would be of no use to go there and back to the start.
The decisive reason of why it makes sense to go there and come back, although the path will get longer, is that it includes a group that we have not seen before.
How can we keep track of whether or not at a current position a group is included or not? The most efficient solution is a bit mask. So if we for example have already visited a node of group 2 and 4, then the bitmask would have a bit set at the position 2 and 4, and it would have the value of 2 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 4 == 4 + 16 == 20
In the regular Dijkstra's we would just keep a one-dimensional array of size V to keep track of what the shortest path to each vertex is, initialized to a very high MAX value. array[start] begins with value 0.
We can modify this method to instead have a two-dimensional array of dimensions [2 ^ K][V], where K is the number of groups. Every value is initialized to MAX, only array[mask_value_of_start][start] begins with 0.
The value we store at array[mask][node] means Given the already visited groups with bit-mask value of mask, what is the length of the shortest path to reach this node?
Suddenly, Dijkstra's resurrected
Once we have this structure, we can suddenly use Dijkstra's again (it's the same for BFS). We simply change the rules a bit:
In regular Dijkstra's we never re-visit a node
--> in our modification we differentiate by mask and never re-visit a node if it's already been visited for that particular mask.
In regular Dijkstra's, when exploring a node, we look at all neighbors and only add them to the priority queue if we managed to decrease the shortest path to them.
--> in our modification we look at all neighbors, and update the mask we use to check for this neighbor like: neighbor_mask = mask | (1 << neighbor_group_id). We only add a {neighbor_mask, neighbor} pair to the priority queue, if for that particular array[neighbor_mask][neighbor] we managed to decrease the minimal path length.
In regular Dijkstra's we only visit unexplored nodes with the current shortest path to it, guaranteeing it to be the shortest path to this node
--> In our modification we only visit nodes that for their respective mask values are not explored yet. We also only visit the current shortest path among all masks, meaning that for any given mask it must be the shortest path.
In regular Dijkstra's we can return once we visit the end node, since we are sure we got the shortest path to it.
--> In our modification we can return once we visit the end node for the full mask, meaning the mask containing all groups, since it must be the shortest path for the full mask. This is the answer to our problem.
If this is too slow...
That's it! Because time and space complexity are exponentially dependent on the number of groups K, this will only work for very small K (of course depending on the number of nodes and edges).
If this is too slow for your requirements then there might be a more sophisticated algorithm for this that someone smarter can come up with, it will probably involve dynamic programming.
It is very possible that this is still too slow, in which case you will probably want to switch to some heuristic, that sacrifices accuracy in order to gain more speed.

least cost path, destination unknown

How would one going about finding a least cost path when the destination is unknown, but the number of edges traversed is a fixed value? Is there a specific name for this problem, or for an algorithm to solve it?
Note that maybe the term "walk" is more appropriate than "path", I'm not sure.
Say you have a weighted graph, and you start at vertex V1. The goal is to find a path of length N (where N is the number of edges traversed, can cross the same edge multiple times, can revisit vertices) that has the smallest cost. This process would need to be repeated for all possible starting vertices.
As an additional heuristic, consider a turn-based game where there are rooms connected by corridors. Each corridor has a cost associated with it, and your final score is lowered by an amount equal to each cost 'paid'. It takes 1 turn to traverse a corridor, and the game lasts 10 turns. You can stay in a room (self-loop), but staying put has a cost associated with it too. If you know the cost of all corridors (and for staying put in each room; i.e., you know the weighted graph), what is the optimal (highest-scoring) path to take for a 10-turn (or N-turn) game? You can revisit rooms and corridors.
Possible Approach (likely to fail)
I was originally thinking of using Dijkstra's algorithm to find least cost path between all pairs of vertices, and then for each starting vertex subset the LCP's of length N. However, I realized that this might not give the LCP of length N for a given starting vertex. For example, Dijkstra's LCP between V1 and V2 might have length < N, and Dijkstra's might have excluded an unnecessary but low-cost edge, which, if included, would have made the path length equal N.
It's an interesting fact that if A is the adjacency matrix and you compute Ak using addition and min in place of the usual multiply and sum used in normal matrix multiplication, then Ak[i,j] is the length of the shortest path from node i to node j with exactly k edges. Now the trick is to use repeated squaring so that Ak needs only log k matrix multiply ops.
If you need the path in addition to the minimum length, you must track where the result of each min operation came from.
For your purposes, you want the location of the min of each row of the result matrix and corresponding path.
This is a good algorithm if the graph is dense. If it's sparse, then doing one bread-first search per node to depth k will be faster.

