Prolog: efficiency - prolog

Is there a way in prolog to make the following shorter:
rule(prop, [1/2,2/2]).
rule(prop, [1/3,2/3,3/3]).
rule(prop, [1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4]).
rule(prop, [1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,5/5]).
rule(prop, [1/6,2/6,3/6,4/6,5/6,6/6]).
rule(prop, [1/7,2/7,3/7,4/7,5/7,6/7,7/7]).

TL;DR: Why not delegate the responsibility for handling recursion—and getting it right, too?
This answer follows up on this previous answer by #lurker. We do not cover the entire question, but instead focus on showing how a predicate like list_props/3 can be defined so that all recursion is delegated to the tried and true Prolog predicates
length/2, numlist/2 and maplist/3:
:- use_module(library(between), [numlist/2]).
:- use_module(library(lists), [maplist/3]).
To customize the versatile meta-predicate maplist/3 we define:
denom_num_expr(B, A, A/B).
Sample query using sicstus-prolog 4.3.2:
| ?- length(_Ds, N), numlist(N, _Ds), maplist(denom_num_expr(N), _Ds, Qs).
N = 1, Qs = [1/1] ? ;
N = 2, Qs = [1/2,2/2] ? ;
N = 3, Qs = [1/3,2/3,3/3] ? ;
N = 4, Qs = [1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4] ? ;
N = 5, Qs = [1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,5/5] ? ;
N = 6, Qs = [1/6,2/6,3/6,4/6,5/6,6/6] ? ;
N = 7, Qs = [1/7,2/7,3/7,4/7,5/7,6/7,7/7] ? ;
N = 8, Qs = [1/8,2/8,3/8,4/8,5/8,6/8,7/8,8/8] ? ;
N = 9, Qs = [1/9,2/9,3/9,4/9,5/9,6/9,7/9,8/9,9/9] ? ...

The following code isn't necessarily "shorter" for the case of 6 different rules, but it is more scalable, which is probably what you really mean.
You can break this down as follows. First, a rule that generates one list:
list_props(N, N, [N/N]).
list_props(X, N, [X/N|T]) :-
X >= 1,
X < N,
X1 is X + 1,
list_props(X1, N, T).
When you call this, it generates one list of proportions from the first argument to the last with the last argument being the denominator. For example:
| ?- list_props(1, 4, L).
L = [1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4] ? a
| ?-
Note that you could enforce that N be an integer >= 1 using integer(N) and conditions, but I was being brief and didn't do that in the above.
You can use this in your top level predicate:
rule(prop, L) :-
between(2, 7, X),
list_props(1, X, L).
Which yields:
| ?- rule(prop, L).
L = [1/2,2/2] ? ;
L = [1/3,2/3,3/3] ? ;
L = [1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4] ? ;
L = [1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,5/5] ? ;
L = [1/6,2/6,3/6,4/6,5/6,6/6] ? ;
L = [1/7,2/7,3/7,4/7,5/7,6/7,7/7] ? ;
(2 ms) no
| ?-


Filter list in prolog

I'm trying to rewrite code from Haskell to Prolog.
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x = length . filter (x==)
f :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
f [] = []
f list = filter (\x -> count x list == 1) list
This code return list that contains elements that appears only once in the list.
So if I have list [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5] this function returns [3,5]
I tried to find filter construction in Prolog but seems there no such thing. How can I make similar function in Prolog ?
To the existing answers, I would like to add an answer that is quite general in the sense that you can use it in multiple directions.
Building block: list_element_number/3
I start with the following predicate, defining a relation between:
a list Ls0
an element E
the number N of occurrences of E in Ls0
Here it is:
list_element_number(Ls0, E, N) :-
tfilter(=(E), Ls0, Ls),
length(Ls, N).
This solution uses tfilter/3 from library(reif). The predicate subsumes the function count you have posted. The main benefit of this predicate over the function is that the predicate can be used not only in those cases that even Haskell can do easily, such as:
?- list_element_number([a,b,c], a, N).
N = 1.
No, we can use it also in other directions, such as:
?- list_element_number([a,b,c], X, 1).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = c ;
Or even:
?- list_element_number([a,b,E], X, 2).
E = X, X = a ;
E = X, X = b ;
Or even:
?- list_element_number([A,B,C], X, 3).
A = B, B = C, C = X ;
And even in the most general case, in which all arguments are fresh variables:
?- list_element_number(Ls, E, N).
Ls = [],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [E],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [E, E],
N = 2 ;
Ls = [E, E, E],
N = 3 .
We can fairly enumerate all answers like this:
?- length(Ls, _), list_element_number(Ls, E, N).
Ls = [],
N = 0 ;
Ls = [E],
N = 1 ;
Ls = [_160],
N = 0,
dif(E, _160) ;
Ls = [E, E],
N = 2 .
Main predicate: list_singletons/2
Using this building block, we can define list_singletons/2 as follows:
list_singletons(Ls, Singles) :-
tfilter(count_one(Ls), Ls, Singles).
count_one(Ls, E, T) :-
list_element_number(Ls, E, Num),
cond_t(Num=1, true, T).
This uses cond_t/3 and (again) tfilter/3 from library(reif).
Sample queries
Here are a few sample queries. First, the test case you have posted:
?- list_singletons([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5], Singles).
Singles = [3, 5].
It works as desired.
Now a case involving variables:
?- list_singletons([A,B], Singles).
A = B,
Singles = [] ;
Singles = [A, B],
dif(A, B).
On backtracking, all possibilities are generated: Either A = B holds, and in that case, there is no element that occurs only once. Or A is different from B, and in that case both A and B occur exactly once.
As a special case of the above query, we can post:
?- list_singletons([A,A], Singles).
Singles = [].
And as a generalization, we can post:
?- length(Ls, _), list_singletons(Ls, Singles).
Ls = Singles, Singles = [] ;
Ls = Singles, Singles = [_7216] ;
Ls = [_7216, _7216],
Singles = [] ;
Ls = Singles, Singles = [_7828, _7834],
dif(_7828, _7834) ;
Ls = [_7216, _7216, _7216],
Singles = [] ;
Ls = [_7910, _7910, _7922],
Singles = [_7922],
dif(_7910, _7922) .
Enjoy the generality of this relation, obtained via logical-purity.
A more simple version :
filter_list(L,OutList):-findall(X, (select(X,L, L1),\+member(X, L1)) , OutList).
?- filter_list([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [3, 5].
Without findall, you can try
filter_list(In, Out) :- filter_list(In, _, Out).
filter_list([], [], []).
filter_list([H|T], L1, L2) :-
filter_list(T, LL1, LL2),
( member(H, LL1)
-> L1 = LL1, L2 = LL2
; (select(H, LL2, L2)
-> L1 = [H|LL1]
; L1 = LL1, L2 = [H|LL2])).
without counting...
filter_uniques([H|T],F) :-
( D=T -> F=[H|R],S=T ; F=R,S=D ),
a more direct rewrite of your code, with library(yall) support for inlining of the filter predicate (the first argument to include/3)
filt_uniq(L,F) :-
A simple version:
(see the comment by #false below, the version with findall/3 has some inconsistency problems in more complex queries but second version looks ok however it is definitely not so efficient ).
filter_list(L,OutList):-findall(X, (member(X,L),count(X,L,N),N=:=1) , OutList).
count(X,[X|T],N):-count(X,T,N1),N is N1+1.
The predicate filter_list/2 uses findall/3 and simply states find all X that belong to the list L and count returns 1 and store them in OutList.
?- filter_list([1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [3, 5].
You could write filter_list/2 without using findall/3 like:
filter_list(L,OutList):- filter_list(L,OutList,L).
filter_list([H|T],[H|T1],L):-count(H,L,N), N=:=1, filter_list(T,T1,L).
filter_list([H|T],T1,L):-count(H,L,N), N > 1, filter_list(T,T1,L).

