How to enter sudo password from command line? - shell

I want to enter sudo password from command line .
but i am facing problem in the script .
ssh -tt server_name<<'EOSSH'
sudo su - user
cd /move-to-path/
echo "done"

export password as environment variable
export PASS=yourpassword
echo $PASS
now you can use it in script like:
echo $PASS | sudo -S su
echo $PASS | sudo -S apt-get install update
the password will be passed to sudo su command via -S flag


sudo -S command does not recognize my password

I am trying to create a python script using sudo with echo, but the terminal always recognize my password as a command.
echo főzőedény|sudo -S su
echo "főzőedény"|sudo -S su
echo főzőedény|sudo -S -k su
[sudo] password for molnar: %
echo "főzőedény"|sudo -S -k su
[sudo] password for molnar:
Every time I got the same error message: zsh: command not found: főzőedény

Executing sudo command in bash script without displaying it

I'm executing a command with sudo from bash script, and I'm wondering how to prevent sudo from displaying anything on the screen
echo "mypassword" | sudo -S cp -u /scripts/.bashrc ~/ > /dev/null 2>&1
The result will be an output displaying: [sudo] password for username:
I want to hide that output..
now, before the first comment;
This isn't the safest way, since you're entering your password into the script, but this is strictly internal servers.
Run sudo --help, we can get answer from the parameter list:
-p, --prompt=prompt use the specified password prompt
echo "mypassword" | sudo -S --prompt="" cp -u /scripts/.bashrc ~/ > /dev/null 2>&1
may do the trick.

Execute commands as different user via sudo over SSH in a justfile

I have this justfile:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -p 'Password:' -s password
ssh -tt somewhere 'bash -l -s' << 'ENDSSH'
echo "$password" | sudo su someone 'bash -l -s' << 'ENDSUDO'
It should:
Ask me for a password
SSH into somewhere
sudo to change the user
execute some scripts
What it does:
It asks for a password a second time.
It stucks on input (no error message).
How to solve this problem?
As suggested by #xhienne, this does almost work, but it says, I use the wrong password:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -p 'Password:' -s password
ssh -tt somewhere 'bash -l -s' << 'ENDSSH'
sudo -S -i -u someone << ENDSUDO
But this does work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -p 'Password:' -s password
ssh -tt somewhere 'bash -l -s' << 'ENDSSH'
sudo -S -i -u someone << ENDSUDO
Update 2
The answer of #xhienne does work.
echo "$password" | sudo su someone 'bash -l -s' << 'ENDSUDO'
You are redirecting stdin twice:
once with |
a second time with <<
Try this:
sudo -S -i -u someone << ENDSUDO
sudo -S will read the password from stdin. sudo -i is a substitute for the ugly sudo su bash -l (but it needs that sudo be properly configured for -u someone)
Note that I removed the quotes around ENDSUDO. Beware of inadvertent substitutions. If you must keep ENDSUDO quoted, then you can try this instead:
echo "$password"
cat << 'ENDSUDO'
} | sudo -S -i -u someone
I believe the following will work, if you only want to run whoami instead of several commands:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -s -p 'Password: ' password
ssh somewhere whoami
echo "$password" | ssh somewhere sudo -S -u someone whoami
The -S tells sudo to read the password from stdin.
If you want to run several commands with a here-document, see #xhienne's answer.

How to pass password to sudo from environment variable without prompt appearing?

How do I pass my password to sudo from an environment variable through stdin without the sudo prompt appearing?
I have tried $ echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S echo foo but that returns [sudo] password for mithic: foo.
Using the -n flag just always returns sudo: a password is required (unless I have recently inputted the correct password).
You can set an empty password prompt:
printf '%s\n' "$PASSWORD" | sudo -p "" -S echo foo
If it's really in the environment, I would recommend using the -A option instead of -S. Write a very small script that writes the value to standard output.
printf '%s' "$PASSWORD"
Call it something like asker and make it executable
chmod +x asker
The do the following:
SUDO_ASKPASS=./asker sudo -A echo foo
-A makes sudo run the executable named by SUDO_ASKPASS and read the password from its output.

sudo and chpasswd on one line

I need connect to server via ssh and change users' passwords without typing ssh or sudo password.
I found some example but I cannot complete one command.
I found this command for ssh connection without typing password and running sudo command for delete user:
sshpass -p $admin_password ssh -t $admin#$server "echo $admin_password | sudo -S /usr/sbin/userdel -r $usr"
then I found command for change users password:
echo "$usr:$password" | sudo -S /usr/sbin/chpasswd;
Finaly, I want something like this:
sshpass -p $admin_password ssh -t $admin#$server "echo $admin_password | sudo -S echo "$usr:$password" | sudo -S /usr/sbin/chpasswd;"
Do you have any ideas?
Your question is actually going to require 2 things. The command to change a password remotely for a user:
ssh remoteserver 'echo -e "passwdofuser\npasswdofuser" | passwd username'
In order to do that you probably need to be root, or in the sudo config, have "passwd" NOT require a password for your user to run.
Edit the file:
Cmnd_Alias MYPASSWD = /usr/bin/passwd
That should allow you to ssh in and not have to use a password to run the passwd command.
