Moving files from one subdirectory to another II - bash

My directory is like this:
I want to move all vol_0000 to rs and t1 to str in 1500~ untitled_folder_**** inside test in a shell script if possible.
I already tried many times, but got no where.
im writing this anew because i was not able to get help before.
Here is the previous thread!
If this was answered i will delete that one for redundancy.
Moving files from one subdirectory to another

Easiest way is probably with a loop.
for f in /Users/dave/Desktop/test/untitled_folder_*; do
mv "$f"/vol_0000 "$f"/rs # move everything from `vol_0000` into `rs`
mv "$f"/t1 "$f"/str
... assuming I've understood the goal correctly.


APKtool FAIL - did not create apk

I use apktool_2.5.0.jar b The_App_v0.1.apk to decompile. I edit names in few files. Im not sure if it requires making a change to mainfest.xml but neither worked. Then I do apktool_2.5.0.jar b The_App_v0.1 , all I see is a build\ folder is created in which I see some classes.dex file being made, no apk no dist folder ??
Then I cant even rename the folder or anything because it is used by some process.. the only process can be java which I dont see running.. This APKtool is GARBAGE
As it often happens, one day waste hours for nothing, the next day it works from first time.
Possible solution: apktool_2.5.0.jar b "The_App_v0.1"
... the quotes I read somewhere it cant recognize paths and doesnt know what it's doing
Possible solution: apktool_2.5.0.jar b "The_App_v0.1" ... the quotes I read somewhere it cant recognize paths or maybe space or even dots and doesnt know what it's doing

Move files under GCS with renaming

I want to write the following bash script which copies files from one GCS bucket to another with renaming options.
My input folder is gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc
and my destination folder is gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd
The renaming of the copied file should be done based on the name provided from gs://test-rtt-integration/complex-files/TAN/recent_files/today/frd
once the copy with renaming is done I need to clean gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd
I tested the following commands, but they are not working properly
NAME = "$(gsutil ls gs://test-rtt-integration/complex-files/TAN/recent_files/today/frd)"
gsutil mv gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd/$NAME
gsutil rm -rf gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd
( all .orc files and other files should be deleted)
But this is not working properly as I have to split the NAME based on / and get the last split , so if the result of split is called SPLIT , I have to do gsutil mv gs://test-rtt-integration/result/frd/*.orc gs://test-rtt-integration/recent_files/frd/$SPLIT
Any idea on how to do this?
The question is a little bit confusing. You say that you want to move files from one Google Cloud Storage bucket to another, but all the operations are made in one single bucket called test-rtt-integration.
However, as soon as you get the file location with the command gsutil ls gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder e.g. gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder/[FILENAME].orc, since the gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/folder/ part is always the same for all the objects in the folder, just replace it with null and you will get only the object name at the end as [FILENAME].orc etc.
I am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I did a little bit of coding myself and I have created a bash script that:
Gets the name of each object from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder
Copy all objects from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder to the gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/to/ bucket folder
Delete all objects from gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/from bucket folder
Inside there are comments that explain how every operation works in details. If that is not exactly what you are looking for, you can get the basic idea of how that works and implement it in different way that will suit you better. I have tested the scrip myself in Google Cloud Shell and it is working. The example code can be found in GitHub.

Bash get all specific files in specific directory

I have a script that takes as an argument a path to a file upon which it performs certain operations. These files are stored in directories with path storage///_id/files (so in 2016 July 22 it would be storage/2016/Jul/22_1/files for the first set of files, .../Jul/22_2/files for second one etc.). The problem is each directory stores files with two extensions (say file.doc, file.txt) and I want to perform operations only on .txt files. I've tested earlier something like
for file in "/home/gonczor/temp/"*/*".txt"; do
echo "$file"
And it worked perfectly given that names in directories don't change. When I move one step further and add this 22_1, 22_2, 23_1 directories something strange happens.
This is my script (simplified):
for file in "$FILE_PATH/""$YEAR/""$MONTH/""$DAY"*/*".txt"; do
my_program ${report}
And instead of finding .../2016/Jul/22_1/file.txt it finds /2016/Jul/22*/*.txt
How can I make it work? The solution I've tried to make up is from here