Find the lowest-cost shortest path from one node to another?

I have a weighted graph G and a pair of nodes s and t. I want to find, of all the paths from s to t with the fewest number of edges, the one that has the lowest total cost. I'm not sure how to do this. Here are my thoughts:
I am thinking of finding the shortest path and if there are more than one path then i should compare the number of steps of these paths.
I think I can find the number of steps by setting the weights of all edges to 1 and calculate the distance.
A reasonable first guess for a place to start here is Dijkstra's algorithm, which can solve each individual piece of this problem (minimize number of edges, or minimize total length). The challenge is getting it to do both at the same time.
Normally, when talking about shortest paths, we think of paths as having a single cost. However, you could imagine assigning paths two different costs: one cost based purely on the number of edges, and one cost based purely on the weights of those edges. You could then represent the cost of a path as a pair (length, weight), where length is the number of edges in the path and weight is the total weight of all of those edges.
Imagine running Dijkstra's algorithm on a graph with the following modifications. First, instead of tracking a candidate distance to each node in the graph, you track a pair of candidate distances to each node: a candidate length and a candidate weight. Second, whenever you need to fetch the lowest-code node, pick the node that has the shortest length (not weight). If there's a tie between multiple nodes with the same length, break the tie by choosing the one with the lowest weight. (If you've heard about lexicographical orderings, you could consider this as taking the node whose (length, weight) is lexicographically first). Finally, whenever you update a distance by extending a path by one edge, update both the candidate length and the candidate weight to that node. You can show that this process will compute the best path to each node, where "best" means "of all the paths with the minimum number of edges, the one with the lowest cost."
You could alternatively implement the above technique by modifying all the costs of the edges in the graph. Suppose that the maximum-cost edge in the graph has cost U. Then do the following: Add U+1 to all the costs in the graph, then run Dijkstra's algorithm on the result. The net effect of this is that the shortest path in this new graph will be the one that minimizes the number of edges used. Why? Well, every edge adds U+1 to the cost of the path, and U+1 is greater than the cost of any edge in the graph, so if one path is cheaper than another, it either uses at least one fewer edge, or it uses the same number of edges but has cheaper weights. In fact, you can prove that this approach is essentially identical to the one above using pairs of weights - it's a good exercise!
Overall, both of these approaches will run in the same time as a normal Dijkstra's algorithm (O(m + n log n) with a Fibonacci heap, O(m log n) with another type of heap), which is pretty cool!
One node to another would be a shortest-path-algorithm (e.g. Dijkstra).
It depends on your input whether you use a heuristic function to determine the total distance to the goal-node.
If you consider heuristics, you might want to choose A*-search instead. Here you just have to accumulate the weights to each node and add the heuristic value according to it.
If you want to get all paths from any node to any other node, you might consider Kruskal’s or Prim’s algorithm.
Both to basically the same, incl. pruning.

Modifying Dijsktra's algorithm to work with edges having more than one possible cost

We have a directed weighted graph where an edge between two nodes can have more than one possible cost value (more precisely, at most 2 costs). I need to use a time-dependent variant of the Dijkstra's algorithm that can handle two possible ways of getting from one node to another, the cost between the nodes (edge cost) being dependant on the time at which we arrive at the source node and the type of edge we are about to use. When traversing from one node to the other only one of these edges is picked and its cost is added to the same total cost.
I currently model the two possible costs for an edge as two separate edges between the same nodes.
There is a similar problem I found here and it was suggested to augment the graph by duplicating the nodes. However, this does not allow returning to the original graph and implies the overhead of, well, duplicating all the nodes and possibly edges between them and original nodes.
Do you have any suggestions as to how to tackle this problem with as little overhead as possible? (The original graph is expected to be huge)
I provided more details about the problem in the first paragraph
You can safely ignore the largest of the two costs for algorithm purposes.
Assume there is a shortest path the uses the largest cost between two vertices, you can change it to use the smallest cost and the path will cost less, and that contradicts the assumption.
I think you can hack step 3 of Dijsktra's algorithm :
For the current node, consider all of its unvisited neighbors and calculate their tentative distances. Compare the newly calculated tentative distance to the current assigned value and assign the smaller one. For example, if the current node A is marked with a distance of 6, and the edge connecting it with a neighbor B has length 2, then the distance to B (through A) will be 6 + 2 = 8. If B was previously marked with a distance greater than 8 then change it to 8. Otherwise, keep the current value.
In your setup, you have two distances from A to B, depending on how late it is. You use the second one if your current distance to A is above your time treshold.
This step becomes :
if current distance to A above threshold :
current distance to B = min(current distance to B, current distance to A + d2(A, B))
current distance to B = min(current distance to B, current distance to A + d1(A, B))

