How do I calculate the standard deviation in my shell script? - bash

I have a shell script:
cd $dir
grep -P -o '(?<=<rating>).*' * |
awk -F: '{A[$1]+=$2;L[$1]++;next}END
{for(i in A){print i, A[i]/L[i]}}' | sort -nr -k2 |
awk '{ sub(/.dat/, " "); print }'
which sums up all of the numbers that follow the <rating> field in each file of my folder but now I need to calculate the standard deviation of the numbers rather than getting the average. By summing up the difference of each rating in the file from the mean squared and then dividing this by the sample size -1. I do not need to do this in every file in the folder, but instead in 2 specific files, hotel_188937.dat and hotel_203921.dat. Here is an example of the contents of one of these files:
<Overall Rating>
<Avg. Price>$155
<Content>I hope we're not disappointed! We enjoyed New Orleans...
<Date>Dec 19, 2008
<No. Reader>-1
<No. Helpful>-1
<Check in / front desk>5
<Business service>5
repeat fields again...
The sample size of the first file is 127 with a mean of 4.78 compared with a sample size of 324 and a mean of 4.78 for the second file. Is there anyway that I can alter my script to calculate the standard deviation for these two specific files rather than calculating the average for every file in my directory? Thanks for your time.

You can do all in one awk script
$ awk -F'>' '
$1=="<rating" {k=FILENAME;sub(/.dat/,"",k);
END{for(i in s)
print i,m=s[i]/c[i],sqrt(ss[i]/c[i]-m^2)}' r1.dat r2.dat
r1 2.5 1.11803
r2 3 1.41421
s is for sum, ss for square sum, c for count, m for mean. Note that this computes population standard deviation not sample standard deviation. For latter you need to do some scaling adjustments with (count-1).

The * in the grep line tells it to search in all the files.
Change the line
grep -P -o '(?<=<rating>).*' * |
grep -P -o '(?<=<rating>).*' hotel_188937.dat hotel_203921.dat |


How to average the values of different files and save them in a new file

I have about 140 files with data which I would like to process with a script.
The files have two types of names:
where the two last numbers vary. The penultimate number takes 1, 50, 100, 150,...,300, and the last number ranges from 1,2,3,4,5...,10. A sample of these files are in this link.
I would like to write a new file with 3 columns as follows:
A 1st column with the penultimate number of the file, i.e., 1,25,50...
A 2nd column with the mean value of the second column in each sys-time-.. file.
A 3rd column with the mean value of the second column in each known-ratio-.. file.
The result might have a row for each pair of averaged 2nd columns of sys and known files:
1 mean-sys-1 mean-know-1
1 mean-sys-2 mean-know-2
1 mean-sys-10 mean-know-10
50 mean-sys-1 mean-know-1
50 mean-sys-2 mean-know-2
50 mean-sys-10 mean-know-10
100 mean-sys-1 mean-know-1
100 mean-sys-2 mean-know-2
100 mean-sys-10 mean-know-10
300 mean-sys-10 mean-know-10
where each row corresponds with the sys and known files with the same two last numbers.
Besides, I would like to copy in the first column the penultimate number of the files.
I know how to compute the mean value of the second column of a file with awk:
awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }' sys-time-4-16-80-15-1-5.txt
but I do not know how to iterate on all the files and build a result file with the three columns as above.
Here's a shell script that uses GNU datamash to compute the averages (Though you can easily swap out to awk if desired; I prefer datamash for calculating stats):
for systime in sys-time-*.txt
knownratio=$(echo -n "$systime" | sed -e 's/sys-time/known-ratio/')
echo "$systime" | sed -E 's/.*-([0-9]+)-[0-9]+\.txt/\1/' >> "$nums"
datamash -W mean 2 < "$systime" >> "$sysmeans"
datamash -W mean 2 < "$knownratio" >> "$knownmeans"
paste "$nums" "$sysmeans" "$knownmeans"
rm -f "$nums" "$sysmeans" "$knownmeans"
It creates three temporary files, one per column, and after populating them with the data from each pair of files, one pair per line of each, uses paste to combine them all and print the result to standard output.
I've used GNU Awk for easy, per-file operations. This is untested; please let me know how it runs. You might want to look into printf() for pretty-printed output.
mapfile -t Files < <(find . -type f -name "*-4-16-80-15-*" |sort -t\- -k7,7 -k8,8) #1
gawk '
BEGINFILE {n=split(FILENAME, f, "-"); type=f[1]; a[type]=0} #2
{a[type] = ($2 + a[type] * c++) / c} #3
ENDFILE {if(type=="sys") print f[n], a[sys], a[known]} #4
' "${Files[#]}"
Create a Bash array with matching files sorted by the last two "keys". We will feed this array to Awk later. Notice how we alternate between "sys" and "known" files in this sample:
At the beginning of every file, clear any existing average value and save the type as either "sys" or "known".
On every line, calculate the Cumulative Moving Average
At the end of every file, check the file type. If we just handled a "sys" file, print the last part of the filename followed by our averages.