Sum elements of list in prolog

I want to sum element of a list like this:
I used that but I have a problem:
sum([T|R],M) :- sum(R,S), M is T+S.
I get the following error:
ERROR: is/2: Type error: `[]' expected, found `[2,3]' (a list) ("x" must hold one character)
The problem is that you can't add T if T is a list. You could easily solve using is_list/1 that succeds if T is a list:
sum([T|R],M) :- (is_list(T) -> sum(T,N1),sum(R,S), M is N1+S
; sum(R,S), M is T+S ).
?- sum([1,[2,3],4],S).
S = 10.
?- sum([1,2,3,4],S).
S = 10.
?- sum([1,[2],[3],4],S).
S = 10.
?- sum([1,[[2],[3]],4],S).
S = 10.
A better approach would be using CLPFD:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
sum([T|R],M) :- (is_list(T) -> sum(T,N1),sum(R,S), M #= N1+S
; sum(R,S), M #= T+S ).
Now you can query more general questions like:
?- sum(L,N).
L = [],
N = 0 ;
L = [[]],
N = 0 ;
L = [N],
N in inf..sup ;
L = [N, []],
N in inf..sup ;
L = [_1836, _1842],
_1836+_1842#=N ;
L = [_1842, _1848, []],
_1842+_1848#=N ;
L = [_2142, _2148, _2154],
_2148+_2154#=_2192 ;
L = [_2148, _2154, _2160, []],
_2154+_2160#=_2204 ;
L = [_2448, _2454, _2460, _2466],
_2460+_2466#=_2528 ;
and goes on...
Another approach:
% Old code, with vars renamed:
%sum([], 0).
%sum([Num|Tail], TotalSum) :- sum(Tail, TailSum), TotalSum is Num + TailSum.
% New code:
sum([], 0).
sum([Elem|Tail], TotalSum) :-
sum(Elem, ElemSum),
sum(Tail, TailSum),
TotalSum is ElemSum + TailSum.
sum(Num, Num).
You can use flatten/2 plus foldl/4 or sum_list/2 library predicates in Swi-Prolog:
% flatten/2 + foldl/4 based implementation
sum_nested_list(List, Sum) :-
flatten(List, Flat),
foldl(plus, Flat, 0, Sum).
% flatten/2 + sum_list/2 based implementation
sum_nested_list(List, Sum) :-
flatten(List, Flat),
sum_list(Flat, Sum).

Prolog, split list into two lists

I got a problem with lists. What I need to do is to split one list [1,-2,3,-4], into two lists [1,3] and [-2,-4]. My code looks like the following:
lists([X|Xs],Y,Z):- lists(Xs,Y,Z), X>0 -> append([X],Y,Y) ; append([X],Z,Z).
and I'm getting
Y = [1|Y],
Z = [-2|Z].
What am I doing wrong?
If your Prolog system offers clpfd you could preserve logical-purity. Want to know how? Read on!
We take the second definition of lists/3 that #CapelliC wrote in
his answer as a starting point, and replace partition/4 by tpartition/4 and (<)/2 by (#<)/3:
lists(A,B,C) :- tpartition(#<(0),A,B,C).
Let's run a sample query!
?- As = [0,1,2,-2,3,4,-4,5,6,7,0], lists(As,Bs,Cs).
As = [0,1,2,-2,3,4,-4,5,6,7,0],
Bs = [ 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7 ],
Cs = [0, -2, -4, 0].
As we use monotone code, we get logically sound answers for more general queries:
?- As = [X,Y], lists(As,Bs,Cs).
As = [X,Y], Bs = [X,Y], Cs = [ ], X in 1..sup, Y in 1..sup ;
As = [X,Y], Bs = [X ], Cs = [ Y], X in 1..sup, Y in inf..0 ;
As = [X,Y], Bs = [ Y], Cs = [X ], X in inf..0 , Y in 1..sup ;
As = [X,Y], Bs = [ ], Cs = [X,Y], X in inf..0 , Y in inf..0 .
Here you have. It splits a list, and does not matter if have odd or even items number.
div(L, A, B) :-
append(A, B, L),
length(A, N),
length(B, N).
div(L, A, B) :-
append(A, B, L),
length(A, N),
N1 is N + 1,
length(B, N1).
div(L, A, B) :-
append(A, B, L),
length(A, N),
N1 is N - 1,
length(B, N1).
Refer this:
X>= 0,
Output :
Goal: split([1,2,-3,4,-5,2],X,Y)
Solution: X=[1,2,4,2], Y=[-3,-5]
See, if that helps.
Just for variety, this can also be done with a DCG, which is easy to read for a problem like this:
split([], []) --> [].
split([X|T], N) --> [X], { X >= 0 }, split(T, N).
split(P, [X|T]) --> [X], { X < 0 }, split(P, T).
split(L, A, B) :-
phrase(split(A, B), L).
As in:
| ?- split([1,2,-4,3,-5], A, B).
A = [1,2,3]
B = [-4,-5] ? ;
It also provides all the possible solutions in reverse:
| ?- split(L, [1,2,3], [-4,-5]).
L = [1,2,3,-4,-5] ? ;
L = [1,2,-4,3,-5] ? ;
L = [1,2,-4,-5,3] ? ;
L = [1,-4,2,3,-5] ? ;
L = [1,-4,2,-5,3] ? ;
L = [1,-4,-5,2,3] ? ;
L = [-4,1,2,3,-5] ? ;
L = [-4,1,2,-5,3] ? ;
L = [-4,1,-5,2,3] ? ;
L = [-4,-5,1,2,3] ? ;
(2 ms) no
Gaurav's solution will also do this if the cut is removed and an explicit X < 0 check placed in the third clause of the split/3 predicate.
There are several corrections to be done in your code.
If you enjoy compact (as readable) code, a possibility is
lists([X|Xs],Y,Z) :-
( X>0 -> (Y,Z)=([X|Ys],Zs) ; (Y,Z)=(Ys,[X|Zs]) ), lists(Xs,Ys,Zs).
But since (SWI)Prolog offers libraries to handle common list processing tasks, could be as easy as
lists(A,B,C) :- partition(<(0),A,B,C).

Prolog - How to find the maximum set of elements that their sum is equal to N

my game is about picking the max set of elements from a given list that their sum is N
example : L=[1,1,2,2,3,2,4,5,6], N = 6 , Sub List would be equal to [1,1,2,2]
I need a hint using constraint logic programming.
There is a library for Constrained Logic Programming in SWI-Prolog. It's called clpfd.
Let's say that you'll have a variable for the length of the subsequence. Its domain goes from zero (corresponding to the empty subsequence) to the length of the list. In order to get the longest sequence first, values should be tried starting with the highest.
length(List, M),
L in 0..M,
Next, L can be used to build a list of L variables that would correspond to indices of elements from List. As these indices must be in ascending order, chain/2 can be used to create #</2 constraints between any two consecutive indices.
length(Indices, L),
Indices ins 1..M,
chain(Indices, #<),
Using these indices, a list with elements from List can be constructed. nth1/3 is useful here, but with a minor trick.
nth1a(List, N, E):-
nth1(N, List, E).
maplist(nth1a(List), Indices, SubSequence),
And the sum of that list must be N:
sum(SubSequence, #=, N)
As only the longest sequence is needed, once/1 can be used to stop after first solution is found.
Some example queries:
?- longest_subsequence([1,1,4,4,6], 9, S).
S = [1, 4, 4].
?- longest_subsequence([1,1,4,4,6], 11, S).
S = [1, 4, 6].
?- longest_subsequence([1,1,4,4,6], 21, S).
As I am not sure if that's a homework or not, I won't post the full code here.
In this answer we use clpfd and a little lambda:
:- use_module([library(clpfd),
Based on meta-predicate maplist/4 and the constraints (ins)/2 and sum/3 we define:
zs_selection_len_sum(Zs, Bs, L, S) :-
same_length(Zs, Bs),
Bs ins 0..1,
maplist(\Z^B^X^(X #= Z*B), Zs, Bs, Xs),
sum(Bs, #=, L),
sum(Xs, #=, S).
Sample queries using labeling/2 with option max/1:
?- zs_selection_len_sum([1,1,4,4,6],Bs,L,8), labeling([max(L)],Bs).
Bs = [1,1,0,0,1], L = 3
; Bs = [0,0,1,1,0], L = 2
; false.
?- zs_selection_len_sum([1,1,3,4,5],Bs,L,7), labeling([max(L)],Bs).
Bs = [1,1,0,0,1], L = 3
; Bs = [0,0,1,1,0], L = 2
; false.
?- zs_selection_len_sum([1,1,2,2,3,2,4,5,6],Bs,L,6), labeling([max(L)],Bs).
Bs = [1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0], L = 4
; Bs = [1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0], L = 4
; Bs = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0], L = 4
; Bs = [0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0], L = 3
; Bs = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0], L = 2
; Bs = [0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0], L = 2
; Bs = [0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0], L = 2
; Bs = [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], L = 2
; Bs = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], L = 2
; Bs = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], L = 1
; false.

Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number

:- use_module(library(clpfd)). % load constraint library
% [constraint] Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number.
odd(Num) :- Num mod 2 #= 1.
sumOfList([],N,N) :- !.
sumOfList([H|T],Counter,N) :-
NewN #= H + Counter,
buildOddList(N,InputList,L) :-
%return list when sum of list is N
V in 1..N,
L = TempL;
computeOddList(N) :-
This is my code, I can't seem to get the right output, any code critics? :)
Here my take on this question, realized by a predicate nonNegInt_oddPosSummands/2 and an auxiliary predicate list_n_sum/3:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
list_n_sum([Z|Zs],N,Sum) :-
Z #>= 1,
Z #=< N,
Z mod 2 #= 1,
Sum #= Z + Sum0,
Sum0 #>= 0,
nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,List) :-
Now on to some queries!
First, "which lists can 19 be decomposed into?":
?- nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(19,Zs).
Zs = [19] ;
Zs = [1, 3, 15] ;
Zs = [1, 5, 13] ;
Zs = [1, 7, 11] ;
Zs = [3, 5, 11] ;
Zs = [3, 7, 9] ;
Next, a more general query that does not terminate as the solution set is infinite. "Which positive integers N can be decomposed into Zs if Zs has a length of 2?"
?- Zs=[_,_], nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,Zs).
N = 4, Zs = [1,3] ;
N = 6, Zs = [1,5] ;
N = 8, Zs = [1,7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [3,5] ;
N = 10, Zs = [1,9] ...
Finally, the most general query. Like the one above it does not terminate, as the solution set is infinite. However, it fairly enumerates all decompositions and corresponding positive integers.
?- nonNegInt_oddPosSummands(N,Zs).
N = 0, Zs = [] ;
N = 1, Zs = [1] ;
N = 3, Zs = [3] ;
N = 4, Zs = [1,3] ;
N = 5, Zs = [5] ;
N = 6, Zs = [1,5] ;
N = 7, Zs = [7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [1,7] ;
N = 8, Zs = [3,5] ;
N = 9, Zs = [9] ;
N = 9, Zs = [1,3,5] ;
N = 10, Zs = [1,9] ...
Can suggest you this solution:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
all_odd([]) :-!.
all_odd([H | T]) :-
H mod 2 #= 1,
solve(N,L) :-
N2 is floor(sqrt(N)),
Len in 1..N2,
length(L, Len),
L ins 1..N,
% only show sorted sets
?- solve(17,L).
L = [17] ;
L = [1, 3, 13] ;
L = [1, 5, 11] ;
L = [1, 7, 9] ;
L = [3, 5, 9] ;
I see others have posted complete solutions already. Still, your code can be made to wok with only two slight modifications:
computeOddList only tests whether such a list exists. To know which list matches the constraints, just return it. Thus:
computeOddList(N, L) :-
The list TempL may currently contain duplicates. Just place all_different(TempL) after append to fix that.
Now computeOddList will return at least one list of distinct odd numbers if it exists. Still, for e.g. computeOddList(17, L) it will not return all lists. I don't know clpFD myself, so other than suggesting you compare your code to Xonix' code I cannot really help you.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)). % load constraint library
% [constraint] Compute a list of distinct odd numbers (if one exists), such that their sum is equal to a given number.
odd(Num) :- Num mod 2 #= 1.
sumOfList([],N,N) :- !.
sumOfList([H|T],Counter,N) :-
NewN #= H + Counter,
oddList([]) :- !.
oddList([H|T]) :-
computeOddList(N,L) :-
(L = [];L=[_|_]),
V in 1..N,
L ins 1..N,
I managed to kinda solved it, however it doesn't end properly after it runs out of cases. Hmm.