Negative weights using Dijkstra's Algorithm

I am trying to understand why Dijkstra's algorithm will not work with negative weights. Reading an example on Shortest Paths, I am trying to figure out the following scenario:
\ /
3 \ / -2
\ /
From the website:
Assuming the edges are all directed from left to right, If we start
with A, Dijkstra's algorithm will choose the edge (A,x) minimizing
d(A,A)+length(edge), namely (A,B). It then sets d(A,B)=2 and chooses
another edge (y,C) minimizing d(A,y)+d(y,C); the only choice is (A,C)
and it sets d(A,C)=3. But it never finds the shortest path from A to
B, via C, with total length 1.
I can not understand why using the following implementation of Dijkstra, d[B] will not be updated to 1 (When the algorithm reaches vertex C, it will run a relax on B, see that the d[B] equals to 2, and therefore update its value to 1).
Dijkstra(G, w, s) {
Initialize-Single-Source(G, s)
S ← Ø
Q ← V[G]//priority queue by d[v]
while Q ≠ Ø do
u ← Extract-Min(Q)
S ← S U {u}
for each vertex v in Adj[u] do
Relax(u, v)
Initialize-Single-Source(G, s) {
for each vertex v  V(G)
d[v] ← ∞
π[v] ← NIL
d[s] ← 0
Relax(u, v) {
//update only if we found a strictly shortest path
if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
d[v] ← d[u] + w(u,v)
π[v] ← u
Update(Q, v)
The algorithm you have suggested will indeed find the shortest path in this graph, but not all graphs in general. For example, consider this graph:
Let's trace through the execution of your algorithm.
First, you set d(A) to 0 and the other distances to ∞.
You then expand out node A, setting d(B) to 1, d(C) to 0, and d(D) to 99.
Next, you expand out C, with no net changes.
You then expand out B, which has no effect.
Finally, you expand D, which changes d(B) to -201.
Notice that at the end of this, though, that d(C) is still 0, even though the shortest path to C has length -200. This means that your algorithm doesn't compute the correct distances to all the nodes. Moreover, even if you were to store back pointers saying how to get from each node to the start node A, you'd end taking the wrong path back from C to A.
The reason for this is that Dijkstra's algorithm (and your algorithm) are greedy algorithms that assume that once they've computed the distance to some node, the distance found must be the optimal distance. In other words, the algorithm doesn't allow itself to take the distance of a node it has expanded and change what that distance is. In the case of negative edges, your algorithm, and Dijkstra's algorithm, can be "surprised" by seeing a negative-cost edge that would indeed decrease the cost of the best path from the starting node to some other node.
Note, that Dijkstra works even for negative weights, if the Graph has no negative cycles, i.e. cycles whose summed up weight is less than zero.
Of course one might ask, why in the example made by templatetypedef Dijkstra fails even though there are no negative cycles, infact not even cycles. That is because he is using another stop criterion, that holds the algorithm as soon as the target node is reached (or all nodes have been settled once, he did not specify that exactly). In a graph without negative weights this works fine.
If one is using the alternative stop criterion, which stops the algorithm when the priority-queue (heap) runs empty (this stop criterion was also used in the question), then dijkstra will find the correct distance even for graphs with negative weights but without negative cycles.
However, in this case, the asymptotic time bound of dijkstra for graphs without negative cycles is lost. This is because a previously settled node can be reinserted into the heap when a better distance is found due to negative weights. This property is called label correcting.
TL;DR: The answer depends on your implementation. For the pseudo code you posted, it works with negative weights.
Variants of Dijkstra's Algorithm
The key is there are 3 kinds of implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm, but all the answers under this question ignore the differences among these variants.
Using a nested for-loop to relax vertices. This is the easiest way to implement Dijkstra's algorithm. The time complexity is O(V^2).
Priority-queue/heap based implementation + NO re-entrance allowed, where re-entrance means a relaxed vertex can be pushed into the priority-queue again to be relaxed again later.
Priority-queue/heap based implementation + re-entrance allowed.
Version 1 & 2 will fail on graphs with negative weights (if you get the correct answer in such cases, it is just a coincidence), but version 3 still works.
The pseudo code posted under the original problem is the version 3 above, so it works with negative weights.
Here is a good reference from Algorithm (4th edition), which says (and contains the java implementation of version 2 & 3 I mentioned above):
Q. Does Dijkstra's algorithm work with negative weights?
