What does tcp proxy session details include? - proxy

Suppose TCP proxy has forwarded request back to the backend server. When it receives reply from the backend server, how does it knows which client to reply. What exact session information does a proxy stores?
Can anyone please throw some light on this

It depends on the protocol, it depends on the proxy, and it depends on whether transparency is a goal. Addressing all of these points exhaustively would take forever, so let's consider a simplistic case.
A network connection in software is usually represented by some sort of handle (whether that's a file descriptor or some other resource). In a C program on a POSIX system, we could simply keep two file descriptors associated with each other:
struct proxy_session {
int client_fd;
int server_fd;
This is the bare-minimum requirement.
When a client connects, we allocate one of these structures. There may be a protocol that lets us know what backend we should use, or we may be doing load balancing and picking backends ourselves.
Once we've picked a backend (either by virtue of having parsed the protocol or through having made some form routing decision), we initiate a connection to it. Simplistically, a proxy (as an intermediary) simply forwards packets between a client and a server.
We can use any number of interfaces for tying these two things together. On Linux, for example, epoll(2) allows us to associate a pointer to events on a file descriptor. We can provide it a pointer to our proxy_session structure for both the client and server side. When data comes in either of those file descriptors, we know where to map it.
Lacking such an interface, we necessarily have a means for differentiating connection handles (whether they're file descriptors, pointers, or some other representation). We could then use a structure like a hash table to look up the destination for a handle. The solution is found simply by being able to differentiate connections to each other, and holding some state that "glues" two connections together.


How to communicate with external system

I'm trying to write a logic (js script) to communicate with external system. As far as understand, logic will be executed on all endorsing peer.
In this case, how can I avoid duplicate operation to external system ? For example, how to increment a value in external database ? If I write a logic to increment the value in js, I think the value will be incremented by all endorsing peer.
I'll appreciate any comment.
Firstly, currently the only way you can interact with external systems is using the experimental post API. This allows your Transaction Processor function to HTTP POST data to an external system and then to process the response.
Documentation here:
You are correct in stating that if you have 4 peers, then the chain code container for each peer will run your logic, so you'd expect to see 4 calls to your HTTP service. This is required because each peer node is independent and Fabric must achieve consensus across the peers.
The external functions should therefore (ideally) be side-effect free "pure" functions (idempotent), meaning that for a given set of input parameters you always get the same set of output results.
Clearly a function that returns an incrementing integer doesn't fit this description! You probably need to rethink how you are structuring your problem to make it compatible with a decentralised blockchain-based approach.

Where in kernel/socket memory to store long term information between network sessions

I'm trying to implement the QUIC protocol in the linux kernel. QUIC works on top of UDP to provide a connection-oriented, reliable data transfer.
QUIC was designed to reduce the number of handshakes required between sessions as compared to TCP.
Now, I need to store some data from my current QUIC session so that I can use it when the session ends and later on use it to initiate a new session. I'm at a loss about where should this data be stored so that it's not deleted between sessions.
EDIT 1: The data needs to be stored till the socket lives in the memory. Once the socket has been destroyed, I don't need the data anymore.
As an aside, how can I store data even between different sockets? Just need a general answer to this as I don't need it for now.
Thank you.

go rpc, http or websockets,which is fastest for transferring many small pieces of data, repeatedly, from one server to another

I'm experimenting creating a memory + cpu profiler in go, and wish to transfer the information quickly, maybe every second, from the program/service being profiled to a server which will do all of the heavy lifting by saving the data to a database and/or serving it via http to a site; this will reduce the load on the program being profiled for more accurate measurements. It will be small pieces of data being transferred. I know there are some libraries out there already, but like I said, experimenting.
Transfer Content Type
I have not decided on a concrete transfer type but looks like JSON for HTTP or Websockets and just the Struct for RPC (if I've done my research correctly)
I will likely try each just to see for myself, but have little experience using RPC and Websockets and would like some opinions or recommendations on which may be faster or more suitable for what I'm trying to do:
Anything else I'm not thinking about
As you mentioned in your comment, HTTP is not a requirement.
In this case in search for the fastest transferring solution I would completely drop the HTTP transport layer and would use just plain (TCP) socket connections as HTTP gives quite a big overhead just for transferring a few bytes.
Define your own protocol (which may be very simple), open a TCP connection to the server, and send the data packets every seconds or so as your requirements dictate.
Your protocol for sending (and receiving) data can be as simple as:
Do an optional authenticating or client/server identification (to ensure you connected to the server/program you wanted to).
Use the encoding/gob packgae from the standard library to send data in binary form over the connection.
So basically the profiled program (client) should open the TCP connection, and use gob.NewEncoder() wrapping the connection to send data. The server should accept the incoming TCP connection and use gob.NewDecoder() to wrapping the connection to recieve data.
Client calls Encoder.Encode() so send profiling info, it can be typically a struct value. Server calls Decoder.Decode() to receive a profiling info, the struct that the client sent. That's all.
Sending data in binary form using the encoding/gob package requires you to use the same type to describe the profiling data on both sides. If you want more flexibility, you may also use the encoding/json package to send/receive profiling info as JSON text. The downside is that JSON will require more data to be sent and it takes more time to produce and parse the JSON text compared to the binary representation.
If loosing some profiling packets (or recieving duplicates) is not an issue, you may want to try/experiment using UDP instead of TCP which may be even more efficient.

