Why does it work when inject "org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder" to "DaoAuthenticationProvider"? - spring

In "DaoAuthenticationProvider", the "passwordEncoder" field is an instance of "org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder"
. But why it works when an instance of "org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder" is injected to it?

DaoAuthenticationProvider.setPasswordEncoder takes an Object parameter type.
In the code, it runs instanceof to check for org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder and wraps the parameter in a proxy implementation of org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder.
source is here


Kotlin Spring boot #Value annotation process

private val host: String = ""
I wrote the following code in KOTLIN and it worked fine.
I don't understand how the host was injected into the host.
In my knowledge, the value should not be injected because the host variable is val.
How does this code work?
Short answer: Spring is magical!
For a Kotlin property, val doesn't necessarily mean that the property is constant.  (It's not an exact equivalent of Java final here.)  It simply means that there's a get() method but no set() method.
That leaves open the possibility for the value to change some other way.  (For example, the property could have a custom getter which returned different values.)
I'm not sure quite how Spring works its magic; it may be able to set the property's backing field directly, or it may create a hidden subclass which can.  In any case, it's perfectly capable of setting val properties.  (You can also see this in Hibernate.)

Faker for Grails gives variable not defined error

I have a Grails 2.4.4 application configured with spring-security-core. I want to generate fake users in the BootStrap using the faker plugin. However when I instantiate the bean fakerService in BootStrap and try using it ie. fakerService.firstname(), I get an error :
ERROR context.GrailsContextLoaderListener - Error initializing the application: Cannot invoke method firstName() on null object
Message: Cannot invoke method firstName() on null object
I'm just a beginner in Grails. Am I doing the Dependency Injection wrong?
Yes you are :)
A little background. When you add a class-scope variable (a field) in a Groovy class without an explicit scope modifier (e.g. public, private, protected) it defaults to public just like classes and methods. But it is considered a property in the JavaBean sense, so the Groovy compiler creates a getter and a setter for you based on the name. So if you declare def foo and String bar (it doesn't matter whether you specify the type) you'll get Object getFoo(), void setFoo(Object), String getBar(), and void setBar(String) methods (you should decompile a POGO class with a decompiler and see this for yourself - it's pretty cool stuff - I recommend JD-GUI, but use whatever you prefer). If you had declared any of them already Groovy would skip that one and not overwrite yours. This is cool because you can treat the variable like a simple public field, but at any time add getter and/or setter logic and not affect calling clients (Groovy or Java, since the Java classes would have been calling the getter and setter all along, and Groovy calls the getter and setter for you when you read or write a property).
So why am I babbling on about this? Dependency injection is done by Spring - you're injecting Spring beans. There are various ways to do this, but the default in Grails is to use autoinject-by-name. So for any bean registered in the ApplicationContext and special classes like BootStrap, integration tests, etc., Spring scans the methods looking for setters. It strips off "set" and lowercases the next letter, and that's the "property" name of the setter. If there's a bean with that name in the ApplicationContext, Spring will call that setter, passing the bean with that name, and if the types are in sync, your class will have a reference to that bean.
You added a local variable. Nothing special happens to local variables, and Spring doesn't see them, and they're not candidates for dependency injection. Move the declaration to class scope, before the init closure, e.g.
class BootStrap {
def fakerService
def init = {
and the Groovy compiler will add a getFakerService method that isn't of much interest, but also a setFakerService method that Spring will see. It will determine that its property name is "fakerService", see that there is a bean with that name, and call the setter. This all happens before Grails calls the init closure, so at that point the value will be a non-null FakerService eagerly awaiting your calls.

Use of overloaded(optional) constructor in repository pattern MVC

I am following below article and repository pattern.
I am confused at one point, optional contructor defined in controller.
public StudentController(IStudentRepository studentRepository)
this.studentRepository = studentRepository;
Even if, I remove that - code works well. what is use of this constructor. As we are assing new context object in main default constructor.
The optional ctor doesn't create a new context, while the optional one does. The context is set in the StudentRepository's ctor.
This constructor allows you to pass in a different implementation of the studentRepository. Note that it accepts an interface, not a concrete implementation of the repository. This can be useful for unit testing where you can pass in a fake repository that does not need to access a database. You can also use this constructor with dependency injection.

Calling AOPContext.currentProxy() from static method

I am using Spring's AOPContext.currentProxy() in a #service class implementation. However, i am using it in a static method and I do something like
public static void addCustomer() {
((CustomerService) AopContext.currentProxy()).addCustomer();
However, I am getting the error -- "cannot find proxy" set expose-proxy to true.
Is using static method the reason for this kind of error?
Note: "addCustomer" method is also static
Thanks in advance.
Proxy configuration is injected at the time of the instance creation. Suppose Using this proxy created instance you are calling to the method AOP is applicable to that method. Suppose without proxy instance or using class name ( in the case of static ) you are calling to the method it is direct call proxy config is not injected to the instance, So AOP is not applicable to that method call.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but you cannot do it this way at all.
Invocations of static methods are resolved at compile time, therefore they cannot be affected by proxy-based AOP. In other words:
AopContext.currentProxy() inside a static method doesn't make sense (unless you want to get a proxy for enclosing call of some instance method), because invocation of static method is not proxied
Calling a static method on an instance returned by AopContext.currentProxy() doesn't make sense, because it's resolved at compile time using a static type of expression, i.e. it compiles into CustomerService.addCustomer().
Does your configuration include something like <aop:config expose-proxy="true" />?

Spring lookup method injection with parameters

Is there a way to use Spring lookup method inject with parameters? For example, I want to be able to instantiate prototype-scoped beans while passing them arbitrary parameters via constructor.
It looks like this vital feature was finally added in Spring 4.1.0.RC2. I have tested it and it seems to work.
It was added as part of JIRA ticket SPR-7431 ("Passing lookup-method arguments to created bean constructor"):
<lookup-method/> should allow specifying any number of parameters. These parameters should be passed directly to the constructor of the newly created bean.
For more info on how the feature was finally added, this blog post was written by the guy who opened the JIRA ticket.
You can inject them via field/setter injection. (Note that constructor injection is frowned upon by spring, although it's supported)
in short, no. Spring does support something called "method injection" but it's different than you're thinking. Spring also supports constructor injection, but then you're not calling the constructor yourself, Spring is, and wiring it itself.
Instead, you can use reflection to instantiate the class and pass arbitrary parameters yourself:
Class<MyObject> clazz = MyObject.class; // this can be looked up or stored in a field, etc.
MyObject myObject = clazz.getConstructor(String.class, int.class)
.newInstance("arbitrary parameter", 42);