A. Yes and no. There are two shortest paths algorithms known as Dijkstra's algorithm, depending on whether a vertex can be enqueued on the priority queue more than once. When the weights are nonnegative, the two versions coincide (as no vertex will be enqueued more than once). The version implemented in (which allows a vertex to be enqueued more than once) is correct in the presence of negative edge weights (but no negative cycles) but its running time is exponential in the worst case. (We note that throws an exception if the edge-weighted digraph has an edge with a negative weight, so that a programmer is not surprised by this exponential behavior.) If we modify so that a vertex cannot be enqueued more than once (e.g., using a marked[] array to mark those vertices that have been relaxed), then the algorithm is guaranteed to run in E log V time but it may yield incorrect results when there are edges with negative weights.
For more implementation details and the connection of version 3 with Bellman-Ford algorithm, please see this answer from zhihu. It is also my answer (but in Chinese). Currently I don't have time to translate it into English. I really appreciate it if someone could do this and edit this answer on stackoverflow.
you did not use S anywhere in your algorithm (besides modifying it). the idea of dijkstra is once a vertex is on S, it will not be modified ever again. in this case, once B is inside S, you will not reach it again via C.
this fact ensures the complexity of O(E+VlogV) [otherwise, you will repeat edges more then once, and vertices more then once]
in other words, the algorithm you posted, might not be in O(E+VlogV), as promised by dijkstra's algorithm.
Since Dijkstra is a Greedy approach, once a vertice is marked as visited for this loop, it would never be reevaluated again even if there's another path with less cost to reach it later on. And such issue could only happen when negative edges exist in the graph.
A greedy algorithm, as the name suggests, always makes the choice that seems to be the best at that moment. Assume that you have an objective function that needs to be optimized (either maximized or minimized) at a given point. A Greedy algorithm makes greedy choices at each step to ensure that the objective function is optimized. The Greedy algorithm has only one shot to compute the optimal solution so that it never goes back and reverses the decision.
Consider what happens if you go back and forth between B and C...voila
(relevant only if the graph is not directed)
I believe the problem has to do with the fact that the path with AC* can only be better than AB with the existence of negative weight edges, so it doesn't matter where you go after AC, with the assumption of non-negative weight edges it is impossible to find a path better than AB once you chose to reach B after going AC.
"2) Can we use Dijksra’s algorithm for shortest paths for graphs with negative weights – one idea can be, calculate the minimum weight value, add a positive value (equal to absolute value of minimum weight value) to all weights and run the Dijksra’s algorithm for the modified graph. Will this algorithm work?"
This absolutely doesn't work unless all shortest paths have same length. For example given a shortest path of length two edges, and after adding absolute value to each edge, then the total path cost is increased by 2 * |max negative weight|. On the other hand another path of length three edges, so the path cost is increased by 3 * |max negative weight|. Hence, all distinct paths are increased by different amounts.
You can use dijkstra's algorithm with negative edges not including negative cycle, but you must allow a vertex can be visited multiple times and that version will lose it's fast time complexity.
In that case practically I've seen it's better to use SPFA algorithm which have normal queue and can handle negative edges.
I will be just combining all of the comments to give a better understanding of this problem.
There can be two ways of using Dijkstra's algorithms :
Marking the nodes that have already found the minimum distance from the source (faster algorithm since we won't be revisiting nodes whose shortest path have been found already)
Not marking the nodes that have already found the minimum distance from the source (a bit slower than the above)
Now the question arises, what if we don't mark the nodes so that we can find shortest path including those containing negative weights ?
The answer is simple. Consider a case when you only have negative weights in the graph:
Now, if you start from the node 0 (Source), you will have steps as (here I'm not marking the nodes):
0->0 as 0, 0->1 as inf , 0->2 as inf in the beginning
0->1 as -1
0->2 as -5
0->0 as -8 (since we are not relaxing nodes)
0->1 as -9 .. and so on
This loop will go on forever, therefore Dijkstra's algorithm fails to find the minimum distance in case of negative weights (considering all the cases).
That's why Bellman Ford Algo is used to find the shortest path in case of negative weights, as it will stop the loop in case of negative cycle.
