How would I test a ruby method that only calls a system command? - ruby

After looking at:
How do I stub/mock a call to the command line with rspec?
The answer provided is:
require "rubygems"
require "spec"
class Dummy
def command_line
describe Dummy do
it "command_line should call ls" do
d =
My question is: How does that actually test anything?
By making a method to that says "call the ls command on the system", and then writing a test that says "my method should call the ls command on the system", how does that provide any benefit?
If the method were to change, I would have to change the test as well, but I'm not sure I see the added benefit.

The approach you are describing is known as the "mockist" or "London" school of unit testing. It's benefits include
That the act of constructing such a test creates an incentive to design units which are not excessively complex in terms of their dependencies or conditional logic
That such tests execute very quickly, which can be very important for large systems
That such tests can be reasonably built to provide maximal coverage for the unit under test
That such tests provide a "vise" of sorts around your code such that inadvertent changes will result in a failing test
Of course, such tests have their limitations, which is why they are often paired with system level tests which test whether a collection of units operating together achieve some higher order outcome.


Testing a whole script in Ruby

What is the best way of testing a whole script? I want to test if a script returns (prints) a correct result. So far what I have is another script that more or less does just:
# test.rb
expected = 'test'
output = `script.rb --many params`
if output != expected
puts "Error"
In this example, the script I want to test is called script.rb.
Using test-unit you end up with code like this:
class TestScript < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_output
assert_equal 'test', `script --options`
You'll probably want to use the open3 library when dealing with output from programs as that gives you more control over how that's handled. You could write your own wrapper for that as well, like assert_output_equal:
def assert_output_equal(output, command, message = nil, &block)
Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
assert_equal output,, message, &block
You can add on to that to test for the status from your process, ensuring it succeeded, and that there wasn't any output on STDERR and such.
When it comes to testing things that produce a lot of textual output (e.g. JSON data, formatted lists) I find it's best to create files in a place like test/expect and compare the file to the output rather than defining the text in the source. This makes it easy to create the files in the first place:
old_script > test/expected/old_script.default
old_script --option > test/expected/old_script.with-option
It also makes your version control diffs easier to read when something needs to be adjusted in there.
Define Test Fixtures
What is the best way of testing a whole script? I want to test if a script returns (prints) a correct result.
You need a test fixture that includes a known input value and an expected result. In other words:
Given a known input value,
When you run the program
Then you will receive your expected answer as output.
Note that testing an entire program this way can tell you if you got the right results from a set of inputs, but it will generally not provide insight into where the problem is. However, many forms of acceptance testing using this "black box" approach to testing, so it's certainly a reasonable approach as long as you understand the limitations.
Possible Frameworks
The list of possible testing frameworks is not infinite, but if you don't want to write your own test harness from scratch you may want to try one of the more popular ones. Some possibilities to kick-start your own research include:
There are of course plenty of others, but per your original question you will probably want to focus on ATDD or BDD testing tools, rather than unit testing, if you want to test the entire script rather than its component parts.

Producing reports in Protractor (Jasmine) with details for expectations that pass

So I'm kind of new to Protractor. I've written a number of parameterised functions (eg loginAs, navigateTo, enterTextIntoSearchField, clickButton etc), which I can then use repeatedly as I create my specs and suites. So for example I might have a "perform search" suite, with specs for "perform search as regular user", "perform search as admin" etc.
All this is fine. I'm using the Jasmine2HTMLReporter which produces output similar to sample Jasmine2HTMLReporter output
Some of my reusable functions have expect statements, some don't (although I may yet go back and try to add them for clarity!)
The problem I have is when an individual spec consists of quite a few function calls, the list of passed / failed expectations in the report can be rather long. In the case of failed expectations it gives details of the failure ("expected Fred to equal Bob" etc). However, I would like to see something similar for the passes aswell ("expected Fred to equal Fred") - as this would allow whoever was reading the report to understand which function call any one "passed" related to - and understand the flow of the test, rather than just seeing an otherwise meaningless list of "Passed" statements.
Is this at all possible? I could have nested specs so that each function call was it's own spec within a "parent" spec, but this strikes me as over the top and messy, and would make the report way bigger than it needed to be? Would a different reporter give me what I want? I've not found one yet that looks like it would...

