Business Intelligence Sample Data or Database - business-intelligence

I don't know I should ask this question over here. I know it can be marked too broad or marked as close.
I have started learning BI and data analysis. I search on internet I found some good tools which I am interested QlikView & PowerBI.
I like some help from you guys like Sample data where I can play around and some scenarios. If I get some website or some tips to learn.
I will very much appreciate for some help.

Microsoft Power BI:
Sign up (free) and Microsoft will give you sample data to use and see on Power BI.
If you are interested in the single component:
Excel 2013 Power Pivot: or (I prefer this one)
Excel 2013 Power Query: or
Excel 2013 Power View:
Power BI Desktop:

Try the Lahman baseball database. A number of R scrips exist w/ output, so that you can compare your analysis from whatever tool you used.

Once you sign up at there is a documentation and tutorial download in their download section for each of their products. The complete version of the tutorial includes a data set that will get you going

Qlik sense has a desktop version which is free to try and comes with sample data. Its easy to get started with!
Best of luck!

For both Qlikview and Qlik Sense you can download their free desktop app.
Afterwards you can install the Google Bigquery ODBC driver and access the Bigquery public dataset. In fact it is beneficial to simply learn BI using Google Bigquery.
Follow this tutorial to see how you can retrieve/manipulate the data.

You can find QlikView and Qlik Sense demos in this link:
Both applications are fully free to use for personal use and I would suggest you start your Qlik journey with Qlik Sense. It is their latest product where you can create applications and even share them with your friends through Qlik Cloud.
Definitely worth a go.


QlikView Resources

I want to add Qlikview Development to my skill-set. I have a C# and SQl background. Are there any free online resources to getting me going at developer level not end-user? What's the best starting place for me and the level of difficulty involved.
I am looking for resources that can help me to expert level. One resource I found is the Udemy course and if anyone has done it please share your review of the course content.
You can find good videos on youtube (like this one:
When you install qlikview, you have there a qlikview tutorial directory. Follow the pdf file and do everything on that pdf. it is very extensive, but after that you can start developing intermediate solutions. The PDF actually covers the whole QV official course.
After that, go to the qlikview cookbook site and start exploring more possibilities.
Find more blogs on QV and subscribe to them.
QV community is amazing. use it!
Qlikview is relatively easy to "get" at first, but don't be fooled by its simplicity - its a whole platform. I've been developing in QV 7 years now and still learn something new once in a while.
And I have to say it - its a very good choice! QV is amazing and very popular.
There isn't much I couldn't do with it.

BI Tool(information builders vs oracle BI

we are kind of in a ‘decision making situation’ to make a road map of our BI system.
I would like to hear experts opinion on Information Builders when compared to Oracle BI. I am working in Oracle BI but I dont have knowledge on Webfocus offered by Information Builders, so problably users who has knowledge on both sides, has a good overview on pros and cons.
Like to hear any opinion or suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
I currently work with IBI products and their reporting language WebFocus 8. This along with their new AppStudio development tool and BI Portal deployment platform. If you like being forced to use a GUI to build your user-facing components, having no good access to the HTML, then go with IBI and WF. Other than their having forced the developer to lose access to edit HTML, and tool generated code being horrid, it's a fairly good product. Their new push for responsive design is still early in its implementation. Lots of restrictions and good portions of their products rely on being both compatible with IE8 or used in IE. Not much of a fan of IBI.

GoodData: "CloudConnect" or another tool for ETL development

We are GoodData customers who are beginning the process of evaluating ETL tools other than CloudConnect. I'd like some recommendations from other GoodData customers who do their own ETL/LDM development with a tool other than CloudConnect. What has been your experience with these other tools? How do they compare with CloudConnect? I have another conversation going on LinkedIn ( From this conversation I have learned a lot about Keboola but I would like to hear others' experiences with other tools.
Other option is to use our "BI Automation Framework" that is being developed on the top of our Ruby SDK and it is great fit if you are more "Developer/Coder". It will be integrated with our Agile DataWarehouse Service (ADS) where you have option to manage your data transformation process using the Vertica database with SQL. We are moving forward quickly in this space.
Another option you can use is to use the ADS + CloudConnect as orchestration tool. Again, this helps you when doing SQL transformation is more comfortable for you. If you want to start testing those tools, let me know.