Is there a way to reverse the bind on zmq pub/sub?

I have server code on one box that needs to listen in on status coming from another box with about 10 chips with linux embedded in them. The 10 chips have their own ip addresses and each will send basically health status to the server which could (possibly) do something with it.
I would like the server just to passively listen and not have to send a response. So, this looks like a job for zmq's pub/sub. Where, each of the 10 chips have their own publication and the server would subscribe to each.
However, the server would need to know the well known address that each chip bound their publication to. But, in the field, these chips can be swapped or replace with a different ip address.
Instead, it's safer to have the chips know the server code's ip adddress.
What I would like a pub/sub where the receiver is the well known address. Or, a request/response pattern where the clients (the chips) send a messages to the server (the requests), but neither the server nor the chips need to send/receive a response.
Now, currently, there are two servers on the separate box. So, if possible I'd like a solution for one server and multiple servers.
Is this possible in zmq? And what pattern would that be?
Yes, you can do this exactly the way you'd expect to do so. Just bind on your subscriber, then connect to that subscriber with your publishers. ZMQ doesn't designate which end should be the "server", or more reliable end, and which should be the "client", or more transient end, specifically for this reason, and this is an excellent reason to switch up the normal paradigm.
Edit to address the new clarification--
It should work fine with multiple servers. In general it would work like the following (the order of operations in this case is just to ensure no messages get lost, which is possible if the PUB socket starts sending messages before the SUB is ready):
Spin up server 1. Create SUB socket and bind on address:port.
Spin up server 2. Create SUB socket and bind on address:port.
Spin up a chip. That chip will create a PUB socket and connect on [server 1] address:port and connect on [server 2] address:port.
Repeat step (3) for the other nine chips.
Dual .SUB model
Oh yes, each .PUB-lishing entity may have numerous .SUB-s listening,
so having two <serverNode>-s meets the .PUB/.SUB-primitive Formal Communication Pattern ( one speaks - many listen )
As given above, each of your <serverNode> binds
.bind( aFixServer{A|B}_ipAddress_portNumber )
so as allow each .PUB-lishing <chipNode> to
.connect( anAprioriKnownServer{A|B}_bindingNode_ipAddress_portNumber )
And both <serverNode{A|B}> than .SUB-s to receive any messages from them.
Multi-Server model
As seen above, the {A|B} grammar is freely extensible to {A|B|C|D|...} so the principal messaging model will stand for any reasonable multi-server extension

How to sync a list on a server with many clients?

Consider a poker game server which hosts many tables. While a player is at the lobby he has a list of all the active tables and their stats. These stats constantly change while players join, play, and leave tables. Tables can be added and closed.
Somehow, these changes must be notified to the clients.
How would you implement this functionality?
Would you use TCP/UDP for the lobby (that is, should users connect to server to observe the lobby, or would you go for a request-response mechanism)?
Would the server notify clients about each event, or should the client poll the server?
Keep that in mind: Maybe the most important goal of such a system is scalability. It should be easy to add more servers in order to cope with growing awdience, while all the users should see one big list that consists from multiple servers.
This specific issue is a manifestation of a very basic issue in your application design - how should clients be connecting to the server.
When scalability is an issue, always resort to a scalable solution, using non-blocking I/O patterns, such as the Reactor design pattern. Much preferred is to use standard solutions which already have a working and tested implementation of such patterns.
Specifically in your case, which involves a fast-acting game which is constantly updating, it sounds reasonable to use a scalable server (again, non-blocking I/O), which holds a connection to each client via TCP, and updates him on information he needs to know.
Request-response cycle sounds less appropriate for your case, but this should be verified against your exact specifications for your application.
That's my basic suggestion:
The server updates the list (addition, removal, and altering exsisting items) through an interface that keeps a queue of a fixed length of operations that have been applied on the list. Each operation is given a timestamp. When the queue is full, the oldest operations are progressivly discarded.
When the user first needs to retrive the list, it asks the server to send him the complete list. The server sends the list with the current timestamp.
Once each an arbitary period of time (10-30 seconds?) the client asks the server to send him all the operations that have been applied to the list since the timestamp he got.
The server then checks if the timestamp still appears in the list (that is, it's bigger than the timestamp of the first item), and if so, sends the client the list of operations that have occured from that time to the present, plus the current timestamp. If it's too old, the server sends the complete list again.
UDP seems to suit this approach, since it's no biggy if once in a while an "update cycle" get's lost.