Get a percentage of randomly chosen lines from a text file

I have a text file (bigfile.txt) with thousands of rows. I want to make a smaller text file with 1 % of the rows which are randomly chosen. I tried the following
output=$(wc -l bigfile.txt)
sort -r bigfile.txt|shuf|head -n ds1
It give the following error:
head: invalid number of lines: ‘ds1’
I don't know what is wrong.
Even after you fix your issues with your bash script, it cannot do floating point arithmetic. You need external tools like Awk which I would use as
randomCount=$(awk 'END{print int((NR==0)?0:(NR/100))}' bigfile.txt)
(( randomCount )) && sort -r file | shuf | head -n "$randomCount"
E.g. Writing a file with with 221 lines using the below loop and trying to get random lines,
tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/abc-script.XXXXXX)
for i in {1..221}; do echo $i; done >> "$tmpfile"
randomCount=$(awk 'END{print int((NR==0)?0:(NR/100))}' "$tmpfile")
If I print the count, it would return me a integer number 2 and using that on the next command,
sort -r "$tmpfile" | shuf | head -n "$randomCount"
Roll a die (with rand()) for each line of the file and get a number between 0 and 1. Print the line if the die shows less than 0.01:
awk 'rand()<0.01' bigFile
Quick test - generate 100,000,000 lines and count how many get through:
seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' | wc -l
Pretty close to 1%.
If you want the order random as well as the selection, you can pass this through shuf afterwards:
seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' | shuf
On the subject of efficiency which came up in the comments, this solution takes 24s on my iMac with 100,000,000 lines:
time { seq 1 100000000 | awk 'rand()<0.01' > /dev/null; }
real 0m23.738s
user 0m31.787s
sys 0m0.490s
The only other solution that works here, heavily based on OP's original code, takes 13 minutes 19s.