Which MS technologies would be suited for a data intensive application?

I'm a junior developer with little application design knowledge. I've been reading a lot of material online regarding different design patterns, frameworks, and methodologies. It's become a bit confusing for me.
Right now I'm trying to decide on what language would be best suited to convert an existing VB6 application (with SQL server backend.) I need to update the UI and add more user functionality and reporting capabilities. Initially I was thinking of using WPF and attempting the MVVM model for this big project. Reports would be generated from SSRS.
A peer suggested using and I don't have enough experience to determine what would be better. The senior programmers here are stuck on using VB6 and don't have any input on what to use. They are encouraging me to use the latest technologies.
This application would be for ~20 users in a central location. Ideally I would stick to a Microsoft .net language. Current interface is similar to a datagrid table where the user would click in to see the detail of each record. They would need to have multiple records open at any given time.
I look forward to all the advice I can get.
EDIT 2010/04/22 2:47 PM EST
What is your audience? Internal clients within an intranet
How complex are the interactions you expect to implement? not very... displaying data from SQL server to UI. Allow user updates to said data. Typically just one user modifying a record.
Do you require near real-time data updates? no
How often do you expect to update the application after the first release? twice/year
Do you expect a well-defined set of client platforms? Yes, windows xp environment, potentially upgrading to Win7. Currently in IE.6 moving to IE7 or 8 within a couple of months.
Do users need access from anywhere? No, just from their PC.
What would be wrong about building a simple ASP.Net application in VB.Net using Gridviews for allowing the data access and manipulation? Seems like a simple ADO.Net trial application if you aren't familiar with it in the beginning you will be by the end. CRUD applications are pretty common so it shouldn't be too hard to build it and then refine it as more requirements become apparent.
Sounds like you need to use a web-based solution--this eliminates alot of your potential distribution woes with multiple users. You could use silverlight, but if you are locked into SSRS, this might not be the way to go.

Microsoft CRM 4.0 data migration

I'm in the middle of a contract that is porting a company's hand-rolled Microsoft Access-based CRM to Microsoft CRM 4.0. It's all gone pretty well, but now I have to migrate the data across.
The data is all over the place in the source .mdb. Lots of tables, lots of duplication, and generally shows all the signs of an ad-hoc database which has grown organically (like weeds) over time.
So, my dilemma is this. Do I bite the bullet and write lots of queries inside Access to export the data into some intermediate format that CRM can somehow import? Or is there some other way? Are there any middleware tools that map data from one to the other that anyone here knows about?
Note this is my first time using CRM, so if the question is obvious, I appologise.
Dynamics CRM 4.0 provides built in tool called Dynamics CRM 4.0 Data Migration Manager to help developers migrate data from previous database into Dynamics CRM 4.0 database. I haven't used it extensively, but as far as i know, the previous data needs to be exported into a "standard" excel format provided by CRM 4.0 Data Migration Manager (DMM).
You can refer to below references :
There is also 3rd party solutions called Scribe that will help you migrate to Dynamics CRM 4.0 database
I've had success just using the mscrm api in these kinds of cases. You can write a .net app which use odbc to connect to your mdb then use the mscrm api to create the entities you need on that end.
Anyway you cut it - it's not too pretty but you can get the job done.
Good luck.
Ms CRM Service Reference
I am sorry to say, I think you have to bite the bullet and write queries to pull the data from various sources and use some intermediate database like access ( You may also use SQL server or any db)
In my experience of handling several data migration projects for various small and large enterprises, I have always uses MS access as my data massaging/pulling tool. It works great. It might sound a lot of work but it’s is definitely lot cheaper than buying any expensive tools and spending thousands of dollars configuring them.
I would recommend you save all your queries and write a macro to automate the import.
Hower trivial the query is, SAVE it. This will be very useful as you will have to do this again and again before you actually go live.
Once you automate it, it is just a matter of clicking a button.
Typically and data migrating project will undergo at least 2 iterations and it could go up to 10.
Once you have data in the intermediate database, you can use de duping tools to standardize and remove dups from your data. There are a lots of cheap tools available both online and offline.