Can RSpec be configured to fail any example which does not contain any expectations?

I know that in RSpec you can easily mark an example as incomplete by omitting the block:
it 'is not a complete example'
But is it possible to get RSpec to fail any example which does not contain any expectations?
IE. RSpec will happily pass this example:
it 'does not have any expectations but still passes' do
I want to emulate the behavior of PHPUnit which fails any test not containing any assertions.
There isn't a built-in way, but it's a feature I'd like to see added at some point.
In the meantime, it's not too hard to add yourself:

Prevent database rollback in specs in Ruby on Rails?

When running RSpec tests in Ruby on Rails 2.3 with ActiveRecord, the database gets rolled back to the state after a before :all block after each example (it block).
However, I want to spec the lifecycle of an object, which means going through a number of examples one by one, changing the state and testing postconditions. This is impossible with the rollback behaviour.
So to clarify:
describe MyModel
before :all { #thing = MyModel.create }
it "should be settable" do
lambda { #thing.a_number = 42 }.should_not raise_exception
it "should remember things" do
#thing.a_number.should == 42
# this fails because the database was rolled back ☹
Is there some way to persist changes made in examples?
I agree with normalocity, in this case it looks like you would be better off with a single spec containing two assertions.
There are cases in which it is helpful to turn off rollbacks, e.g. for higher level tests with Capybara and Selenium, in which case you can use the use_transactional_fixtures configuration option. You can put thi
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
Well, that depends on what you're trying to do. If you're testing the life cycle (a series of things that happen over time), that's more the realm of integration tests, which you can build more in tools such as Cucumber, etc. Spec is more designed to do small tests of small bits of code.
It's technically possible for you to simply write a long spec test, with multiple .should statements, and so long as all of them pass, then you've effectively got the kind of test you're describing. However, that's not really, in my experience, what spec is designed to give you.
I guess what I'm saying is, don't try to prevent the rollback - that's not what it's there to do. Either use a tool more designed to do the kinds of tests you're looking to build, or write a longer test that has multiple .should statements.

Passing a parameter/object to a ruby unit/test before running it using TestRunner

I'm building a tool that automates a process then runs some tests on it's own results then goes to do some other stuff.
In trying to clean up my code I have created a separate file that just has the test cases class. Now before I can run these tests, I have to pass the class a couple of parameters/objects before they can be run. Now the problem is that I can't seem to find a way to pass a parameter/object to the test class.
Right now I am thinking to generate a Yaml file and read it in the test class but it feels "wrong" to use a temporary file for this. If anyone has a nicer solution that would be great!
Example Code of what I am doing right now:
require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
require 'yaml'
require 'TS_SampleTestSuite'
importantInfo = getImportantInfo()'filename.yml', 'w') do |f|
f.puts importantInfo.to_yaml
Now in the example above TS_SampleTestSuite needs importantInfo, so the first "test case" is a method that just reads in the information from the Yaml file filname.yml.
I hope that clears up some confusion.
Overall, it looks like you're not really using the unit tests in a very rubyish way, but I'll leave that aside for a minute.
Your basic problem is that you have some setup that needs to happen before the tests run. The normal way to do that is with a setup method within the test unit case itself.
class UserTest < TestUnit::TestCase
def setup
# do your important calculation
def test_success
#.. assert some things
I would give some thought to what code it is that you're actually testing here, and see if you can break it down and test it in a more granular way, with lots more tests.
First, I agree with Cameron, this code definitely does not adhere to the Ruby way, though I'll also sidestep that for now.
The fastest way to get up and running with this, especially if this data is pretty much immutable (that is to say, your tests won't be altering it in anyway), is to just assign the value to a constant. So instead of naming your variable importantInfo, you name it IMPORTANT_INFO. Then it will be available to you in your tests. It's definitely not a pretty solution, and I think it couuld even be considered a test smell that you need that sort of global setup, but it's there for you.
Alternatively, you could look at stubbing out the importantInfo, which I actually think would provide for much cleaner and more readable tests.