Bash: arithmetic addressed by line number and column

I have normally done this with Excel, but as I am trying to learn bash, I'd like to ask for advice here on how to do so. My input file resembles:
# s0 legend "1001"
# s1 legend "1002"
#target G0.S0
#type xy
2.0 -1052.7396157664
2.5 -1052.7330560932
3.0 -1052.7540013664
3.5 -1052.7780321236
4.0 -1052.7948229060
4.5 -1052.8081313831
5.0 -1052.8190310613
#target G0.S1
#type xy
2.0 -1052.5384564253
2.5 -1052.7040374678
3.0 -1052.7542803612
3.5 -1052.7781686744
4.0 -1052.7948927247
4.5 -1052.8081704241
5.0 -1052.8190543049
where the above only shows two data sets: s0 and s1. In reality I have 17 data sets and will combine them arbitrarily. By combine, I mean I would like to:
For two data sets, extract the second column of each separately.
Subtract these two columns row by row.
Multiply the difference by a constant, $C.
Note: $C multiplies very small numbers and the only way I could get it to not divide by zero was to take a massive scale.
Edit: After requests, I was apparently not entirely clear what I was going for. Take for example:
2 x
3 y
4 z
2 r
3 s
4 t
I also have defined a constant C.
I would like to perform the following operation:
C*(r - x)
C*(s - y)
C*(t - z)
I will be doing this for sets > 1, up to 16, for example (set 10) minus (set 0). Therefore, I need the flexibility to target a value based on its line number and column number, and preferably acting over a range of line numbers to make it efficient.
So far this works:
C=$(echo "scale=45;x=(small numbers)*(small numbers); x" | bc -l)
sed -n '5,11p' | cut -c 5-20 >
sed -n '15,21p' | cut -c 5-20 >
pr -m -t -s >
awk '{printf $2-$1 "\n"}' >
but the multiplication failed:
awk '{printf "%11.2f\n", "$C"*$1 }' >
I have a feeling the whole thing can be accomplished more elegantly with awk. I also tried this:
for (( i=0; i<=6; i++ ))
awk 'NR==n{a=$2};NR==m{b=$2} {printf "%d\n", $b-$a}' >
but all I get in is a long column of 0s.
I also tried
awk 'NR==5,NR==11{a=$2};NR==15,NR==21{b=$2} {printf "%d\n", $b-$a}' >
but got the error
awk: ( FNR=20) fatal: attempt to access field -1052
Any idea how to formulate this with awk, and if that doesn't work, then why I cannot multiply with awk above? Thank you!
this does the math in one go
$ awk -v c=1 '/^&/ {s++}
s==1 {a[$1]=$2}
s==3 {print $1,a[$1],$2,c*(a[$1]-$2)}
/#type/ {s++}' file
2.0 -1052.7396157664 -1052.5384564253 -0.201159
2.5 -1052.7330560932 -1052.7040374678 -0.0290186
3.0 -1052.7540013664 -1052.7542803612 0.000278995
3.5 -1052.7780321236 -1052.7781686744 0.000136551
4.0 -1052.7948229060 -1052.7948927247 6.98187e-05
4.5 -1052.8081313831 -1052.8081704241 3.9041e-05
5.0 -1052.8190310613 -1052.8190543049 2.32436e-05
you can remove the decorations and add print formatting easily. The magic numbers 1=g1 and 3=2*g2-1 correspond to data groups 1 and 2 as the order presented in the data file, can be converted to awk variables as well.
The counter s keeps track of whether you're in a set or not, Odd numbers correspond to sets and even numbers between sets. The increment is done both at the start pattern and end pattern. The order of increment statements were set in such a way they, they are not printed following the pattern (unset first, print set values, reset last}. You can change the order and observe the effects.
This might be what you're looking for:
$ cat tst.awk
/^[#&]/ { lineNr=0; next }
if (lineNr in prev) {
print $1, c * ($2 - prev[lineNr])
prev[lineNr] = $2
$ awk -v c=100000 -f tst.awk file
2.0 20115.9
2.5 2901.86
3.0 -27.8995
3.5 -13.6551
4.0 -6.98187
4.5 -3.9041
5.0 -2.32436
In your first try, you should replace that line:
awk '{printf "%11.2f\n", "$C"*$1 }' >
with that one:
awk -v C=$C '{printf "%11.2f\n", C*$1 }' >
You are mixing notations of bash shell with notation with awk.
in shell you define variable without $, and you use them with $.
Here you are in awk script, there is no $ to use variables. Yet there are some special variables : $1 $2 ...
You have put single quote ' around your awk script, so the shell variables cant be used. I mean you have written $C, but the shell can not see it inside single-quote. That is why you have to write awk -v C=$C so that the shell variable $C is transferred to an awk variable called C.
In your other tries with awk, we can see such errors also. Now I think you'll make it.

How to divide my script output by the output of another command?

I have a folder, my_folder, which contains over 800 files named myfile_*.dat where * is the unique ID for each file. In my file I basically have a variety of repeated fields but the one I am interested in is the <rating> field. Lines of this field look like the following: <rating>n where n is the rating score. I have a script which sums up all of the ratings per file, but now I must divide it by the number of lines that have <rating>n in order to obtain an average rating per file. Here is my script:
cd $dir
grep -P -o '(?<=<rating>).*' * |awk -F: '{A[$1]+=$2;next}END{for(i in A){print i,A[i]}}'|sort -nr -k2
I figure that I would use grep -c <rating> myfile_*.dat to count the number of matching lines and then divide the sum by this count per file but do not know where to put this in my script? Any suggestions are appreciated.
My script takes the folder name as an argument in the command line.
<Overall Rating>
<Avg. Price>$155
<Content>I hope we're not disappointed! We enjoyed New Orleans...
<Date>Dec 19, 2008
<No. Reader>-1
<No. Helpful>-1
<Check in / front desk>5
<Business service>5
repeat fields again...
Just set up another array L to track the count of items:
grep -P -o '(?<=<rating>).*' * |
awk -F: '{A[$1]+=$2;L[$1]++;next}END{for(i in A){print i,A[i],A[i]/L[i]}}' |
sort -nr -k2

How to split text files by number of rows that corresponds to another set of files?

Cut a file into several files according to numbers in a list:
$ wc -l all.txt
8500 all.txt
$ wc -l STS.*.txt
2000 STS.input.answers-forums.txt
1500 STS.input.answers-students.txt
2000 STS.input.belief.txt
1500 STS.input.headlines.txt
1500 STS.input.images.txt
How do I split my all.txt into the no. of lines of the STS.*.txt and then save them to the respective STS.output.*.txt?
I've been doing it manually as such:
$ sed '1,2000!d' all.txt > STS.output.answers-forums.txt
$ sed '2001,3500!d' all.txt > STS.output.answers-students.txt
$ sed '3501,5500!d' all.txt > STS.output.belief.txt
$ sed '5501,7000!d' all.txt > STS.output.headlines.txt
$ sed '7001,8500!d' all.txt > STS.output.images.txt
The all.txt input would look something like this:
$ head all.txt
Or sometimes all.txt looks like this:
$ head all.txt
2.3059 92.123
2.2371 1.123
2.1277 0.12452
2.1261123 213
2.0576 100
2.0141 0
2.02062 1
2.03972 34.123
1.9467 9.23
1.8518 9123.1
As for the STS.*.txt, they are just plain text lines, e.g.:
$ head STS.output.answers-forums.txt
The problem likely will mean corrective changes before the shuttle fleet starts flying again. He said the problem needs to be corrected before the space shuttle fleet is cleared to fly again.
The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC inched down 1 point, or 0.11 percent, to 1,650. The broad Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX inched up 3 points, or 0.32 percent, to 970.
"It's a huge black eye," said publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has controlled the paper since 1896. "It's a huge black eye," Arthur Sulzberger, the newspaper's publisher, said of the scandal.
Wish you'd posted some sample input for splitting an input file of, say, 10 lines into output files of say, 2, 3, and 5 lines instead of 8500 lines into.... as that would have given us something to test a solution against. Oh well, this might work but is untested of course:
awk '
ARGIND < (ARGC-1) { outfile[NR] = gensub(/input/,"output","",FILENAME); next }
{ print > outfile[FNR] }
' STS.input.* all.txt
The above used GNU awk for ARGIND and gensub().
It just creates an array that maps each line number across all "input" files to the name of the "output" file that that same line number of "all.txt" should be written to.
Any time you write a loop in shell just to manipulate text you have the wrong approach. The guys who created shell also created awk for shell to call to manipulate text so just do that.
I would suggest writing a loop:
for file in answers-forums answers-students belief headlines images; do
lines=$(wc -l < "STS.input.$file.txt")
sed "$(( total + 1 )),$(( total + lines ))!d" all.txt > "STS.output.$file.txt"
(( total += lines ))
total keeps a track of how many lines have been read so far. The sed command extracts the lines from total + 1 to total + lines, writing them to the corresponding output file.