Excluding folders in Winrar

A Day with Winrar
All I wanted to do was exclude folders and their contents using wildcards, and even after reading the docs, it turned into a guessing game...
So my test bed looks like:
And I am executing:
C:\>"c:\program files\winrar\winrar.exe" a -r !tmp1.rar !tmp1
which gives me a rar with !tmp1 as the root (sole top level folder).
The exclude switch is -x<filepathpattern> and may be included multiple times.
So, given that we want to exclude f2, and all its subcontents...
removes the contents, but leaves f2
does nothing - includes all
does nothing - includes all
does nothing - includes all (now I'm mad), so surely it must be..
nope, does nothing - includes all. So it has GOT to be...
hell no, does nothing - includes all. and I already know that
removes the contents, but leaves f2. Onward we go...
does nothing - includes all. Grrrr. Aha! how about...
nope, does nothing - includes all. WTF. Alright, So it has GOT to be...
Holy moly, it worked! Hmmm, then how come....
does not work? This was the little demon that sent me down this crazed path to begin with and should have worked!
Given all that, do I dare try to go after */a/* directories, removing contents and the dirs?
does not work, of course, does nothing.
does not work, of course, does nothing.
nope. But...
removes contents of both dirs, but leaves the folders. So, in desperation I can use the -ed switch which will not store empty folders, but this is a broad hack, I want to eliminate the folders specified not all empty folders.
With my animosity growing toward winrar, I am passing the baton of information forward with an eye to that glorious day when we will know how to specifically exclude a folder and its contents using wildcards and not using the -ed switch.
(Quite old question but still may be relevant)
Maybe what you simply needed was this :
-x*\f2 -x*\f2\*
two exclude switches, should remove directory f2 and all its contents.
An even older question by now, but came across this question so I reproduced your folder structure and, at least nowadays (Winrar 5.11, not the latest but quite new), this works:
So the whole command line is:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a -m5 -s !tmp1.rar !tmp1 -x*\f2
And this is what is stored in the .rar file:
Similarly, if you use -x*\a, all a folders are excluded, storing this:
Finally, combining both parameters (-x*\f2 -x*\a), you get this:
To manage large list of files to be excluded, you can create text fie and write all excluded files/folders relative to the source folder:
1) create file list.txt, write the name of excluded files/folders
note: * refer to the source, all files/folders are relative to the source folder
2) Run the command
rar a -r -x#list.txt target.rar source-folder

BASH script to copy files based on date, with a catch

Let me explain the tree structure: I have a network directory where several times a day new .txt files are copied by our database. Those files sit on directory based on usernames. On the local disk I have the same structure (directory based on usernames) and need to be updated with the latest .txt files. It's not a sync procedure: I copy the remote file to a local destination and I don't care what happens with it after that, so I don't need to keep it in sync. However I do need to copy ONLY the new files and not those that I already copied. It would look something like:
Remote disk
+ user1/
+ user2/
+ user3/
+ user4/
Local disk
+ user1/
+ user2/
+ user3/
+ user4/
I played with
find /mnt/remote/database/ -type f -mtime +1
and other variants, but it's not working very well.
So, the script i am trying to figure is the following:
1- check /mnt/remote/database recursively for *.txt
2- check the files date to see if they are new (since the last time I checked, maybe maintain a text file with the last time checked on it as a reference?)
3- if the file is new, copy it to the proper destination in /var/database (so /mnt/remote/database/user1/somefile.txt will be copied to /var/database/user1/)
I'll run the script through a cron job.
I'm doing this in C right now, but the IT people are not very good in debugging or writing C and if they need to add or fix something they can handle bash scripts better, which I am not very good at.
Any ideas out there?
thank you!
you could consider using local rsync between the input & output directories. it has all the options you want to make its sync policy very flexible.
find /mnt/remote/database/ -type f -newer $TIMESTAMP_FILE | xargs $CP_COMMAND
The solution is here:
