Getting undefined method `when_visible' for #<Array:0x3db6090> (NoMethodError) in PageObject - ruby

I’m getting Getting undefined method `when_visible' for # (NoMethodError) when I used built –in method from PageObject Ruby gem. Here is my code:
class HomePage
include PageObject
links(:search_types, :css => ".search-type")
def select_search_type
search_types_elements.find { |type| if type.text=='Resort';; break end }
Could someone please help? Thanks a lot!

Updated to reflect discussion.
page-object gem handles the plural of its basic accessors. Page-object ultimately generates
search_types_elements = #browser.find_elements(:css, ".search-type")
so you will need to follow it with something like (Updated)
search_types_elements.find { |type|
if type.text=='Resort';; break end
You should add something to the page class constructor to wait for the page to completely load. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple way to do this. Much depends on the page specifics. I usually start by waiting for the jquery queue to have zero length. Something like this:
WebDriverWait(self.selenium, 10).until(lambda s: s.execute_script("return == 0"))


Ruby ERB - Create a content_for method

I'm currently working on an ERB View class for a gem. With this class I would like to have some helper methods for ERB templates.
It's okay about basic helpers like h(string). I found erbh gem who help me to understand more how context works.
But now I'm trying to create a content_for method like there is in Rails or Sinatra.
On first time I was using simple Proc to capture the view block and then just calling call method to print it. It was working enough at the beginning.
But after having completed views I saw wired thinks, some content are printed multiple times.
So I take a look on the Sinatra ContentFor helper to understand how they did it and I copy some methods of this helper. I have no errors, but the block return are always empty... and I don't really know why.
My knowledge about ERB are not good enough to know how ERB buffering works.
Here a gist who explain the status of my code. I extracted the code from my library and simplified it a bit.
What I would like?
I just would like to have content_for methods works like they do with Rails and Sinatra.
After reading this blog article I finally found why it wasn't working. I don't know if I did it in the best way and cleaner way but it works.
So the bug was mainly from the ERB initilization. By using a property instead a local variable as eoutvar it now works.
erb =, nil, "<>", "#_erbout")
I also change a bit the capture method who is used by content_for helper.
It looks like this now (gist)
def content_for(key, content = nil, &block)
block ||= proc { |*| content }
content_blocks[key.to_sym] << capture_later(&block)
def content_for?(key)
def yield_content(key, default = nil)
return default if content_blocks[key.to_sym].empty?
content_blocks[key.to_sym].map { |b| capture(&b) }.join
def capture(&block)
#capture = nil
#_erbout, _buf_was = '', #_erbout
result = yield
#_erbout = _buf_was
result.strip.empty? && #capture ? #capture : result
def capture_later(&block)
proc { |*| #capture = capture(&block) }

Remote_table in spree 0.70.7 controller: #<TypeError: Zip is not a module>

I'm include gem 'remote_table' in my Gemfile (Rails 3.1.12)
In spree admin i'd create new controller:
class Admin::XlsPriceLoadsController < Admin::BaseController
def upload
source_xls =
source_xls.each do |row|
but when this action fired, i'm see the next:
TypeError (Zip is not a module):
app/controllers/admin/xls_price_loads_controller.rb:26:in `upload'
when i'm explore the source_xls object, a frozen? property of them is true.
So, can any soul write me, why the parsed object is frozed?
And, if i run this code
source_xls =
source_xls.each do |row|
from lib/tasks as rake task - all work fine!
Thanks for all advice!
Whereabouts does the filename method/attribute come from? Is that something from spree? What value does it have at the point #upload is called?
What's on line 26?

Why isn't this simple Ruby code working in HAML?

If I run this simple Ruby code regularly, it works fine:
class String
def add_two
self + "2"
puts "hello".add_two
It prints "hello2" as it should. But this fails:
class String
def add_two
self + "2"
puts "hello".add_two
This code produces an error:
NoMethodError at /
undefined method `add_two' for "hello":String
Any ideas what's wrong?
(Not sure if it matters, but I'm using HAML with Sinatra, which is running on Apache with the Passenger module.)
I would suggest that String is in another namespace and therefor another class.
What happens with that?
class ::String
I put your code as is into one of my Haml views in a Rails app and I got a different error to you:
SyntaxError at /
class definition in method body
So I wondered whether it was Haml's :ruby filter that was complaining, but since it "Parses the filtered text with the normal Ruby interpreter", it seemed unlikely. So, I searched for more info about the error and found references (see below) that led me to this, which works (but, really, should never be used):
String.module_eval do
def add_two
self + "2"
puts "hello".add_two
Class inside a Method Body
Class (Re)definition in Method Body

How to call a page-object from a class.rb at Support folder

I am using the page-object gem. Suppose i have a page-object on features/bussines/pages/booking_page.rb for a page like:
class Booking
include PageObject
span(:txtFirstName, :id => 'details_first_name')
...and i use a "tools" class located at features/support/tools.rb with something like:
class MyTools
def call_to_page_object
on Booking do |page|
puts page.txtFirstName
...but this approach fails because calling to the object from the class is not allowed:
undefined method `on' for #<Booking:0x108f5b0c8> (NoMethodError)
Pretty sure i'm missing some concept on the way to use the page-object from a class but don't realize whats the problem. Can you please give me an idea about what could be wrong here, please?
Thank you very much!
Justin found the reason why the call to the class crash. The final class code results:
class MyTools
#Include this module so that the class has the 'on' method
include PageObject::PageFactory
def initialize(browser)
#Assign a browser object to #browser, which the 'on' method assumes to exist
#browser = browser
def getCurrentRewards
on Booking do |page|
rewards_text = page.rewards_amount
rewards_amount = rewards_text.match(/(\d+.*\d*)/)[1].to_f
puts "The current rewards amount are: #{rewards_amount}."
return rewards_amount
And the call to the function:
user_rewards =
Why it did not work me? Two main reasons:
I didn't pass the browser object to the class <== REQUIRED
I didn't include the PageObject::PageFactory in the class <== REQUIRED for the "on" method.
Thanks all!
To use the on (or on_page) method requires two things:
The method to be available, which is done by including the PageObject::PageFactory module.
Having a #browser variable (within the scope of the class) that is the browser.
So you could make your MyTools class work by doing:
class MyTools
#Include this module so that the class has the 'on' method
include PageObject::PageFactory
def initialize(browser)
#Assign a browser object to #browser, which the 'on' method assumes to exist
#browser = browser
def call_to_page_object
on Booking do |page|
puts page.txtFirstName
You would then be calling your MyTools class like:
#Assuming your Cucumber steps have the the browser stored in #browser:
What are you trying to do?
Did you read Cucumber & Cheese book?
Pages should be in the features/support/pages folder. You can put other files that pages need there too.
If you want to use on method in a class, you have to add this to the class:
include PageObject
The code from MyTools class looks to me like it should be in Cucumber step file, not in a class.
Your class should use the extend keyword to access special class methods like span:
class Booking
extend PageObject
span(:txtFirstName, :id => 'details_first_name')
I hope this works.

`stub` for Class in rspec2

describe SomeThing do
before :all do
# ...
Worked cool with rspec 1.
I've updated to rspec 2, and this is what i'm receiving for this line now:
undefined method `stub' for FooClass::Class
The rspec api but says: Person.stub(:find) { person }
What am i missing?
Is this inside an it or before block?
Stubs are not supported in before :all blocks. Stubs and mocks get cleared after each example. You can read more about this here. Change the before :all do to before do and this should work.
