Is there a way to programmatically evaluate a macro? - objectscript

For example, let us take this code:
Method m()
Method m(foo as whatever)
Provided that I can extract someMacro and otherMacro from the code samples above, is there a way to programmatically expand them?

No. Macro can only be resolved at compile time. Since what macro expands into may depend on where in code macro is placed you can't expand one macro without context.


Does CLion possible evaluate a function when debugging Rust code?

A snip of Rust code:
pub fn main() {
let a = "hello";
let b = a.len();
let c =b;
When debugging in CLion, Is it possible to evaluate a function? For example, debug the code step by step, now the code is running to the last line println!... and the current step stops here, by adding the expression a.len() to the watch a variable window, the IDE can't evaluate the a.len(). It says: error: no field named len
This is the same reason you can't make conditional breakpoints for Rust code:
Can't create a conditional breakpoint in VSCode-LLDB with Rust
I hope, I'm not too late to answer this, but with both lldb and gdb, Rust debugging capability is currently rather constrained.
Expressions that are straightforward work; anything complex is likely to produce issues.
My observations from rust-lldb trying this, are that only a small portion of Rust is understood by the expression parser.
There is no support for macros.
Non-used functions are not included in the final binary.
For instance, since that method is not included in the binary, you are unable to execute capacity() on the HashMap in the debugger.
Methods must be named as follows:
struct value.method(&struct value)
There is no technique that I've discovered to call monomorphized functions on generic structs (like HashMap).
For example, "hello" is a const char [5] including the trailing NUL byte. String constants "..." in lldb expressions are produced as C-style string constants.
Therefore, they are not valid functions

c++: evaluation of an "if" statement in a lambda function

Suppose I have the following snippet of code:
bool flag = true;
auto myFunction = [](int a, int b, bool flag)
if (flag)
// do something with a and b
Later in the code, I call myFunction thousands of times in a loop, for the same value of flag.
Then, I have another loop that also calls myFunction thousands of times, but for a different value of flag.
My understanding is that, being a lambda function, it is an inline function and thus will be repeated wherever it is called.
My question is: will the compiler evaluate the if statement before "copying" the inline function, and thus not have to perform that check at every single iteration?
I know that this may fall under the category of micro-optimization, but I would like an answer nonetheless.
My example is silly; I could just put the if statements outside the loops. But this is just meant to be a representative example of a much more complicated case.
My use of lambda functions is inspired from the answer to this question.
My question is: will the compiler evaluate the if statement before "copying" the inline function, and thus not have to perform that check at every single iteration?
The language does not require it. An optimizing compiler might be able pull that off if it knows the value of flag at compile time. However, it's hard telling without looking at the assembly code generated by the compiler.

What expressions are allowed in tracepoints?

When creating a tracepoint in Visual Studio (right-click the breakpoint and choose "When Hit..."), the dialog has this text, emphasis mine:
You can include the value of a variable or other expression in the message by placing it in curly braces...
What expressions are allowed?
Microsoft's documentation is rather sparse on the exact details of what is and is not allowed. Most of the below was found by trial and error in the Immediate window. Note that this list is for C++, as that's what I code in. I believe in C#, some of the prohibited items below are actually allowed.
Most basic expressions can be evaluated, including casting, setting variables, and calling functions.
General Restrictions
Only C-style casts supported; no static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast
Can't declare new variables or create objects
Can't use overloaded operators
Ternary operator doesn't work
Can't use the comma operator because Visual Studio uses it to format the result of the expression; use multiple sets of braces for multiple expressions
Function Calls
Prohibited calls:
Lambdas (can't define or call them)
Functions in an anonymous namespace
Functions that take objects by value (because you can't create objects)
Permitted calls:
Member functions, both regular and virtual
Functions taking references or pointers, to either fundamental or class types
Passing in-scope variables
Using "&" to pass pointers to in-scope variables
Passing the literals "true", "false", numbers
Passing string literals, as long you don't run afoul of the "can't create objects" rule
Calling multiple functions with one tracepoint by using multiple sets of braces
Variable Assignment
String literals
Variables with fundamental types, value either from literals or other variables
Memory addresses, after casting: { *(bool*)(0x1234) = true }
Registers: { #eip = 0x1234 }
Use Cases
Calling functions from tracepoints can be quite powerful. You can get around most of the restrictions listed above with a carefully set up function and the right call. Here are some more specific ideas.
Force an if
Pretty straightforward: set up a tracepoint to set a variable and force an if-condition to true or false, depending on what you need to test. All without adding code or leaving the debug session.
Breakpoint "toggling"
I've seen the question a few times, "I need to break in a spot that gets hit a lot. I'd like to simply enable that breakpoint from another breakpoint, so the one I care about only gets breaks from a certain code path. How can I do that?" With our knowledge above, it's easy, although you do need a helper variable.
Create a global boolean, set to false.
Create a breakpoint at your final destination, with a condition to break only when the global flag is true.
Set tracepoints in the critical spots that assign the global flag to true.
The nice thing is that you can move the tracepoints around without leaving the debugging session. Use the Immediate window or the Watch window to reset your global flag, if you need to make another run at it. When you're done, all you need to clean up is that global boolean. No other code to remove.
Automatically skip code
The EIP register (at least on x86) is the instruction pointer. If you assign to it, you can change your program flow.
Find the address of the line you want to skip to by breaking on it once and looking at the value of EIP, either in the Registers window or the Watch window with "#eip,x". (Note that the value in the Registers window is hex, but without the leading "0x".)
Add a tracepoint on the line you want to skip from, with an expression like {#eip = address}, using the address from step 1.
EIP assignment will happen before anything on the line is executed.
Although this can be handy, be careful because skipping code like this can cause weird behavior.
As Kurt Hutchinson says, string assignment is not allowed in a tracepoint. You can get around this by creating a method that assigns the string variable, and call that.
public static class Helper
public static void AssignTo(this string value, out string variable)
variable = value;
Then in your tracepoint message:
{"new string value".AssignTo(out stringVariable)}

scala coalesces multiple function call parameters into a Tuple -- can this be disabled?

