Laravel 4 - Eloquent Group by relationship - laravel-4

I have the following relationship:
These are linked through a link table company_reviews
What I want to do is select the most recent reviews but group it by the company_id. Is this possible using Eloquent or will I need to do this using raw SQL?

Please read the documentation.
Something like this:
->join('company_reviews', 'company_reviews.review_id', '=', '')
->join('company', '', '=', 'company_reviews.company_id')


laravel 8 use orderBy and withMax for order tables with another table

i want to orderby products with max price from details table.
products one to many relation with details table.
in laravel documentation we have aggregate methods like withMax ,withMin and withCount
. These methods will place a {relation}_{function}_{column} attribute on your resulting models.
now we only need to orderBy with this results.
$products = Product::withMax('details', 'price')
->orderBy('details_max_price' , 'desc')

how to fetch data in 3 tables using with relation in laravel

I want to fetch data from three tables. the table is named as Student admission and course. In my query, I fetch student data and admission data using the below query
$student = Student::with('student_fees')->with('admissions')->get();
and I also want course table data, but the course table data are related to admission table. how can I fetch course table data using this query?
$users = DB::table('Student')->join('admissions', '', '=', 'admissions.student_id')->join('course', '', '=', 'admissions.course_id')->select('Student.*', '', '')->get(); - this could help you
You can use nested eager loading
Assume that you defined the relation with the Laravel convention in each Model Class. You can call the nested eager loading like following:
$student = Student::with(['student_fees', 'admissions', 'admissions.course'])->get();

how to retrieve multiple table data with multiple criteria in laravel eloquent?

I want to retrieve data from 4 different table using laravel eloquent with multiple criteria.
an Overview of my table;
table 1
table 2
table 3
table 4
below are their relations
table 1
hasMany -> table 2
table 2
belongsTo ->table1
table 3
belongsTo ->table2
table 4
belongsTo ->table3
I'd like to fetch the data by resource show with two parameters
and i tried this
$Report = Table1::whereHas('tabke1', function($query){
$query->where('year', 'like','%'.$year.'%');
->with('table2')->whereHas('table3', function($query){
$query->where('quarter', 'like', '%'.$quarters.'%');
but im receiving syntax error.
How can I retrieve the data from multiple table with multiple filter?
i tried this table query to understand more what i expect
SELECT `table1`.*, `table2`.*, `table3`.*, `table4`.*
FROM `table1`, `table2`, `table3`, `table4`
WHERE ((`table2`.* year = 2019) AND (`table4`.* quarter = 1))
I reckon there are two queries to achieve the results.
The first query is something like:
Table1::whereHas('table2', function ($query) {
$query->where('year', 2019);
->whereHas('table2.table3.table4', function ($query) {
$query->where('quarter', 1);
The second query is something like:
->join('table2', '', '=', 'table2.table1_id')
->join('table3', '', '=', 'table3.table2_id')
->join('table4', '', '=', 'table4.table3_id')
->where('table2.year', 2019)
->where('table4.quarter', 1)
Regarding performance, I prefer the second query.

Aggregate function in laravel 5.4 with joining

I have two tables :
users table
{id, name}
payments table
{id, user_id, payment}
Here I want to join two tables and want to use SUM(payment) function group by id.
please give me a solution.
You can do join like this way:
$payments = DB::table('users')->join('payments','','=','payments.user_id')->groupBy('')->sum('payment');
//use DB to in you controller
You can use a queryBuilder for make de custom query.

Laravel Left Join Query

I am using laravel 5.3 and I have some left join query with error in laravel query method.
This is my normal query
SELECT bran.branchName,sch.schoolName From m_schoolbranch bran
LEFT JOIN m_students stu ON stu.schoolNo=bran.schoolNo AND stu.branchNo=bran.branchNo
LEFT JOIN m_school sch ON sch.schoolNo=stu.schoolNo where stu.userNo='0000000001';
And this is my new laravel Query
->join('m_students', 'm_schoolbranch.schoolNo', '=', 'm_students.schoolNo')
->join('m_students', 'm_schoolbranch.branchNo', '=', 'm_students.branchNo')
->join('m_school', 'm_schoolbranch.schoolNo', '=', 'm_school.schoolNo')
->select('m_school.schoolName', 'm_schoolbranch.branchName')
In these query I need to match two column in table m_students so I put like this
->join('m_students', 'm_schoolbranch.branchNo', '=', 'm_students.branchNo')
But i show error...
Tables in the query need to have unique names, otherwise the DB has no way of knowing which m_schoolbranch should be used when evaluating m_schoolbranch.schoolNo.
You could use unique table aliases in your join statements but I recommend using multiple conditions on the join. Just like you use in your original SQL query. See here:
->join('m_students', function($join)
$join->on('m_schoolbranch.schoolNo', '=', 'm_students.schoolNo');
$join->on('m_schoolbranch.branchNo', '=', 'm_students.branchNo');
->join('m_school', 'm_schoolbranch.schoolNo', '=', 'm_school.schoolNo')
->select('m_school.schoolName', 'm_schoolbranch.branchName')