This is a troublesome violation of type safety in my project, so I'm looking for a way to disable it. It seems that if a function takes an AnyRef (or a java.lang.Object), you can call the function with any combination of parameters, and Scala will coalesce the parameters into a Tuple object and invoke the function.
In my case the function isn't expecting a Tuple, and fails at runtime. I would expect this situation to be caught at compile time.
object WhyTuple {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
fooIt("foo", "bar")
def fooIt(o: AnyRef) {
No implicits or Predef at play here at all -- just good old fashioned compiler magic. You can find it in the type checker. I can't locate it in the spec right now.
If you're motivated enough, you could add a -X option to the compiler prevent this.
Alternatively, you could avoid writing arity-1 methods that accept a supertype of TupleN.
What about something like this:
object Qx2 {
#deprecated def callingWithATupleProducesAWarning(a: Product) = 2
def callingWithATupleProducesAWarning(a: Any) = 3
Tuples have the Product trait, so any call to callingWithATupleProducesAWarning that passes a tuple will produce a deprecation warning.
Edit: According to people better informed than me, the following answer is actually wrong: see this answer. Thanks Aaron Novstrup for pointing this out.
This is actually a quirk of the parser, not of the type system or the compiler. Scala allows zero- or one-arg functions to be invoked without parentheses, but not functions with more than one argument. So as Fred Haslam says, what you've written isn't an invocation with two arguments, it's an invocation with one tuple-valued argument. However, if the method did take two arguments, the invocation would be a two-arg invocation. It seems like the meaning of the code affects how it parses (which is a bit suckful).
As for what you can actually do about this, that's tricky. If the method really did require two arguments, this problem would go away (i.e. if someone then mistakenly tried to call it with one argument or with three, they'd get a compile error as you expect). Don't suppose there's some extra parameter you've been putting off adding to that method? :)
The compile is capable of interpreting methods without round brackets. So it takes the round brackets in the fooIt to mean Tuple. Your call is the same as:
fooIt( ("foo","bar") )
That being said, you can cause the method to exclude the call, and retrieve the value if you use some wrapper like Some(AnyRef) or Tuple1(AnyRef).
I think the definition of (x, y) in Predef is responsible. The "-Yno-predefs" compiler flag might be of some use, assuming you're willing to do the work of manually importing any implicits you otherwise need. By that I mean that you'll have to add import scala.Predef._ all over the place.
Could you also add a two-param override, which would prevent the compiler applying the syntactic sugar? By making the types taking suitably obscure you're unlikely to get false positives. E.g:
object WhyTuple {
class DummyType
def fooIt(a: DummyType, b: DummyType) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dummy function - should not be called")

General programming - calling a non void method but not using value

This is general programming, but if it makes a difference, I'm using objective-c. Suppose there's a method that returns a value, and also performs some actions, but you don't care about the value it returns, only the stuff that it does. Would you just call the method as if it was void? Or place the result in a variable and then delete it or forget about it? State your opinion, what you would do if you had this situation.
A common example of this is printf, which returns an int... but you rarely see this:
int val = printf("Hello World");
Yeah just call the method as if it was void. You probably do it all the time without noticing it. The assignment operator '=' actually returns a value, but it's very rarely used.
It depends on the environment (the language, the tools, the coding standard, ...).
For example in C, it is perfectly possible to call a function without using its value. With some functions like printf, which returns an int, it is done all the time.
Sometimes not using a value will cause a warning, which is undesirable. Assigning the value to a variable and then not using it will just cause another warning about an unused variable. For this case the solution is to cast the result to void by prefixing the call with (void), e.g.
(void) my_function_returning_a_value_i_want_to_ignore().
There are two separate issues here, actually:
Should you care about returned value?
Should you assign it to a variable you're not going to use?
The answer to #2 is a resounding "NO" - unless, of course, you're working with a language where that would be illegal (early Turbo Pascal comes to mind). There's absolutely no point in defining a variable only to throw it away.
First part is not so easy. Generally, there is a reason value is returned - for idempotent functions the result is function's sole purpose; for non-idempotent it usually represents some sort of return code signifying whether operation was completed normally. There are exceptions, of course - like method chaining.
If this is common in .Net (for example), there's probably an issue with the code breaking CQS.
When I call a function that returns a value that I ignore, it's usually because I'm doing it in a test to verify behavior. Here's an example in C#:
public void StatService_should_call_StatValueRepository_for_GetPercentageValues()
var statValueRepository = new Mock<IStatValueRepository>();
new StatService(null, statValueRepository.Object).GetValuesOf<PercentageStatValue>();
statValueRepository.Verify(x => x.GetStatValues());
I don't really care about the return type, I just want to verify that a method was called on a fake object.
In C it is very common, but there are places where it is ok to do so and other places where it really isn't. Later versions of GCC have a function attribute so that you can get a warning when a function is used without checking the return value:
The warn_unused_result attribute causes a warning to be emitted if a caller of the function with this attribute does not use its return value. This is useful for functions where not checking the result is either a security problem or always a bug, such as realloc.
int fn () __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
int foo ()
if (fn () < 0) return -1;
fn ();
return 0;
results in warning on line 5.
Last time I used this there was no way of turning off the generated warning, which causes problems when you're compiling 3rd-party code you don't want to modify. Also, there is of course no way to check if the user actually does something sensible with the returned value.
